HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-10-17 Public Comment - Gallatin County Commission - SID 740, North Ferguson and West Oak Street Improvements (Megabuild) Gallatin County Attorney �o�GAL u Judge Guenther Memorial Center Marty Lambert, County Attorney w °� 1709 West College,Bozeman,MT 59715 Phone:(4o6)582-3745 Fax:(4o6)582-3758 rE oP Ho�,. • ��• Inc April 10, 2017 Bozeman City Commission c/o Bozeman City Cleric Bozeman City Hall 121 North Rouse Avenue, Suite 202 Bozeman, Montana 59771 Re: Public Comment- Special Improvement District No. 740 (North Ferguson Avenue and West Oak Street) Dear City Commissioners, This letter of public comment is submitted on behalf of the Gallatin County Commission and in support of its April 3, 2017 written protest against the Creation of Special Improvement District (SID) No. 740. 1 The County Commission respectfully requests the City Commission to acknowledge the limits of Title 7, Chapter 12, Parts 41 and 42, Montana Code Annotated (MCA), which establish the City's authority to create an SID and are "a condition precedent to its right to act."2 It is the County's position that SID 740 surpasses this statutory authority and is contrary to law. SID 740 also has been proposed without the due diligence required to place such an expensive burden on the residents of Gallatin County. The County Commission therefore requests that you deny the creation of SID 740. Creation of SID 740 Gallatin County has the right to protest the creation of SID 740 pursuant to § 7-12-4110, MCA.3 A landowner cannot waive the right to protest an SID that is void ab initio (from the beginning). For this reason, in Smith v. City of Bozeman, the Supreme Court struck down the City's argument that the plaintiff had waived his right to protest an erroneous method of assessment.4 The Court recognized that "a property owner cannot ordinarily waive or become estopped to urge the invalidity of an assessment which is void by reason of an inherent defect, either of jurisdiction or of procedure."5 Bozeman City Commission Resolution No. 4771 ("the Resolution of Intent") demonstrates that SID 740 is void ab initio, as its method and manner of assessment are not provided for by law. Just as "[a]ll statutory requirements as to the form and contents of an assessment must be 1 This letter is intended to set forth a basic overview of the County's opposition to SID 740. It is not meant to provide a comprehensive explanation of all arguments against SID 740. 2 Smith v. Cio,of Bozeman, 144 Mont. 528,540,398 P.2d 462,468(1965)(citing Johnston v. City of Hardin, 55 Mont. 574, 179 P. 824(1919)). 3 § 7-12-4110,MCA provides that"any owner of property liable to be assessed for the work may make written protest against the proposed work or against the extent or creation of the district to be assessed,or both." 4 Smith, 144 Mont. at 541-542,398 P.2d at 469. s Id. at 541,398 P.2d at 469(citing 9 A.L.R.634). Gallatin County Attorney's Office 9 1709 W. College 9 Bozeman, Montana 59715 April 10,2017 Bozeman City Commission Page 2 substantially complied with, as they are regarded as mandatory and jurisdictional . . . the apportionment of the cost of a special improvement is essential to the validity of the assessment."6 If an assessment is not made in conformity with the applicable law, it is void." Further, the County has no alternative but to protest the SID at this time. The County will not be provided the opportunity to protest any proposed levy of the assessments, as is contemplated by § 7-12-4177, MCA. The County has retained this right regardless of the acts of any prior property owner. The Waiver of Right to Protest entered previously with regard to the property now the Regional Park concerned only the creation, size, or area of a future special improvement district.$ Nothing in the Waiver discussed the method or manner of any assessment. Gallatin County has submitted a valid protest. The only property located within the SID is the Regional Park, owned wholly by the County. The City Commission should accept this protest and find that it is made by the owners of more than 50% of the area to be assessed. The City may not then take any further proceedings regarding SID 740 for at least 6 months pursuant to § 7-12-4110, MCA.9 SID 740 Assessment SID 740 unlawfully assesses the Gallatin County Regional Park. SID 740 proposes to use the frontage method of assessment authorized by § 7-12-4163, MCA. That statute allows the City to assess the cost of improvements against benefitted lots in proportion to the lineal feet abutting or bordering the streets to be improved. This authority, however, is restricted by § 7-12-4171, MCA, which is titled "Treatment of corner lots for purposes of assessment." That section provides: [W]hen assessments for improvements on both sides of a corner lot are determined in proportion to the lineal footage, the frontage of a corner lot in a platted block is the average of the two abutting sides. This corner restriction applies to the Regional Park, a corner lot on Oak Street and Ferguson Avenue. Per § 7-12-4171, MCA, the frontage of the Regional Park must