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Bozeman, Montana
May lO, 1961
The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission
I Room, Ct ty Hall Build::i.ng, Wednesday, May lOth, 1~61 at 1:00 o'clock p.m. Present
were Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Staudaher, Commissioner Sedivy, City Manager Cutting,
Ass't. City Manager Fryslie, Assft. City Attorney Berg and the Clerk.
The following proceedings were had:
Minutes of the last reeular session were read and it was moved by Commissioner
Stauda1:Jer, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the minutes be approved as read and
the motion W~s carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being
Mayor 'Swanson, Commissioner Staudaher and Commissioner Sedivy; thos~ voting No, none.
Resolution No. lOl7 " ~
-- Creating Special Improvement ~istrict No. 42l
A resolu tion prepared by the Ci ty Attorney's office to crea te Special Improvemen t
District No. 421 was presented, en ti tIed:
BOZ,'!:~JAE CR;;~A'r>Tr;G- 11. SPECIAL r~PRO'mMrmT DIS'T'P.ICT ~10
After the Commission, City Manager and the Assistant City Attorney discussed the
legal aspects of creating the district, the City Manager, ae;ain, recomn"ended tha t the
resODltion be passed and adopted. It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by
Commissioner Staudaher, that the resolution be passed and adopted and the motion was
carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor ~wanson,
Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Sta'Udaher; those voting No, none. ~
Opening of Bias -- Chain Link Fencing at Settling Basin
T hi s V'JD. s the tlme and place set for opening bieis for the furn~shing of ma terial
8.nd labor to construct a fence of the chain link type at the Settling Gasin as pel'
specifications as advertised. The affidavit of publication of the "Call for Bids"
was presented. It was moved b:r Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Com~issioner
Staudaher, that the bids be opened and read and the motion was carried by the follow-
ing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Sedivy and
Commissioner Staudaher; those voting No, none.
The following bids were opened and read:
I Name Base Bid Al terna te #'1 Al terna te 112
Haggerty-Messmer Co., $3,982.00 $4,463.00 Add ~450.00 to base bid
Ll,ozeman, Montana
The Colorado Fuel & Iron 3,762.00 (No Bid) Add ~195.00 to base bid
Corp. , Sal t Lake Ci ty,
The City Manager recommended that the bids be referred to the City Engineer for
final tabulation and checkinG of extensions. The City Engineer having completed his
tabulation of the bids recommended that the bid submitted by The Colorado Fuel & Iron
Corp. , in the total amount of $3,957.00 for Nine (9) Gauge mesh as contemplated in
Alternate #2 be awarded the contract. The City Manager concurred in the reconnnenda tion
of the Engineer, and it was moved by Com~issioner ~taudaher, seconded by Commissioner
Sedi vy, tha t the bid be awarded to the Colorado Fue 1 and Iron Corp., Salt Lake Ci ty,
TJ tatl , on its bid of ~p3, 95'7 .00 a s recommended. The motion was carried by the follow-
ing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being r,fayor Swanson, Commissioner Staudaher I
and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none.
Reports of Conferences ( Ora 1 )
The following oral reports on various conferences attended 'oy C1 ty personnel
were presented to the Commission:
Chief of Police Saunders - Attorney General's Conference, Helena, Montana.
Recreation Director Glen \fuite - Recreation Directors, Anaconda, Montana.
Miss Hileman, Librarian - Librarians, Glendive, Mon tana .
It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Stauda.her, that
the reports be accepted and approved and these staff members be commended for the
exellence of their reports. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No
vote: thoso voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner
Staudaher; those voting No, none.
The following reports for the month of April, 1961 were presented:
Ceme tery Cashier Wa ter Collec tor
The Ci ty I\ff.anager revimved the reports wi th the Commission and recorn.-'llended tha t
the reports be approved and filed. It was moved by Commissioner Staudaber, seconded
by Commissioner Sedivy, tha t the reports be approvod and filed and the motion was
carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson,
Comrrd.ssioner Staudaher and Commissioner Sed! vy; tllOse voting No, none.
Additional Claims for the Month of April, 1961
Claim No's. 11651 to l1683 inclusive wel'e presented on the various funds as
Fund Amount Fund Amoun t
- _.
