HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-20-17 Public Comment - D. Diteman- GoldenGate Condos w D 18 April 2017 To: City of Bozeman Mayor and Commissioners Pam Bean Montana Fair Housing Minnick Management Loyal Garden Subdivision HOA Board Mr. D. Madill Loyal Garden Subdivision Mr. J. Chase Chase Skogan 2149 West Durston#31 Bozeman, MT 59718 From: Deborah Diteman 4886 Golden Gate Avenue Bozeman, MT 59718 RE: Golden Gate Condominiums Dear City of Bozeman Mayor and Commissioner's, Chase Skogan, Mr. J. Chase, Minnick Management, Loyal Garden Subdivision HOA and Mr. D. Madill Loyal Garden Subdivision, A couple months ago, I attended a city commission meeting. I provided photos of the impassable city sidewalk, poured years ago, in front of the Golden Gate Condominium project. I LIVE ACROSS THE STREET. During the past two weeks, I have seen several residents residing in completed units at the Golden Gate Condominium project, allowing their dogs to defecate on the city sidewalk, in private yards and on the trail. The residents do not retrieve the feces. BAGS FOR FECES PROVIDED BY HOA:There is a container(Located on the North side of Golden Gate Avenue, new to the trail, close to condos) which provides dog bags as a courtesy_ MAKING CONTACT WITH MR. CHASE: A few minutes after 3.00 p.m. today, I saw a Chase Skogan truck and trailer pull into the project across the street. ['was hoping to talk to Mr. Chase, regarding the dog feces being left on the city sidewalk, trail and private yards. t After locating Mr. Chase at the Golden Gate Condominium project (under construction), I was immediately met with barrage of hostile accusations, which I attempted to respond to. Mr. Chase did not stop working to speak with me. Quite a few people were working with him, while quite a few others stood around. I believe they were all men. MR. CHASE SAID MY FIRST NAME REPEATEDLY, AFTER EACH ACCUSATORY STATEMENT: "Deborah" "Deborah" "Deborah" 1 believe this tactic was used to intimidate me, which was successful. 1 attempted to respond to each accusation. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: Mr. Chase said that I had complained to the city commission regarding the sidewalks which had been blocked by construction materials, then snow/ice in winter, since excavation. Apparently my complaint, angered Mr. Chase. jii LOYAL GARDEN HOA BOARD: Mr. Chase loudly exclaimed to me, that the Loyal Garden HOA Board, "...can't make you happy!". Taken completely by surprise, it took me a few moments to process and realize, what Mr_Chase was talking about. REQUEST TO LOYAL GARDEN HOA FOR FENCING PRODUCTVARIANCE, INITIALLY DENIED BY THE HOA: Last year(early 2016) I requested approval to use a maintenance free, sustainable, high quality, vinyl fence product by WesTec. As Mr. Chase has publicly been informed of this REQUEST by an involved party, 1 will disclose the reason for the request. lam unable to maintain a natural wood fence (staining, replacing decaying, wood parts, etc.)_ MONTANA FAIR HOUSING PAM BEAN: I contacted Montana Fair Housing after my request was denied_ Ms. Pam Bean of MFH made it clear, that a "reasonable accommodation" be made. The Loyal Garden HOA Board and Mr. D. Madill denied the vinyl fence and chose TREX. NOTE: It is my understanding that Mr. D. Madill was and is the original developer of Loyal Garden Subdivision. It is also my understanding, that Mr. D. Madill sold the lot to Chase Skogan and approved the Golden Gate Condominium project (without homeowner input). REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION BY HOA: I was provided the option of TREX FENCING. TREX may be one of the most expensive "wood like"fencing options available. MR. CHASE PUBLICLY ACCUSED ME OF USING THE"CANCER CARD" OBTAIN THE FENCING PRODUCT VARIANCE: Mr. Chase loudly accused me publicly, in front of employee's/contractor's involved in his project, of"using the "cancer card."to obtain the fence variance. I would like to know who provided information to Mr. Chase, about my breast cancer and request for a fence variance. That is private information. PRIVACY PER MONTANA FAIR HOUSING. THE REASON FOR THE REQUEST WAS NOT TO BE SHARED BY MINNICK