HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-06-06 1:->2 Bozeman, Montana June 6, 1956 The Conunission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, City H911 BuildinG' Wednesday, June 6, 1956 at 1:00 o'clock F. liT. Fresent were Mayor Swar.son, Com.."!lisdoner "Sn'fin, Cor"missioner Lowe, City Manager Henderson, City Attorney Lovelace, Dnd the Clerk, wheE the followinG rroceedings were had: Minutes of the lssL regular session were read, and it was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Corrmissioner Lowe, that these minutes be arproved as reR.d, Rnd the motion was carried by the follow- inG Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. Claims for the Month Clnims No. 5312 to 5588 inclusive were presented on the various funds as follows: Band Cemetery Cemetery Perm. Care Cemetery SusFense Garbnge General Librp ry Park F8rk inE Meter Police Reserve S.D.S. Revenue S. LD. '#383 Street Water $ 16.00 3,108.C2 50 .00 31'3.00 3,2fj4.13 13,735.75 1,849.10 2,200.22 1,022.28 86.15 3,310.22 6,331.63 4.,733.95 S,796.01 ToLal ~49,852.06 The rlan8ger stated that he r,BS Au(~ited these cleLns eli(; finds them to be true and lawful cla1ms 8gelnst The City of Bozeman and recommends that warrants be ::issued for their payment. Af'ter exam::ina- t::o:n of the cla::ims in detail and checking against the Claim Register by the City Cornm::isf,-ior., it was rfl:1ved bJ COllJlnissioner Erwin, seconded by Comm::iss:ioEcr' Lowe, thet the claims be Approved and warrants be -issued for their rayment, and the motion was carried by the following Aye end No vote: ttose vo+:inc Aye beh;g MAYOI' Swanson, Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. li'eports The f'ollowiLg reports for the month of May, 1958 were fresented: Police Chief Fire Chief l.ibrBrian Cemetery Boa rd San i t~, r~r Inspecto r BuildinG Inspector Plu~bing & Gas Inspector Electrical Insrector It was moved bj Corrmdssioner Lowe, seco!:ided by Cormdssioner Erwir:, that the rer,orts be pccerted In],' orc;ered filed end the motion wes cnrried by I-;],e following Aye and No vote: tLose votiL(; Aye ~)ejLt: KpJor Sw-mi.sor:, COLl:J!lissioner Er.,.rjn, Commissioner Lrlwe; t,hose "\'otinE 1\0, none. li'equest to Bury Gas Tank for Frivate Use J~meE' D. I.t,:Eler, 718 ~:Jrth Gle ck Avenue, hes made verbal reC:'Je<;t to :Jl1rj' a 5CO-[;s11oE ta ~:': hi L::f"':r'{~:' Lit. st.oraGe of ce~;')l::ine for his rrivl'te use. Aft.er c::ms:lceratLm of t.Le m8tL8~, t.he lBr18c.:;er lVC"~ 8"thorized tc issue a rermiL for the request.e(] insts.l1pti:m scll'ject tel 8Ip1:l_cotion be:ing submitted in w~:itinG to show ~_Le followinG: " Frorosed location of the trink to ~r,ow d::iS:'f,llc.e fr8JL edjecen+ rrcp,.rLy Ihes anc !'ro;r; all cxistil:[ t~~~ldincs. '- v SuI'f'icier:t-J.ctaU ,of the rro.F:Jsed tank instp1Jpti~:,Y' tel i:1s,,,,re thDt it will c0mr1y wi+J] 811 Grd:i::;pnccs of trois ci17J. " A staterrer.t to show t.hat the lnotor fneT to be storcd l.r). this t.ank '.vill be used m:ly for" Lj s L"~ivn ~e 0se. "JayCees" l-roFose fish Fond jn Lindley Park T1-,e "JayCees" [rol:ose to stock tr.e [OEO ir. tindle~! F'3rk ......i t.h fish to mAke it (3 "Kids' Fishing Foul" whcre:'J:l~.. l:hjlc:reIl less t.r,9r: t~,jrtecn years (if see will te Iermitted to fjsb. TIle C:t~l Attorr.ey WAS i:nst:'uct:e(; +:0 eheck AS to lifbi~_.i+,y, :~f aY,;y, wl'dch :T1!?Y , .- ::..... incurred by the c ~. ty in rermjttirc suer, I I I 9D ~u~tivity before 81Irovr,j is Ljyen for this projecJc. Restrictions on Water for 1856 Season The Menager reported that water pressures throuGhout, the oiL::,' ere decrea;;:iLC O'.1e to hCAV,j' 1,:ce fer irriL8ting, ruqoS{~S, and recommended th8t restrictions, as h",ve lieGE arr::jed in former y",rrs, be f,-,:t ~fjto effect. It was moved by Cormnissioner Lowe, seconded by COlTlIT.issioner E.rv,ir" thAt the City Manager be I authorized to restrict w8ter usaGe for irrilatint; .Furroses for the 195G season, when it is deemed necessary, and the motion was carried b~l the following Aye and 1~1) vote: those votinc Aye beinG J,:,9_yor Swanson, Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Lowe; those votinG I~o, none.. Joint Meeting with FleD Board Reqljest hfls been received from the Municipal Fhm ~oal'd to tave a joint meetin;o:; wit]1 the Ci t:,i Commission. It was decided to hole this joint meetin;:; at 7:30 F. M. on Wednesdl':Y, June 13, 1[;G2 ';8 an l'ldjournec. sessiop. of the re[;ulsr meetinG of the City CO'llT.isdon t'J be h81d on thwt; dfit.C. Adjournment TI-,ere beir\=: no further budness to come before the COf:"lnission et this time, it W8.S moved b:JT Cornmissioner Lowe, seconded by Comrdssioner Erwin, that the n:eetir,c adjourn and the motion was carried by the followinG Aye and 1:0 vote: those votinG Aye beinG Mayor Swa:r:son, Commissioner Erwir1, Commissioner Lowe; those voting; No, none. H~~ ~, ~;,ayor I Attest: ~~~ I " i 1 :-):3