HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-07-28 27 Bozeman. Montana July 28, 1955 Pursuant to written notice from Mayor Lowe, as required by Section 11-3249. R. C. M., 1947. the City Conunission met in special session in ~~e Commission room, City liall building at 7:30 o'clock, F. M. on TImrsday, July 28, 1955. Fresen t were Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Swanson, City Manager Henderson, Administrative Assistant \~alter Sales and Acting Clerk of tJle "I Commission, H. Dean Moore. Also Fresent were Allen Harg;rove. George Stuckey and Ches. Cramer who are the County Commissioners of Gallatin County. Aiq)ort - Agreement between City and County 'l11is meeting havirJL been called to consider renewal of joint agreements between the City of Bozeman and Gallatin Coun"tJr relative to operation and maintenance of Gallatin Field, the Ci ty-Coun t~l Airport, the status of the airport and of' existint:; agreements was reviewed in detail. It was Fointed out that there has actually been no wri tten agreement relative to apI-ortionmEmt of operatinG and me intenance cost of tile airport since 1942. After lengthy discussion, and with the concurrence of the County Commissioners, it was moved by Co~~issioner Erwin, seconded by COlTcmiss ioner Swanson, that the City Attorney, jointly with the County Attorney, F,repare a new agreement or joint resolution for the City of Bozeman and Gallatin County which will include a renewal of BFrlicable [rovisions of City Commission Resolution No. 512, dated July 3, 1942 and which will also: 1. Cite the joint, 50- 50 ownersbip of Galla tin :Held by the City of Bozeman and Gallatin County. 2. Outl ine the backbround of this joint ownership. 3. Contain such provisions as may be made practicable relative to how this joint owner- ship may be terminated. I 4. Set the term of the agreement for one year with rrovision for its cor;tinuance from year to year by mutual consent of the City end County ComlTlissioners. 5. Require an annual joint meeting of the City Comlnis sion and the County Commissioners to determine proportionate shares of the City and CouIlty of the cost of' the annual budget for the Air;port. 6. Continue the Irovisions of City Commission Resolution No. 518, which estebljsr:ed the Gallatiy; Field ~OR rd end set forth the duties and rowers thereof. rbe motion was cBrried by the foll owing Aye an d No vote: those vot.ing; Aye beihf, Hayor Lowe. Commiss ioner Erwin. Commissioner Swanson; those votinG No, r:one. Proposal on Proportionate Share of 1955-56 AirFort Budget Ehe County Commis sione rs presented a proposed budset for Galla tin Held oreration flEd me jntemmce fortbe riscal yenr 1955-56 totaling *34.345.00 of which 8n~our:t anroxin,ei:ely;r2,71f.50 woule .be reclu],ed to be raised from ta:<:es. After further lengUy dif:cussion it was moved bJ, COTllIllissicner Swenson. secon6ed ty ComrnisEioner Erwin, tha t the City of Bozeman wil] pay- into the 8i1'10rt June; of GnlJB.+:b CGUr:t~i. the SLint of :five hundred and nO/lOO Dollars as its p1'o[ortionete sr-:are of the lS5t:-tf h,'J,::;et fJr Gallatir: }ield. th:i s sum to be laid from ta:xes whid' will be levied by the City oJ Bozemay iT, . I 1955 End +:0 he paid after Eovember 30. 195[; end Ma;y 31, 195E: tax collections hBve beeL mE0e Hnc tl.e :notior: wns carried t:; t.},e following Aye anJ f\o vote: those votir,c; Aye bejnc L!a;ycr Lowe, " . . L orm;~] S t. ~ one r 1;' . Commissioner Swanson; those votinz; }:o, none. .....rwl.n. :..rhe COt;:nty Cornrnissioners, by regular Hlotion, acee} ted th is r rorosp 1 of t.Le City of':oze;r.en. Adjournment There beinG no further business to come before the Cormnjssion st this time, jt was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Swenson, that the meetinL 8c;journ PYi(l tlH~ mcti on was C8 rried by the following Aye and Eo vote: thof' e voting Aye beinG I\'a;j'or Lowe, Comrds s ionerErwin, 28 Commissioner Swar.sonj those voting No, none. 7?:/Z~- Attest: ~~. /?(~-. I ActlI1S Clerk of' the Cl ty CommlSs10n I . I