MANAGEMENT OR THE LOYAL GARDEN HOA: Pam Bean of Montana Fair Housing, told me, she specifically told Minnick Management that my medical conditions, directly resulting from treatment of breast cancer, are PRIVATE, unless I would like to share. I did not share my medical health with Mr. Chase. IS MR. CHASE OF CHASE SKOGAN A PHYSICIAN OR EDUCATED IN ONCOLOGY?: Does Mr. Chase understand what happens to the arm (drainage), when the "Sentinel Node" is removed for biopsy, during surgery for breast cancer? In simple terms, the arm does not drain lymph fluid. Lymphedema is progressive. Lymphedema is aggravated by specific activities, including certain types of repetitive movement, required to maintain a wood fence, especially a 300'fence. I would like to state that I DO NOT RECEIVE A DISABILITY CHECK OF ANY KIND, FROM ANY SOURCE. There is a "Lymphedema Clinic" at Bozeman Health. It's very busy and difficult to get an appointment. MANY PEOPLE suffer from Lymphedema. Both of my arms are mostly numb and prickly about 80%of the time. Pain increases with certain activity. "CANCER CARD": Mr. Chase, belittling me personally, in front of an audience of his peers/ employee's/contractors, making vulgar and ignorant accusations, is in my opinion, vile, ignorant and disgusting human being. Many"men"stood and listened while Mr. Chase continued his barrage of accusations, continuing the personal attack. No a single "man"or person stood up in any way. I did the best I could to respond. E LYMPHEDEMA: I have "Lymphedema" in my left arm (resulting from Sentinel Node Dissection/ removal). Lymphedema is irreversible, incurable and progressive. Lymphedema worsens with repetitive use of the arm affected. (Attached example from internet). NEUROPATHY: I have "Chemotherapy Induced Neuropathy" in both arms (damage to nerves from chemotherapy infusions). That means I experience screaming, fighting, burning, shocking type pain, aggravated by performing certain, repetitive movements. I can work with both hands and arms, but am careful to avoid certain, repetitive movements. GOOGLE: Breast Cancer Sentinel Node Lymphedema GOOGLE: Chemotherapy Induced Neuropathy TRASH AND CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS LITTERING SUBDIVISION AND HUFFINE LANE, FROM THE CHASE SKOGAN PROJECT: Mr. Chase loudly accused me of complaining to Minnick Management about trash coming from his project. Approximately 2 weeks ago, 1 spoke with Minnick Management about the fence (TREX). I also brought trash from the project blowing in the subdivision and nearby areas, including Huff ine Lane. Minnick Management said they would talk to Mr. Chase. I have been picking up the trash during walks since construction began. I feel confident that Mr_ Chase and his employee's/contractor's have witnessed this. ACCUSED OF SENDING EMAILS TO MINNICK MANAGEMENT: Mr. Chase accused me of sending emails to Minnick Management with complaints directly related to the Chase Skogan project. I did not send those emails, but know who did. I have never participated or viewed the emails. Mr. Chase demanded I tell him who (neighbor) was sending the emails. I refused to provide the name. What would he do to that person? There are legitimate reasons for complaints. I suggested the neighbor to contact the City of Bozeman. USE OF MY DRIVEWAY BY EMPLOY EE'S/CONTRACTORS WORKING ON PROJECT: Since construction began (excavation), employee's/contractor's have used my driveway and the neighbors driveway (to the east), as a `TURN AROUND." Our driveways are private property. DAMAGE TO CONCRETE DRIVEWAY: The damage to the east side of my driveway (concrete) is shocking, from employee/contractor use, during the past 8-10 months. Pits, loose concrete and a ruined pad from large, heavy vehicles. Mr. Chase must be aware of the contractors/employee's using my driveway and the neighbors driveway (more frequently), as he is frequently on his project site, across the street_ FALSE CLAIM THAT CHASE SKOGAN PLOWED SNOW FROM MY DRIVEWAY?: Mr. Chase loudly exclaimed that his company has plowed the snow from my driveway this winter. ONE ONE OCCASION, AFTER HEAVY SNOWFALL: Several employee/contractor vehicles, which left the Golden