HomeMy WebLinkAbout17- Change Order 2 - DLM Contracting, Inc. - South University Area Sewer Main Interceptor ProjectCHANCE ORDER DATE OF ISSUANCE February 13, 2017 EFFECTIVE DATE OWNER Contract: CONTRACTOR OWNER's Contract No ENGINEER's Contract No. 02 You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents: Description: Perforin work outside of the contract and address issues with the boring operation as listed on the attached surmnary of work. Reason for Change Order: To add work to the project and address unforeseen conditions with the boring operation. Attachments: (List documents supporting change) 1. Summary of Work, 2, Work Change Directive No. 1, 3. Work Change Directive No. 2. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: Original Contract Price $ 1,434,620.00 Net Increase (Decrease) from previous Change Orders No. 0 to 1 $ 159.020.00 Contract Price prior to this Change Order: $ 1,593,640.00 Net increase (decrease) of this Change Order: $ 165,757.00 Contract Price with all approved Change Orders: $ 1,759,397.00 CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIMES: Original Contract Times: Substantial Completion: 90 days Ready for final payment: 120 days (days or dates Net change from previous Change Orders No. 0 to No. 1 Substantial Completion: 35 Ready for final payment: 35 (days) Contract Times prior to this Change Order: Substantial Completion: 125 days Ready for final payment: 155 days (days or dates) Net increase (decrease) this Change Order: Substantial Completion: 0 Ready for final payment:0 (days) Contract Times with all approved Change Orders: Substantial Completion: 125 days _ Ready for final payment: 155 days (days or dates) Contractor certifies and agrees that there are no additional costs or claims for extra work, additional time, delays or omitted items, of any nature whatsoever, associated with the subject change order items, except as identified and set forth herein and unless expressly stated otherwise in the Change Order. And further, that the price agreed-upon herein represents the full cost and value for the subject work performed and the materials supplied under the terms of the co act nat the work quantities and value were properly determined and are correct. Fe,b 13,2ot1 CRA TOR (Authorized Signature) Date RECOMMENDED BY: GINEER - Sigmature) Date EJCDC 1910-8-B (1996 Edition APP V(ED Y; , O ER (Authorized Signature) Date Page 1 of 2 N:\0417\072.02\Construction Docs\Change Orders\Change Order 2\Change Order No 2.doc Prepared by the Enginces Joint Conn act Documents Committee and endorsed by The Associated General Contactors of America mrd the Construction specitications Institute. CHANGE ORDER INSTRUCTIONS A. GENERAL INFORMATION This document was developed to provide a uniform format for handling contract changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Times. Changes that have been initiated by a Work Change Directive must be incorporated into a subsequent Change Order if they affect Price or Times. Changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Times should be promptly covered by a Change Order. The practice of accumulating Change Orders to reduce the administrative burden may lead to unnecessary disputes. If Milestones have been listed in the Agreement, any effect of a Change Order thereon should be addressed, For supplemental instructions and minor changes not involving a change in the Contract Price or Contract Times, a Field Order should be used. B. COMPLETING THE CHANGE ORDER FORM Engineer normally initiates the form, including a description of the changes involved and attachments based upon documents and proposals submitted by Contractor, or requests from Owner, or both. Once Engineer has completed and signed the form, all copies should be sent to Owner or Contractor for approval, depending on whether the Change Order is a true order to the Contractor or the formalization of a negotiated agreement for a previously performed change. After approval by one contracting party, all copies should be sent to the other party for approval. Engineer should make distribution of executed copies after approval by both parties, If a change only applies to price or to times, cross out the part of the tabulation that does not apply Page 2 of 2 NA0417\072.02\Construction Docs\Change Orders\Change Order 2\Change Order No 2.doc South University Area Sewer Main Interceptor and Water Main Extension Project Change Order No. 2 Summary of Work This change order consists of the following items: Work Change Directive No. 1 This portion of the work provided for DLM to install and operate an additional generator in order to maintain accessible access between Marsh Lab and the campus. The cost was originally estimated by DLM to be $10,757. This amount is acceptable to DLM and less than when compared to blue book rental rate values. Attached is a copy of Work Change Directive No. 1 and DLM's email form December 22, 2016 regarding the final amount of the work. Cost $10,757 Time 0 days Work Change Directive No 2. This portion of the work included impacts caused by an AT&T fiber cable that was in conflict with the work. The major components of this added work include the following: - Exploratory excavation - Haul off and haul back of excavated materials due to lack of work area caused by boring east to west vs. west to east - Additional time and associated cost to operate dewatering and bypass pumping operations - Provisions for operation of pumping system during extremely cold weather - Haul off of frozen material - Temporary concrete surfacing It is noted that additional impacts related to Work Change Directive will occur in the spring that is not included in this change order including removal of temporary concrete surface, prepping for final asphalt and concrete work, importing additional final road mix material, re -compacting backfill material due to initial backfill work being completed in conditions where specification work could not be conducted, additional concrete/asphalt work required due to change in bore direction, and traffic control associated with this work. Attached is a copy of Work Change Directive No. 1 and DLM's submitted cost information in a letter dated January 19, 2017. It is noted that the cost for the work agreed upon is less than costs provided by DLM. Cost $155,000 Time 0 days N:\0417\072.02\Construction Docs\Change Orders\Change Order Mummary of Work.docx Work Change Directive No. 01 Date cf Issuance: September 14, 2016 _ Effective Date: 6eptember 14, 2016 .a Sewer main (Owner. City of Bozeman extenslon Contract: Entire Project uonmrcr. 16, 2016 Contractor. DLM Contracting, Inc. Enillneers Project No.: 0417,072.02 You are directed to proceed promptly with the following change(s): Item No, DoWipllon Modify dewatering system from original pian to accommodate pe destrianlaecessible access from 1 Marsh Lab to South 19* Avenue. Scope of change Is limited to one additional generator. Attachments (list documents supporting change): Email form Brad Lewis listing approximate costs. Actual coats will be based on duration that the generator is utilized and terms of Paragraph 11.01 of the General Conditions. Purpose for Work Change Directive: D9 Authorization for Work described herein to proceed on the basis of Cost of lha Work due to: ❑ Non agreement on pricing of proposed change. ❑ Necessity to expedlle Workdeecribed herein prior to agreeing to changes on Contract Price and Contract Time. ® Unknown duration of work. Estimated change In Contract Price and Contract Times: Contract Price Ill 11.000.00®Increase pdecrease Contreg7hne 0 ❑Increase Odecrease days If the change Involves an Increase, the estimated amounts are not to be exceeded without further eothoraatlon. Avtliw Approved by Funding Agency (xnppVrnble): Work Change Directive — Page 1 of 1 Work Change Directive 1 (003),doc Revised January 2010 James IRL Nickelson From: Brad <brad@dlmcontractinginc.com> Sent; Wednesday, September 14, 201610:27 AM To: James R. Nickelson Cc: Dave Keeney Subject: Additional Generator James, Regarding field order ... the only additional cost at this time Is the extra Generator with Fuel and Maintenance. Monthly rent: $1,300.00 (H&E Equipment) Addition Fuel consumption (giving credit for load on DLM generators): 1,4 Gallons / Hour Monthly Hours: 720 N of Months: 2.0 Avg Estimated Costof Fuel / Maintenance(with delivery): $3.35/Gallon Subtotal: $9,353.60 Contractor's Markup (15%): $1,403.04 Total Additional Amount: $10,756.64 LCM CONTRACTMG INC Brad Lewis, Vice -President (406)586-2881 Cell: (406) 539-0718 Fax: (406) 586-2868 James R. Nickelson From: Brad <brad@dlmcontractinginc.com> Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2016 5:23 PM To: Dave Keeney Cc: James R. Nickelson Subject: Additional Generator The only item that I am not sure was properly addressed was WCD#01. DLM installed an additional generator and modified our piping on the west side of West Lincoln to accommodate pedestrian accessible access from Marsh Lab to South 19th Ave. The original estimated monetary allocation for this was $10,756.64. It appears that the estimation previously made were very close. Let me know your thoughts. LCM CONTRACTING INC Brad Lewis, Vice -President (406) 586-2881 Cell: (406) 539-0718 Fax: (406) 586-2868 Work Change Directive No. 02 Dale c r Issuance! October 26, 2016 Effective Dote: October 26,_2016 PmJed: South University Area Sewer Main Owner: City of eozeman Owner's Contract No.: Interceptor and Water Mein Extension Project I I Ara conlrect: Entire Project - --- - — -- Contractor: ULM Contracting, Inc. You aro directed to proceed promptly with the following chango(a): Ilrtm No. Oescdpllon Modify work plan to bore under South 16'h Ave 1 the ATT line that is located on the west side of :ontmcf. 