HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 06- 1659 Amends zone map, 780 Manley Road ORDINANCE NO. 1659 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, AMENDING THE CITY OF BOZEMAN ZONE MAP BY ESTABLISHING AN INITIAL MUNICIPAL ZONING DESIGNATION OF R-1 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE- HOUSEHOLD LOW DENSITY DISTRICT) ON 1.84 ACRES LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 6 EAST, PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN MONTANA, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA. WHEREAS, the proposed zone map amendment to establish an initial zoning designation of "R-1" (Residential-Single-Household-Low-Density District) has been properly submitted, reviewed and advertised; and WHEREAS, the Bozeman Zoning Commission held a public hearing on January 19, 2005 to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a zone map amendment; and WHEREAS, the Bozeman Zoning Commission could not reach a consensus regarding which zoning designation best met the review criteria, and therefore did not forward an official recommendation to the Bozeman City Commission; and WHEREAS, after proper notice, the City Commission held its public hearing on February 22, 2005, which was opened and continued to February 28, 2005, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a zone map amendment; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has reviewed and considered the twelve zone change criteria established in Section 76-2-304, M.C.A., and found the proposed zone map amendment to establish an initial municipal zoning designation of "R-1" (Residential-Single-Household, Low-Density District) to be in compliance with the twelve criteria; and WHEREAS the City Commission found that the proposed zone map amendment would be in compliance with the Growth Policy and would be in the public interest, upon annexation of the subject property; and WHEREAS, the subject property was annexed through adoption of Commission No. 3882, adopted on the 19th day of December, 2005. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana: Section 1 That the following-described property is hereby initially established as "R-1" (Residential-Single- Household, Low-Density District): .. That part of the SW1ft. of Section 31, T1S, R6E, PMM, Gallatin County, Montana, described as follows: commencing at the W1ft. corner of said Section 31; thence southerly 17r45'52", assumed azimuth from north, 299.9 feet along the west line of the SW1ft. of said Section 31, to the point of beginning of the property to be described; thence easterly 087046' 48" azimuth 399.82 feet; thence southerly 17r 4 7'35" azimuth 200.00 feet; thence westerly 26r 46' 48" azimuth 399.71 feet; thence northerly 35r45'52" azimuth 200.00 along said west line to the point of beginning. Said tract of land being 1.84 acres along with and subject to any existing easements. Section 2 The effective date is thirty days after final adoption of this ordinance on second reading. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 19th day of D~$fr ~ AND W L. CETRARO, Mayor ATTEST: ~~-I~ RO IN L. SULLlVA City Clerk PASSED, ADOPTED AND FINALLY APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 17th day of January ,2006. ~K- L? e. ----- JE Y U, Mayor ATTEST: Vttl.:- J ~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN City Clerk -2- OWNER: BOZEWII BULDI~ 1RAOITJONS. u.c ZONING MAM.EY ROAD ZONE MAP AMIENDMENT llfED REF: DOC. NO. 21535<< LEGAL DESCRIPTION - R-1 That part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 1 South, Range 6 East, BOZDlAN BUILDING TRADITIONS, LlC Princlpe I Meridian, Montano, Gallatin County, /.Iontono, described o. follow", LOCATeD IN THe sw 1/4 OF seCTION 31, T. 1 5., R. 6 C. VICINITY MAP Commencing at the west Quarter comer of eoid Section 31; thence southerly 177 45' OF P.M.M., GALLATIN COUNTY, IIONTANA 52", oesumed azimuth from north, 299.90 feet 0 long the west 11ne of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 31, to the point of beginning of the propoerly to be described; thence easterly 087 46' 48" azimuth 399.82 feet; thence eoutherly 177 4]' 35' azimuth 200.00 feet; thence westerly 267 46' 48" azimuth 399.71 feet; thence northerly 357 45' 42" azimuth 200.00 along said west line, to the polnt of beginning. Ana = 79,952 squcre feet, 1.8355 cere or 7,427.6 square LEGAL DESCRIPTION - R-1 ZONING (MANLEY ROAD) meters~ Subject to existing easements. That part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 31. Township 1 South. Range 6 Ecst., Principal Meridian, Uontor.o, Gollall n Cou nty, Montano, de.cribed os follow", - Commencing at the West Quarter comer of ""id Section 31; thence southerly 177 45' 52", \ -\ - - - - T - - I assumed azimuth from narth, 299.90 feel along the weslline of the Soolhwest Quarter of said Section- 31 ~ to the point of beginnirL9 of the property to be described; thence easterly I 087 -4-6' <l-s" azimuth 45.01 feet; thence southerly 177 45' 42" azimuth 200.00 feet; I I I thence westerly 267 46' 4a" azimuth -4-5.01 feel; thence northerly 357 45' 42" azimuth 200.00 feet, to the polnt of beginning. 1 I I I Ana = 9,001 square feel, 0.2066 acre or 836.2 square I metere. Subject to existing easement.. I I I I f 1/4 Coc. S". 31 _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - I 1 1--- NOT TO SCAlE -~ I I I I I I 45 30 I : I LOT 1 0 I \. : 1 I I LOT 11 \ I I ------------------- I r--------- ~, I ~ ~. I '" I ~___ __ 1~1 '\ CO \ S~p>--Ct- _ _ -"2- - - J I~ r--------------------------~~ \ Ol O?t.-\'\\ \ I' > 1 I I TRACT GLR-1 COLNTY ZHfG \ CO -.i C\/ " "I ~ LOT 1 2~ Ii: REMAINDER : '1l I ..... ..... \ \ I ::J 1 I cas NO. 1 221 \ . \ :2 \ \ ~ I ~ a.. \ L CI)_ - -fri I I I ~ \ M \ \ T - - 0 B I 399.82 08746'48" \ y- I ~ \ \ ~ 0 r- ' 35481 \ () \ 301. 0 \ CO .r-.;r \ \ \ a: .J I O.!lCJ:i~LEASDIDlL----l 10 \ ~ \ M V \ \ ~ f I "'CI ----- ~ \ U> \ 10 "", \ \ I a. LOT 1 I 'N g ~ BOZEMAN SUI LDING TRADITIONS, lLC I ~ \ 9. \ 0 0 ",\ \1 z ~ ~~ 8~ R-1 ZONING \: \ ~ \\ f:::! 