Gate Condominium project, conveniently used my driveway, as was typical, after a HEAVY SNOW. I was unable to loosen and remove the packed snow,from areas of the city sidewalk and my driveway. I approached a man driving a Chase Skogan truck ,which was plowing snow at the project site. I described the vehicles in detail,which came directly from the Chase Skogan project, and had packed down the snow in my driveway and city sidewalk. I requested they remove the packed snow (only) as I had tried and failed with a shovel. The man removed the packed snow using the plow on his truck. Additionally, the man provided a tall, orange, rubber type barrier (still here at my home) to hinder employee's/contractor's coming from the project from using the city sidewalk and my driveway to turn around. ONE TIME, MR. CHASE. The snow removal was a result of your employee's/contractor's packing the snow down, not a gesture of Kindness. Mr. Chase loudly accused me of "BITCHING" DURING THE CONVERSATION. I told Mr. Chase he would not speak to a man the way he was speaking to me. Mr. Chase said he would speak to a man using the word. I asked Mr. Chase not to swear at me. AFFORDABLE HOUSING PITCHED TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN?: Mr. Chase presented the Golden Gate Condominium project as "Affordable Housing"to the Bozeman City Commissioner's and Mayor. Per internet advertising of Mr. Chase's units for lease (additional $50.00 per dog): Is this is "affordable housing?" Look up the advertising for Golden Gate Condominiums on the internet. Kibby Plaza rents/leases for about$800.00-$900.00 per month, for a 2 bedroom. Kibbey Plaza are older, one dating to the early 1970's. I cannot help but wonder how people who need "affordable housing," can be expected to pay hundreds more per month, for a NEW unit. What is the definition of"Affordable Housing? It seems tome, any developer can claim their project is "affordable housing." Is there some formula or criteria which determines what "Affordable Housing" is, or can a developer simply make this claim? MEETING AT FIRE STATION ON DAVIS LANE: (Prior to City of Bozeman Approval) Mr. Chase yelled that 1 was the ONLY PERSON WHO OPPOSED HIS PROJECT. I couldn't believe it, I was almost speechless. I asked Mr. Chase if he remembered a meeting, scheduled for homeowner's, which took place at the fire station on Davis Lane, prior to city approval. THE MEETING WAS PACKED WITH LOYAL GARDEN HOMEOWNER'S. "Shocked homeowner's" had just learned of the Chase Skogan Condominium project. As I remember, Mr. Chase was suppose to attend that meeting, but did not after advisement. Homeowner's were sitting on the floor. The room was packed. City employee's attended and can verify. I know of no homeowner living in Loyal Garden Subdivision at the time, who supported the project. Please let me know if I am incorrect.The project was literally"sprung" on the people who reside in Loyal Garden Subdivision. This meeting, coordinated by the City of Bozeman, was a result of"Word of mouth" after homeowner's alerted one another. LETTER'S TO THE EDITOR and ARTICLES(Bozeman Chronicle): There were articles written in the newspaper regarding homeowner opposition (See attached/same picture different articles). Seemingly odd statements made by people, who don't live in the subdivision, which seemed to portray Loyal Garden homeowner's, as awful people. I asked Mr. Chase if he had read letters to the editor(Bozeman Chronicle) regarding his condominium project. I kept one, written by a neighbor and offered to provide Mr. Chase a copy. Mr. Chase refused my offer. I t Before exiting the subdivision, I attempted to contact Minnick Management via phone in my car. wanted to know who disclosed to Mr. Chase my medical history and reason for requesting a fencing material, variance. Who disclosed to Mr_ Chase that I had breast cancer, which was the reason for the variance? I wanted to know who suggested, told or conveyed to Mr. Chase that the bulk of complaints (other than garbage) were made by me. I left a message. PRIOR TO CITY APPROVAL: During the planning phase of Golden Gate Condominiums I contacted Mr. Chase via telephone with some questions