16, 2616 )m the east rather the Wec( due the Impact of Expose ATT line to detennlne depth. Attachments (list documents supporting change): Additional direction on cost of the work (one page). Purpose for Work Change Directive: ® Authodzallon for Work describad herein to proceed on the basis of Cost of the Work due to: ❑ Non -agreement on pricing of proposed change. ® Necessity to expedite Work described herein prior to agreeing to changes on Contract Price and Contract Time. ❑ Unknown duration of work. Estimated change In Contract Price end Contract Times: Contract Price$ unknown ®Inaeaas Oderresae Centred Tlme unknown 8kKreats❑dacreaae __- drys If the change Involves an Increase, the estimated amounts are not to be exceeded without further authorizellon. o1Oala 7ZY // F Work Change Directive— Page 1 of 1 Work Change Directive 2.doc Revised January 2010 South University Area Sewer Main Interceptor and Water Main Extension Project Work Change Directive No. 2 - Cost of Work This work needs to begin immediately to meet inclement weather concerns, as such you are directed to proceed with work prior to agreeing on changes of cost. It is desirable to arrive at an agreed upon cost on elements of the work that cannot be clearly defined on a time and material basis. Please provide costs for such work elements as soon as possible but do not postpone work due to non -agreement of costs, 0Lgw CONTRACTING INC January 19, 2017 James Nickelson, PE Morrison-Maierle 2880 Technology Blvd (59718) P.O, Box 1113 Bozeman, MT 59771 RE: South University Area Sewer Main Interceptor Bozeman, MT Horizontal Boring Directive Change Order T&M Additional Costs Mr. Nickelson, This letter is in response to your request for additional information regarding DLM Contracting, Inc.'s (DLM's) additional costs/time claim for the South University Area Sewer Main Interceptor and Water Main Extension. DLM offers the below clarifications regarding our expenses, the additional time required, and our future additional costs. On October 10, 20126, DLM discovered a potential conflict with a non -marked utility. DLM's progress schedule was maintained to allow DLM time to comfortably finish the project within the allowed contract days (90 Calendar Days Substantial, 120 Calendar Days Final). Based on the actual number of calendar days necessary to complete each activity, DLM's plan to utilize a second water/sewer line crew would have easily allowed final completion by November 15, 2016. Based on DLM's Notice To Proceed, DLM had until November 17, 2016, to substantially complete the project At the time of discovery of this potential AT&T conflict, DLM had installed dewatering wells on the west side of West Lincoln Street, taken the necessary asbestos abatement training, and had horizontal boring subcontractor scheduled to begin no later than October 17, 2016. Directly due to the potential AT&T conflict, DLM was forced to cease all operations associated with the horizontal boring. This was a critical path activity for our completion schedule as stated in your email to DLM dated October 14, 2016. Ceasing these operations included cancelling the shipment of necessary trench boxes for the bore pit, cancelling the horizontal boring subcontractor, and stopping work on the boring pit on the west side of West Lincoln Street. On Tuesday, October 25, 2016 (15 days after potential conflict discovery), DLM was directed via Work Change Directive No,02 to: "Modify work plan to bore under South 19'" Avenue from the east rather the west due to impact of the ATT line that is located on the west side of 191°. Expose ATT Line to determine depth, Commence with work immediately." At the time, the City of Bozeman, Morrison Maierle, nor DLM knew the exact potential impacts caused by this directive. For this reason, the additional contract price and additional contract time lines of Work Directive No.02 were listed as "unknown", Once the directive was given, the onus of procuring the necessary resources to complete the project in 2016 was placed on DLM by the COB — which we did expeditiously. Within three weeks after being given the directive, DLM was able to have performed all precursor activities to allow the horizontal boring to begin. This included, but not limited to, negotiating with our original horizontal boring subcontractor to stop his mobilization to another project for the sake of this COB project, orchestrating shipment of the trench boxes from varied and farther locations (during the conflict decision delay some had been moved from Billings, MT to Rock Springs, WY), digging bore pit on east side of South 19" Avenue, placing sewage bypass system into operation, and removing all existing non -friable asbestos pipe on West Lincoln. Additionally, DLM quickly worked with horizontal boring subcontractor to negotiate a reasonable cost to absorb the risks and additional troubles of boring downhill in such close proximity of the AT&T line. This was in good faith according to the work change directive's comments that state "(i)t is desirable to arrive at an agreed upon cost on elements of work that cannot clearly be defined on a time and material basis". See below for narrative clarifications of the daily T&M sheets provided and attached. Sheet #1 — Exploratory excavation to determine the depth and location of the AT&T utility with potential conflict. Actual hours performed on T&M basis with BlueBook (or like -kind) rates. This work was as directed. Sheet #2 — Exploratory excavation subcontractors plus 5% OH&P for the determination of the depth and location of the AT&T line. Specifically, non-destructive vacuum truck at agreed rates prior to excavation. Sheet #3 — 11/1/2016 - Cutting/ripping/exporting the additional asphalt from East side of West Lincoln Street. West side of West Lincoln had already been cut/removed in preparation for the excavation of the bore pit on the west side. This was prior to the notice to cease operations. 11/2/2016 - Excavatinglexporting spoil materials that could have remained on-site at adjacent staging area if bore pit had been on the west side of South 19'h Avenue. Total excavator hours for this day were 11.0 hours of run time. Only 6.0 were charged as additional work, 11/3/2016 - Excavatinglexporting spoil materials that could have remained on-site at adjacent staging area if bore pit had been on the west side of South 19°i Avenue. Also, locating a gas line on south side of West Lincoln Street that was untraceable by Northwestern Energy, This would not have been necessary if large bore pit had been on the west side of South 19'h Avenue. Total excavator hours for this day were 10.5 hours of run time. Only 1.0 was charged as additional work. Sheet#4 - 11/9/2016 - Excavating/exporting spoil materials that could have remained on- site at adjacent staging area if bore pit bad been on the west side of South 19"' Avenue. Total excavator hours for this activity this day were 11.5 hours of run time. Only 6.5 were charged as additional work. 11/10/2016 - Excavating/exporting spoil materials that could have remained on-site at adjacent staging area if bore pit had been on the west side of South 191h Avenue. Total excavator (tours for this activity this day were 10.5 hours of runtime. Only 8.Owere charged as additional work. 11/11/2016-Excavating/exporting spoil materials that could have remained on-site at adjacent staging area if bore pit had been on the west side of South 19" Avenue. Total excavator hours for this activity this day were 10.0 hours of run time. Only 0.5 were charged as additional work. This day was mostly installing trench boxes and final grading bore pit. 11/12/2016 —Final excavation of bore pit was performed for 10.0 total hours (utilizing two excavators) neither was charged as additional costs. Sheet#5 — On 11/17/2026, DLM's sewage bypass backup pump lines froze disallowing any immediate backup system to protect both the public and DLM. DLM would have been finished with sewage bypass pumping by this date without the AT&T conflict delays. The low temperature causing the frozen suction line was 16 degrees Fahrenheit. Foreseeing future cold temperatures (and unable to find one to rent during hunting season), DLM purchased a wall tent to insulate both the primary and backup pumps. DLM emailed our intentions and rationale for doing so prior to setup. 11/18/2017 —Cost purchasing/installing wall tent and frame system. $500 credit was given as residual value of the tent. The tent will still need to be thawed/erected/pressure washed/dried/stored when weather permits to have any future value. Sheet#6 — 11/29/2016 to 12/2/2016 — Insulating sewage bypass lines and dewatering lines. Concrete blankets, tarps, and straw were used. Regarding insulation materials, DLM only charged for concrete blankets. Low temperatures around this time were single digits. Sheet#7 —12/6/2016 to 12/11/2016 — The low temperatures caused DLM to hire a nighttime watchman for the bypass pumping system. Frozen lines were a major concern. DLM did not charge for pickup time during this sewage bypass pumping watch — although one was necessary to be running at all times to keep watchman warm and safe. This additional pickup time would have added up to be a fairly major expense. Sheet#8 —12/12/2016 to 12/20/2016 — Sewage bypass pump watchman still necessary as lows were down to, as low as, 27 -degrees -below -zero Fahrenheit. 