0 ~ ~ - 1'- - - - --i ~ ~ g~ 79,952 Sq Ft -1 ~ \.~ '\ ..... -- CO I ~ EXlSTtIG 1 0 -> N ~ 1 .8355 Acres \ ~ '\ "- dl .J 0 ~pf I \ ~ I .JM-1ZON'IG I g 011 J '\ \ 'C I ('oj ~11 ./ \ N I I ~OT 14 1 I 35470 ---- ~ - - - -\ 10 M SClak hi. '.d 45 30 ~ . ~ 0 60 _ L -L _ _ _ _ _ ~ ': 399.71 26746'48'" 918 - , 0 1B Gallatin Park I I E)(JS'JWG 10 Se... ltt. Jf_ M 10 Drive ~I : TRACT GL2 COLNTY Z~ Ie_I - - - - - - - - I ~I I cas NO 1221 LOT 3 ~I \ STATE OF MONTANA Engineer;ng erd Surveyng Inc. BLOCK 2 I uf 1 DEPT. OF FISH, WilDLIFE AND PARKS 205 EdeIWl!liu crM . Ba:zernen. MIlnI:ene !S971 a Phone [.403] 5B7~1115" Fat [4CE1 !iB'-97Se ~oom.info~.ocm H04535(Z) OWNER: BOZEMAN BUlUllNG TR.IOOIONS, u.c ZONING MAM.EY ROAD ZONE MAP AMIENDMENT DEED REf: DOC. NO. 21535# LEGAL DESCRIPTION - R-1 That port of the Southwest Quarter of Section 31, Townshlp 1 South, Range 6 Ea.t, BOZEMAN BUILDING TRADITIONS, LlC Principal Meridian, Montano, Gonolin County, Montano, c!escribed o. follows: LOCATeD IN THe sw 1/4 OF SECTION 3', T. 1 5., R. 6 E. VICINITY MAP Commencing at the Wee! Quarter comer of said Section 31; thence southerly 177 45' OF P,IJ.M,. GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA 52", assumed ozimuth from north, 299.90 feet along the west line of the South west Quarter of .aid Section 31, to the point of beginning of the properly to be desCTloed; thence easterly 087 -<<)' 48" ozimuth 399.82 feet; thence sauth....y 1 77 47' 35' azimuth 200.00 feet; thence westerly 267 46' 48" azimuth 399.71 feet; thence northerly 357 45. 42" ozlmuth 200.00 along said west line, to the point of beglnning. Ana = 79,952 square feet, 1.8355 acre or 7,427.8 .quare LEGAL DESCRIPTION - R-1 ZONING (MANLEY ROAD) metef!l. Subject to exieli ng easement.. That part of the Southwest Quarter of SectlOll 31, Township 1 South, Range 6 East, Principal Meridian, l.lonlono, Gollotin County, Montano, de.cribed os follows: _ Commencing at the West Quarter comer of said Section 31; thence southerly 177 45' 52", I -1- - - - T - - I a99umed azimuth from north, 299.90 feel along the weslline of the Southwe91 Quarter of said Sectioo J 1 ~ to the point of beginn log of the property to be described; thet'lce easterly I 087 46' 48" azimuth 45.01 feet; thence southerly 177 45' 42" ozlrrnlth 200.00 fest; I I I thence westerly 267 -<<)' 48" azimuth 45.01 feet; thence narthe~y 357 45' 42" azimuth 200.00 feet, to the point of beginning. I I I I Ana = 9,001 square feet, 0.2066 acre or 836.2 sq uo re 1 metere. Subject to exieli ng easements. I I I I f 1/4 Co,. So<. 31 _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - I ,---- NOT TO SCALE -~ I I I I: I I 45 30 I \ 1 LOT 10 I I' : I 1 I LOT 11 I I 1 ------------------.... I r---------- -.......... I l- % ~ I I " I ___ __ '~I \ CO \ ~p..Ct- ~_ _ _ J I ~ ~---------------------------...... \ 0> \'\\ S I - - - \ I ~ \ ~ O?C \ \ > I I TRACT G LR - 1 COLNTY ZOft; \ '<t \ \ I ~ LOT 1 2,... I \: REM~NDER : '8 I C'\l ..... ..... \ \ 1 :J I I COS NO. 1221 I . : :iE \ \ ~ \ I?J a. \ L 00_ - --fri · I I ~ I