HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-01-25 100 Eozemanl ~':rJntena ';~'1, lAery 25, lU56 l1.e (;ommisf'ion of the CitJ" of b0Zr>lTlArI met ill reLu1~lr sto"sion jn tile COrtUHissior. Room, (at:l hall Euild in!:;, 'ae(jnesday a fternoonl Je,nup ry t"')!':': ~u, 19E6 at 1:00 o'clock T. k. fresent 'WerE' i\i..n;/or Swans.:.;r:" CC'T",issioner EI-Nir" CO::lIllissioner Lowe, City i,;ane,[;er Henderson, Administr,"tive Assistent Walter Seles, Ci ty .Attorney Lovels ce I C it:v Enbir.ecr','~al dori', e.nd the Actirlg Clerk, when the following 1- roceedings were had: iilinutes 01 the lest reGular session were resell and it was moveC lJY Co~,~"issiorler Lowe, seconded by Co::runissioT'.er Erwin, thpt these IT.inutes be an,roved as read, and the motion was c8rried by the 1011 ("'\'I"int; Aye find II 0 vote: thos e vo ti ng Pye be ing r,:ryor Swans on, Commi ssi one I" Erwinl Commissi oner Lowe; those voting, NOI none. Ordinance :No. 788 - Electrical - Finsl Fessage and Adoption Ordinence 10. 768 entitled: Ill::; ORDg-ANCE R.-SGULATU,G TE!~ ll\STALLATION, HEFAIR, Iv.AII\TF.;IU.,};CE, SALE: )};D nSF8CTJON O} ELECTIUG WIRING, ELECTRIC IiEVICES, ATTLIAl\GbSH,D I.JTEHIALS, L?QVIDING FOR TBt<~ LJCEKSING Or lSRS015, }Iii"MS, Q:~ CQRIOHATIO::\S E;KGAGE:D H: Tli~', bU2.IhLS~, 01. 11:(SIALLINv 0E_;GrAIRII~G or ELLCTIUClIL 1\,1,: u- I,;EKT, W:iRII:Ci vi\. r~.sVICES, AID I'iOVID1J:;G FOR TEF...: ISSUANCE OF H;ffilllTS FOR WORK TO BE IiOl,E, TEE U.YIl',G Or t:::;T:;S TI1EHr~FOR, TEE IhSr:';CTJNG or WORK IONE, JiND FROVIDlhG l-ENJU.,TI'SS tOR THE V rOLA- TION TliS'(F,JI" ANt REFElLING ALL O'WIUJ;GES Ort rAnTS OF ORDJl\At,CES IN COI\FLIC'I VI'ITE THIS Q?.DmAl:GE. was rreser.ted for consideretion. A celee;ation ,:)f Gef,12rs in electricF.l "'I-flisnces, electrical cor.tractors And electricians were Iresen t to discuss nun:.erous foints regerdint; this Clrdinence. After pxtended discussion smong; members of this delegation, clarification of certain Ioints in the ordinance, and correction or change of or,e or two minor Foints in it, it E\fpenred that the ordin!"nce Lad the full en,roval of all :rersons con- cerned, and it was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Corr:..-:-.issioner Erwin, tl1e,t the Jrdimmce be passed and adopted end the motion was ce rried by the followir.e; Aye end No vote: those voting ,Aye being Meyor Swanson, CO;il_missioner Erwin, Commissioner Lowe; those voting; 1\01 none. Bids on Truck, Submitted January 18th, Acceptance From detailed cbeck of bids submitted on Jenuary 18th for furnishing. the City I') Pick-uT '~ruck end from extended investigation by 'Nater SUf,erintendent Border end Assist<;nt Manel;er Sal(~s, it 9Ipe8rs that the bicl of Bozeman Motors, Inc. on 8. Model F-250, 3/4 Ton, Ford Truck is the best bid submitted. Addition of :t.45.00 for srecial i-air:.ting and of $25.50 for fectory installed Turn-Indicator and the omission of over-lor'd qring at ~60.00 from the basic bid makes the net, delivered price, of this vehicle :jjJ1,584.46. It was moved bJ' Comnlissior,er Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Ervdn, that the bid of Bozeman Motors, Inc. flS rec:)Iflmenced above be acce:pted end the motion was carried by the following Aye end I<;o vote: those votine; Aye being; Mayor Swanson, Co:,nmissioner Erwir" Commissioner Lowe; those voUnt: No, none. HearinL, Resolution No. 804, Frof,osed Closine; of Fortions of Lincoln Street and South Sixth Avenue This was the time set for ~ublic heednc on Resolution 1'0.804, entitled: 11 RES:)L1. TIor~ Or TIm COl.1I,lISSIO!: Or TE'S CITY OF BOZE:ilA}', :':iOKI'ANA. DECLARING 11' TO BE: THE IKTEN- TIOl-; OF SAID COlilvlISSJON TO VACATJ~ I'ORTIOl\S OF "'NEST LIECGUi STREET AKD SO'CTE SIXTH J,VB.,'1'UE IN SAIL CITY OF BOZEh~. Afiidavi L of }u'ul ice,tion of l:otice, togetbe r witb signed 8cknowledgement of receil t by l/;ontana State College of suer. notice were presented. A fetition si;;ned b~' owners of ten rroperties loceted outside the City Limi ts im:~ledif)tely south and west of Montana State College Campus, p.rotestinG against the proposed c1osinr; of Lincoln Street was :presented. Also a leUer from Mrs. f)onna E. Murdockl Great ralls, Montana, owner of rroperty at 1119 South 'hil1son Avenue, Frotesting, such closing wt,::; presented. E. C. Cheever, 1f~ertin Whelen and Osws Ie: Berg, Jr. reI-resenting, Montana. Sta te Gollebe, Mr. e.nd ldrs. (j. ,..,1. Beatty, l'iJr. end I','Jrs. ~lJhn Kiefer, James Kiefer, Fred Boylan, Dr. J. C. H8nllner and o-':her owners of I-ro:f;erty si tueted outside of the Ci ty imr:lediately soutLwest of tbe Colle6e were :f.resent. I I I 101 I Intests ~G[jir...E't the proFosel were ill/Jinly on the Erounds that 11th Avenue anc other streets on MSC callI'us woul(~ not r-rovide access into the City as Lood as is I rovi clec. b;y Lincoln Street. It was indice-ced that if MSC would I-rQvide a new north e.nd south roed connectinG Lincoln Road wi th Eufiine Lane, Bt or near 15th Jwenuel it would eliminate any ceuse Lor rrotest 01 closing Lincoln Street. 