12/14/2016 — DLM utilized light plants to expedite construction and opening of West Lincoln Street. This was necessary due to the impending cold weather and sewage bypass risks. 12/16/2016 — Import pit run was necessary for two reasons. First the material that was excavated and exported was an older trench line that was backfilled with deleterious materials and clayey soils. Additionally, the exported material was wet from the groundwater saturation. On 12/16/2016, the temperature had been bitterly cold for over two weeks. The material, which was not suitable for backfill, was also frozen and snow-covered at this point. It was prudent to utilize bank pit run. Any suitable existing material excavated from the trench between bore pit and MH#1 was used as backfill. 12/19/2016 to 12/21/2016 — Load/Haul frozen materials and snow offsite. Trucks importing bedding, road mix, and pit run were not charged when exporting. This compensated COB for excess spoils that would have originally been necessary. A majority of this export was for the bore pit material that was stockpiled to the east of the construction site on the roadway. This material could not efficiently be exported during the bore pit excavation. Ground heater was rented for three days to heat the material that was used as a running surface to protect existing concrete, asphalt, and our dewatering pump line. This was necessary because excavator needed unimpeded access back and forth along bore pit on north side. Under the original west to east bore format, this would have been off the roadway in the staging area across South 19'h Avenue. Cold weather had completely frozen the temporary surfacing material. Temporary Concrete Surfacing was placed in compliance with COB standards. DLM utilized a subcontractor High Country Paving, however, they needed assistance during the installation of 39 CYDS of concrete needed to complete this. DLM laborers assisted their installation, as well, as covered the concrete with concrete blankets to maintain its integrity during curing. DLM employee hours were billed at 15% OHP, while the subcontractor's portion was billed at 5% OHP. Some of the 39 CYD of concrete was used for the unknown drop manhole at MH#1. Approximately 2.5 CYDS was used in accordance with COB standards of drop manhole concrete surrounding vertical drop pipe. DLM did not charge additional for any of the extra work associated with this — except the A -Core coring fee on next sheet. Sheet#9 — Subcontractors. DLM charged additional costs for additional month of SWPPP inspection, temporary surfacing installation, and A -Core cutting penetration for unknown drop MH#1. 5% OHP was added as allowed in specifications. Sheet 00 — Actual number of days for dewatering efforts at the intersection of South 19'h Avenue and West Lincoln Street was 89 days. Based on our actual progress and the schedule that DLM could have achieved, the amount of days should have been 41 calendar days. The difference was directly caused by the AT&T conflict. For this reason, DLM must charge COB the T&M rates for a 70kW generator and five 311p submersible pumps for the 48 additional days — at 24 hours per day. Likewise, without the AT&T conflict, the sewage bypass system should have been necessary for only 19 calendar days. However, due to the impacts of the utility conflict, DLM was forced to utilize the sewage bypass system for 43 calendar days — 24 additional days. DLM has charged COB for the additional operational and maintenance hours, as well as, a discounted monthly rate - $8,815.90 — for the equipment rental of the sewage bypass system. DLM paid the first month's rent completely, since we would have had to pay a full month's rent - $11,587.80 — even after 19 calendar days. Because of the delay associated with the AT&T utility conflict, DLM had other additional correlated costs shown on the spreadsheet. The delay directly caused DLM the need to rent mainline pipeline installation and testing equipment for a minimum of an additional month (actually 48 calendar days). This includes our manhole trench box, mainline pipe trench box, and air compressor. At this time, DLM is only charging COB for one additional month for each of these items. Closely related to this was the need for additional traffic control during this extended period. DLM has charged COB additional cost of traffic control days from 11/17/2106 to this season's project completion. Obviously, there were items that were additional costs to DLM that have not been accounted for in this invoice. In an effort to be fair to COB and allow this invoice to be processed without delay, DLM has not requested any additional payment from COB for: o Decreased production during frigid December temperatures. Prior to 11/17/2016 original completion date, only once did the temperature drop below 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Between 11/17/2016 and 12/23/2016, a total of 21 days below 20 degrees Fahrenheit were recorded — most of which never topped 20 degrees. Manholes and pipes needed to be warmed with weed bunters before installation to ensure proper installation. Snow cover caused delays in locating equipment, chains, straps, tools, etc. Equipment had to be plugged in every night and left running during all work periods to insure starting. o Standby time during AT&T conflict delay. Our crew was mobilized and prepared for bore pit excavation on the west side of South 19t4 Avenue and was directed to cease until further notice. e Work performed from 12/21/2016 to 12/23/2016 preparing the temporary surfacing for traffic. Specifically DLM's labor for removing/replacing/re-removing concrete blankets on temporary surfacing, monitoring the curing of the temporary surfacing, working with COB to clear snow on South 19'h Avenue and West Lincoln Street, opening roadway to full traffic. One clarification regarding our schedule versus actual is the long lead time of the casing spacers. We discussed using spacer blanks that are fabricated in -the -field. These require approximately two days to custom fabricate. However, due to factors such as boring downhill and flat sewer grades, Coleman Construction, Inc. (CCI) wanted to take all precautions to insure a more nearly perfect fit. Since we had the available contract time, CCI opted to utilize APS -machined spacers from the factory. At the time of order, CCI stated that the lead time for these spacers was one week. Since the utility conflict pushed CCI's ordering of the casing spacers to the week of Thanksgiving, the lead time was greatly extended. Furthermore, a large order had been placed immediately prior to COI's — further compounding the time delay. DLM also expects future additional items directly caused by Work Change Directive No. 02. These include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Spring 2017 removal / haul off of temporary concrete surface/ re -prepping for asphalt & concrete 2. Import/ Place any additional road mix. 3. Re -compacting backfill /importing pit run between MH#2 and MH#l(due to frozen conditions definitive compaction tests were inconclusive) 4. Additional asphalt / concrete repairs due to boring direction S. Any Spring 2017 tratiic control. 6. Any future erosion control costs Please verify that M -M and COB acknowledge these additional costs. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at 406-586-2881 or 406-539-0718. Thank you. Sincerely, nd B. Lewis, VP DLM Contracting, Inc Rental 2770 N 19TH AVE, BOZEMAN, MT 59715 MPBE BOZEMAN Ph: 406-585-5800 Fax: 408-587-5710 Customer: 1814602 Bill to. DLM CONTRACTING INC 2066 STADIUM DR STE 201 BOZEMAN MT 59718.0640 Signed By: Order By: BRAD LEWIS Rental Items ID NO: 14VO3644 SERIAL NO: 149298 TRENCH BOX MANHOLE 4"X10'X10' - MHXLDC1010 Shift: Single 116 ID NO: 7997210 TRENCH BOX SPREADER PINS - SPRDR PINS Shift: Single Miscellaneous Items 'lease Remit Payment To: tractor and Equipment Co. 3.0. Box 58201 -ukwila, WA 98138-1201 P'entai Invoice Invoice D2144905 Invoice Amount: $1,200.00 Invoice Date: 12/15/2016 Date Out: 09/06/2016 Tue 05:00 PM Billed From: 11/29/2016 Tue 05:00 PM Dale In: 12115/2016 Thu 12:04 PM Jobsite: 6 - DLM CONTRACT Contact: BRAD LEWIS Phone: 406 586 2881 BIG SKY BIG SKY, MT 59716 Written By: Michael D Garcia Sales Rep: MIKE J KELLY PO#: SOUTH UNIVERSITY $150 $450 $1,250 $0 $0 $0 Rental Subtotal: Invoice Total: 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 =RMS ARE CASH UNLESS CREDIT IS APPROVED. With CREDITAPPROVAL, terms are: Net by the 101h of the month following purchase. A FINANCE CHARGE of 1-112% per month 6% PER ANNUM) will be charged on the past due balance The pest due balance represents all charges remaining unpaid on the closing dale of the month following invoice dale. In the ent. of default in the payment of any amount due, and if the account is pieced In the hands of any agency or attorney for collection or legal action, the purchaser agrees to pay finance arges and charges equal to the cost of collection (es permitted bylaws governing these tranactlons) Acceptance by customer of the pads, service or equipment, listed above is the slomer's agreement to be bound by the credit and collmlin terms set forth above. JSTOMER SIGNATURE DATE PRINTED NAME cited on Fnday. December 16, 2016 4.00.43 AM by FROM RELEASE Invoice No. 42PR21449050 D2144905 Page 1 of 1 H&E Equipment Services, Inc. 343 Floss Flats Road Belgrade AIT 59714 Phone (406) 388-2308 Fax (406) 388-3459 000412 Regional