e") \ \ T - - rOB I 399.82 08746'48" \ J<: \ <;::! \ \ ~ 0 " 354.81 \ () \ CO :r-.;r \ 1 a:: () \ ~ \ \ ....I D.!lCH. 1NJIDEtiAMCf- EASEMENL - - - -1 10 \ ~ \ '<t \ \ <( f I ----- !:'l \ \f\ \ Lt) "" \ \ 1 n.. LOT 1 \ ~ BOZEMAN BUILDING TRADITIONS, LLC I ~ \ 9. \ 0 0 ,,\ \1 z ; ~~g~ R-1 ZONING \: \ ~ \\ ~ 0 ~ t-- - F - - - -1 ~ ~ g~ 79,952 Sq Ft J ~ \ ~ \ ..... -- CO I <( EXlSTWG I 8 ~ Pi N ~ 1.8355 Acres i ~ \ \ ci S: I ::t M-1 ~ I g ~ I I J \ \ -0 I <8- N~\l ,/ \ N \ I OT 14 I 45 30 I 354.70 ----- - - - - -\ 1D e") Soak In hri ~ 0 60 L -.J I 399.71 26746'48" 018 - , _ -1-_____ · I 0 18 Gallatin Park I I EXJSlWG it) Soak hi M_ e") Lt) Drive ~I : TRACT G L2 COLNTY ZCN<<3 leWI - - - - - - - -I ~I I cos NO 1221 LOT 3 ~I l STATE OF MONTANA Engineeril"ll;l ard EiurI.oeyIng Inc. BLOCK 2 I vi ! DEPT. OF FISH, WILDLIFE AND PARKS 2l::!i EdeIweisI :DI"M . &zernen. PrA::Inl:anII 59718 ~ J406J 587.'1'1!5 .. FaJ: [.4OS] SB7..s16El ~cI'1engiReers.com. ncOt:hs:ngineI!ll"S.com I04535(Z) -- I I \ I E"~~.J:>>.T- ----------_ \ ~~ I l_________ ~~~ ------------------ -', \ _____AImOW~T~7~ J4 TERS OF T!-Ic "S '\ \ I I · ~T G~" · \ \ I REMAINDER \ I I CDS NO~ 1221 \ 1 I I I LJtt:M, JJ8SCIUPnON : I LOT 12 I located in I I Is" f /4, Socti<>n 3 f, T. I S., R. 6 E. of P.JI.JI" I I Z POWER II t;:..Uatin County, Mont....... I 1 o POlE I I -,.. I r I", I I !!2 ll::: U/G CAS 4"W ~ 1* I I > 0- _ TELEPIfON~ BOX I ... I I -0 - - 0 4"W I fna 3/4" Alum. Disc I I III ..J U/G CAS I I 399.B2 06746'48" (#1 S5:lS) in'1" Po,j I I :J III I_W-I \ I \ UJ DrTCH _--- \ \ \ I I .-1 \ \ I \ ll::: I FlJ.G I..-r- , \ \ a: , r , \ \ <( "lS \ I I I \ \ Q. \ ~FiAG 'I ' \ \ ~ I I \ \ ~1- LOT 1 3 il: ~ , ,I 1 10 \ ~ ~ , II I R \ <( Ie:> 1 'I \ \ ... \ ..J ",' I- \ ..J<( ~ '\ h TRACT , ~ \ I I ~ 0 \ G ,.., I ,I 79.952 Sq FI \ I "! \ --------- , [I UI355 Acre, l g \ ,.., I I 0 \ N \ i ~ I 1 SHED ,\ ffi IX Q.. 0 I, 0 '\. ~ ~!(,!il: \ 11 EJ YNlDUG>fT 'I" \ l:L 2.... ~ I ,I g '\ '" rOlO! ...1 I HOUSE lb\ \ - ~ ~g~ Uko.c \ \ TOP Of YPC (TD&H) ... :> " I '\ ' \ nEV^TION=4672.46 FEET '1 ~ ---J 1 o (CITY Of llOIDIAN OATUlI) ~ i I ~ : - I DRIVEWAY ,~______ ..-- LOT 1 4 ... FENCE ,.. _ _ _ _ - ~ HDm( F od 3/4- Alum. Disc: ~ ~, I\J/G ~ 399.71 26745'48" F'OWER POlE 0/" POWER {fl85)s} in "1" Po... a. -~tgJ: i: ~ '<t pOOIEil il" " I _-~ ~ - - - - - ,,\Jj: 1EL.O'HONE 5 n=tmrl Ib.. CO il: U I '<t ... ~ ~'" I ~ ( Gallatin Park Drive ~~ ~: LEGEND :5 -8'w-W w" ~ EI W I PROPERTf UNE ~ : EXISTING CONTOUR N - - - - - - - - - -l 1 WATERS OF THE U.S. 80U~.IOARY (W-l) TRACT GL2 C\l I I cos 00. 1221 -- I I ~ SOIL TEST PIT STATE OF MONTANA ~ LOT 3 I I ~ DEPT. OF FISH. Wll[)LlFE: AND PARKS BLOCK 2 I I ~ I I : "0 I I WATERS OF THE U.S. SUMMARY TABLE Scale In Feet iO DEUNEATEO AREA ACREAGE 80 0 80 M I ~ I ~ WATERS OF THE U.S.: I 9 Engineering and Surveying Inc. W-l SERIES 0.1664 ACRE 24 0 24 '<t 9 205 Edelweiss Drive. 802eman, Montane 58718 Scale In Meters ;:8 Phone (4061587-1115 · Fex {406} 587-8768 ~ WM'\I.chengineers.com . info@cl1engmeers.com # 04 535 (T) C>