HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-05-24 .t~l Bozeman, Montana Ma y 24th, 1961 The Comn1.ssion of tho City of Bozeman met in regulqr session in the Commission Room, City Hall Building, 'viedne sda y , Ma y 24, 1961 at 1:0U o'clock p.m. Preoen t were Mayor Swanson, Commissioner ~taudaher, Commissioner Sedivy, Ci t~T I":anager I Cutting, Ass't. City Manager Fryslie, City Attorney Lovelace and the Clerk. The following proceedings were had: Minutes of the 19st reV-lIar session were read and :'I.t 'was moved by Commissioner Staudaher, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, the- t the minute s be approved as read and the motion was carried by the followinG Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Staudaber and Commissioner :""edtvy; tr-;ose voting No, none. Architectural Contract -- Proposed Duilding Facilities A contract agreement binding the joint firm of Oswald 3erg, Jr. & Associates, Architects and William E. Grabow, f~rchi tee t, to provide archltectnral scrvlccs for the Ci ty' s proposed building facilities was pl?ced 'before tbe Con::l~ission. The City Manager reviewed varimlS sdct10ns incorpora tee. in tt:e contract with tJJe Conll::ission and recommended th8 t the Com~isslcn aprrove its cont8nts ami t.he 1,:9 yo:, D~ci tte Clerk be an thorized to sign tlle contract for the City. It was moved. by Commissloner SediVY, seconded by COD~lssioner Staudaher, thet the contract be 8.r~r;I)O";TeU nr!d the Payor and the Clerk be authnri~e~ and directed to sign for the I C1 ty. The J~iotion was c~lrl'le.::t by tLe following Aye and No vo te : thos e votinG A 'Ye be lng Ma YOI' Swans on, Commissioner Sedivy and Cotn.-nissioner S.taudaher; those voting No, none. Bids for Misc. W & C, 1961 This was the tlme and place set for recelvinc bids for construction of H18c. Vi & C, 1961. Affida vi t of pllblicn tion of No tice was presented. It was moved by COYrJ!\issioner Staudaher, seconded by Commissioner Sedl vy, that the biu.s filed wi th tile Clerk be opened and read and the motion was carried by the foll.Ow- ing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being l~ayor Swanson, Comnissioner Staudaher and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none. The following ~ids were opened and read: Name Amount - VII.. D. I~owel1s 4v2,041..35 Ecg:':erty-r.fessmer Co. l,D15.95 Andrew H. Anderson Son, Inc. 1,844.85 The Ci ty }':anager recommended tha t the bids be referred to the City EngIneer I to prepare an ac~urnte tabula tion of the bids and to recommend the lowe stand be s t bid. Resolu tion No. lOl9 -- Extension of Boundaries of City of Bozeman (Layton Tho~:npsonTract) During the regular session of the City Connnissiori helcl on April 26th, 196.l, the COMmission regularly passed and adopted Commission Resolution No. lU15, declarinr~ its intention to extend the boundaries of the ci ty limi ts to include a :122 con tig}:t01.1S tract of 0.76 acres, l{TIovm as the Layton Thompson Tract, within the c l t yo 11mi ts . The affidavit of plblication of the Notice was presented. Ther;e were no protests filed and no on0 appeared to protest the action. Re so 1u tion No. 1019 extending the city li~its was presented, en ti tled : cm'::,~ISSION FESOLUTION NO. 1019 A ;:ESOLtJTIOH OF TEE cmn:ISSIJN en;' TEE CITY OF BOZEl/IAN I ill~Tb;EJjING THE 30UHJ)ARILj;~) OF T~m SP.IlJ CITY OI~ T30zm,rAN so AS TO :c:~m3Rf.:::;B AND HTCLU.JE II CERTAIN T;1ACT or LAND CC~rTIGTJOUS TO THE SAIl; CIrTY :)1" DOZEl/AN AED HEREIN l/iORE PAPTICTnu4.RLY DESCRIBEDvlITP.IN TIll CaRl OH.A~_':r.; Lp'fITb THEREOF. It was moved by CommIssioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Staudaher, that the resolution be pRssed and adopted, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being ~,TB.yor Swanson, commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Staudaher; those voting No, none. Purchase of Merry-go-rounds The City Manager reported that merry-go-rounds at