Credit Office Phone (844)660-9400 Fax (702)320-6584 �IIIIiI�ihhhlll�IldhldlPhlirlhhllll�hlhllhhlrllh *"AUTO"`MIXED AADC 280 412 T5:5 412 1 MB 0.416 DLM CONTRACTING INC 2066 STADIUM DR STE 201 BOZEMAN MT 59715.0640 Page 1 of 1 Information Invoice No. 93018612 Date 12/17/2016 Customer No. 1059084 Customer PO No. 19TH Currency USD Term of Payment Net due in 30 days Project Name CUSTOMER PICK UP THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS Please See Reverse Side for Terms & Conditions Rental Reference No. 41586310 Contract Number Rental Dates 21012336 12-01-2016 to 12-28-2016 To-Party CONTRACTING INC Reference No. 93018612 LOSS FLATS ROAD Contact Name BRAD FBELGRADEMT 59714 Contact No. 406-586-2881 Item Material Description Quantity Unit Price Amount Year Equipment Serial Make Model 1 16529 185 CFM AIR 1 EA 1,300.00 1,300.00 COMPRESSOR 2014 10154276 201409150074 SA-SULLAIR 185DPQ 175/Daily;700/Weekiy;1300/Month ly 2 ENVIRONPRCT Environmental 1 EA 19.50 19.50 Percentage PLEASE REMIT TO: Subtotal 1,319.50 H&E EQUIPMENT EXCHANGE LLC P.O. Box 849850 Dallas TX 75284 Tau 0.00 Total Amount 1,319.50 Tax includes all applicable state, local, and miscellaneous surcharges. We Rent Reliability! THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS Please See Reverse Side for Terms & Conditions United Rentals TRENCH SAFETY BRANCH B53 2627 N DARTMOUTH STREET SPOKANE VALLRY WA 99206 509-534-7294 509-534-7557 FAX v WILL CALL BOZEMAN X:DLM@CONTRACTING ABOZEMAN MT 59715 Fa Office: 406-586-2881 Cell: 406-586-2881 7.1.1011 MB0.416 05682S21.p01 618831 1.7 0 9urPll)9d(41Pdlulyd)(hhl(141�1h)rlluitl)grq)) D L M CONTRACTING 2066 STADIUM DR STE 201 BOZEMAN MT 59715-0640 4 WEEK BILLING INVOICE Customer # : 1371709 Invoice Date : 12/11/16 Date Out : 09/28/16 05:00 PM Billed Through : 12/21/16 00:00 UR Job Loc : BOZEMAM, BOZEMAN UR Job # : 2 Customer Job ID: 1,526.46 P.O. # : DLM CONTRACTING Ordered By : BRAD LEWIS Written By : LUCAS YAMANE Salesperson : TROY CANOY Invoice Amount: $1,556.14 Terms: Due Upon Recaml Peymenl oPIHMS: Canlml an/ cmtlil ullme 2123336600 Eat, 84887 REMIT TO: UNITED RENTALS (NORTH AMERICA),INC. FILE 61122 IAS ANGELES CA 90074.1122 Qt v Equipment Description Minimum Day Week 4 Week_ Amount 1 794460 TRENCH BOX 4' X 244 Make: GME Model: 4M424FB 152.44 518.09 1526^46 1,526.46 Serial: M05092254 .4 940/5506 SPREADER BAR (KIT) 8" X 4- 2.12 3.18 7.42 29.68 36 940/5655 8" SPREADER BAR (LINEAR FEET) Rental Subtotal: Agreement Subtotal: COMMENTS/NOTES: Total: CONTACT: BRAD LEWIS CELL#: 406-586-2881 BILLED FOR FOUR WEEKS 11/23/16 THRU 12/21/16 05:00 PM ARE YOU OR YOUR EMPLOYEES IN NEED OF OPERATOR CERTIFICATION TRAINING? CONTACT UNITED ACADEMY TODAY 844-222-2345 OR WWW.UNITEDACADEMY.UR.COM TRAINING IS NOT AVAILABLE ON CERTAIN EQUIPMENT IN CANADA. THIS 4 WEEK BILLING INVOICE IS ISSUED SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE RENTAL AGREEMENT, WHICH ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. A COPY OF THE RENTAL AGREEMENT IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. 1,556.14 1,556.14 1,556.14 You Can Now A.C. Invoice Merely and Upends Purchase Orders Online Pace : 1 xylem Let's Solve Water godwin e � S o DLM Contracting Inc D 2066 Stadium Dr Suite 201 T Bozeman, MT 59715-0640 0 Invoice Sold by: Branch 016 3860 Heiberg Drive Helena, MT 59602-5608 Tel: 406-495-1335 Fax: 406-495-1336 S H I DLM Contracting Incorporated P Lincoln Street & Llyod Street T Bozeman, MT 59718-6436 0 Remit to: Xylem Dewatering Solutions, Inc. 28611 Network Place Chicago, IL 60673-1286 Phone: 856-467-3636 Cust. No. Invoice Date Invoice No. 00004803 12-21-2016 400666324 Page 1 of 3 Customer PO Ordered By Contract Date Rental Contract # Sales Representative Order Taken By Payment Terms S. University Lincoln Mr. Brad Lewis 11-15-2016 216009374 Ricky Brown Ricky Brown Net 30 QTY ITEM DESCRIPTION PER DNW/M RATE AMOUNT Rental 12/05/2016 Thru 12/19/2016 *Return* 1 D-40732 Godwin CD100M 4"3015D SS 68G CS Diesel Pump, 1 D 313.50 1,881.00 With 6" FQD on suction & 6" MQD on discharge. Rate 2 W 940.50 includes 24 hour/day running. 1 D-42125 Godwin CD100M 4" 3TNV88BDSA-T3/14A RGT 30G Diesel 1 D 116.25 813.75 Pump 2 W 348.75 With 6" FQD on suction & 6" MQD on discharge Standby Unit 1 MP -1235 Auto Dialer Alarm Agent Extend Coverage 1 D 107.20 750.40 2 W 321.60 1 MP -1156 Auto Diesel Control 12V W/65' Floats A91 1 D 66.00 462.00 2 W 198.00 3 HSDS060050QDDR 6" x 50' HD Lay flat Hose W/QD 1 D 24.05 505.05 2 W 72.15 4 HSCM06001OFlNR 6"x 10' Composite Hose W/150#FL 1 D 18.85 • With CID fittings 2 W 56.55 527.80 1LL PAST DUE INVOICES ARE SUBJECT TO 1 1/2% PER MONTH SERVICE CHARGE xylem Let's Solve Water godwine :TAT S 0 DLM Contracting Inc D 2066 Stadium Dr Suite 201 T Bozeman, MT 59715-0640 0 Invoice Sold by. Branch 016 3860 Heiberg Drive Helena, MT 59602-5608 Tel: 406-495-1335 Fax: 406-495-1336 I DLM Contracting Incorporated P Lincoln Street & Llyod Street T Bozeman, MT 59718-6436 0 Remit to: Xylem Dewatering Solutions, Inc. 28611 Network Place Chicago, IL 60673-1286 Phone: 856-467-3636 Cust. No. Invoice Date Invoice No. 00004803 12-21-2016 1400666324 Page 2 of 3 Customer PO Ordered By Contract Date Rental Contract # Sales Representative Order Taken By Payment Terms S. University Lincoln Bypass Mr. Brad Lewis 11-15-2016 216009374 Ricky Brown Ricky Brown Net 30 QTY ITEM DESCRIPTION PER DIW/M RATE AMOUNT 6 HSWS060010QDSR 6" x 10' Black Water Suction Hose W/QD 1 D 2 W 12.35 37.05 518.70 2 VLCK060FlCOOR 6" Check Valve W/150#FL • With QD fittings 1 D 2 W 11.70 35.10 163.80 45 PPQP060020QDOOR 6"x 20' Godwin QD Pipe 1 D 2 W 7.20 21.60 2,268.00 4 BN06090ODGOOOR 6" 90 Degree QD Bend 1 D 2 W 5.20 15.60 145.60 4 BN06045QDG000R 6" 45 Degree QD Bend 1 D 2 W 5.20 15.60 145.60 2 PPQP0600100DOOR 6"x 10' Godwin QD Pipe 1 D 2 W 5.20 15.60 72.80 1 WY060QFQFQMGOOR 6" Godwin QD Wye (F x F x M) 1 D 5.20 36.40 2 W 15.60 1 All oncrn TRHRNA000006R Pipe Storage Rack 8'x 8'x 4' (Full) 1 D 2 W 0.00 0.00 0.00 v,lipJ liRC OVGJMV I I u 1 1/2% PER-M,O NTH SERVICE CHARGE xylem Let's Solve Water GOdWIn G S 0 DLM Contracting Inc D 2066 Stadium Dr Suite 201 T Bozeman, MT 59715-0640 0 Invoice Sold by: Branch 016 3860 Heiberg Drive Helena, MT 59602-5608 Tel: 406-495-1335 Fax: 406-495-1336 S H I DLM Contracting Incorporated P Lincoln Street & Llyod Street T Bozeman, MT 59718-6436 O Remit to: Xylem Dewatering Solutions, Inc. 28611 Network Place Chicago, IL 60673-1286 Phone: 856-467-3636 Cust. No. I Invoice Date I Invoice No. 00004803 112-21-20161400666324 Order Taken By Page 3 of 3 Customer PO Ordered By Contract Date Rental Contract # Sales Representative Order Taken By Payment Terms S. University Lincoln Bypass Mr. Brad Lewis 11-15-2016 L 216009374 Ricky Brown Ricky Brown Net 30 QTY ITEM DESCRIPTION PER DNV/M RATE AMOUNT 2 AD060040QFQMGOR 6" FQD x 4" MQD Adapter 1 D 0.00 0.00 2 W 0.00 1 BAUERQDADAPTERR 6" MOD x 4" FQD Adapter 1 D 0.00 0.00 2 W 0.00 1 PZONE05ROLLWPTR Pickup Zone 5 -Rollback w/ Pipe Trl. 525.00 525.00 ALL PAST DUE INVOICES ARE SUBJECT TO Rental Labor Shipping Misc. Charges Taxes 1 1/2% PER MONTH SERVICE CHARGE $8,290.90 $ 0.00 $ 525.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Total Invoice $ 8,815.90 ( /T � C056 EINC. v CONCRETE CUTTING SPECIALISTS 4452 N. Haroldsen Drive Idaho Falls, ID 83401 (208) 523-3930 (208) 523-9818 Fax DLM 2066 STADIUM DRIVE UNIT 201 BOZEMAN, MT 59715 STATEMENT DATE: 01/05/17 TERMS: Net 30 Days ACCOUNT NO: 004333 DATE/DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE BALANCE 12/21/16 Invoice 285911 LINCOLN & 19TH, BOZEMAN 262.50 262.50 262.50 CURRENT OVER 30 OVER60 OVER90 RETENTION TOTAL DUE: $262.60 262.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 VISA AND MASTERCARD ACCEPTED Page 1 A C D ENGINEENINO D[NVRRr INC. 32 Discovery Drive Bozeman, MT 59718 406-582.0221 DLM Contracting, Inc. Invoice number 24294 Brad Lewis Dale 01106/2017 2066 Stadium Drive, Suite 201 Bozeman, MT 59715 Project 16-151 South University Area Sewer Interceptor For professional services rendered from November 20, 2016 to December 17, 2016. SWPPP & N01 PERMIT APPLICATION PACKAGE Reimbursables Billed Amount Truck - 00 S-10 Mileage 6.30 2000 Chevy Mileage 11/21/16 - ASG 2.60 2000 Chevy Mileage 1216/16 - ASG DLM Contracting, Inc. Invoice number 24294 Invoice dale 01/06/2017 Subtotal 9.10 Phase subtotal 9.10 SWPPP ADMINISTRATION & REPORTING Billed Date Hours Rate Amount Andrew S. Graham 11/21/2016 0.50 100.00 50.00 SWPPPInspection 12/01/2016 0.50 100.00 50.00 Stormwater Inspection Report 12/06/2016 1.00 100.00 100.00 SWPPP Field Inspection and Report Phase subtotal 200.00 Invoice total 209.10 Aging Summary Invoice Number Invoice Date Outstanding Current Over 30 Over 60 Over 90 Over 120 24294 01/06/2017 209.10 209.10 Total 209.10 209.