before the meeting at the fire station on Davis Lane, which Mr. Chase didn't attend (2016)_ During that conversation, Mr. Chase told me he lived in Valley West. 1 remember this, because we had a rental property in Valley West Subdivision at the time. I spoke of how well managed the HOA was. During that conversation, I asked Mr. Chase if he lived near, in front of, behind or next to a large, multi-family housing project like he was planning. He told me "No." I reminded him today, that he can't possibly understand the impact, because he hasn't personally experienced it. MR. CHASE SAID I KNEW WHERE HE LIVED: Last year, he told me he lived in Valley West. 1 don't know where his home in Valley West and don't care. MR. CHASE TOLD ME THAT MY HOME, IS NICER THAN HIS. Another bizarre accusation. My husband is almost 60 years old. He works in the construction field. We live on one income. I told him I doubted that my "cookie cutter" home was nicer than his. What would motivate Mr. Chase to make such a peculiar statement. Even if it is or were, which I truly doubt... why would he say that? Maybe another"elitist"accusation? We are not wealthy people. ARE HOMEOWNER'S WRONG OR IMMORAL FOR WANTING TO ENJOY REASONABLE PEACEAND QUIET Loyal Garden Subdivision, like many there subdivision in Bozeman, is made up of middle class homeowner's. Many are hard working people and it seems many are retiree's. Is it wrong for homeowner's to want to protect and enjoy reasonable peace and quiet? Have developer's somehow convinced our city council and mayor(s)that homeowner's who oppose massive, multi-family housing are horrible, greedy people? NIMBY's and ELITIST's: Labeling people "Elitist's,"and "NIMBY's" has become TRENDYand ACCEPTABLE. The label, is frequently used by developer's. The intent is to SHAME and QUIET those oppose the idea of another, many times a company which is looking to PROFIT from development. I ask our elected officials to stop allowing such labeling. 1. ANIMAL/DOG FECES: Consider the number of units proposed and the potential number of dogs, which may reside with residents. Has the developer provided a safe place for dogs to urinate and defecate? Will nearby homeowner yards, parks and public trails be the place? 2. SPREAD OF DISEASE: The health hazards of dog feces (viruses, bacteria and parasites), can easily spread to people and other dogs. This should be a priority in Bozeman. 3. SAFE AREAS FOR CHILDREN TO PLAY: Children, need a safe and healthy environment to play, reasonably near their home, without exposure to dog feces. is the developer telling you that children will need to go blocks away, please thoughtfully consider this. "Quality of life...," is important and should be respected. Sincerely, condo plan draws outcry in Loyal Gardan subdivision I City I bozemandailychronicle.com 3/25/17,1:16 PM It .,- e� http://wwwbazemandailychronicle.com/news/Cityfeondo-plan-draws-outcry-in-loyal-garden-subdivision/article bD398033-1aO7-5e8e-8992-bcld-S4eO49ca.html TOP STORY Condo plan draws outcry in Loyal Garden subdivision By Eric Dietrich Chronicle Staff Writer Jan 22,2016 7. Adrian Sanchez-Gonzalez/Chronicle Buy Now Residents of Loyal Garden subdivision,west of Bozeman,are opposed to the proposal from developers to construct an apartment building in their subdivision. A condo complex proposed on land zoned for high-density housing off Huffine Lane is headed back to the drawing board after attracting criticism from a city review board and a host of neighbors in the Loyal Garden subdivision. As initially proposed by developer Jesse Chase of Chase-Skogen Construction,the development on a 3.7-acre parcel between Huffine Lane and the neighborhood's Golden Gate Avenue would involve 84 units in five three-story buildings.That puts it at a density of nearly 23 units per acre. Neighbors,who've flooded City Hall with more than 44 letters largely in opposition to the project, saytat's too much development too close to their slice of paradise, citing http://www.bozemandellychronicle.com/news/city/condo-plan-draws-o...den-subdivision/articie_b0398033-1a07-5e8e-8992-bcld64e049ca.html Page 1 of 4 Condo plan draws outcry in Loyal Garden subdivision