HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-05-31 Bozeman, MoctanB May 3l, 1956 'I'he Corr"ilission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, City Hall Building. Thursday, Me..y 31, 1956 at 1:00 o'clock F. M. Present were Mayor Swanson, ComrnissioDer ErwiL. Comrr,issiol1er Lowe, City Manager Henderson, Administrative Assistant 'Nalter Sales, City AttorneJ' Lovelace, an d the CJe rk, when the following l-,roceedings were had: I Minutes of tl;€' 18st regull'l r session were read, and it was moved by Com~nissioner Erwin, secoule-:; t,y Commissioner Lowe, that these minutes be approved RS read, and tr,e motion was carried by the follow- ing Aye and No vote: those voting; Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Lowe; tho:;e voting No, none. Bids for Sewer Rodding Machine This W8.S the time end place set for orening bids on a sewer rodding machine. Affidavit of publ i cation of li:otice to Bidders was f'resented. It was moved bJ' Cor.lInissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Erwin, that the bids be orened and read and the motion was carried ~y 'the followin.G Aye nnd No voLe: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson. Commiss:ioner Erwin, Cor:misr.ioner Lowe; th:,se votir<..: No, Eone. The bid of the Waterworks Supply Company, Spokane, 'Nasr:.ine;ton, beir,!; tr.e on::'y '!::: id fi led, was ore~c J ood rend, and was as follows: 1 SR-l SewRodeR with transmission and with TDP 577 self starter, trailer model 1':3 r'2r' 3:; w , t) v. U 1 SG-l rod guide 1 SG-2 rod guide extension - 1 RS-l rod stand 1 3B-l rod guide bell 1 SB-l guic.e brace 119.30 59.25 29.15 16.85 40.10 I It was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seeonded by Commissioner Lowe, that the bid of the Waterworks SUEfl;,;, Corr'r",ny be Accepted and the motion was carried by tr,e followinG Aye and 110 vote: those voUr'G Aye beint: Mayor Swanson, Com_.'niss50ner Erwin, Commissioner Lowe; tr.ose voting ~:o, none. Pe rking Prohibited on Eas t Side of No rth Fifth from IVlain to Larrune Street Prohibition of parking on the east side of North Fifth Avenue was considered. It was move(J. by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commiss:ioner Er'Nin, that Lhe City Manager be directed to issue an. or,:1ey to prohibit parking on the east side of North Fifth Avenue from Main stree': to Lamme Street and +1.,!) ~ ._".....:.., l, tbis order be included in Schedule VII, of Ordinance No. 768, end the motion was carried by the follow- ing A:J,e and 't\O\iote: those votinG Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. Rel-:o rts The f'Jllowing reports for the month of May, 1956 were presented: Folice Judge Water Collector It was moved by Commiss ioner Lowe, seconded by Commiss ioner EnTin, thet the reports be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and 1\0 vote: those voting; Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. I The City Manager reported on the meeting of the Band Committee, which is to mRke recommendati::ms on matters perta ining to the Bozeman Municipal Band. He 8.1 so rerorted on a mee Ling of the LeGislative Commi ttee of the Montana Municipal League which he attended in Helena on May 28, 19E6. Canvass of Returns of Special Election -- Water Revenue Bonds 'The Clerk of the City Commission presented affidavit of publications 8f' !\otice of Election and hjs certi:'icate of posting of notices of the srecial election which was held on May 29, 1956 pursuant Lo Commission Resolution No. 806 which called this election for the purpose of votinG or: whether :;r not to issue $1, 500,000.00 Revenue Ronds of this City. He a1 so presented the seAled returns of tLe 150 JudGes in each of the votine; precincts of the City which were then and there opened and canvassed by the City Commission. FoIl books showing the number end names of voters who voted in each Frecinct and the tally books showing the votes for Hnd against the bond issue were checked and found to be correct and to show th~ vote by precincts as follows: No. Voters Voted for V"ted Against Ballo ts Precinct on Poll List Issuing Bonds Issuing Bonds Defective I 1 81 31 50 none 2 70 26 44 none 3 72 28 44 none 4 62 41 21 none to 53 4S 8 none " 6 49 30 19 none 7 96 53 43 none 8 161 115 46 none 9 62 20 42 none 10 91 65 26 none 11 76 43 33 none 12 94 73 20 1 T 0 t a 1 s 967 570 396 1 Resolution No. 810, entitled, A RgSOLUTION OF' THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ['0 ZEMAN , MONTANA CANV ASS- ING RETURKS AND DECLARING RESUI.TS OF REVENUE BOND ELECTION wes thereur:on presented and it was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Lowe, that the resolution be passed and adopted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson. Commissioner Erwin, Corr.missioner Lowe; those voting No, none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly p3Ssed by a majori ty of the whole number of members of the Commission, and the Mayor and Clerk of the Commission being present affixed their signatures thereto, and the Clerk of the Commission was directed to have the resolution recorded in full in the Book of I Resolutions kept as a permanent and official record by the City of Bozeman. Flans for Improvements on North Rouse Avenue Arr:roved Final plans for improvement of North Rouse Avenue by the Montana Highway Department were presented. The City Engineer, having examined the plans, recommended their a.pprove.l and it was moved by Com:nissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Erwin, that