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DLM Contracting, Inc. Invoice number 24294 Invoice dale 01/06/2017 PO Box 31793 (406) 256.0199 Billings, MT 59107 Fax (406) 256.8081 ■ 290 Pronghorn Trail #6 Bozeman, MT 59718 (406)522-3833 office (406)522-3943 fax Invoice No: 3927 Customer _ Date:31-Dec-16 DLM Contracting Inc. 2066 Stadium Drive, Unit 201 Bozeman, MT 59715 Job: Garfield Closure Brad Lewis Job Dates: 11/28-12/23/2016 ITEM # DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Unit $ AMOUNT 1 Mobilization LS $ 500.00 $ - 2 Traffic Control - Supervisor Day 1 $ 875.00 $ 875.00 3 Traffic Control - Devices Day 19 $ 125.00 $ 2,375.00 4 19th Ave Traffic Control Devices Day $ 175.00 $ 5 Flagging Hr $ 42.50 $ 6 Variable Message Sign Day $ 125.00 $ 7 Portable Stop Lights, If Needed Day $ 550.00 $ 8 Custom Legend Signs EA $ 150.00 $ - TOTAL $ 3,250.00 conmtlons: Payment is due upon receipt Please remit payment to: Mountain West Holding Company PO Box 31793 Billings, MT 59107 Call the office with any questions. Thank you for your business. ow1M*=1n west PO Box 31793 (406) 256-0199 Billings, MT 59107 Fax (406) 256-8081 C@Mpi>tmy 290 Pronghorn Trail #6 Bozeman, MT 59718 (406)522-3833 office (406)522-3943 fax Invoice No: 3886 Customer Date: 25 -Nov -16 DLM Contracting Inc. 2066 Stadium Drive, Unit 201 Bozeman, MT 59715 Job: Garfield Closure Brad Lewis Job Dates: 10/31-11/25/2016 ITEM # DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Unit $ AMOUNT 1 Mobilization LS $ 500.00 $ - 2 Traffic Control - Supervisor Day 1 $ 875.00 $ 875.00 3 Traffic Control - Devices Day 12 $ 125.00 $ 1,500.00 4 19th Ave Traffic Control Devices Day 7 $ 175.00 $ 1,225.00 5 Flagging Hr $ 42.50 $ - 6 Variable Message Sign Day $ 125.00 $ 7 Portable Stop Lights, If Needed Day $ 550.00 $ - 8 Custom Legend Signs EA 0.5 $ 150.00 $ 75.00 TOTAL $ 3,675.00 uonmaons: rayment Is aue upon receipt Please remit payment to: Mountain West Holding Company PO Box 31793 Billings, MT 59107 Call the office with any questions. 4z9 -1s Thank you for your business. CO '1eu-'rVL5 Q-��dhi 7,q„'ry.ro„r1 Lre-r Snlwio--„ www.MidwayRental.com Customer Information DLM CONTRACTING 2066 STADIUM DR, SUITE # 201 Bozeman, MT 59715 133 Maus Lane Bozeman, MT 59715 406-587.6001 • Fax 6B7-3850 Remit All Payments to: 133 Maus Lane Bozeman, MT 59715 Item ID: 03-133-03 Rent Date: 12/14/2016 3:00 PM Serial: RL409-1231 Fuel Charges: 0.000 @ $6.00 " Interval Out: 2900.00 - In: 2916.OD - Used: 16.00 Charges: Adonona"Monlana Locations 1$535.00 3.714027 Belgrade - Missoula Closed Order Greal Falls LR4ngslon Rent Date: 12114/2016 3:00 PM Kairpoll Shelby IDue Date; 12121/2016 3:00 PM Laurel Whitefish Amount Due: $0.00 Additional Locations in Wyoming and Colorado Ship To: DFLT ADDRESS 19th a W. Lincon Rd. Bozeman, MT 59715 «- Rental -» Return Date: 12/16/2016 10:52 AM D.00 Units Billed @ $0.00 $0.00 $0.OD Environmental Fee -Montana $3.80 LIGHT TOWER, IR-TEREX4 LIGHT KW 1 1 $95.00 $345.00 $595.00 $345.00 L $345.00 Item ID: 03.133-04 «_ Rental-- > Rent Date: 12/14/2016 3:00 PM Return Date: 12/21/2016 11:44 AM Serial: RL409-1271 Fuel Charges: 0,000 ® $B.00 $0.00 •- Interval Out: 2046.00. In: 2086.00 - Used: 51.00 11.00 Units Billed @ $0.00 $0.00 Charges: Environmental In - Montana $6.90 DIESEL 6.00 $6.00 $36.00 Item 10: MISC / DIESEL <e_ Sale ->> Thank you for your business! Customer is responsible for fuel, glass and tire damage. Cleaning charges may apply If equipment is not returned clean. to 19th & W. Lincon on East Side (tact 539-0718 trge to C.0 on File On the Order. X Customer Signature Customer Name (Printed) IRDAY 6:00AM-12:00PM CLOSED SUNDAY RddebR3 Redeed By: MRB02 MndByM.Srt" Pd*d: Th.d.y, Jmurry 12,2017 3:00M Rental Charges: 1$535.00 Merchandise Sales: 1$36.00 Relum Date: 12121/201611:44 AM DeliveryDate: 12/14/2016 2:00 PM Order Terms: Oue On Rewipt PO #: -ob $0.00 [J #: $781.70 $0.00 $0.OD Environmental Fee -Montana $3.80 LIGHT TOWER, IR-TEREX4 LIGHT KW 1 1 $95.00 $345.00 $595.00 $345.00 L $345.00 Item ID: 03.133-04 «_ Rental-- > Rent Date: 12/14/2016 3:00 PM Return Date: 12/21/2016 11:44 AM Serial: RL409-1271 Fuel Charges: 0,000 ® $B.00 $0.00 •- Interval Out: 2046.00. In: 2086.00 - Used: 51.00 11.00 Units Billed @ $0.00 $0.00 Charges: Environmental In - Montana $6.90 DIESEL 6.00 $6.00 $36.00 Item 10: MISC / DIESEL <e_ Sale ->> Thank you for your business! Customer is responsible for fuel, glass and tire damage. Cleaning charges may apply If equipment is not returned clean. to 19th & W. Lincon on East Side (tact 539-0718 trge to C.0 on File On the Order. X Customer Signature Customer Name (Printed) IRDAY 6:00AM-12:00PM CLOSED SUNDAY RddebR3 Redeed By: MRB02 MndByM.Srt" Pd*d: Th.d.y, Jmurry 12,2017 3:00M Rental Charges: 1$535.00 Merchandise Sales: 1$36.00 Delivery Charges: 1$200.00 AddBionel Charges: $10.70 Sub Total: $781.70 Tax: $0.00 Order Total: $781.70 Amount Paid: $781.70 Amount Due: $0.00 P'.1011 IAPPY NEW , YEAR! 215400 OU CAN NOT PAY YOUR BILL ON OUR WEB SITE: !> WW.RMSI.COOP 01 of 02 14 DLM CONTRACTING RAYMOND B LEWIS 01/31/2017_____ 2066 STADIUM DR STE 201 _ \ ) )I!I)< 01!a BOZEMAN, MT 59715 DETACH HERE AND RETAIN BOTTOM PORTION OF THIS STATEMENT FOR YOUR RECORDS STATEMENT OF' ACCQUNTROCKYI -- OUNTAENPUftNH DACCT C�'Lig r}Tf 350 Jackra50il Lane 700 N. Montana SL 307 S EronlSUeel 4907 USHlghwoy287 N._ _ Belgrade MT 59714 Dillon, MT 59725 Townsend, MT 59644 Ennis, MT 59728 D)*4d N;711.), PLLIdN,,, !hTli'7d13c, _, (406)308AOOB (406)683-2308 (406)266-3456 (406)6824315 12/31/216- i -�110-1,41 _- i.'til A.; 1•,11 -mi IU', I10CI('v iODUIJ I/t 11.'SU I'PLl R0 F(,n' I29. f('1)r1-i r<,ddi wl i'!:: IAPPY NEW , YEAR! 215400 OU CAN NOT PAY YOUR BILL ON OUR WEB SITE: !> WW.RMSI.COOP 01 of 02 14 DLM CONTRACTING RAYMOND B LEWIS 01/31/2017_____ 2066 STADIUM DR STE 201 _ \ ) )I!I)< 01!a BOZEMAN, MT 59715 DETACH HERE AND RETAIN BOTTOM PORTION OF THIS STATEMENT FOR YOUR RECORDS -311-'1 �klh l'd.;i; Fkl'11514r N-YI'dfelN ti _ �D.UNHiIi ��IfliFT-�3 i)!IGL134'diFl ii)= _ t 50.00 50.00 515.91 0.00 Irr91' 0114r a0rF!y= P)oa, 1U 'hl.' a ,qvaU; tHl"I 17'19. 7 iii Jlllh°. 515.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11/30/2016 1 0.00 1 0.180 tement Date: 12-/3Lf2016 t. Codes: BS -BELGRADE STORE �I1P,uE J:l�•40 515.41 - OV4, 1 Y* i 0.00 1.171J�11�':k1C 0,01580 de: 215400 -- r}Tf 1`(e) [livi- D)*4d N;711.), PLLIdN,,, !hTli'7d13c, _, 1.1u(•11111! F:vp._ -�110-1,41 ******** BEGINNING BALANCE ******** 50.00 1/05 128906 BS AUTO GOLD SW -30 OT 0.25 4.00 2/05 128906 BS AUTO GOLD 5W30 QT 0.25 4,00 2/05 128906 BS LPG PROPANE PER POUND 97.00 58.20 66.20 116.20 !/06 129176 BS LPG PROPANE PER POUND 14.00 8.40 !/06 129176 BS LPG PROPANE PER POUND 16.00 9.60 !/06 129176 BS LPG PROPANE PER POUND 76.00 45.60 63.60 179.80 !/07 51,305 BS LPG PROPANE PER POUND 18.00 10.80 :/07 51305 BS LPG PROPANE PER POUND 17.00 10,20 I/07 51305 SS LPG PROPANE PER POUND 8.00 4.80 25.80 205.60 /07 129303 BS LPG PROPANE PER POUND 18.00 10,80 /07 129303 BS LPG PROPANE PER POUND 21.00 12.60 /07 129303 BS LPG PROPANE PER POUND 82.00 49.20 72.60 278.20 /08 51433 BS LPG PROPANE PER POUND 10.00 6.00 /08 51433 BS LPG PROPANE PER POUND 25.00 15.00 /08 51433 BS LPG PROPANE PER POUND 99.00 59.40 /08 51433 BS LPG PROPANE PER POUND 98.00 58.80 139.20 417.40 /09 51453 BS UNLEADED E10 22.18 47.88 /09 51453 BS POWER SERVICE DIESEL 911 80 OZ 12.79 60.67 478.07 /15 131260 BS UNLEADED E10 22,33 48.21 48.21 526.28 117 353011 BS UNLEADED E10 16.13 39.13 39.13 565.41 /19 113417 BS PAYMENT RECEIVED ( 50.00) PAYMENT -50.00 515.41 -311-'1 �klh l'd.;i; Fkl'11514r N-YI'dfelN ti _ �D.UNHiIi ��IfliFT-�3 i)!IGL134'diFl ii)= _ t 50.00 50.00 515.91 0.00 Irr91' 0114r a0rF!y= P)oa, 1U 'hl.' a ,qvaU; tHl"I 17'19. 7 iii Jlllh°. 515.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11/30/2016 1 0.00 1 0.180 tement Date: 12-/3Lf2016 t. Codes: BS -BELGRADE STORE �I1P,uE J:l�•40 515.41 - OV4, 1 Y* i 0.00 1.171J�11�':k1C 0,01580 de: 215400 L^BI7t,Y� STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT South University Area Sewer Main Interceptor and Water Main Extension Extra Work - Unknown Utility Conflict Locate Non. Locate Non. Shown utultlea I Shown li ilhies D K Date 10/12/2016 10/13/2016 Enuiiament Total Unit Unit Price Total 320/210/220 Excavator 0.0 Hourly $ _ CAT 305 Mini Excavator 0.0 Hourly $ _ 2013 John Deere 350GLC Excavator 11.0 11.25 22.3 Hourly $ 152.79 $ 3,399.58 1-90/1,60 Loaders 0.0 Hourly $ _ 2010 John Deere 744K Loader 10.0 7.5 17.5 Hourly $ 109.15 $ 1,910.13 Roller (Smooth Drum) 0.0 Hourly $ _ Compactor(Sheepsfoot) 0.0 Hourly $ - Jmnping Jack Compactor 0.0 Hourly $ - D6 Sized Dozer 0.0 Hourly $ - CAT Grader 0.0 Hourly $ _ Track-Skidsteer (JD 333) 0.0 Hourly $ _ Wally Wacker 0.0 Hourly $ _ Haul TruckJD300 0.0 Hourly Is _ Pickup Truck 10.25 8.25 18.50 Hourly I $ 19.391$ 358.72 Dump / Side Dumps. Low Boy 1.0 1.0 Hourly $ 57.70 Trench Box 5.0 5.0 Hourly $ 6.00 Manhole Box 8.5 8.5 Hourly $ 10.20 Survey Equipment 0,0 Hourly $ _ Pumps 0.0 Hourly $ _ Total Equipment. S 5,742.32 Materlali / Rental / Supplies 0.0 $ $ Total Rentals Materials/ ffilpPues., $ Labor/Other Charles Dearhamer 4.0 4.5 8.5 Hourly $ Operators**Employer Burden Rates** 21,0 18,75 39.75 Hourly $ 43.14 $ 1,714.82 Truck Drivers**Employer Burden Rates** 1.0 1.00 Hourly $ 43.11 $ 43.11 Laborers**Employer Burden Rates** 10.25 8.25 18.50 Hourly $ 38.59 $ 713.92 Total Labor/Other: $ 2,471.84 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Pro'ect Total: OH&P(I5%): Payments Made: InvoiceTotak• $ $ $ 8,214.16 1,232.12 9,446.28 By signing this document, you personally guarantee your authority to sign on behalf and the subsequent changes, from DLM CONTRACTING, Inc. for this work. for work performed South University Area Sewer Main Interceptor and Water Main Extension Extra Work - Unknown Utility Conflict Subcontractors Locate Non. Locate Non - Shown Utilities Shown Utilities Date 10/12/2016 10/13/2016 ui ment Total Unit Unit Price Total 320/210/220 Excavator 0.0 Hourly $ _ CAT 305 Mini Excavator 0.0 Hourly $ Vacuum Truck w/Operator 10.25 8.25 18.50 Hourly $ 385.00 $ 7,122.50 2013 John Deere 350OLC Excavator 0.0 Hourly $ 152.79 $ - L90/L60 Loaders 0.0 Hourly $ _ 2010 John Deere 744K Loader 0.0 Hourly $ 109.15 $ - Roller (Smooth Drum) 0.0 Hourly $ _ Compactor (Sheepsfoot) 0.0 Hourly $ _ Jumping Jack Compactor 0.0 Hourly $ _ D6 Sized Dozer 0.0 Hourly $ _ CAT Grader 