HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-24-17 Public Comment - S. Stanton- BznWestApplication17108 April 2, 2017 City of Bozeman Department of Community Development P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59711 ATTN: City of Bozeman Department of Community Development Reference: Bozeman West Apartment, SP Application 17108 Invited written Comments Please include the following comments in the public record. On March 30, 2017, comments were invited in regards to the above referenced 216- unit Apartment complex. Below please find my comments. I am an owner of Unit#S, Baxter Springs Condominiums, directly adjacent and North of the proposed development. I am retired. However;my credentials'are these: Hive asa part-year resident at Baxter Springs Condominiums. In addition,I am an,Engineer with an advanced degree,and by professional expertise, am a long-term system planner. I have 31 years as a property manager with concurrently managed property experience in Bozeman (27 years), Laramie (12 years),Fort Collins (4 years), Kansas (12 years) and California (21 years). Being retired and no longer practicing,the following are opinions expressed at the request of the City. Although I've given up my professional role, I have expertise that is rooted solidly in the trenches as an owner, a manager,a consumer,an investor, and an analyst. My comments below are based on the accumulation of my experience. 1. I do not oppose the development of North Bozeman. 2. Good Heaven's,however, don't do to someone else what happened to us. i Figure out the flawed planning that is literally inches away from this new development.BEFORE considering approval of this new development. Our apartments have assigner parking;"deeded to'the various apartments. Generally there'are'2 spaces per apartrrierit.'Yet that is inadequate;based on the overflow parking spilling onto the public street. Parking on the public street in front of our Baxter Springs complex is inadequate and is flooded by a glut of parked cars every evening, day in and day out. We face i dangerous driving conditions for ingress and egress every day. Pedestrian access is dangerous for foot traffic walking to and from 19th Street. Counting cars,there are no additional parking spaces available anywhere locally, and no plans for more. We are boxed in. This problem swelled with construction of the final three building of 16, finished within the last 2 years,when adequate additional parking was not built. Baxter Springs overflow parking and access are totally,Totally,TOTALLY inadequate for our needs,and it appears to me to be entirely the City of Bozeman's fault for not REQUIRING and ENFORCING requirements for sufficient parking on one hand,and requirements for adequate ingress and egress on the other. It appears to me that you don't know what you're getting into with this new construction, but you can find out, by looking at the parking problems and access problems at Daxttr Springs: There are exactly 40 cars parked on the Baxter lane as public parking,every night, stretching from 19th St to 27th street,resulting from 150 apartments with 210 (check this) assigned parking spaces. What is that ratio? 210 plus 40 divided by 210 bedrooms is..., well, ...1.2 spaces per bedroom, circa 2017, for 2 bedroom units. It appears that the truth is that high-density housing needs lots and lots of parking. You can confirm this by looking. We are here. Envisioned bicycles and public transportation,as much as I like them, do not eliminate the car parked back at the apartment. When the last parking space is"used up"by current residents,the tipping point is breached and the problem jumps into visibility and slams the community. That's what appeared when the last three buildings were completed here. City planners need to know what sufficient parking ratios are. And they have to know before insufficiency is cast as stone into the construction of the larger community of North Bozeman. How difficult is it to see today, that each 21st century adult resident with an active life owns 1.2 automobiles? Or 1.3. Just go look. I think you can count them at 'Eaxter Springs. We're an isolated, visible example of 1.0.5 apartments. Let's remember what we are trying to do. We are trying to see the future. Let's look 30 years into the future. Or 40 years. It does not take an advanced degree to see the future of high-density housing. High density is where tomorrow's slums will come from,often even with very careful planning. Only the most optimistic planner thinks that the community problems of the future won't be dealing with exactly this problem:junk housing in inaccurately planned high-density housing. Junk housing won't be crumbling high-rises in rural communities. Rural communities don't have high-rises. Instead,where 21st century slums will likely come from will be,exactly,high-density housing zones with inadequate parking, inadequate transportation corridors and accesses,inadequate public services,and/or concentrations of every foul manifestation a community 4 D must endure as a consequence of overly optimistic planning, poor execution, and high density. Good planning does not"box in" future planners by leaving them without options. But at Baxter Springs,don't we have exactly that. Street parking is exhausted. Step-one is to see what has happened as a consequence of recent planning. And that is sitting right here at Baxter Springs Condominiums. Every one-bedroom apartment built anticipates an adult couple setting up housekeeping needing two assigned parking spaces. Period. Every two bedrooms and above needs at least one assigned space per bedroom, maybe more. This isn't conjecture.. Count the cars most any evening. Unfortunately,a 5% shortage of parking effects 100% of the people, not just the 5%. This is serious planning for high-density living. If planning is inadequate for parking,access and space needs, for these 216 apartments of the Applicant and other nearby developments, could this part of town be a slum in 25 years? Long Term Planning is not inconsequential to the long-term wellbeing of the community, especially in the delicate aspects of planning high-density housing. Please count.x 2. 1 notice that the drainage on the West boundary of the applicant's Parcel has been partly obliterated; I notice further that this drainage services a great deal of non- applicant property to the South,beyond the applicant's parcel,where the drain ditches have likewise been partially obliterated. The drain to the East does not service the applicant's property. The Baxter Springs Condo and the applicant's parcel occupy the lowlands between two drainages. The Eastern drain includes a slough and a wetland pond. The applicant parcel and surrounding areas are often marsh like in character and poorly drained. Ic is important Chat plahhIng recognize that.there is a drainage problem..The planning for this application must include an adequate regional drainage plan, including protections against warm rain falling on peak snow pack both upstream and on the applicant's parcel. ,I . i 1 Stewart E.Stanton 2220 Baxter Ln,Apt#5 Bozeman,MT i 1809 Leavenworth St Manhattan, KS 66502 3