HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-11-16 77 Bozemen. :'/ortene !: ovembo<:>r 1 C, 19E5 The ConL'nission of the City of Bozeman met :in recular session in the Commission ib0ffi, City Eall Buildinz, Wednesday af4-;ernoon. Kovember 16. 1955 At 1:00 o'clock t. M. l-reRent were l'1ayor Lowe. Co"imi 5si,),.,I';1' Erwin, Conlln.issioner SWAnson, (;i ty Manf'ler' Eer;dcrson, City Attorney l,c:velece anc tile Clerk. when the folJ.owing; I:"occedinGs were hed: 1 :~~in,1J ter: cf t.he IE st regular session were read, er:d it Wf'J:' lfJoved by C>YNnissi(mer' Swpy:so.r:. ser'-cnde':1 by Comrd.ssioner 8rvdn. that these minutes be er}rovecJ as read, and ihe motion 11.'8.8 e<Jrded Y';!' +he f'ollowinz AJT8 Hnd l~o vote: those voting A'J'c beb..:; MAyor Lowe, COH:!nisd oner r~rwir, COTJ'issi oner ~;wAnscT; those votinL to, none. Repo rts The fol1owiq:; reJorts for the month of October. 1955 were rresented: C8 sb ier T).irector of } ir'arr~e J t W8~. moved by Commissione r Erwin. secon.ded by Corll1nissioner SWlmson, thRt the rerorts be Rccer+ed and ordered filed, end the rl'otion wes cArried by the foUowint; Aye and ho vote: th () s e v ot ir~,s t"l.~...e t 8~.,j',: ~ L:9.~' or Lowe, COi:tmissior;er Erwin. Commissioner Swansonj those votirc No, none. Encroachment Permit -- $. I. D. 383 The PH1 icati.on of E. iN. Nixon, contractor for construction o~ Sleclrd I~)l roven;ent I..j s t ri ': -t :. . ? '-', for an er,croAd:meYit If'rrnit to mRke en 5nsteJlation i)i 8 c- j net. 'Nf:l tel' l"Ui j Y. on L ':rt1. Sr:'ven +J: I.venu':' (;'.; Eef;cerLa 11 Street WRr: I resented. It was moved ty Co~~issioner Swpnsor. seco:n,:~~_~d 't~/ CO,TF~i8S iOT~pr Srvrlr:~1 tbat-::he arrlic<\tion be fllrroved, f1nc1 the Meyor end t1e Clerk of the Corr::'issj"r: be euthorized t'J siC: the !'erm:it fnr the C:ity 01' Bozeman, end the nntion Wf!S cerded by the fol1owiflt: 1I:;.,'e Bnd i\'O vote~ t !'" ()~~. e I ','otiq; Aye being ;\;c;yor Lowe, CO'Tlllissioner 8rwin. Commissioner SW!iYlson; th or e v 0 ti ng L (} , none. Resolution AutborizinG Filing Application for Plarming runds - No. 802 Resol ution ~ij-802 flU thori z h:g, filing; of an 8frlicetirm wiUI -the FedenT r;'Jverl:'.Incmt for I\n., d s h) re 1,sed for Irelhr',nsry rllmnint; of the eJ(t~;nsirm of the water syste;n was rreserdec 8n(~ reed, enti"lec1: P. RSSOLti T:;ON OF 11-;"; CITY cm:.ISS rot: OF 'rES CITY Jr PO !.T~I...~l,,-~~, L::,OL I; fi}: t 1 t,T1'TI.: J ':.,~ I L J~.~ G TIn~ r}.L :.1. Cl (\ l' (',-r: hHITCATTOr ''nTH TET.~ n:ITED S'I'AT".:S or N~c~~ICA. FOR M' A';"JN:CE TO r~~C?IEF r':)P T!-IE :FIN" ~..~ i-' i)} :tlJ?LIC riom;;; T'~mSH TE~; TSRY3 OF JrELIe LA'N ffO, S2':~L CG1\(':::~SS ',:1' T:ES l"t':,:,~;frsn S1IAT;:~SJ ,}l-1t:; AJl'TEY DEL. It was moved b:-/ Cor::missi oner F~rwin. sec')nc"ed bJ' Commissioner Swnrsc'r, tr:'~ t U; e !.e ~ J 1 ~) 'f-: 5, or' 1::, e res sed end fl cOFted, end the moti on waS cArried by the followinG Aye and ~() vote: tLc:f'E' l:otin[; A:;'e b'Oh;..:; 1,:9.;" (\ r Lowe, Commissioner Erwin. Commissioner Swanson; those votinc ~o. none. Discontinuance of Solo-Cycle Officer The l!.enAcer reported that the services of the solo-cycle lolice ofiicer would 'ce c1iscor.tiTi\lec. for the winter months. Ordinance No. 784 -- Buil ding Code f,r, orc:inF\Tlce adopting: the 1955 Edition of the Uniform BuildinG Code of the Fedfic Coast Euildit[. Officials Conference as the Building Ordinance of The City of Bozeman was presented. entitled: AN ORDINANCE REGT~LATThG THE "SRECTION. CONSTRUC'rION, fr.Nl.J\RGEMEN T, AL TSRATION, REPAIR, MOVmG, RBt.10V.At , 1 CONVERSION, DEMOL I TION. OCCUFA.