0.0 Hourly $ _ Track-Skidsteer (JD 333) 0.0 Hourly Is _ Wally Wacker 0.0 Hourly is _ Haul Truck JD300 0.0 Hourly Is _ Pickup Truck 0.00 Hourly $ 19.39 $ - Dump / Side Dumps. Low Boy 0.0 Hourly $ _ Trench Box 0.0 Hourly $ _ Manhole Box 0.0 Hourly $ _ Survey Equipment 0.0 Hourly $ _ Pumps 0.0 Hourly $ _ Total Equipment. S 7,122.50 Materials / Rentals / Supplies 0.0 $ $ Total Rentals S Materials/ Supplies: LaoO Charles Dearhamer 0.0 Hourly $ _ Operators**Employer Burden Rates** 0.00 Hourly $ 43.14 $ 'ruck Diners**Employer Burden Rates** 0.00 Hourly $ 43.11 $ Laborers**Employer Burden Rates** 0.00 Hourly $ 38.59 $ - Total Labor/Other. $ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Project Total, $ PaOH&P(5%' $ 'mentsMade: Invoice Total: 1 $ 7,122.50 356.13 7,478.83 By signing this document, you personally guarantee your authority to sign on behalf and the subsequent changes, from DLM CONTRACTING, Inc. for this work, for work performed South University Area Sewer Main Interceptor and Water Main Extension Extra Work - Add'I Work Boring 11/01/2016 to 11/05/2016 emo ore t Ripping Bore Pit DZ.. Dirt Bore Pit Haul Off Asphalt Haul Off Dirt IDEM CONTRACTING it<( Date 11/1/2016 11/2/2016 11/3/2016 Kauinment Total Unit Unit Price Total 2014 Volvo EC220E Excavator 6.0 1.0 7.0 Hourly $ 94.05 $ 658.35 2007 CAT 305C Mini Excavator 1.0 1.0 Hourly $ 27.27 $ 27.27 Vacuum Truck w/Operator 0.00 Hourly $ - 2013 John Deere 350GLC Excavator 0.0 Hourly $ _ L90/L60 Loaders 0.0 Hourly $ - 20 10 John Deere 744K Loader 0.0 Hourly $ - Roller (Smooth Drum) 0.0 Hourly $ - Compactor (Sheepsfoot) 0.0 Hourly $ - Jumping Jack Compactor 0.0 Hourly $ _ D6 Sized Dozer 0.0 Hourly $ - CAT Grader 0.0 Hourly $ - Track-Skidsteer (JD 333) 0.0 Hourly $ - Wally Wacker 0.0 Hourly $ - Haul Truck JD300 0.0 Hourly $ _ Pickup Truck 0.00 Hourly $ _ Dump / Side Dumps / Low Boy 0.0 Hourly $ - 2014 Kenworth with Side Dump (24 Ton) 5.50 2.00 7.5 Hourly $ 562.50 Concrete Saw 2.0 2.0 Hourly $ 17.00 Manhole Box 0.0 Hourly $ - Survey Equipment 0.0 Hourly $ - Pumps 0.0 Hourly $ _ royal Ggr 1prnetty S 1,265.12 Materials / Rentals / Supplies 0.0 $ $ Total Rentals Materlala/ Su lies: S. Labor/Other Operators**Employer Burden Rates** 1.0 6.0 1.0 8.0 Hourly $ 43.14 $ 345.12 Truck Drivers**Employer Burden Rates** 5.5 2.0 7.5 Hourly $ 43.11 $ 323.33 Laborers**Employer Burden Rates** 2.00 2.00 Hourly $ 38.59 $ 77.18 Total Labor/Other: $ 745.63 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE r Project Total: ON&P (15%): Pa mens Made: Invoice Total: $ $ $ 2,010.75 301.61 2,312.36 Hysigning this document, you personally guarantee your authorityto sign on behalf of for work performed and the subsequent changes, from DIM CONTRACTING, Inc. for this work. South University Area Sewer Main Interceptor and Water Main Extension Extra Work - Add'I Work Boring 11/06/2016 to 11/13/2016 Haul -Off From Haul -Off From Bore Bore Pit Haul Off Bore PIT PIT Dirt DLft 5 L'c- i ..c Date 11/9/2016 11/10/2016 11/11/2016 Epuinment Total Unit Unit Price Total 2014 Volvo EC220E Excavator 0.0 Hourly $ - 2007 CAT 305C Mini Excavator 0.0 Hourly $ - 2001 Hitachi 450 Excavator 6.50 8.00 0.5 15.00 Hourly $ 140.00 $ 2,100.00 2013 John Deere 350GLC Excavator 0.0 Hourly $ - L90/L60 Loaders 0.0 Hourly $ - 2010 John Deere 744K Loader 0.0 Hourly $ - Roiler (Smooth Drum) 0.0 Hourly $ - Compactor (Sheepsfoot) 0.0 Hourly $ - Jumping Jack Compactor 0A Hourly $ - D6 Sized Dozer 0.0 Hourly $ - CAT Grader 0.0 Hourly $ - Track-Skidsteer(JD 333) 0.0 Hourly Is - Wally Wacker 0.0 Hourly I $ - Haul Truck JD300 0.0 Hourly is - Pickup Truck 0.00 Hourly $ - Dump Trucks 2014 Kenworth with Side Dump (24 Ton) 28.50 3.5 34.25 2.00 64.75 3.5 Hourly Hourly $ $ 3,658.38 262.50 Concrete Saw 0.0 Hourly $ - Manhole Box 0.0 Hourly $ - Survey Equipment 0.0 Hourly $ - Pumps 0.0 Hourly $ - Total6gaipraext. S 6,020.88 Materials / Mentals / Supplies 0.0 $ $ Total Reatah Materials / Supplies: $ Labor/Other Operators*•Employer Burden Rates*" 6.5 8.0 0.5 15.00 Hourly $ 43.14 $ 647.10 Truck Drivers**Employer Burden Rates** 32.00 34.25 2.00 68.3 Hourly $ 43.11 $ 2,942.26 Laborers**Employer Burden Rates** 0.00 Hourly $ 38.59 $ - Total Labor/other: $ 3,589.36 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Project Total: 011AP(15%): Pa meats Made: ',,voice Total., S $ $ 9,610.23 1,gg1.53 11,051.77 By signing this document, you personally guarantee your authority to sign on behalf of for work performed and the subsequent changes, from DLM CONTRACTING, Inc. for this work. South University Area Sewer Main Interceptor and Water Main Extension Extra Work • Add'I Work Boring 11/14/2016 to 11/20/2016 D EM By signing this document, you personally guarantee your authority to sign on behalf and the subsequent changes, from DLM CONTRACTING, Inc. for this work. for work performed Tent Bypass Sewage Pumps 11/18/2016 Date Cauinment Total Unit Unit Price Total 2014 Volvo EC220E Excavator 0.0 Hourly $ 2007 CAT 305C Mini Excavator 0.0 Hourly $ 2001 Hitachi 450 Excavator 0.00 Hourly $ 2013 John Deere 350OLC Excavator 0.0 Hourly $ 1,90/1-60 Loaders 0.0 Hourly $ 2010 John Deere 744K Loader 0.0 Hourly $ Roller (Smooth Drum) 0.0 Hourly $ - Compactor (Sheepsfoot) 0.0 Hourly $ - Jumping Jack Compactor 0.0 Hourly $ - D6 Sized Dozer 0.0 Hourly $ - CAT Grader 0.0 Hourly $ Track-Skidsteer(JD 333) 0.0 Hourly $ Wally Wacker 0.0 Hourly $ Haul Truck JD300 0.0 Hourly $ - Pickup Truck 2.0 2.00 Hourly $ 19.39 $ 38.78 Dump Trucks 0.00 Hourly $ 2014 Kenworth with Side Dump (24 Ton) 0.0 Hourly $ - Conerete Saw 0.0 Hourly $ - Manhole Box 0.0 Hourly $ - Survey Equipment 0.0 Hourly $ - Pumps 0.0 Hourly $ Total Equipment: S 38.78 Materials / Rentals / Supplies Tent S 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 1.00 $ 2,500.00 Tent Credit $ (500.00) $ (500.00) $ 1.00 $ (500.00) Total Rentals Materials / Sy :le8c' S 2,OW.00 Operators**Employer Burden Rates** 0.0 Hourly $ 43.14 $ Truck Drivers**Employer Burden Rates** 2,0 2.0 Hourly $ 43.11 $ 86.22 Laborers**Employer Burden Rates** 6.5 6.50 Hourly $ 38.59 $ 250.84 Total LaborlOdier: $ 337.06 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Project Total. OH&P (I5%): Pa meals Made: Invoice Total: $ $ $ 2,375.84 358.38 2,732.21 By signing this document, you personally guarantee your authority to sign on behalf and the subsequent changes, from DLM CONTRACTING, Inc. for this work. for work performed South University Area Sewer Main Interceptor and Water Main Extension Extra Work -Add'i Work Boring 11/21/2016 to 12/05/2016 Insulate Sewage Insulate Sewage 1Ir.UI;taB8%ag. Ineuletea- a Bypass & Bypa&Bp& Bypass & Dawatenng Linea Dewatering Linea Dawaterinn Llnsa Dowalerinp Lines DL) CONI RACTING INC Date 11/29/2016 11/30/2016 12/1/2016 12/2/2016 EeulnmeN Total Unit Unit Price Total 2014 Volvo EC220E Excavator 0.0 Hourly S - 2007 CAT 305C Mini Excavator 0.0 Hourly $ - 2001 Hitachi 450 Excavator 0.00 Hourly $ 2013 John Deere 350GLC Excavator 0.0 Hourly $ 1,90/Ib0 Loaders 0.0 Hourly S - 2010 John Deere 744K Loader 0.0 Hourly $ - Roller (Smooth Drum) 0.0 Hourly $ - Compacmr(Sheepsfoot) 0.0 Hourly § Jumping Jack Compactor 0.0 Hourly $ D6 Sized Dozer 0.0 Hourly $ CAT Grader 0.0 Hourly S - Track-Skidsteer(JD 333) 0.0 Hourly $ - Wally Wacker 0.0 Hourly $ - Haul Truck JD300 0.0 Hourly $ Pickup Truck 2.00 2.00 1.25 5.25 Hourly S 19.39 $ 101.80 Dump Trucks 0.00 Hourly $ - 2014 Kenworth with Side Dump (24 Ton) 0.0 Hourly $ Concrete Saw 0.0 Hourly $ Manhole Box 0.0 Hourly $ Survey Equipment 0.0 Hourly S Pumps 0.0 Hourly $ Tocol Equipment. $ 101.80. Materials / Rentals / Supplies; Concrete Blankets 735.43 122.00 $ 857.43 $ 1.00 S 85243 Straw Bales $ - $ 1.00 S Taa(Rentda Matnia(si su $ 857.43 $ Operstors**Employer Burden Rates" 0.00 Hourly $ 43.14 S Truck Driven --Employer Burden Rales'* 2,0 2.0 1.25 5.25 Hourly $ 43.11 S 226.33 laborers**Employer Burden Rates** 5.75 1.00 9.50 11.25 27.50 Hourly $ 38.59 $ 1,061.23 Total Lubory0tber S 1[287,55 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE JoMlect TOtaL OHAP(J5V., Pa ments Made: In -ice Total: IF $ $ 2,248.70. 397.02 2583.80 By signing thisdocument, you personally guarantee your authority to sign on behalfof for work performed and the subsequent changes, from DLM CONTRACTING, Inc. for this work. South University Area Sewer Main Interceptor and Water Main Extension Extra Work -Add'1 Work Boring 12/06/2016 to 12/11/2016 NIpM11mo WtloM1 n1ehN,re Wtl4i NlBhnlme WNOM1 Nlghm-WetaM1 for Se.., Was.., :11ew.go for S.w.g. eroeul Bypese/ eyp.u/ Bypeul Hlghmme WNOhfor NIgMllmewat.hfor DCwMednO D.wtlednB M.M.9m, M.M.nna sew.ae By'. I Isles seywe.I P.m. Pum.s Pomoe ... DL;7 Date 12/612016 12/7/2016 12/82016 12/9/2016 12/10/2016 12/11/2016Follipm, en Total I Unit Unit Price Tom] 2014 Volvo EC220E Excavator 0.0 Hourly $ 2007 CAT 305C Mw Excovstor 0.0 Hourly S 2001 Hitachi 450 Excavator 0.00 Hourly S 2013 Johe Deere 3506LC Excavator 0.0 Hourly $ L90/L60 Loaders 0.0 Hourly S 2010 lot. Deem 744K Loader 0,0 Hourly S _ Roller (Smomh Drum) 0.0 Hourly $ _ Compactor(Shcepsfooq 0.0 Hourly $ _ lumping Jack Compactor 0.0 Hourly S D6 S'vcd Dour 0.0 Hourly $ CAT Grader 0.0 Hourly S Track-Skidslecr(JD 333) 0.0 Hourly $ Welly Wacker D.0 Hourly S Held Truck ID300 0.0 Hourly S Pickup Truck 0.00 Hourly S Dump Trucks 0.00 Hourly Is 2014 Kenworth wi01 Side Dump (24 Ton) 0.0 Hourly S - comsete Sew 0.0 Hourly S _ Manhole Be. 0.0 Hourly S Survey Equipment 0.0 Hourly $ _ Pumps 0.0 Hourly $ TaralLr{alprxmR S - LHxlaritY / Renlab fSennl M Co.". Blankets S S 1.00 S Straw Bales S S 1.00 $ Torlkearah MltHyp21/ S $ 5 Operators -Employer Burden Rates** 0.00 Hourly S 43.14 S Tmck Drivers^Employer Burden Rmesee 0.00 Hourly $ 43.11 S Lehorcrs^Employer Burden Rates" 10.50 19.50 14.00 12.00 8.75 10.00 74.75 Hourly S 38.59 S 2,884.60 Tml LaDnNOth tr: S 2,884,60 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE P"'JerfTotal.