HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-01-18 ~}8 Bozeman, Montana January l8, 1956 The ComIfiission of the City of' Bozeman met in ret,lllar session in the Conm:ission Room, City liall Euildinlb, Wednesday afternoon, Janual1' 18,1956 at 1:00 o'clock F. M. l-resent were 1iayor Swanson, Co,Tlmissioner Erwin, Commissioner Lowe, City Manager Henderson, Administrative Assistant iVal ter Sales, (;i ty Attorney Lovelace, PDd the ActinG Clerk, when the following Froceedings were hed: Minutes of the .La st reguler session were read, and it was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Lowe, the,t these minutes be apI-.roved as read, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Msyor Swenson, Commissioner Erwin, Comrnissioner Lowe; those voting :No, none. Discussion - Traffic Conditions - North 7th Avenue Harold King, and B. E. Stevens who reside on Villard Street just west of 7th Avenue erpeared before the Conullission with ('] request thnt a school crossing be established on :North 7th at Villard Street end the.t something be done to slow down the traffic on this street. Mr. King; f.ointed out tha t he has a five year old child who hFs to cross this street to attend school and she is frequentlJ' held up an unreesonable time before she can c rOS$ the street. These lllen were informed tha t fUrther investigation will be made of the conditions about which they comp18ined. Opening of Bids - l-ick-up Truck for Water Derartment This was the time end rl8ce set for opening bids for a rick-up truck for the vVater Derart:nent. The Manager fresented the Affidavit of Publication of the Gall for Bids and stated that three bidders hBd submitted bids. It was llloved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded bJ' COIlL'l1issioner Erwin, th!Jt the bids be opened and the motion was carried by the following; Aye and I~o vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Erwin, Cornr:lissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. The following; bids were read: I I Bidders 3/4 TON MODEL M 0 D :g1(2 TON I 1et Bid I I 1\et Bid I Bozeman Motors Northern Auto Ower:house Owenhouse 1'-250 Ford 3604 Chevrolet $-112 International S-122 ]nternati onal ~l,b13.96 1, 749.00 1,67E.00 1,790.00 1'-100 Ford 3104 Chevrolet $-102 International i.ll,370.52 1,553.96 1, [15 .00 It was moved by Commissione r Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Erwin, Lha t the bids t..e 1'e ferred to the City ManDLer and the 'Nater SUI-erintendent for detailed tabulation and study end the motiofl was carried by the f ollo'Hint; Aye and No vote: tLose voting Aye beine; Meyor Swenson, Commissioner Erwin, COHunissioner Lowe; those voting 10, none. Estimate Montana Highway Department - City's Share - Widening Main Street, 5th to 8th The City Mannger referred to the conference at the bst regular City Gorrunission meeting with Fred C(.uinnell, Administrative Engineer, Montana Highway DJrartrnent, and retorted on a tele}hone call which he received from Mr. Q.uinnell on Saturday, January l4, 1956. In thet cl'.1l Mr. Q.uinnell said tbet a freliminary estimate of the s}18re to be l-sid by the City of Bozeman of the cost of widening; the existinE; r,avement to a widtl: of 64 feet between curbs on Main Street from the west line of :Fifth Avenue to the west line of EiGhth Avenue, if thet work is included in the f.roject to re-locate U. S. Bighway No. 191 to h~ve it extend s\;raigbt west on the line of 1v;ain Street, is iW2,500.00 if straight curbs are ir.stalled and t3,OOO.OO if cClnbination curbs and cutters are installed. In discussion of this frofiosal, it was Iointed out thet tilis wideninG is of necessity for traffic movement end safety and will 1e of more than ordinary benefit to the generel f'ublic and would therefore be a leGal end f'roper eXFenditure from the "Street Fund" of this City. It