1he matter W8S taken un6er fcdvisement by the CQlIlrnission for later action. Purchase of Additional Hyalite 'Nater Morrison-Maierle, Inc. rerort thet there ere 1634 pcre feet 01 water eXlected to be stored in Eyal:: te Reservoir which 8re ps yet unsQld or contr"lcted for. They recommend thet tr...e (it:, of Bozeman ecquire this additional water because sUfplies oi NateI' now owned by the City are estimated to become inadequate by 1970 or eerlier. Acting on this recommendation the City Manager hes wri tten the Middle Creek IlIater Users Association requesting euthority for the City of'3ozeman to Il.:.rd18se this 1634 acre feet of Hyelite water. It wes moved by Corrunissioner Lowe, seconded by Conunissioner Ervvin, t:bat this action be approved and such additional steps be taken immediately fS may be necessary to insure tte city's purchese of this water end the motion was carried by the followinL A'.J'e anc. 1':0 vote: tLose votinc Aye being Meyor Swenson, Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Lowe; those voting }:o, none. Report - Annual - State Examiner The report of' the State Examiner 01 the examination made by his office of the records end accounts of the City of Bozeman which WP.S completed on Lecember 15, 195E was rresentec.. Of Sfecial rote WP.S th~lt the rerort found all records and accounts in froper order rnd no cd ticism was mede of the city's oFerations in any detail. It was moved by COIT,nlissionerF;rwinl seconc1ed by COll.'nissioner Lowe, thAt these minutes show receipt of, this report erld thet it be J::laced in the pe rmrnent file 8nd the moti on Wf;S cer:ded by the following Aye and Eo vote: those votinc P,ye beinc Mayor Swenson, Com...'Tlissioner RJ:'"W'in, Co:runissioner Lowe; those votinG No, none. I Lmployment - Assistant City Engineer - Charles Liquin 1he City ManF'e;er reported that Chnr1es LiCjuin hss been employed as Ass:i.stent Encineer tQ Jill the v9cancy caused by the resignation of Lowell Rathbun. Mr. Lic.uin is to t'?ke uI the duties ,:If his losition on or before February 15th. Applice,tion - License for OfT-premises Sal e of Beer The epplication oJ Joe's }oods, 711 'i~'est Main Sb!'eetl for p license to sell beer for oif- premises consumption only was fresented. The license beinG in Froper form anc accompsr!ied by the required fee, it was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Cornmissioner Erwin, tb,t the 8fplicatior, be PFproved and the license issued, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and lio vote: those voting, Aye beint Meyor Sw';:,nson, Corrunissioner Erwin, Corrunissioner Lowe; those voting; 1\0, none. Letter - Montana Hithway Department - ';iidenins Me in Street, 5th to 8th Avenue " letter frorn the Montlma EiGhwflY Depprtment, by Robert E. O'LeAry, Chief Accountent, WAS repd in which ~pproval was tiven for the City to Fr.y its estimated shere for tr.e cost of wioening Main Street between 5th and 8th Avenues after July 1, 1956. Bozeman Creek - Proposed Covering of - From Babcock Street Southeast A verbal request 01 In[olph Johnson b,s been received for permission to cover Bozeman Creek by inclosing it in three 6 ft. concrete ripes to extend from the bridge a.t Babcock Street to He southeast for 8rrroximately 120 ft. Because of the difficulties which might arise from any such constl"llllction from ice end other obstruction in the stream, City Enlbineer 'Haldori' stronGly recommends ag,ainst coveriIlb or i:nclosing {)-<:> creek in this manner. He does reconunend the,t it would be advanteLeous to cover the stresill provided it is covered by 8 bridge structure of the some type AIld of equal cera.city to the bridge where Babcock Street crosses Bozeman Creek. It was moved by Commissioner Lowe. secondedoy I 102 Corrunissi oner Erwin, thet the request of InLolph Johnson be denied and the motion was carried b;y the following Aye and No vote: those votin,:; Aye being Mayor Swansonl Commissioner Srwin, Conunissioner Lowej those voting No. none. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission et this time, it was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Erwin, thet the meetin[; l''J(jjourn and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those votint> Aye being; Meyor Swenson, Commissioner Erwir., Commissioner Lowej those voting ~o, none. ~~,.J:2~ Meyor Attest: ~~...e-a-~ ?n~~- ActinL Clerk of The City Commission I I I