HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-05-23 .119 SPECIAL MEETING Bozerr:>,an, Non t:o:ma I Ha y 23, 1961 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in special sasblon in the COmI.;is- sian Haom, City Hall Buildin6, Twuesday, Iv!a y 23rd, 1961 at 8:30 A.P., pursuant to ca 11 af Ci ty :Manrlger Cu tt:tng given May 17t~1, 1961. Present were Mayor Swanson, Commis sioner Sedi v~r, Commissioner Staudaher, City Manager Cutting, Ass't. C i t;y~ Manaeer Fryslie, Depu ty C1 ty A ttorney Berg and tho Clerk. City Building Pacility Planning Program The stated purpose of the meeting was to consider and take action on matters pert.sinin2; to the City Building Facilit:r Plannlng Pro&".ram. PetItion -- Approval and Circulation of a Petition to Call an Election on Bond Issue A proposed form to be used for a pe ti tion to be clrcula ted wi thin the City to secure the necessary signaturos of petitioners to r18ce the proposition of ~~S8U tnS gener8.1 obliga tion bonds to provlde flmds for the propos0d construction of City Building Facilities to a vote of electors of the City was presented. Ass't. City Manager Frys~ie stated the petition had been prepared by the firm of I legal consultants retained by the City to perform such services and, in addl tion, Ute form had, also, bee~ approved by the office of the City Attorney. Mr. Frys1ie reported that tile petition, ~,f approved by tho COffi"Jlssion, is sched"led to be circulated beginning June 1st with the ultI!l1ate goal tha t the necostwry 21',;na tures could b~ secured by June 12th. The City Manager recommended that tho petition be approve~ as to forre and its c lrcn 1a tion ass chedl: led be au thorized. It was moved by Commissioner Staudaher, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the petition be approved as to form and placed in the hands of the circulators by June 1, 1061. The motion ~as carried by tho following Ay'e and '!\To vote: thosiS votinp; Aye being ~/fayor 0wanson, Commissioner St::mdaher and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none. Citizens Advisory Committee ~lfayor Swansor!, wi th the concurrence of COrJmissioner Stf'ludarler and :::ommissioner Sediv:r, appointed a C1 t:1.zens Commi ttee consisting of fifty-one members preslimed to be a representative cross-section of the Citizenry of Bozeman, as a nucleus to rlssist the City in planning its future building facilities; in addition, the I COr'J11isslon and all City officials stressed the fact that the City wOlJld welcome the aSS'1.st3nce of 3ny 1ndividu3l or group who desired to becone a member of the Comrni ttee. Proposed Archi tectural Contract A proposod contract agreement submi tted by Berg and Gravo,:;, Architects of Bozeman, to provide arch1,tec~Jral services to the City for its proposed building facillties was placed before the ComInis sion. f',..11"l. :'erg st8ted thst the contract ;120 for:n, as presented, WBS the standard form of contract now used by all departmonts of the Sta te of Mon tena in the lett1ng of contracts for like services. The Commis- S :Lon, the City officials prSs0nt, T'i~r. Be rg and }1r. Grabow discussed various phases 3.nd aspects of tbe con trac t and f.Jrther ac tion on the ~atter was deferred until 3 In to r da te . Civil Defense (Pror;osed Building Facili ties) I The City Manager roported being advised that all Federal Funds previously appropri:" ted to assist political subdivisions in the construction of "Civil Defenso" facilities have now been alloted and it was not anticipated additional funds could become available until appropriated by this session of Congress which would . be unlikely before Augus t, 1961. On that basis, and considering the time element involved in the preparation and processing of an application, it was estimated the Clty's building program would be delayed for as much as one year before Federal Civil Defense assistBnce C01..ild >n8. terialize if approved. The Manaf!er s ta tad tha t the City is not at all ,,- unmindful of the need and responsibility for Civil Defense measures, bu t with th e possibility of incorporating, several Civil Defense features within the normal design of proposed buildings, he recommended T)roceeding wi th the Ci ty' s building program as now outlined with continued study to be given to the provision of addi- tional Civil Defense facilities at a fU~lre date. It was moved by Commissioner sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Staudaher, tha t, in view of the Manager's recommendation, the City continue with its present plan- I ning for future building facilities; but that provision for further Civil Defense fea tures be kept under study wl th the hope of securing Pederal approva 1 and Bssis t- ance at a future date. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: tl'!ose votinp; Aye being Ma~ror Swanson, Commissioner Sedivy and Comrrissioner Staudaher; those voting No, none. Adjournment There being no f.Jrther business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Staudaher, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, the t the meeting Rd,im:.rn Dnd the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being ~ayor Swanson, Commissioner staudaher and Commissioner ::)edivy; those voting No, none. The meeting was then adjourned at lU:30 A.M. c:;:::;/ 4 ~~d2~ Mayor ATTEST: .... I e<K<<)~ Cle1'1.;: of the C1 t:y Commission - - - - .... - - - -