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Bozeman, Montana
Ma y 3, 1961
The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission
Room, City Hall Building, Wednesday, Ma y 3, 1961 at 1:00 o'clock p.m. 1:-'resent were
Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Staudaher, Commissioner Sedivy, City Manager Cutting,
I Charles
Ass't. CIty Manager Frysl1e, Acting City Attorney/ Angell, Jr. and the Clerk.
The following proceedin~s were had:
Minu te s of the last reg1Jlar session were read and it was moved by Commissioner
Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Staudaher, that the minutes be approved as road and
the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being
Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Staudaher; those voting No, none.
Public Hearing -- Special Improvement District No. 421
This being the time and place set by Commission Resolution No. lUl3 to hear
protes ts to the creation of Special Improvement District No. 421, the affidavit of
publication of Notice and the Clerk's Mailing Certificate stating that all property
owners had been notifieC as requiredby law, we re pres :~n ted. The City Manager
reported t~at only 36.U99 per cent of the propert~ witlin the proposed district,
compu ted by the Office of the City ~ngineer on the basis of actual area, is repre-
sented by valid protests filed by property owners opposed to the creation of the
district. It was f1Jrther reported a protest filed by the Standard aLl Company
at lU:UO o'clock A.M. on Ma y 3 rd , 1961 would not be leg81ly acceptable not having
I been filed within the specified time. wWilliam ren ttila, a member of the School
Board of School Dis tric t No. ? appea red to ad vise he had been ins truc teet to inform
the Co~ission tha t the School Board had no desire to protest the creation of the
contemplated improvement district.
The City !lIanager then read a prepared ResollJtion that wonld create the proposed
improvement district and recommended tha t , the protests having been found insuffi-
cient and there being a grea t need for this particular improvement in the public
interest Rnd for providing safe access to the Whittier SchOOl, the Resolution be
passed and adopted.
It was moved by Commissioner Staudaher, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, tha t
the hearing be officiAlly te!'mlnated on this date, the protests be deemed insufficient,
but that action on the Resolution creating the proposed district be deferred until
the next regular meeting of the Commission in order to provide protestants 'an oppor-
tunity to review the computations of the City Engineer to which they had taken excep-
tion. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye
I being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Staudaher and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting
No, none.
Re-appoin tmen t -- Loren Hardie, Police Commissioner
The City Manager reported to the Commission that the term of Loren Hardie as
a member of the Po.lice Commission had expired on April 30th, 1961. The City Manager
recommended the re-appointment of Mr. Hardie for a three year term ending April 30th,
1964. It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by ComMissioner Staudaher, that
the re-appointment be approved and the motion was carried by the following Aye and
No vote: those voting Aye being Ma yor Swanson, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner
St8udahe~ ; those voting No, none.
Proposed City Building Facilities -- Archi tee tural F'irm
The City Manager presented a letter received from Oswald Berg, Jr. which stated
that he and \'Villiam E. Grabow, both local architects, would, in the even t the yare I
retained as architects for proposed new city building facilities, for a firm to be
known as Oswald Berg, Jr. , and Associn tes, Archi te c ts, and ',Jilliam E. Grabow,
Archi tee t, and vJOulc1 agree to be bound by the regulDr standard form of contract
approved by the American Institute of Architects.
The C1 ty Manager recommended tha t the Ci ty ComrrJ.sslon express approval of the
plan, and it was moved QY Commissioner staudaher, seconded by Comrrissioner Sedivy,
that the members of the Commission are agreeable to retain this firm of architects
as ou tlined in the letter, subject to Commission apvroval of the proposed formal
agreement to be entered into, when presented. The motion was ca~ried by the
following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner
S taudahe I' and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none.
Consul tan ts -- Election and Bond ~ale, ProJ.'osed Buildinr~ Facili ties
The City Manager presented a letter received from the law firm of Dorsey, Owen,
Barber, Marquart and Windhors t, Minneapolis, Minnesota, which proposed to the City
that it retain the firm to oct as its legal consultants on matters pertaining to
the electjon and bond sale for the proposed new building facilities for the City. I
The firm sugfested a fee of ~800.00 to perform the work, and it was reconnnended by
tbe City Manager that the City avail itself of the service. It was moved by Commis-
sioner Staudaher, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the City enter into an
agreement for the servica, as proposed, and the motion was carried by the folow-
ing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Gonmlis sioner
Staudaher and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none.