i City i bozemandailychronicle.com 3/25/17,1:16 PM concerns that include traffic,blocked views and lowered property values. ADVERTISEMENT United 's � e Gallatin `A density of 25 units per acre was certainly not anticipated," states the text of a form letter submitted by multiple residents. "This density is unprecedented in Bozeman, and is simply too high without an adequate buffer." "While I understand the need for housing,it's hard for me as a � resident of a modest home to have this sort of development enter the neighborhood,states another letter,submitted by Jane Fitzwilliam. "I imagine our property value will be negatively affected:' "Loyal Garden is considered a higher-end subdivision,wrote another resident, Kimberly Maines. "Adding 84 rental units would diminish that." Developer Chase counters that the parcel in question,platted with the original subdivision,is zoned for high-density residential development and pointed to the city's affordable housing shortage in an interview Friday. "Put yourself in someone's shoes who just moved here, and try to find a rental.It's a huge need,"he said. "For people to say`we don't want rentals'in this town—that's pretty brash:' http:]Jwwwbozemandaiiychronicle_com/newslcity/condo-plan-draws-o...den-subdivisionlarticte_bO398033-1aO7-5e8e-8992-bc1d54eO49ca.htmi Page 2 of 4 1 Condo plan draws outcry in Loyal Garden subdivision 1 City I bozemandailychronicle.com 3/25/17,1:16 PM "Density is a good thing for a community;'Chase added. "It's tough,because we say that, and as soon as it's in your backyard,you're not a fan:' Contrary to residents'claims that the proposed density for the parcel is"unprecedented,"Chase also said that 20 to 30 units per acre is a typical density for that type of zoning in Bozeman. A document in the projects planning file points to several existing or pending condo or apartment developments with similar densities. City planning staff have also raised concerns about the project, writing in notes from a Dec. 30 meeting of the city's development review committee that, "The two 12-plexes facing Golden Gate should be compatible and sensitive to the houses across the street:' In response,Chase has asked the city for time to revise the project to take neighbors'concerns into account. He also met with representatives from the neighborhood's homeowners association this week,he said Friday. Chase said his company is looking at reworking parking plans and cutting down on the height of some of the proposed buildings,providing the neighborhood-facing section of the project with more of a townhouse feel. He expects those changes to reduce the density of the project by about 20 percent,he said—something that's likely to push up the ultimate cost of the condos as they're rented or sold. "Your price per door goes up when you lose density,"Chase said. Independent of the revisions being made to the project plan, Bozeman's City Commission is scheduled to debate Monday whether it should take over final approval for the project, a step urged by several Loyal Garden homeowners. If taken,it would see commissioners hold a public hearing and vote on the project's final approval instead of leaving that authority to planning director Wendy Thomas. http://www.bozemandailychronicie.com/news/city/condo-plan-draws-o...den-subdivision/article�0398033-1a07-5e8e-8992-bc1d54e049ca.htmi Page 3 of 4 Condo plan draws outcry In Loyal Garden subdivision I City I bozemandailychronicle.com 3/25/17,1:16 PM Eric Dietrich can be reached at 406-582-2628oredietCich@dailychronicle.com.He is on Twitter at @eidietrich. MORE INFORMATION a � , a � a E � _ R Bozeman commission wilt take up controversial condo project Bozeman OKs revised Loyal Garden condos project New casino proposed for west Bozeman Eric Dietrich Eric Dietrich covers city governmentand health for the Chronicle. Save Cambria Malta Rod Back , 2 / # Tab... �'�i'S �R�5ez�li'r' i 1 r i, I http:J/www.bozemandailychrontele.com/news/city/condo-plan-draws-o...den-subdivision/article_b0398033-1a07-5e8e-8992-bcld54e049ca.html page 4 of 4 Bozeman commission will take up controversial condo project I City I bozemandailychronicle.com 3/26/17,1:13 PM � w