the plans be arrroved and that the Montana Highway Defartment be informed of this approval and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye bejng Mayor SWansonl Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. Discussion of Electrical Ordinance Otto Tschache and Arthur Stuert, Electrical Contractors, were present to discuss the Electrical Code. They stated that Bozeman electrical contrectors hope that insrection work under this ordinance can be developed to where a qualified, full-time inspector can be employed and assured the Cornmission of their desire to cooperete and assist iT; every way to see that provisions of the ordinance are carried out. Need for cooperation to make the ordinance workable was discussed and these men were informed that it is not the intention of the City to employe. full time electrical inspector until the volume of electricel inspection becomes large enough to warrant such action and until the anticipated income The City Attorney as instructed has rrepared a resolution of intention to create Special I from inspection fees makes such employment feasible. Resolution No. 809 -- Inter;tloIl to Create S. 1. D. No. 384 Improvement District No. 384, paving of South Grand Avenue from Garfield to Lincoln Street, and Resolution No. 809 was presented, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION TO CREATE A SPEC IAL IMPROVEMEN T DISTRICT TO BE KNO'h'N AS SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 384 OF THE CITY OF' BOZEMAN FOR THE PURFOSE OF CONSTRUCTING AND INSTALL ING A PAVEMEN T PROJECT ON SOUTH GRAND AVENUE FROM GARFIELD STRE~T TO LINCOLN STREET, SAIL PAVEMENT PROJECT TO INCLUDE THE Cm-:STRUCTION AND n~STALLATION OF A STORM SEWER LINE FROM GARFIELD STREET TO GRANT STREET, -COMB m A TION CONe RETE CURBS AN D GDTTERS, GRAVEL BASE COURSE, CRUSHED GRAVEL CUSHION COURSE, AJ:JD B ITUMIl:'US SURFACE COURSE. It was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Comrdssioner Lowe, that the resolution be passed and adopted and June 20th, 1956 be set as the date for the hearinG; of protests, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those votint, Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. Miscellaneous Walks & Curbs 1956 - Order to Repair or Construct New Walk I The City Engineer, under the provisions of Section 11-2226 H. C. M. 1947, relating to the construc- tion of Walks & Curbs wi thout the formation of a Sredel Improvement District, the provisions and authority of Section 11-967, R. C. M. 1947, and the provisions of Ordinance No. 561 of the City of Bozeman, submitted his rerort for 1956 of inspection of walks and curbs in the City and his recomrnenda- tions in detail with reference to needed repairs and new installation, and the City Manager having stpted that he has checked the retort and made personal inspection as to the repairs and installations thereby recommended, and recommends the adoption of the report as made. It was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Erwin, that the report of the City Engineer as to the repair and installation of Miscellaneous Walks and Curbs 1956 be and the same is hereby accepted, approved, and ordered filed. Said adQpted report of the Ci ty Engineer is hereby referred to and mede a pArt of this minute entry by such adoJ?tion And reference for the purpose or designating and identifying the streets and avenues on which such new installations or repairs are to be made end such new installations or reJ?airs are hereby ordered to be mede under and pursuant to the provisions of Sections 11-967, and 11-2226 R. C. M. 1947 And Ordinance No. 561 of the City of B07eman and the City Manager is hereby instructed to give, or cause to be given, to each owner or aLent of such owner or ei ther, of the property along which such new installation or repair is to be made, I written or printed notice of such order, as required by the provisions of said Section 11-2226 R. c. ~. 1947, and of Ordinance No. 561 of the Ci ty of Bozeman and such new installations or repairs are hereby ordered to be made within thirty days from the date of such notice, and the motion was carried by -:ho f'ollowi.ng Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commis sioner Erwir, Co:nmiss j oner LnwC'; those voting No, none. Training Frogram for Firemen Fire Chief McCrosson and Assistant Fire Chief Fenttila hAve r8cormnended 8 training progran: for members of the Fire Department which, under some circumstances, would remove all fersonro.el and most Qf mobile fire eouirment from the first station but would hAve the firemen carryinc on treinir'b wi th the e~ujpment in close proximity to the fire station where they would be in radio cont.act at all times And iy; readiness to immedietely answer any fire call. It we.s moved by Conunissioner Low!'!, seconded ty Commissioner Erwin, tb3t this training Frogra:n be approved and city fire fighting equipmer..t be used for this training; proGram, And the motion was ("0r1'5",-1 by the followinG Aye and No vote: those voHng Aye being; Mayor Swanson, CQmn,isdoner Erwir:., CommIssioner Lowe; those voting No, none. Adjournment I There being; no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded bJ' Commissioner Erwin, that the meet:iEE adjourn end the motion W8S c8rried by the follow5rG Aye and No vote: those votiq; Aye being: IJ:E!yor Swan SCll: , C01'n~rdssioner Srwh;, Commissioner Lowe, t-ho1'!e votinE No, none. c/~-J;2~ "v.n;y :) r Att~ ~_ /7 ~; 151