• OH&P(159Q: Pp elean3fade: Imolre Total: S S $ 2,SM.90 132.99 3,317.29 By signing this document, you pennna0yguammee yourauthoritytoslgn onbehalfol forworkpWormed and the subsequent changes, from DtM COMBARING, Im.forthe work. South Unlversdy Area Sewer Main hdarceplor 2t Waler Main EaeensiOn Extra Work -Add9 Work Boring 12/2 2016 ro 1V21=6 www Wwa X 0how.. c 11.,: n• WrteM1 MbM1tllm• W.hM1 NbhMmn W.teM1 FinaEawX F-1 a un fw Awy /w 5•wp• (er3maP (M S.nP lar 9.up. 9nvw Rxnrnl bnvyymwal Fw16pM Bnrw.l aypml Byy.l Bypn.l Byywl PII Runlmpwl Ph Rur"owrt Sn R•meval OmbrlaY 0•w.brin0 0wramrbp p•MRrinp D-. qp Bl nbb Om! B4nbn Omd Blml•h Oml D LCM Dvm .- . __� . � 9 I rnnm 12/122016 12!132016 1LIM2016 iL152016 ILt612016 •moM wmp Xrbr ]111] 2016 1271812016 17/192016 H•uM 17/202016 Xuln 12212016 V.W.305CE.,ov., VD 3557Gwi - Tom' UNt Uuh Ma Total 2013 Joh. Dart 350GLC Ezavam 20 2.25 425 Hourly S 15279 L90 Loedm !Jahn Dttm624K Equir) 5.0 1.0 2.0 11.0 Houdy 5 152,19 S 1,680.69 Tmc4S&tccr(Johv 0n333) LO 6.0 20 10.0 Hcc oud Y E 60.635 606.30 Pickup Truck 20 4.0 6.0 H.udy S }7710 S 222.60 Dump T 3.00 4.00 Houdy -7-19 39 S ]]56 2014 KemvaM wiN Sitic Dump (24 Tool 35.00 1550 . 4000 3].75 128.25 Hourly E ],400.03 0.0 Hourly E Metvtik/Remb/5cu0n TimfEOedpran s ovyJ,18 Light Piwl Rental(2 EA)(MdW.Y Rental) 5 781.70 Atr ComPmfior Reelal (H&E) S ]81.70 S t.00 S 28170 Hound Rcojuxj 5 1,319.50 S 1,31950 S 1.00 S 1319.50 Tnuod ox Addalxl Tmoch Boz d RaW N011ctl Rank) S 545.00 545.00 5 545A0 5 1,635.00 S I.00 S 1,635.00 x dWououml Mwfiole Boz Atltlilip0at Ram! (T6E) S 1556.14 S 1556.14 S 1.00 5 1556.14 Scwa Bypass PumpltmW(Xylcm) S 1,200.00 E 1.200.00 5 too S 1.200.00 Addifi...I Traffic Coehol RaW(l.is moetbs) S 8315.90 S 6,53590 5 1.00 b 8.815.90 Pmpeec for Pi uu/CvivMGowd Houou, S 6.2]5.00 -7--3-5940 S 6,225.00 E L00 S 6225.00 PItRw 5 359A0 S 1.00 E 359,40 319.61 96AI 406.02 T.os 7-3 8 0 S 154258 S TRml Roo S 23,43q -c2 MwMvA/ Tvnpvrmy Covctcic SurtxivS labor'•F.mployc BUNrn Ratc^ e Operel.rs•'p>oPlo>xrHuNen Rvd• 6.0 21.0 }0.00 Hourly S 43.14 S 1.29420 T1wklhima'•Em1 p oyerHmda Ram•' 7.00 14.00 10.25 J1.Z4 Hourly S 43.14 $ 1,348.13 La6orm+•Fa,pl.ycr Burda Rna^ 3500 1$.50 40,00 41.73 13225 Hourly S 43.11 5 5,70130 19.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 1050 7A,00 77.00 2150 3.00 131.00 Hourly E 3659 S 5105529 Twm7L0oM71Ao: s 13.298.91 IwdG $ 4G02130 09APQS941: S T.02324 AUTHORED SIGNATURE PR Pen.Mode: lmml�r TnpF E 53,BM.04 Bydanln] tub doammn, you persanalryEuaranttt your vuthvriry to sh0 en heh.X01 IPwoh perlcrmed and th.Fu6 qum4 dwneer, horn OIMMM114rnx0, inc fm e4:work. South University Area Sewer Main Interceptor and Water Main Extension Extra Work -Add'1 Work Boring December Subcontractors DLi1A AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE By signing this document, you personally guarantee your authority to sign on behalf of . for work performed and the subsequent changes, from DLM CONTRACTING, Inc. for this work. Pa meets Made: Invoice Total: $ 15,974.28 SWPPP Inspection Drop Manhole Coring Temporary Concrete Surfacing Temporary Concrete Surfacing Date12/17/2016 12/19/2016 12/20/2016 12/21/2016 Eanioment Total Unit Unit Price Total Subcontractors Total Equipment S _ Allied Engineering Erosion Control SWPPP Inspections 209.10$ 209.10 $ 1.00 $ 209.10 Temporary Concrete Surfacing 14.00 25.00 39.00 CYDS $ 378.00 $ 14,742.00 A -Core Concrete Cutting for Drop Manhole 262.50 $ 262.50 $ 1.00 $ 262.50 Labor/Other Total 5 15,213.60 Subcontractors: $ Total Labor/n&er: s Project Torah 1 $ 15,213.60 0H&P(S%):j $ 760.68 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE By signing this document, you personally guarantee your authority to sign on behalf of . for work performed and the subsequent changes, from DLM CONTRACTING, Inc. for this work. Pa meets Made: Invoice Total: $ 15,974.28 South University Area Sewer Main Interceptor and Water Main Extension Extra Work -Add'I Work Boring Additional Dewatering and Sewage Bypass System DUB 1 By signing this document, you personally guarantee your authority to sign on behalf of for work performed and the subsequent changes, from DLM CONTRACTING, Inc. for this work. Generator and Pumps Running Time VVIV 1 KHl- I lrV IPlG Date Equipment Total Unit Unit Price Total 2014 Volvo EC220E Excavator 0.0 Hourly $ - 2007 CAT 305C Mini Excavator 0.0 Hourly $ - 2001 Hitachi 450 Excavator 0.00 Hourly $ - 2013 John Deere 350GLC Excavator 0.0 Hourly $ - L90/L60 Loaders 0.0 Hourly $ - 2010 John Deere 744K Loader 0.0 Hourly $ - Roller (Smooth Drum) 0.0 Hourly $ - Compactor (Sheepsfoot) 0.0 Hourly $ - Jumping Jack Compactor 0.0 Hourly $ - D6 Sized Dozer 0.0 Hourly $ - CAT Grader 0.0 Hourly $ - Track-Skidsteer (JD 333) 0.0 Hourly $ - Welly Wacker 0.0 Hourly $ - Haul Truck JD300 0.0 Hourly $ - Pickup Truck 0.00 Hourly $ 19.39 $ - Dump Tracks 0.00 Hourly $ - 2014 Kenworth with Side Dump (24 Ton) 0.0 Hourly $ - Concrete Saw 0.0 Hourly $ - ManholeBDX 0.0 Hourly $ - 70 kW Generator 1152.0 1152.0 Hourly $ 28.00 $ 32,256.00 34 Horsepower Self -Priming Pumps (O&M only) 576.0 576.0 Hourly $ 11.00 $ 6,336.00 3 Horsepower Pumps 5760.0 5760.0 Hourly $ 3.50 $ 20,160.00 Total Equipment: S 58,752.00 Materials / Rentals / Supplies $ $ 1.00 $ - $ $ 1.00 $ Total Rentals Materials / Supplies: $ - Labor/Other Operators**Employer Burden Rates** 0.0 Hourly $ 43.14 $ - Truck Drivers**Employer Burden hates** 0.0 Hourly $ 43.11 Laborers**Employer Burden Rates** 0.00 Hourly $ 38.59 $ - Total Labor/01Her: $ - AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Pro'ectTotal. OM&P (15%): pa meptsMade: Invoice Total. $ $ $ 58,752.00 8,812.80 67,564.80 By signing this document, you personally guarantee your authority to sign on behalf of for work performed and the subsequent changes, from DLM CONTRACTING, Inc. for this work. T&M SHEET SUMMARY SHEET INVOICE COST - 1 $ 9,446.28 2 $ 7,478.63 3 $ 2,312.36 4 $ 11,051.77 5 $ 2,732.21 6 $ 2,583.80 7 $ 3,317.29 8 $ 53,844.84 91 $ 15,974.28 101 $ 67,564.80 TOTAL= $ 176,306.26 ADVANCE PRODUCTS & SYSTEMS, INC P.O. Box 60399 Lafayette, Louisiana 70596-0399 toil free: 800-315-6009 phone: (337) 233-6116 fax: (337) 232-3860 email: sales@apsonline.com w ..apsonline.com ISO 9001 Certified Company Date:1/22/17 Reference: Casing spacers SSI8-2-1536-GE-4-V from order 16-10005 Subject: Long than usual delivery To whom it may concern: Advance Products & System's declares that the longer than usual delivery of Casing Spacers SSI8-2- 1536-GE-4-V from order 16-10005 was due the Thanksgiving holiday and exciting orders that were scheduled prior to order 16-10005 being placed. If there are any questions or concerns in regard to this matter please contact me. Best regards, Joseph Wilson Vice President of Operations Office: 337-233-6116 Mobile: 337-349-2849 joew@apsonline.com ActMty Startup/Closeout DescriptionID Activities Act Rem Early Early Late Late OCT16 AUG SEP 'NOV Notice Of Award Submit Contract Documents (Ins &Bonds) a-7lnitial Submittal Packages To Proceed Construction Staking Install Traffic Contra I IDevices Road Closure N Itice AP r MobilizeEquipment Install Necessary Erosion Control Devices - Dewatedng Wells Install and Draw Initial H2O ffla w 2017 Maintain! Install Add'I Erosion Control Devi Maintain / Install Add'I Dewatering Wells Project Cleanup oProject Completion 10 Notice Of Award 0 002AUG16A 02AUG16 15 Submit Contract Documents (Ins & Bonds) 5 0 02AUG16A OBAU016A 02AUG16 OBAUG16 25 Initial Submittal Packages 4 - 0 09AUG16 A 12AUG16 A 109AUG16 12AUG16 20 Notice To Proceed 0 0 19AUG16A 19AUG16Notice 30 Construction Slaking 3 0 19AUG16A 23AUG16A 19AUG16 23AUG16 40 Install Traffic Control Devices 1 0 JOAU016A 19AUG16A 19AUG16 19AUG16 120 Road Closure Notice 1 0 22AUG16A 22AUG16A 22AU016 22AUG16 50 Mobilize Equipment 2 023AUG16A 24AUG16A 23AUG16 24AUG16 60 Install Necessary Erosion Control Devices 1 0 23AUG16A 23AUG16A 23AUG16 23AUG16 65 Maintain / Install Addl Erosion Control Devices 83 0 24AUG16A 23DEC16A 24AUG16 23DEC16 340 Dewatering Wells Install and Draw Initial H2O 5 0 24AUG16 A 30AUG16 A 24AUG16 3DAUG16 460 Maintain / Install Add'! Dewatering Wells 75 0 31AUG16 A 20DEC16 A 31AUG16 20DEC16 70 Project Cleanup 1 0 20DEC16A 23DEC16A 20DEC16 23DEC16 80 Project Completion 0 0 23DEC16A 23DEC16 West Garfield Street Garfi i ,Garne d / Fowler Sewage Bypass Id / Fowler Manhole Tie -In Garfield Sewer Installation Garfield Sewer TV / Flushing Garfield Road Restoration o Garfield Road Opens to Traffic Switch Traffic Control For Bart Farm Rd Bart Farm Road Sewer Installation Bart Farm Road TV / Flushing! /Testing Initial Bart Farm Rd Waterline Install •Initial Bart Fenn Road Restoration I*- Finish art Farm Rd Waterline Fin I Bert Farm Road Restoration Be Farm Traffic Control Opens MSU I FullTraffic Miller Pavillon Service Work M Pavilion 90 Garfield / Fowler Sewage Bypass 2 0 31AU 116 A 01SEP16 A 31AUG16 01SEP16 100 Garfield/Fowler Manhole Tie-in 2 031AUG16A 01SEP16A 31AUG16 01SEP16 105 Garfield Sewer Installation 15 0 02SEP16A 20SEP16A 02SEP16 20SEP16 330 Garfield Sewer TV / Flushing 1 0 OOSEP16 A 23SEP16A 09SEP16 23SEP16 110 Garfield Road Restoration 20 0 BSEP16A 140CT16A 16SEP16 140CT16 320 Garfield Road Opens to Traffic 0 0 140CT16A 140CT16 Bart Farm Road 270 Switch Traffic Control for Bart Farm Rd 0 0 20SEP16 A 20SEP16 280 Bart Farm Road Sewer Installation 9 0 20SEP16 A 09OCT16A 20SEP16 090CT16 470 Bart Farm Road TV / Flushing / Testing 16 0 21SEP16 A 140CT16 A 21SEP16 14OCT16 290 Initial Bart Farm Rd Waterline Install 6 0 030CT16A 060CT16A 030CT116 06OCT18 300 Initial Bart Farm Road Restoration 3 0 070CT16A OOCT16A 07OCT16 10OCT16 350 Finish Bart Farm Rd Waterline 3 0 16NOV16A 18NOV16A 16NOV16 18NOV76 410 Final Bart Farm Road Restoration 3 0 18NOV16A 21NOV16A 18NOV16 21NOV16 310 Bart Farm Traffic Control Opens to Fuil Traffic 0 0 21NOV16 A 21NOV76 530 MSU Miller Pavillon Service Work 14 0 28NOV16 A 16DEC16A 28NOV16 16DEC16 MSU Agricultural Road / W. Lincoln Sl Switch Traffic Control MSU Ag Rd MSU Ag Rd ewer Installation to MH#2 '^Connection M7reRd250 .