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Bozeman, Montana
May 17th, 1961
The Con~ission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commls~ion
Room, Clty Hall Building, Wednesday, May 17th, 1961 at 1:00 o'clock P.ir,. Presen t
I were Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Staudahor, Commissioner Sedivy, City ~anager Cutting,
Ass't. City Manager Fryslie, Ass't. City A ttorney Berg and the Clerk.
The following proceedinr,s were had:
Tanu to s of the last rogular session were read and it was moved by COnLrnissioner
Sedi vy, seconded by Commissioner Staudaher, that the minutes be approved as read and
the motion was carrled by the following Aye and Eo vote: those voting Aye being
Mayor Swanson, Comrnlssioner Sedivy and Commissioner Staudai:ler; tho.so voting lTo, nono.
City Building Facilities -- Proposed Contract (Architect)
A proposed contract agreement submittod by Berg and Grabow, Arch.':- tee ts, to pro-
vide architecturel servl~es to the City for planning its proposed building facilities
was placed before the C01:11',113 3 ion. The members of the Com~::is s j on, the City Manager
and Ass' t- el ty Attornoy dlscus~led the agreement, and at the rcqnc 8 t of ~,\I:) ;1'o:r
Sw::mson, the City ~annger scheduled a Special Meetinc of the Conmlissinn to CO!l'!cne
at 8: 30 A. ~,r ., Ma y 23rd, 1961, to consider and take action upon matters pertaining
to tho Ci ty Building Facili ty Planning Program.
Cemeter~r Permanent Care Funds -- Inves tment
I The Gity Manager stated that the Director of Finance has requested permission
to Invec:t .",7,U(JO.uu of Cemetery Permanent Care Funds in City Special Improvement
~istrict No. 410 bonds at a not intcrost rate of 4.65%, and he recom~ened t"la t the
inves trnon t be p ~)provod. It was moved by Con~issioner Staudaher, seconded by
Gomn:issioner Sedivy, that the Director of Finance be authorized to complete the
inve s tm8n t. The motion was carried by the following Aye 'J.nd No vote: those voting
Aye beinc;~ T~ayor 0w~mson, Commissioner Staudaher anJ. Comr-~:!.ss1,oner Sec'Hv:n those
va ting No, none.
Lease Agreement -- U.S. Forest Service "Beacon Hill"
A lease esreemBnt to grant the U.S. Forest Service ~arTYlission to hOl1se its
radio transml tting equipmen t tn the Ci ty-Coun ty radio II sha ck" on Beacon Eill was
pre sen ted. J;ctlon on the agreement was deferred to allow time for further s t'J.dy of
the provi s lons of the Cl8reement.
Request -- J.G's., Automobile Safety Gheck, June lO, 1961
Tho reouest of the Jaycees to conduct an au tomobilb safe t:t che0k on 1Tain Street
oppos 1 te the .Iillson Junior lilgh School on J,-me lOth, 1961 was presented. It wa s
I moved by Commissioner Sedivy, socondecl by Comf11issloner Staudaher, that tho request
be granted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those
votlng Aye being ~,Tayor Swanson, Commissioner 3edivy and Commissioner Staudaher;
those vo ting T'To, none.
Rolf Johnson -- Appo1n tmen t as Band Dirac tor AjJj,:roved
It \"las reported tha t the C1 ty Municipal Band Board had appoin ted TIolf Johnson
as band director for the 1961 season. It was moved by Commissioner Staudaher,
seconded by Commissioner 0edi vy, that the Commission approve the appointment I
nnd the motion was carried by the following Aye und No vote: those voting
Aye bcin~: Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Staudahcr and Comrnissioner Sedivy;
those voting No, none.
Band Concerts -- Mat 30th and June 27th
It was reported tha t the Trus t Fund of th e Mu s c ians ' ~~ion would provide
funds in order to schedule band concerts on I':Ta y 30th and June 27th. It was
moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by COlTh'7lissioner Staudaher, that the
schedule be approved and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No
vo te : those vottng Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Sedivy and Commis~
sioner Staudaher; thos e voting No, none..
There being no further b1.lsiness to come before the Commission at this
ti me , it was moved b:r Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Staudaher,
that the meotinc adjourn and the motion was carried by the following Aye and
No vote: those voting Ayo being T,!ayar Swanson, Com~issioner Sedivy and
Commissioner staudaher; those va ting No, none. I
Me yar
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