Beall, Bogart Grove and the Southside parks were beyond a state of economical repair, and the Park Recreational Board had recommenC::ed that the equipment be replaced by the purchase of 3 new uni ts of lIke eqllipment from the Miracle Co. at a price of ~310.00, F.O.B., Bozeman, per unit. As capital expenditures in tho amount of 4pl,UOO.00 Lad been provided for in the 1960-61 budget for parl,:: purposes and the funds were still avail- able, the City II/ranager recommended tba t the purchas e be approved. It was moved by Commissioner staudaher, seconded by Co~~issioner Sedivy, that the purchase I of the equipment be approved and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Staudaher and Commj,ssioner ~edivy; those voting No, none. Award of Contract (W & C, 1961) The City Engineer having completed his tab'ula tion of the bids submitted for W &, C, 1961 construction, he announced that Vi. D. Howells had failed to sign his bid and it cmlld not be considered a qualified bid. The Engineer stated that the bid of Andrew H. Anderson Son, Inc. in the amount of $1,844.85 was the lowest qualified b:!.d submitted and reco:trl]1;ended thAt concern be awarded the contract. The City Manager having concurred in that recommendation, it was moved by Commis- s ioner Sedi v~{, seconded by CommIssioner Staudaher, that the contract be awarded to Andrew H. Anderson and Son, In:; . in the amount of ~1,844.85, as recommended. The >notion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Me yor Swanson, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissibner Sto.udaher; those voting No, none. &lilding Movers Bond -- Cotton's House Moving I An indemnity bond in the amount of ~2,OOO.UO written b? the Standard Acc:lden t Insurance Company for II Co tton' s }:o11se J,~ovinc:" in regard to building moving within the City limits of Bozeman by subject firm was presented, having prior approvQl of the City Attorney as to form. It was moved by Commissioner S tandaher, seconded by Commissioner sedivy, that the bond be accepted and filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner stnudaher and Commissioner Sodivy, those voting No, none. ---.- --- oJ') 'j !.....t Cancellation of Master Flubers License Bond -- Brown Plbg. & Heating Co. A written request from the American Casualty Co. tha t the Plumbing and Heating Bond of Brown Plumbing and Heating Company, Townsend, lIon tana , be cancelled was presen tad. It was moved b~~ Commis s ioner Seui vy, seconded by Commissioner Staudaher, that the bond be cancelled effective May 24, 1961, and the motion was I carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner ~taudaher; those voting Po, none. Agree]"t~en t -- U.S. Forest Service "Beacon Hill" The proposed lease agree~ent to grant the TJ.S. II'ores t Service p6 rmiss ion to hOl1se its radio transmitting equipment in the C1 ty-County r8.d.lo "shack" on Beacon Pill was a~ain presented. The City ~anagcr reported that a cancellation clause in f9yor of the C1 ty, as sUG~estod by the City Attorney, had now been incorporated jn the agreeT'1ent and reco~endec, that lt be approved by the Commission. It W3f; ~nved by Co~missioner Staudaher, seconded by Commissioner SediVY, that the City approve the ap,;reemen t I':md the lTay()r and the Clerk of the C:l t~~ Commis s ion be authorized and directed to sign the agreement for the City. The motion was cDrried by the following Aye a.nd No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Co~~issioner Staudaher, and Cow0issioner Sedivy; thos e vo ting No, none. Adjournment There being no further business to corre before the Commission a t this t11'11o, it was moved by Comn1issioner Sedivy, seconded by Commis si0ncl' ,st31)C.:] ber, t1-~10 t the I meeting adjourn and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Sedivy and Corrnnissioner 0taudaher; those voting No, nono. ~~5?~ . Mayor I. A 'J'T t<~8T : ~A/'(V~ Clerk of tho C1 ty Commission - - - - - - - - I