HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-05-02 1:~7 Bozeman, Montana May 2, 1956 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, City Hall Building, Wednesday, May 2, 1956 at 1:00 o'clock P. M. Present were Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Lowe, City Manager Henderson, Administrative Assistant Walter Sales, City Attorney Lovelace, and the Clerk, when the fbllowing proceedings were had: I Minutes of the last regular session were read, and it was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Lowel that these minutes be approved as read, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson. Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. Pay for Use of Personal Cars on City Business TIle matter of reimbursing city employees for use of personal cars in traveling outside the city rate of seven (7~) cents per mile. on city business was considered. It was agreed that reimbursement for such car use should be at the Bids on Fluorine Bids submitted at the meeting of April 25th, 1956 for a carload of sodium silicofluoride were deferred another week pending receipt of reply to inquiries made to the State Board of Health regard- ing fluoridation. Chims for Month Claims Nos. 5069 to 5277 inclusive were presented on the various funds as followSl Fund .1 General Street Water SOS Revenue Library Park Cemetery Band Ga rbage Park ing Meter Police Reserve P. L. & P. Total Amount $13,782.62 5,064.99 6,245.42 2,783.94 1,661.36 1.130.33 1,541.46 26.50 2,320.14 10,946.30 86.15 9.00 $45,698.21 The Manager stated he has audited these claims and finds them to be true and lawful claims against the City of Bozeman and recommends that warrants be issued for their payment. After examina- tion of the claims in detail by the Commission and checking against the Claim Register, it was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Erwin, that the claims be approved and warrants issued for their payment, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. Rerorts The following reports for the month of April, 1956 were presented: I Sanitary Inspector Water Collector Plumbing & Gas Inspector Police Judge Sewage Plant Operator Electrioal Inspector Building Inspector Librarian It was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Erwin, that the reports be accepted and ordered filed. and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: thooe voting Aye being Mayor Swanson. Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. Hearing - Abandoninl; of Parking Maintenance District No. 17 This is the time and place set for the hearing of protests to the abandoning of Parking Maintenance District No. 17, (Grand Avenue, from Ba.bcock Street to College Street). The affidavit of publication of Notice was presented. There was no one present to protest and no protests have been filed. It was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Erwin, that the City Attorney be instructed to 1 :~J8 prepare a resolution to abandon the districtl and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, ncne. Agreement to Move Bozeman Creek North of Lamme Street In connection with street improvements on North Rouse Avenue to be made by the Montana Highway Department, they have presented a proposed agreement authoriziing moving Bozeman Creek to the west along Rouse Avenue from Lamme Street north to the bridge on North Rouse, to provide necessary width i.n the street to make the proposed improvements. The agreement has been signed by owners of all properties which would be affected by the proposed moving of Bozeman Creek. It was moved by Commies ioner Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Lowe, that the Mayor and the Clerk of the Commission be authorized to sign the agreement for the City of Bozeman and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being- Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. Clean-Up Week for 1956 It was announced that "Clean-Up Week for 1956" will be the week of May 14th. The Junior Chamber of Commerce has offered their service in publicising this activity. They will conduct a special campaign to inspect and secure correction of unsatisfactory conditions as to garbage cans and similar facilities throughout the City. Storage of Gasoline Administrative Ass istant Sales reported on infornE. tion he has received from other cities regarding the capacity of underground tanks for the storage of gasoline. Ref-ort on Meeting in Helena Ci ty Manager Henderson reported on the meeting of the Statewide Maintenance Advisory Committee which he attended in Helena on April 28, 1956. Improveffien t of North Rouse Avenue Information received from the State Highway Department is to the effect that a road mix surface will be put on North Rouse Avenue this summer and, at the time a hot-mix is put on the road east of Bozeman, a hot-mix mat will be put on this street. Adjournment There being no fUrther business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Lowe, that the meeting adjourn and the motion wes carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. ~~ -" ~/-C::~l May 0 r Attest: gif!~ lerk 0 the City Commission I I I