was moved by Comrdssioner Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Lowe, that the City 1Ianager be and 1 I 1 is hereby instructed to inform the Montena Highway Department that the City of Bozeman will pay the estimated share as quoted by Mr. Quinnell for this widening of Main Street pavine; between F'ifch and Eighth Avenues, that it is recommended that combination curbs and gutters be used in this rroject, end th8t the City of Bozeman requests thet actual I-ayment of its shere of the cost of this l-'roject be deferred until after July l, 1956 so thAt t.he expenditure can be set uf' in and mede from its 1956-1957 budget end the motion was carried by the following; Aye and No vote: tbose votinc Aye beine; 1 Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. Electrical Ordinance Presented in Final Form A final draft of an electricel ordiwmce which hed been under consideration for sometime wes presented t8 the Commission. Action on this ordinance was deferred ur;til the next re;;uler meC'tirlt; end the Manager was instructed to l'ublicize the fact that frofosed ordimmce is on f He at the Ci t:>' Office so that /my interested citizen can examine it and be heard on it before it is adopted. March of Dimes - Request to Set Up Road Blocks in Connection With Robert 1. Smith, Bozeman Chairman for the 1956 March of Dimes C~mFaign, Las requested authDrity to est9101ish road blocks at each end of Main Street on Saturday, January 28th, et which vehicles may oe stofl.ed alid the occulants solicited for donations for the March of Dimes. It was moved by Gomnissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Erwin, that this request be Lre.llted with the definite understanding that, should there be comf'laints !:l.rise from or any undue (~e18Y or hpZP.rd be ceusec to traffic ty tLese rond blocks, they would be immediately removed ulon rootice from the F81ice Def&rtmenL. Resolution No. 804 - Intention to VAcate Fortion of Lincoln Street and South 6th Avenue j,s directed by the City Commission, the City Attorney hes 1.rep,rec1 Dnd there was IT2serted, DtU:~is ti:ile, Resolution No. 804, entitled: 1 j,. T\ESClLUTIOK 01 TEE COl,EISSIOK OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, Iv:ONTANA, :'~CL~RIlW IT Te jT~ '.i.:t-iB L;l'SrTION OF SAID COMMISSION TO VL.CATE FORTlOI~.s Of i','EST LI1\COL!\ STREET AND SOUTH SIXTB AVENUE IN SAIL CITY or BOZEWJAN. It we.s moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Lowe, that the resolution be resu;d and 8110fted and 1:00 :;,'clock F. 1,. on Wednesday, the 2~,th de;:,' of Janus.r;r. 19DC, oe set ES the ti:ile for luLUc heer-ins on the Irof,osal, and t1:e motion wes carried t:, the fJllowillt, A~'e and 1,0 vote: ~J,use vo tint; lye being; Iviayor Swans on, Commis 5 ione r ~:rwiE, Commiss ione r Lowe; tL ose voti nt, L::;, ll\)Le. Cmffillissioner Lowe WES excused from the meeting At this time to attend to ell emert-ency matter. Proposal - ROS0 to Mystic Le,ke and Timber Cutting; on Bozeman Creek Watershed I, crrit of [i r-roroscl on 'which bids will be celled for Luil6i1'b !: ;080 Lo Mystic Lake "THi fQr cuttiLL In'" rkehlllle tinJ:er on certain city owned lands in the Bo:emnn Creek )\8. tershed was rev iewed bJ tlH? COHlUliseion. The lv,/mat-er was instructed to also review this 1-ro1'os81 wi th } rosFective bjdders end to lwve it dre.vm up in fiDel form lJt the earl:iest l,ractic$ble date for further consideration by the Commission. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commis!::,ion et this time, it W8.S moved b~i Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Mayor SwensOll, thet the meetinG 8c'jourr, rnd the r10U on wes cRrried 1 by the followini:.: Aye and 1~0 vote: those votiLg Aye beillg kayor Swanson fnd Corrunissioner Erwin; tllOse voting 1<0, none. ~((~ Mayor Attest: -~~~~ ~--z1~ ActIn;; Clerk of The City Commission n9