~ Cy . 1<.QUIFMENT. USE, HEIGHT, ARE;A. AND MAINTENANCE OF' BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. MONTANA; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF' PERMITS AND COLLECTION OF FEES THEREFOR; DECLARING AND ESTABLISHING FIRE DISTRICTS; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLA'l'ION THEREOF, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINMlCES IN CONFLICT THEREWlm. It was mover: by Commi ss5 oner Erwin, seconded ty Meyor Lowe. that the Clrdir,nT:C'e be r'3ssed end E'doltec' end the motion wes carried by the followint; Aye end No vo...e: tr.ose votins Aye beiLC; ~{8yr)r Lowe, Commissioner F~rwjn, Commissioner Swansonj those voting No, none. Ordimmce No. 785 -- Moving Ordinance An ordinance regulating the moving of buildings within the city was }resented. en ti tled: ORLll'i ANCE No. 785. 78 Ali, ORIINANCE REGULATING TEE MOVING OI' PUILLINGS OVSR, ALONG OR AC~OSS FIGENAYS. STR.8STS AIm ALLEYS IN TEE CITY: F ROIJIDING FOR FROTEcnO!- TO TEE CITY FROM DAMAGES ARTSIMi OUT OJ. StiCE OFER- ATION: AUTLORIZING THE CITY BUILDING INSFECTOR TO ISSUT<; FERMITS: FROVIDI1\G FOR ~~NIORCEMF:NT; ANf PRESCRIBING F8NALTBS FOR T'E'S VlOLP,TJmi Of ITS FHOVISIOJlTS. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson. seconded by Commissioner Erwin. that the Ordinance be passed Bnt' adopted. and the motion was carried by the followinE Aye and 10 vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe. Commissioner Erwin. CornmissioLer Swanson; those voting Ji:o, none. Ordir:ance No. 786 -- Sign Ordinance 1 An Ordinance No. 786 regulating the erection of signs. marquees, etc.. within the city was presented. entitled: f<l~ ORr I!iA1l~CE JiF:GrL A T IN G S 1G1\8, n ILLHOARLS. MAfQ. UEES. CANOFIES. A~~INGS, AND STREET CLOCKS: AUTEO rnZIl\iG TEe: CITY PUJL[,nW n':SFRCTOR TO ISSUE FERMi TS TI1F:REFOR: FROVJDIl;G fOR ENI<ORCEMENT: AFT) rR~SCHIBJ1\(; FE1-1ALTJH:S F03' TIT8 VIOLATI0l'1 OF ITS FROVlSIONS. It was moved by Commissioner Erwin. seconded by Commissioner Swanson. that the ordinance be passed and adopted. en d the motion was carried by the followinr; Aye and No vote: those voting; Aye beint:: Mayor Lowe. Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Swanson; those voting: No, none. Report - Plan Board - Highway Engineers Meeting Walter Sales reported to the Commission on the meetinc of the Flen Board with HiGhway officiels in Helena held on :November 10, 1955. Ice Condition in Bozeman Creek The Manager reported on ice condi Hons in Bozeman Creek throui::h the center of the city which have cBused water to back up. flow over the top of the ice. and caused flooding in some basements. City street crews are cutting ice out of this stream. as rapidly es possible. as a rublic service. It is considered the t the freezinG and gorginG of the creek and the resultant Hooding of basements is a matter beyond the control of the city end not a city responsibility. I Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time. it was moved by Commissioner Erwin. seconded by Commissioner Swanson. tllst the meeting adjourn and the motion was carried by the following; Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being; Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Swanson; those voting No, none. Attest: ~/~i~n 1