http://www.bozemandailythronicle com/news/city/bozeman-commission-will-take-up-controversial-condo-project/article_dcec0efa-c5lb-52e6-81b1- 8fOO12acc66b.html SPOTLIGHT Bozeman commission will take up controversial condo project By Eric Dietrich Chronicle Staff Writer Jan 25,2016 r Adrian Sanchez-Gonzatez/Chronicle Buy Now Residents of Loyat Garden subdivision,west of Bozeman,are opposed to the proposal from deveiopers to construct an apartment building in their subdivision. Bozeman commissioners voted Monday to take authority over a dense condo project proposed for Loyal Garden subdivision, saying controversy around the project makes it appropriate to hold a public hearing and debate its approval even as the developer works with neighbors to address concerns. "Due to the amount of public comment that has come forth with respect to this issue,it would be in the best interest of the community for the City Commission to reclaim this application,said Deputy Mayor Cyndy Andrus. http://wwwbozemandailychronicle.com/news/city/bozeman-commission-...al-condo-project/articie dcecOefa-c61b-62e6-811b1-8fOo12acc66b.htm1 Page 1 of 4 i Bozeman commission will take up controversial condo project I City(bozemandailychronicle.com 3/26/17 1:13 PM "Our job up here is to be a sounding board for the community;" echoed Commissioner Jeff Krauss. "Sometimes we don't make the decisions they want,but we listen to what they have to say." ADVERTISEMENT United w • e ! atin tie Way i� r w The project in the west Bozeman neighborhood,just south of Huffine Lane,was initially proposed at a density of 84 units on a 3.7 acre parcel.After neighbors raised concerns about traffic and other impacts, developer Jesse Chase said he would look at retooling the project. Had commissioners not chosen to take up the project,the decision maker would have been planning director Wendy Thomas.The commission will hear the issue in the coming weeks,after revised designs are submitted by Chase and considered by advisory boards. Several Loyal Garden homeowners reiterated their concerns to commissioners Monday evening,even as they credited Chase for being willing to listen. "We have children waiting at bus stops and children playing at playgrounds,yet this has been proposed as apartments with no amenities,said one neighbor, Sheri Grammier,saying she's concerned about traffic levels. `Affordable housing is going to happen,"she also said. "We're not against that. It's just the design and the amount" http:lywww.bozemandailychronicle.com/news/city/bozetnan-commission-...l-condo-project/article dcecOofa-c51b-52e6-81b1-8f0o12acc66b.htmi Page 2 of 4 3 f Bozeman commission will take up controversial condo project E City I bozemandailychronicle.com 3/25/17,1:13 PM "I believe this and other affordable housing projects are in the interest of everyone in the community,countered Errol Schumann, a Bozeman resident from a different neighborhood. He also faulted the projeces neighbors for a not-in-my-backyard mentality. "We ought to be encouraging more growth like the proposed Golden Gate condos,he said. "I want my kids to grow up in a community of diversity, and not of elitists:' Eric Dietrich can be reached at406-582 2628 oredietrich@daiiychronicle.com.He is on Twitter at @eidietrich. MORE INFORMATION E - 7 S k } M ti - a. s ,� Condo plan draws outcry in Loyal Garden subdivision Bozeman OKs revised Loyal Garden condos project Eric Dietrich Eric Dietrich covers city government and health forthe Chronicle. ►ave Cambri `P�0 � Tab..� . i s http.11wwwbozemandailychronicle.com/news/city/bozeman-commission-...l-condo-project/article dcecOofa-c51b-52e6-81b1-8fO012acc66b-html Page 3 of 4 V �I Bozeman commission will take up controversial condo project{ City E bozemandailychronicle.com 3/25/17,1:13 PM http://www.bozemandailyohronicle.com/news/city/bo2eman-commission-...l-condo-project/article_dcecOofa-c51b-52e6-81b1-8f0o12acc66b.html Page 4 of 4 i I i I Solatioe Landscaping LLC-Bozeman,MT,US 59715 3125/17,2:46 PM h6uzZ Bozeman.61oftuw'l - ... ...... _ __ (AUG?