General $1,841.52 street $ 321.33
Water 1,050.66 S.D.S. 99.12
Library 145.33 Cemetery 210.75
Garbage 139.96 Parking r..1e ter 34.07
Park 224.83 P.L.P. 3.15
Total $4,0'70.72
The City Manager stated he had audited the claims and found the~ to be t~le and
lawful claims against the City of Bozeman and recommended th8t they be approved and
warrants issued for their pa~l1nent. Aftar examination of t;,~'.i c cl'J. :"'~:lS 5.rl G.ctail and I
checking against the claim register, it was moved by Comrnissioner Sedivy, seconded
by GOnl1""issionor staudaher, that the claims presented be approved. The motion was
carried by the following Aye and No vote: those vo tins Aye being Ma yor Swanson,
Cor,l'issioner Sedivy and Comrpiss ioner Staudaber; those voting No, none.
Electrician's Bond -- Mannix Electric Co.
The electrician's bond of Mannix Electric Company was presented. Tho bond
1'" -
having been approved as to form by the Building Inspector and t!l.e Oi ty' Attorney, it
was moved by Commiscioner Staudaher, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, the t the bond
be approved and accepted and the motion was carried by the foll()wing Aye and No vote:
those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Comr.issioner Staudaher and Commissioner Sedivy;
those voting No, none.
I Au thori ty to 'l'ravel -- "Ladder Practices"
The written roauest of Fire Chief Penttila requesting that a member of his
depRrtmen t be granted 811 thorl ty to a ttend a "Ladder Prac tices" course a t Missoula,
Mon tana , schedtlled May 22-26, 1961, was prosented. The Ci ty ~:Tanacer recommended tha t
the reauest be granted and, itbe:tng in the public :tnterest, the necessary expenses
of the member incurred to a ttend the course be paid from the general fund. It was
moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconaed by Commissioner ~taudaher, that the request
as recommended by the C1 ty Manager be approved and the motion was carried by the
following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Comr.1issioner
Sedivy and Commissioner Staudaher; those voting No, none.
Request -- Jaycee Rodeo Program, Jl1ne 16th & l7th, 1961
Requests of the Bozeman Junior Chamber of Commorce in connection with its
Bnnual rodeo program, June 16th and 17th, were discussed and acted on as follows:
1. To place overhead banners advertising the rodeo across the main
highways a t entrances to the Ci ty.
2. rI'o stage its annual rodeo parade on TTain street at 11:00 o'clock
A. H., ,J-u n e , 1'7 tb , and immediately following tho parade to hold
I a barbecue at Bogerts Grove.
3. To sponsor the finish of a "Model T Club" race down Main Street
at approximately 3:00 p.m. on Sa turda y, June 1'7 th .
The Ci ty r..Tanager recommended the t permission to place the banners be authorized;
however, with the nnderstandine that the banner~ be removed within a period of not
to exceed two weeks follovilng the rodeo performances. Also, that the Commission
grant the request for the street parade and a barbeque in Bogarts Crove Park, pro-
vided that tLe organization clean up the park area involved in the barbeqne immedi-
ately upon its conclusion. But, because of possible danger and interference with
trAffic regl.~ la tions, permission to stage the "Model T Race" down Main Street be denied.
It was moved by Commissioner Stal1daher, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, tha t au thor-
iza tion of the events as recommended be granted and permission to stage the "l/fodel T
Race" be necessarily denied. The mo tion was carried by the following Aye and No vo te :
those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Sto.ndaher and Commissioner Sedivy;
those voting No, none.
Armed Forces nay Parade -- May 20,. 1961
I It W8S reported that permission has been requested to hold the Armed Porces Day
Parade on Main Street, Sa turday, 10:30 A.M., May 20th, 1961. It was moved by COlT',rnis-
sioner Staudaher, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the request be granted and
the motion was carr5.ed by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being
Ma yor Swans on, Commissioner Staudaher and Comnissioner Sedivy; those vo ting No, nono.
(See following page)
There being no further business to come before the Commission at this
time, it was moved by Commissioner Staudaher, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy,
that the meeting adjourn and the motion was carried by the following Aye and
No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Staudaher and
Cow~issioncr Sedivy; those voting No, none.
/ Ma yor
ATTEST: €tri/J~
Clerk of the Commission
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