be calculated by averaging the two abutting sides. SID 740 ignores this requirement, assessing the County fully for the entire frontage along both Oak Street and Ferguson Avenue. The Resolution of Intent provides that the total lineal feet to be assessed is "2,255.42 feet fronting Ferguson Avenue and 2,529.59 feet fronting Oak Street,"or a total of 4,785.01.10 It i b Morse v. Kroger,87 Mont.54,285 P. 185, 189(1930)(citing 44 C.J.672 and 5 McQuillin on Municipal Corporations, §2239). i Id. a Waiver of Right to Protest Creation of Special Improvement Districts Street,Water,Sewer Baxter Meadows Annexation,2(October 19,2001),recorded as Doc.2053095 with the Gallatin County Clerk&Recorder. i 9§ 7-12-4113(1),MCA;.Smith, 144 Mont. at 537,398 P.2d at 467("When the city commission proceeded to create a special improvement district,notwithstanding the fact that owners of more than 40 per cent of the area of the property to be assessed had protested against the proposed work,the improvements should not have been made and the assessment was void.") s 10 Bozeman City Commn. Res.No.4771, §7.2(Mar.20,2017). i. Gallatin County Attorney's Office • 1709 W.College • Bozeman,Montana 59715 April 10, 2017 Bozeman City Commission Page 3 also states that County's "Share of the Improvements per lineal foot of frontage, exclusive of interest, shall not exceed $222.18.s11 The SID will then assess the County a total of $1,063,138.50, based on the calculation of the total lineal feet of Oak Street and Ferguson Avenue (4,785.01) multiplied by $222.18. This calculation is contrary to § 7-12-4171, MCA and unlawful. The City is limited to assessing the County for the average lineal footage of the Regional Park along Oak Street and Ferguson Avenue, or 2,392.505 feet. Based on the City's calculation that the County's share of the Improvements shall not exceed $222.18 per lineal foot, the City is limited to assessing the County a total of$531,566.76 under § 7-12-4171, MCA. The City cannot support its claim that the Regional Park will derive a benefit equal to the burden imposed by the SID 740 assessments. The Resolution of Intent also declares the assessment of costs to be "equitable and in proportion to and not exceeding the special benefits derived from the Improvements" by the Regional Park.12 This declaration is made to fulfill the legal requirement that the property burdened "be enhanced in value by such improvements to the extent of the burden imposed.s13 In effect, the benefit must be equal to or greater than the assessment. SID 740, however, provides no basis for the determination that the County will be benefitted under either $222.18 per lineal feet or the total cost of $1,062.138.50. The only discernible support for these amounts is the City's arbitrary intention to divide the total cost of the Ferguson/Oak project among the County, Flanders Mills, LLC, and the City. The Resolution of Intent states: "The total estimated costs of the Improvements are $2,525.667.00; the City has committed $1,062138.50 from the Street Impact Fee Fund and Flanders Mill Subdivision has committed $401,390.62 . . . leaving $1,062,138.50 of the costs of the Improvements to`be funded through the District." 14 In other words, the remaining balance, as unilaterally determined by the City, is to be paid by the residents of Gallatin County. Further, the Resolution of Intent defines the "Public Benefit of the Improvements" as "preserv[ing] public safety by providing through lanes and drive approaches for those who reside along this street or use the street to access their residences and business."15 This"benefit"has no relationship to the Regional Park. The focus is on the City residents who will use the roads to travel to and from their homes and businesses. The Supreme Court has specifically disallowed such arbitrary assessments. As stated in Smith v. City of Bozeman: "The theory upon which a municipality may levy assessments for special improvements is that the property will be benefited by the improvements to the extent of the burden imposed."16 See also Toccf v. City of Three Forks, in which the Supreme Court again recognized that "[i]t is fundamental to assessments for special improvements that the assessment t Id 12 Id. at§7.3. City of Butte v. Sch. Dist. No. 1,29 Mont. 336,74 P.869,870(1904). 14 Bozeman City Commn, Res.No.4771 at§ 1. Id. at§9(b). to Sntilh, 144 Mont.at 536,398 P.2d at 466. ' Gallatin County Attorney's Office • 1709 W.College • Bozeman,Montana 59715 7 S April 10,2017 Bozeman City Commission Page 4 be in proportion to the benefits conferred by the improvement."17 SID 740 unlawfully imposes a $1,062.138.50 assessment on the County without any evidence, or even discussion, of the benefit the County residents would derive from the Regional Park. SID 740 will place a duty on the County to pay a loan not authorized by law. The assessment also seeks to force an obligation on the County by requiring it to accept a loan from the Arterial & Collector Street Special District. This loan requires the County to pay the total assessment over a three year period, as well as $46,993.76 in interest into the Arterial & Collector District Fund." The City cannot lawfully require the County to finance SID 740 through a loan to which the County has not agreed. The City does not have this authority. Section 7-1-112 states: "A local government with self-government powers is prohibited the exercise of the following powers unless the power is specifically delegated by law: . . . (3) the power to impose a duty on another unit of local government." The City, however, seeks to force the County to pay a loan for the SID assessments, on terms and in an amount to which the County has not agreed. Further, the proposed manner of assessment is not provided for by Title 7, Chapter 12, Parts 41 or 42, MCA. Section 7-12-4176, MCA, requires that"[t]o defray the cost of making or acquiring improvements in any special improvement district . . . the city council shall by resolution levy and assess a tax upon all benefited property in any district created for such purpose." (Emphasis added.) Similarly, by using the SID as a financing mechanism, the City is circumventing the County's right to protest the assessments otherwise afforded by § 7-12-4177, MCA.19 Again, SID 740 does not meet certain statutory requirements and therefore is void.2° The County already pays for the improvements to Oak Street and Ferguson Avenue through the Arterial & Collect Street Special District Assessment. SID 740 has the additional effect of requiring County residents twice to pay for the improvements to Oak Street and Ferguson Avenue. The County currently pays assessments through the Arterial & Collector Street Special District. The Special District was created"for the purposes of funding construction, improvements, and maintenance of transportation facilities related to arterial and collector streets.s2 Oak Street is identified as a Principal Arterial street and Ferguson Avenue as a Collector street in the Greater Bozeman Area Transportation Plan (2007 Update). In fact, the Resolution of Intent for the Arterial & Collector Street Special District identified the District's necessity as "providing adequate long term funding for the construction, improvement, and maintenance of arterial and collector street facilities" (emphasis added).22 Such improvements would include "the purchase of rights of way, the installation, improvement, alignment and connection of all necessary facilities for arterial and collector roadways including F 216 Mont. 159, 163-64,700 P.2d 171, 174(1985). 'e Bozeman City Commn. Res.No.4771 at§ 1. '9 Section 7-12-4177,MCA requires the City to provide landowners within an SID with notice and an opportunity to object to a resolution of intent to levy assessments. 20 Morse, 87 Mont.at 54,285 P.at 189. 21 Bozeman City Commn. Res.No.4603, § 1 (Aug.31,2015). j; 22 Id. at§4(emphasis added). ii Gallatin County Attomey's Office • 1709 W. College • Bozeman,Montana 59715 1 1 April 10,2017 Bozeman City Commission Page 5 stormwater and pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and the installation or improvement of traffic and pedestrian controls at intersections.s23 Thus, the Special District's improvements list includes the same improvements contemplated by SID 740. The Resolution of Intent identifies the Oak and Ferguson improvements as "widening of the road, installation of curbing, storm draining improvements, street lighting, and pedestrian ramps."24 In adopting the Arterial & Collector Street Special District, the City specifically found that the District was necessary to avoid the very assessments proposed by SID 740. The City stated: "Without the District, the transportation system is reliant on individual Trojects and property owners for build-out of these critical roadways and pedestrian networks."2 Despite this claimed need for the Special District, SID 740 will require the County to again pay for the improvements to Oak Street and Ferguson Avenue. When one looks at the imposition of SID 740 in conjunction with this existing District, the Special District looks more like an opportunity to raise general funds from another government entity, and less like the provision of improvements benefitting specific property.26 In summary, the City should accept the County's written protest and deny the creation of SID 740. The County asks that the City carefully review the requirements of Title 7, Chapter 12, Parts 41 and 42. As stated by the Supreme Court: "The law on the subject is well settled, so well indeed that no municipal officer should be ignorant of it, or fail to understand that a special improvement district cannot be created without observance of every requirement of the statute on the subject."27 Sincerely, Erin L. Arnold Senior Civil Deputy County Attorney 23 Id at§6. 24 Bozeman City Commn. Res.No.4771 at§ 1. 25 Bozeman City Commn. Res.No.4603 at§4. 26 Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. v. City of Billings,2003 MT 332,125,318 Mont.407, 80 P.3d 1247("This Court has held that a governmental demand for money made for the purpose of raising revenue is a tax.") 27 Smith, 144 Mont.at 542,398 P.2d at 469. i Gallatin County Attorney's Office • 1709 W. College • Bozeman,Montana 59715