�Sf37-�_.7,50 Overview Projects ldeabooks'. Reviews Questions. Activity• t40.6y3334591 WebsEfe 6 25 Solstice Landscaping is a midsized landscape design,installation and maintenance 1ahatin,Mt 01 Landscape and company specializing in cornrriercial.and high-end residential landscape Garden DesibmgwBuIld.Gompany: . . Followers Following construction in and around southwest Montana.We have a professional and... talented staffwrth backgrounds.ranging[n landscape design,landscape. © Landscape Architects&Landscape arch fbecture,landscape.coiistruction,lrrigatiom..installation,.conversatian biology: Designers FOIIOW and land rehabilitation.Our continued success is based on our dedication bring Contact Errol Schumann value and professionalism to every job we execute.It is our goal to offer an unparalleled level of service with every job we do,for every dientwe se o �ation:Bozeman,'MT 59715 Typical Jab Costs:$10,000- 1,500,000 2 Houzz Badges) 21.Projects> 4.ReylOws> s, C = Review by Diane Herr.. i a „ Errol and his team installed a paver ZEN patio and surrounding landscape for «. me:He and MS entire team were great to work with.l loved Errol's design ideas and he was more than Y• accckMWodating when I re,.: More>.. Review by Bozeman Brick.Block&Tila. Wewould reeommend Solstice Landscaping LLC for anyone considering a major.landscape project. Errol.is-well organized,.responsive and knowledgeable.His workers are courteous;timely and skll[ful.Re... More> http://wwwhouzz.com/pro/soisticelandscapeisoistice-landscaping-lic Page 1 of 3 Solstice Landscaping LLC-Bozeman,MT,US 59716 3126/17,2:46 PM .....� Review by Burnett We enjoyed working with Solstice. Professional service and happy with our'look:We get many great compliments from our neighbors. - Review by Amy Miller: �derice Myhusband and I hired Solstice Landscaping to landscape our front and back yard after a major home remodel. Solstice did an amazing job!Their , designers and entire crew were 3 extremely professional a... More> R `ytb. - r_ -- _ Recent Activity 7 Solstice Landscaping LLC reviewed Bozeman Brick Block antes.; Tile �Y r March 16,2ot7 Solstice Landscaping LLC uploaded 2 photos to:East Bozeman Residence S s y March 16,2017 eesc P rl� ^i Solstice Landscaping LLC updated their profile -_- _ ? March 16,2017 ,tphb View All Projects> Ideabooks Spring Creek Ranch•solsticelandscape's ideas http:llwww.houzz.com/pro/soisticalandscapelsoistice-landscaping-lic Page 2 of 3 l S 3125117,2=46 PM Solstice Landscaping LLG_Bozeman,MT,US 59716 Profassional Categories in Bozeman Bozeman Driveway Installation&Maintenance Bozeman Fence Contractors Bozeman Fireplaces•Bozemeri Garage Door Sales..Bozeman Glass&Shower Door Dealers•Boiemaln Handyman•Bozeman Hardwood Flooring.Dealers Bozeman Hot•tub&Spa Dealers•13ozeman Kitchen&Bath 1 fixtures Bozeman Lighting. 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First,whge t1ie five buildings to be built will be[in a.condoininiiim as- sociation, e.individual.bindings will . . ...... contain rental:units..bfapproximately 1,000 squat feet eachrof living space with no garIrding es While this is.high deirsrty,it isf affoi laliie housihi since e.rerifs;at., to:what thebuilder #o!J, s,l im start:at;$1,206per:nrontli with.12 mo th leases.The question'of h w ow'much ill be addeii for condo as= socration aid HOA.association hues and utrlihes re so eh. . Until xroW'thisp. been a subdivision of ode fain y homes with a� occasional. duplex,our treets are narrow at the in' tersectvons order to nrakepeiiestrian crosSivalks.'� agme the rush hour chaos wrtlr the car from 7Q rental units aIl.at. two exits from the protect with.no direct . access to Hulffme Should you have the irisfort wie to love on Golden Gate Avenue oW site these two*eicits,°think about the problems of baclong oiit'of your drive y to get:.onto Golden Gate Avenue Tlv,lladd:twohundred.neiv folks ryrngz space on orrestzeet:. The socra engineering filrat:thinks more high density housing"is.needed.. .. . becorries d rcult to accept when driving on many ofe streets of western 13gze- € man Look t what is being built along Durston,Baer Cottonwood,or Peigu, son avid wh re hundreds of new lots ate waitm. to h ve homes'burlt Many of y nerglrbors and Fare not grateful to t$e com...Ps oners for ap proving The Golden Gate Cordor�urr ;,... ums Valerie Monroe Bozeman: F f' f' E 3t