–.West to Boring Pipe (West) Lincoln lnSewer Installation West Lincoln Road Restoration MSU Agriculture Rd Open to Full Traffic West Lincoln Street Opens to Traffic 200 Switch Traffic Control MSU Ag Rd 0 0 10OCT16 A 100CT16 230 MSU Ag Rd Sewer Installation to MH#2 23 0 1OOCT16 A 12NOV16 A 10OCT16 12NOV16 240 MSU Agriculture Rd Restoration 15 0 210CT16 A 12NOV16 A 21OCT16 12NOV16 MH2 to Cannectlon to Boring Pipa (West) 1 0 06DEC18A 05DEC16A 05DEC16 05DEC16 210 West Lincoln St Sewer Installation 4 0 i!)EC16A 20DEC16A 15DE016 20DEC16 220 West Lincoln Road Restoration 6 0 16DEC16A 23DEC16A 16DEC16 23DEC16 390 MSU Agriculture Rd Open to Full Traffic 0 0 23DEC18 A 23DEC16 400 1 West Lincoln Street Opens to Traffic 1 0 01 123DEC16A 23DEC16 Horizontal Boring Start dela 02AUG16 South University Area Sewer Main Interceptor Project ACTUAL _ _ _ _ ___ ® Early bar nt V Eadysnishp in V Target star paint 0 Target snarl polo! O Target point itttt� Target bar bbar � Progress bar ® Critical bar — Summary bar 4> Start milestone point 0 Finish milestone point Mustffnlshdate 17NOV16 Datadale =)ECIO Run date 17JAN17 pageY -number 1A Com an name DLM contractin , Inc ® Primavera systems, Inc. 260 Employee Asbestos Abatement Training 490 West Lincoln Area Dewatering Wells 480 Discovery of Non -Marked Utility Conflict 600 Exploratory Excavation on ATT Line 510 ATT Conflict Work Change Directive Sent to 360 Bore Pit Excavations 380 West Lincoln Street Sewage Bypass Pumping 370 Asbestos Pipe Exc / Disposal 420 Horizontal Boring Under S. 19th 450 Friable Asbestos Monitoring 520 Fabrication / Shipping of Casing Spacers 430 Install Spacers / End Seals 440 Horizontal Bore Complete 4 0 1 12SEP16A 116SEP16A 12SEP16 15SEP16 4 0 17SEP16A 20DEC16A 17SEP16 20DEC16 0 010OCT16A 10OCT16 2 0120CT16A 13OCT16A 12OCT16 1130CT16 0 0 2SOCT16A 25OCT16 B 0 02NOV16A 12NOV16A 02NOV16 12NOV16 3 0 07NOV16A 20DEC16A 07NOV16 20DEC16 3 0 09NOV16A 11NOV16A 09NOV16 11NOV16 5 0 13NOV16A 18NOV16A 13NOV16 18NOV16 5 013NOV16A 18NOV16A 13NOV16 18NOV16 6 0 21NOV16A 14DEC16A 21NOV16 14DEC16 1 0 14DEC16A 14DEC16A 114DEC16 14DEC16 0 0 14DEC16A I 114DEC16 �P Employee Asbestos Abatement Trai q Discovery South University Area Sewer Main Interceptor Project ACTUAL fility, Conflict on ATT Line ;t Work Change Directive Sent to DLM I ==EEOV Bore Pit Excavations Friable Asbestos Monitoring Lincoln Area Dewatering Wells Street Sewage Bypass FabricaI tion / Shipping of Casing Spacers Install Spacers /End Seals Horizontal Bore Complete ® Early bar A Early start point 0 Eadyflnish point A Target start point V Target finish point Target bar Progress bar ®Criticat bar — Summary bar © Start milestone point 0 Finish milestone ooln '�„��,�„"��"•"'�,•..•.�'" Notice Of Award 10 Notice Of Award 0 0 02AUG16A 02AUG16 15 Submit Contract Documents (Ins & Bonds) 5 0 02AUG.16 A OBAUG16 A 02AUG16 08AUG16 10 Submit Contract Documents (Ins & Bonds) 25 Initial Submittal Packages 4 0 09AUG16A 12AUG16A 09AUG16 12AUG16 15 Initial Submittal Packages 20 Notice To Proceed 0 0 19AUGIOA 19AUG16 26 Nance To Proceed 30 Construction Staking 3 019AUG16A 23AUG16A 19AUG16 23AUG16 20 Construction Smking 40 Install Traffic Control Devices 1 0 19AUG16A 19AUG16A 19AUG16 19AUG16 20 Install Traffic Control Devices 120 Road Closure Notice 1 0 22AUG16A 22AUG16A 22AUG16 22AUG16 40 Road Closure Notice 50 Mobilize Equlpment 2 023AUG16A 24AUG16A 23AUG16 24AU016 120 Mobilize Equlplmenl 60 Install Necessary Erosion Control Devices 1 0 23AUG16 A 23AUG16 A 23AUG16 23AUG16 120, 20 Install Necessary Erosion Control Devices 65 Maintain /Install Add'I Erosion Control Devices 55 17 24AUG16A 01NOV16 24AUG16 09NOY16 0 fid 120, 60 Maintain /Install Add'I Erosion Control Devices 340 Dewatering Wells Install and Draw Initial H2O 5 D 24AUG16A 30AUG16A 24AUG16 30AUG16 60 Dewatering Wells Install and Draw Initial H2O i 460 Maintain / Install Add'I Dewatering Wells 40 18 31AUG16 A 02NOV16 31AUG16 16NOV16 8d 10d 340 Maintain /Install Add'I Dewatering Wells �ProJecl Cleanup 70 Project Cleanup 1 1 15NOV16 15NOV16 17NOV16 17NOV16 0 2d 400, 460, 65 Original Contract Completion Date 35 Original Contract Completion Date 0 0 15NOV16 17NOV16 0 2d 80 I ►® 16NOV16 17NOV16 0 2d 310, 70 I� Project Completion 0 0 80 Protect Completion , West Garfield Street 90 Garfield / Fowler Sewage Bypass 2 0 j, 'AU 6—A 01SEP16A 31­AU G1fi 0l­SE P16 340, 50,65 I�gv Garflid I Fowler Sewage Bypass 100 Garfield/Fowler Manhole Tie-In 2 0 31AUG16A 01SEP16A 31AUG16 01SEP16 90'-►eyGarfield/FowierManholeTle-In I 106 Garfield Sewer Installation 15 0 02SEP18A 20SEP16A 02SEP16 20SEP16 100 �►��^^^ Garfield Sewer Inslallalion I I MMMM330 GartlaidSewerTV/Flushing 1 009SEP96A 23SEP16A 09SEP16 23SEP16 105 GarfieldSewerTV/Flushing 110 Garfield Road Restoration 10 5 15SEP16 A 140CT16 15SEP16 27OCT16 0 9d 330 Garfield Road Restoration 320 Garfield Road Opens to Traffic 0 0 140CT16 17NOV76 22d 24d 110 ®Garfield Road Opens to Traffic I Bart Farm RoadSwitch Traffic Control for Bart Farm Rd 270 Switch Traffic Control for Bart Farm Rd 0 0 20SEP16 A 20SEP16 105 I Bert Fann Road Sewer Installation; 280 Bart Farm Road Sewer Installation 9 020SEP16A 09OCT16A 20SEP16 09OCT16 270 I: Bart Farm Road TV / Flushing / Testing 470 Bart Farm Road TV/Flushing/Testing 3 121SEP16A 10OCT16 21SEP16 02NOV16 8d 17d290 -----, --- I Initial Bart Farm Rd Waterline Install Crew#1 290 Initial Bart Farm Rd Waterline Install Crew#1 6 0 030CT16 A OBOCT16 A 030CT16 060CT16 280 1 350 Finish Bart Farm Rd Waterline Crew #2 3 3 10OCT16 120CT16 27OCT16 310CT16 0 13d 280 Finish Bart,Farm Rd Waterline Crew #2 5 4 170CT16 20OCT16 28OCT16 02NOV16 0 9d 110, 290, 470 9-------Farm Road Restoration 300 Balt Farm Road Restoration - ' 310 Bart Form Traffic Control Opens to Full Traffic 0 0 200CT16 17NOV16 18d 20d 300 ®Bart Farm Traffic Control Opens to Full Traffic MSU Agricultural Road / W. Lincoln SlSwitch Traffic Control MSU Ag R 200 Switch Traffic Control MSU Ag Rd 0 0 100CT16 A 10OCT16 290 230 MSU Ag Rd Sewer Install Craw#1 MH910 MH5 15 11 10OCT16 A 24OCTIO 10OCT116 01NOV16 3d 6d 200 MSU Ag Rd Sewer Install Crew#1 MHO to MH5 MSU Ag Rd Sewer Install Crew#2 MH6 to MH2 500 MSU Ag Rd Sewer install Crew#2 MH5 to MH2 13 13 130CT16 310CT16 01NOV76 17NOV16 11d 13d 350 240 MSU Agriculture Rd Restoration 11 11 210CT16 04NOV16 03NOV16 17NOV16 0 9d 230, 300 MSU Agdculture Rd Restoration i-MH2 to Connection to Boring Pipe (West) 250 MH2 to Connection to Boring Pip. (West) 1 1 310CT16 310CT16 02NOV76 02NOV16 0 2d 230, 440 West Lincoln St Sewer Installation Crew#1 210 West Lincoln St Sewer Installation Crew#1 2 2 01NOV16 02NOV16 03NOV16 04NOV16 0 2d 230, 250, 440 �: - I .-+ ;i- West Lincoln Road Restoration 220 West Lincoln Road Restoration 8 8 03NOV1B 14NOV16 07NOV18 16NOV16 0 2d 210,380 o IIIMSU rrriiiA--gri`o`ulture Rd Open to Full Traffic 390 MSU Agriculture Rd Open to Full Traffic 0 D 04NOV16 17NOV16 7d 9d 240 , r West Lincoln Street to Traffic 400 West Lincoln Street Opens to Traffic 0 0 14NOV16 16NOV18 0 2d 220 I .b ® Early bar A Earlystartpoinl V Eady Mish point A Target start point South University Area Sewer Main V Target finish point Interceptor Project Target bar Progress bar PROJECT SCHEDULE Critical bar AT TIME OF CONFLICT —Summary bar 0 Start milestone point Finish milestone poln 260 Employee Asbestos Abatement Training 41 D 12SEP16A 15SEP16A 112SEP16 15SEP16 1 110 4P0 West Lincoln Area Dewatering Well Install 71 017SEP16A 22SEP16A 17SEP16 22SEP16 480 360 Bore Pit Excavations 3 3 100CT16 120CT16 12OCT16 140CT16 0 2d 480,490 370 Asbestos Pipe Exc / Disposal 3 3 100CT16 12OCT16 120CT16 140CT16 0 2d 260,360 480 West Lincoln St Area Road Closures Begin 0 0 10OCT16 12OCT16 0 2d 260 450 FriableAsbestos Monitoring 7 7 130CT16 21OCT16 17OCT16 26OCT16 0 2d 370 380 West Lincoln Street Sewage Bypass Pumping 14 14 140CT16 02NOV16 1BOCT16 104NOV16 01 2d 210,360 420 Horizontal Boring Under S. 19th 5 5 17OCT16 121OCT16 1190CT16 1250CT161 01 2d360,450 430 Ship & Install Spacers / End Seals 5 5 24OCT16 28OCT16 260CT16 01NOV16 0 2d 420 440 Horizontal Bore Complete 01 01 128OCT16 I JOINOV16 1 01 2d 1430 South University Area Sewer Main Interceptor Project PROJECT SCHEDULE AT TIME OF CONFLICT y Employee Asbestos Abatement Training1 West Unc ► oln Area Dewatering Well Install I. I - Bore Pit Excavations Asbestos Pipe Exc /Disposal ------s------ -- —" - T I i I I ;j West Lincoln Sl Area Road Closures Begin r��EfFriable Asbestos Monitoring I -+ - West Lincoln Street Sewage Bypass Pumping –+s�-Hddzontal Boring Under S. 19th ANNE Ship & Install Spacers / End Seals ►T Horizontal Bore Complete F--1 Early bar 0 Early start point V Early finish point A Target start point V Target finish point Target bar li Progress bar I® Crilical bar Summary bar O Start milestone point 0 Finish milestone poir