HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-06-07 425 Bozeman, Montana June 7th, 1961 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission I Room, City Hall Building, Wednesday, June 7th, 1961 at 1:00 o'clock p.m. Present were Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Staudaher, Commissioner Sedivy, City Manager Cutting, Ass't. City Manager Fryslie, Deputy City Attorney Berg and the Clerk. The following proceedings were had: Minutes of the last regular session were read and it was moved by Commissioner Staudaher, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the minutes be approved as read and the motion was carried by the i'ollowing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Staudaher and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none. Authority to Travel -- Montana Fire Chiofs' Conference It was reported the. t the Montena Fire Chiefs' Annual Conforence ~ ". s c he d1..11G cl ..LV to be hold at Great Falls, J1JJ'1e 8th to 10 th, cncl the Ci ty ~,~anaber recor:1.''1'lended th:c, t Piro Chief Penttlla be authorized to ~ttGnd the conferonce, and, that it beinG in the public interest, his expanse s incclrred in attending "~l-;c confure::ce be paie:. 01,1 t of the C;en6ral fc,md. I t was moved by Comm:i.s s ioner' Sedi v";l, s econdea by Corrur.iss loner Sta1Jdahe r, that tho anthorization be gr8nted to Chief Ponttila as recor:'cr.lGnded 'J Y the City Manazcr and the mo tion was carried. by the follo~ing Aye and ~o vote: I those u~ting Aye being ~,~ayor Swanson, Commis s loner Sedivy and Con.n:' ss lema!' S taudaher; those voting No, none. Electrician's Bond -- Anderton Electric The electrician's bond of AnQerton Electric, BolgraC..e, Montana, ViaS prosen ted. ~he bond havinc been approved as to form by the Building Inspector and the City Att:orney, it vms moved by Conunissioner St8.udaher, seconded b y COr.'~:liss ioner Sedi v~', the t the bond be approved and accepted and the motion W3S carried by the following 1\.";]'e and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swonson, Commis;s~"oner ~t?l1drher Etnd Cornmlssioncr Sedivy; thos e voting ~To, none. Elks' Lodge -- Fla7 Day Program The written rco.uest of the local Elks' Lodee to stage 8 Flag Day Ceremony on th 0 froD t .3 teps of tho louee at 7:30 p.~., June 14th, 1961, emu that trafric be dlvartecl from the immediate area during thG progrnm was pro;:] bY! ted . The City Vanneer ,'" ~",' ,.. , . u ta -red that the progr8~ 1s an annual event of tho Lodee and recom!TGndo:~. the t the request be granted, with appropriate traffic rogula tlon to be provided by the City. I It was moved by Comrrissioner Sediv;r, se '~onded by Commiss loner Gtaudahcr, that the req11est be gr[mted 8.8 recommended and the motion was carr'ied by the following Aye and !\TO va to : those "loting Aye be lng T1a YOI' Swans on, Commissioner Jedivy anu COrTIr,is- sianer 3tnudaher; those vo ting No, none. Rodeo Promotion Reque~t -- "JO's" The City ~anager reported the "JC's" have requested per~ission to s tngo a promotion8l proe;raM on TTaln Streot, Sa t11 rc1a y, June 10th, to advertise its annual rodeo and promote advance ticko t sa l8s . The City Hanagor recomnendeQ tll9. t the ~ 426 request be granted, but the orgnniza tion be call tionod to use extreme care in the firing of blan~{ anmnmi tion during the ac ti vi tes, and, if used, to II tone dov:n" and curtail the use of sound equipment. Mer,],bers of the Commission requested Chief of Police Saunders to olaco special "phasis on the policing; of the area during the program and it waG moved by Commissioner ~taudaher, seconded by Commissioner ~edivy, that the reouest be granted as recommended by the C:lty ~:~anager and the motion was I. carried by the following Aye and Ho voto: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Connnissioncr Staudaher and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none. Claims for the Month Claim No's. 11684 to 11950 inclusi vo were prei:3ented on the various funds as follows: Fu.nd Amount Fund Amount - General ;l\i 18,629.51 Street 6,734.60 Wa ter 9,863.58 S.D.S. 17,194.40 Li brar y 2,205.31 Park 2,904.11 Ceme tcry 3,238.17 Band 20.00 GarbaGe 6,788.56 Parking Meter 1,115.86 Police Eesorve 52D.80 Cemetery Susp. 7,273.00 T"'I ""1-:1 ~-:' (1 827 .51 Plannine; Board 63.10 L..t~.~I"U. S . I .D . , s . 59,050.55 Airport 500.00 S.I.D. Revolving 959.94 To ta 1 $138,797.00 The City ~~anaGer stated he had audited the claims and found them to be true and lRwful claims against the City of Bozer;an and recom:nended that they be approved fmd warrants issued for their ]'R.ymcnt. After examination of the cl'31ms in detail 8nd checking against the cla:lm reg log tel', it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, I seconded by Com"'1issloner Standaher, that the claims presented be approved. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Corwiss ioner Sed l vy and Commiss ionor staudaher; those va ting No, none. Repor ts The following reports were presented: 1,1a,,/, 1961: 1ibr,<Jrian Police Judge Chief of Police l,lire Ch:tef .Jist. nIt. Opel' . Bui1dinC Inspector , ~Gni ta tion Cashier April, 1961: Director of Finance The Ci ty r,nanager reviewed the reports wi th the Commission and recommended that the reports be approved and ordered filed. It was moved by Comr.lissioner Sta1.ldahcr, cecondcd by CommIssioner SediVY, that the reports be approved and filed 8nd the motionW8s carried by the followinz Aye and ~To vote: thos e votin,g A:re be- ing ~pyor Swanson, Commiss ioner S t8.udaher and Comtliss ioner Sedivy; those voting No, none. Renewal of Gas Fitter's Licenso Bond -- 1,Ion tans Power Co. I Tho City Hnnagel' presented D. letter V'lrittan b:l the Bennett Agency, Bozeman, ~r nr' "':;8 TIn , wl-;icb stated thn+: Uw Gas Pitter's Licenso Bond, #40030 13 ]049 59, issued to the 11nn tan.s Power Company by tho United States Pidelity Rnd Guar~nty Corr:pnn~' h8d been renewed for the periou. 7-23-61 to 7-23-62. I t VIR S rroveu. by' . Commissioner ~cdi~y: :JGcoy'dcd by Comnissioncr Staudo.h,or, that the extension of tha bond be cprroved and the Mot~on was co.rr:'Led 'oy the follO'1ving J~":Ie a:r.d T<:o vote: ~ - -- .t27 ~ those voting Aye being !,~ayor Swanson, Commissioner Sedivy and Cmr.rr:i s sloner Staudaherj those voting No, none. -I Ad,i Ollrnmen t 'l'here belnc no further buslness to come before the Commission at tbis titre I , . it was movod by Com.-rnlssloner Sedivy, seconded by Comr:lission8r 3tauJ.cd',81', tha t the meeting adjourn and the motion was carrieJ. by the fOllowinG ^ye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, CO!11rnlssioner Sedivy and Commissioner .s.talJdaher j those voting No, none. ~~~"- Mayor AT'::'EST: -~I(?f/~ Clerk of the City Commission 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1