Federal Grant Agreement -- Gallatin Field Airport
An allotment of Federal funds to participa te in the general improvements to
Gallatin Field, Federal Aid Airport Project No. 9-24-003-05, Contract No. FA4-1459
having been approved by the Federal Aviation Agency, it is now necessary that the
City of Bozeman and Gallatin County, 1\1ontana, as "Co-sponsors" exe cu te a Gran t
Agree1"'8nt to s Bcure the funds available under the Offer in an amount not tnexceed
the sum of ;W;l63, 114 .()C). The City Manager stated that to accept the offer it is
necesbary that the City Commission pass and adopt a Commission Resolution author-
izing and direc ting the Mayor to eX,lCU te the said Grant Agreement on behalf of the I
City of Dozeman, and to also authorize and direct the Clerk of the City Commission
to impress the Official seal of the City of Bozeman, Montana thereon and attest the
Ma yor' s s :i.gna ture .
The City Manager recommended tila t the Ci ty Commission direc t the Ci ty Attorney
to prepare a re solu tion to comple te the desired action, and it was moved by Commis-
sioner Staudaher, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the Grant Agreement be
en tered in to and the aforeT1'1.en tioned resolu tion be prepa red and the Ma yor and the
Clerk be authorized to sign in behalf of the City as directed. The motion was
car'ried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson,
Commissioner Staudaher and Commissioner SedivYj those voting No, none.
Resolu tion No. 1018
Commiss ion Resolu tion No. lu18 having been prepared as directed was presented,
I en ti tIed:
NO. 9 -24-003-61U5 AND CONTP.A::;T NO. 1"A4-l459, FOR THE DEVELOP-
It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Staudahe~ that
~hmmission Resolution No. 1U18 be passed and adopted as of this date, !3.nd the motion
was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson,
Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Staudaherj those voting No, none.
\~W Buddy Poppy Sale set as of May 20, 1961
A request from the Veterans of Foreign Wars to have its annual Buddy Poppy
Sale on Saturday, May 2uth, 1961, was read. It was moved by Commissloner Sedivy,
seconded by Commis s ioner Staudaher, that permission be granted as requested and
the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being
Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Sedivy and Co~~issioner Staudaherj those voting No, none.
I Reports
The following reports for the month of April, 1961 were presented:
Disposal Plant Operator Fire Chief
Fluoridation Police ChiEif
Sani ta tion Police Judge
Building Inspector Librarian
The City Manager reviewed the reports with the Commission and reconrrnended that
the reports be approved and filed. It was ~oved by Commissioner Sedivy, seeonded
by Commissioner Staudaher, tha t the reports ')e approved and filed and the motion
was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor
Swanson, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Staudaherj those voting No, none.
Claims for the Mon th of April, 1961
Claim No's. 11376 to ll650 inclusive were presented on the various accounts
as follows:
Fund Am't. Fund Am' t.
Band $ 20.00 Cemetery 2,217.07
Ceme tery Susp. 100.00 Fire Relicf 2,525.l3
General 16,728.79 Garbage 3,712.42
I Library l,788.46 Park 2,552.54
Parking Meter 14,081.40 P.E.R.S. 729.66
Planninr: Board 25.00 P.L. & P. 27,000.00
Police F{eserve 528.80 S. D. S. Rev. 1,997.64
Special Impr. Dist's. 14,827.92 S.I.D. Revolving 575.8l
Stree t 5,049 .48 Via ter 10,709.82
Total ~plU5, 16~ .94
The City Manager stated he bad audited the claims and found thern to ba t~us and
lawful claims against the Cit:I of Bozeman and recoITunended that they be approved and
warrants issued for their payment. After exam:l.na tion of the cla :i.ms in de ta 11 and
checking against the claim register, :t t was moved by Commissioner Staudaher, seconded
by Comr.:Jssionor Sediv:l, ttat all claims presented be approved. The motion was carried
by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, '-Jommis -
sioner Staudaher and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none.
Sub-Con trac t -- Sewage Dispos~:l Plnnt (Vi/PC Mont 50)
An agreement between HagrJ"erty-Messmer Co. and Budd Plumbing and Heating, I
Inc. was presented. The egreemen t provided the t Budd Phunbing and Hea tine will
do specified work as a sub-contractor on the contract awarded Haggerty-Messmer
for const~~ction work on tloE) Sewa,~e Dis posa 1 Plan t (WPC Mont 50) a t a cas t of
~~ll, 554 .UO. Pollowing the recommends tion of the Ci ty ~,Il)n8ger, it was moved by
Commissioner Staudaher, seco:nded by Commissioner Sedi v:t, that the City approve the
agreement and the City },ranager be directed to notify the contracting parties of
its action. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those
voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Corm~'iss ionor Stnudaher and Commissioner Sedivy;
th 0 s e vo ting No, none.
Adj ournmen t
There being no further busi.ness to come before the Commission at this time,
it was moved bJ Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Connnissioner Staudaher, tha t the
meeting adjourn Rnd the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote:
ttJof'e voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Connnissioner Sedivy and Commissi.oner Staudaherj
those voting No, none.
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