HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-06-14 :128 , ! . Bozeman, Mar. b:ma J\lY1C 11th, L)61 Tho Cor-w!:ission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in tbo ,.... . vomnns- s10n Room, C1 ty Eal] Buildin,J;, Ivedne sd9. y, June 14th, 1961 at l:UU o'clocl{ p.n. I Present liie:>C ]I,rayor 3wo.nson, CO)"'1;115 s10nor S talldaher, Commissioner bcdivy, City Vanessr Cutting, C ha r 1 ,3 S ,;\n[; e 11 , , ,...'~ 3ctlnG Cit~' Attorne~T, 8. no. the Clerk. ~J "i.. '" The followins rroceedln~s were had: },:iml tC3 f' the last ro~ular session wero read and it ViaS movou by COPl:::~ss10ner 0", \.~) Sedi v~r, GO conded b~T C0J'l11"11ss ioner S t8'Jdc,her, that the minu toa be approvcc~ as read ,."nd the motion wns cerried by tho following, A';lo and }lTo vo te : those votinf:: Aye be- in:; ~'fa ~Tor Swanson) Coml'1iss innor Sed ivy and Comrniss ioner Staudahcr; those vo ti ng No, nono. Report of Fire Trainini;; School -- Charles Masten t Pira:nan Chsrlos 1"fosteY1 8PIJo.f1,rou '::.;oforo the :::o:,r?'::Ls J io!'l to rOpol-t on tho hiCh- ,\, 11,<:';h ts of the proSrcrn oi' the !ILnuJor Practices" sch(lo~', be 8. t tLinc.lecL a t ;.:1 s s o~lla, ~'-:on tana, J:u,rin(': the week of ~?y 26th. ~',:~r It ~,'8 S ten en~rnBr8'toJ 3. n~mbcr of subjects lncl1Jdecl j-:". the eO"J rse and rern3r~GU on varJmlS s t'"d:io s upo'J -,',hlch particular elYlphu- sis wns pIeced, namol~,": tho keepln;,'; of files on t1l038 inClvldunls suspected of arson, reco!'-ds t.o I'c'Jc81 t~"lC;' s 1'8 c inlizer.:, tral:".in~ co~p18tGC. by inJivld~8l f1remen; 813 v'el1 . as, thG OD til"o .f1.ro cl0P81"tr:ent ':...,,~IU ~!"!.c tho;"';';:; 8 ~T!. ,I ,: ,_~. n ';IEJ :.1 1n asc8rt&~nln3thc CEnJ.3G S of' I f 5~ :,::~'lC ;3 , -j +- r-+ rI1.')n~T of \v}-,t.10lt L~:'''}8 nov~' ~,.I~;C0Y>}.;()~.-';:',+;cc.:~ :lr1 ~.r}6 operations of the; B02om<:n v...,'..... . , ~ire Department at thls ti::-e. I:l c 1':)8 1nC, h,:; oS to. ted. tho t the trf: :Lr t no' be T'0coiviJd '-' ~ encouraged his sr,t!~',usi8sm fo:':.~ f')rt~:8-,,' '"'1'8 in in::; , and th.".\ t !ire departments through- out tho nn tion arc C .v'...... (~\ ~~'"IS 1.1...... ,", t1"."e p:r~rJctlcG of conductin~ programs to prOcll'G8 hiChly trained and specie11zcd fIe :-':j()!~;~O J 1.YJ tr:(; :~o,~r+-p~c~ts, r 8 th c r F~8n en increase of r1anpowc;l'. ~~r. .l'~:';.3t8Y', also, I'c'''J''rted tI, n t the Jl'iss:"",':: La Fire l.iepnrb:0Ylt t",.:.L extended hir>i every co: '::'+';Jsy- d','r:in:~: the J '~:-J.O t.-::- ]" ~. n L"~~ ar..G. t~<~ t Fire Chief Per. t t~. J,Q ar:u he had both wri tt8:~: lettors of ~~,l:~'l~ec~,.,~~ tj n~",:. y..':eyv1) (; J:~ s of tl:,8 ::o11:p'i s s ion inforD't:id :'}'. =:a8 t6'l tI":;) this report ~v08 ~lnst grat~,fy. rl '\0""1 :.1 ins true. tGC~ -1-\-,,> C1 ty I:Iana[~er to VH"~, te c.. ''''';4.,J ,\..4. \.,.....C; letter of II tl'1, 8. n 1-:8 !t to the ~Iis soula 1"i1'8 Depart;nen t. It vms moved by Commissioner " , , h sec",nded by :::oYl'c':lssionor 0odjv~"; tha t the report be accepted and the iJ"CD.l,1Uf-J .,.or, )";}r)tion ",\;,'::i3 c 8. r r i c C. b J tt; e fol10wir~~~ ;;.ye nnd No '."0 to : tho8o voting Aye being Mayor SVlianSQI"', Com:dssioner St~:md8.hel> and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none. Report of Fire Chiefs' Conference -- Chief' .Pen ttila r'i1'e Chief Dontt11a reported on his attond8.nce at the Pi1'e Chlefs' Conferenc8 I held in :~r8a t Fe lIs, r:or.tC1""1. ITe s ta te d thet several nationally known lee turer's O:!':l the s'lb,ject of "fire fightinr;" appeared C\t the conference and the groun were gu,e:Jts at tl'lO 1,::;: 1s ;=rom Ai1'force cClce to witness a de~on5tretion of its uqll2.-pr,oYl, t gnd mottoes of fighting and C 0:"I; to 1'8 ct:nc; th8 a1'ter1"'l8. th of 1I fa 11 ou t" wi th:LD the imn:.ed 10. to 'Tic:!.ni t~' of an od1'n],'3.nce cr:lsb. In closiCJ.i:':, J\'Tr. Pen ttila 6 ta teG. th8. t it 13 rLO'~V the; {~e:re' "'], b'u'~d oJ':' :~ll firs de 1}91' t)'\1un t.:; to maintain rhyslc01 fitness .129 pr ogr ams for nl L personnal and the lnaup;urn tion of s\~c:h 3 progr~,yrJ af1()111C be considered here. It vms moved by Corr:.~11iss~,"?'}cr Sed:',",-,:" sE::coY'ded by Commissioner Stfmclahor, that Hr. Penttila be cOD,n;ratlJlated OD his report D.nd the motion W8.S c3.rried b~T t}}O followinF Aye and l'Jo vote: those voting Aye belnr~ 1';ayor Swanson, COtrT'issioner Sedivy and Commissioner Stal1dahoY'j those votin['; F'i, y)one. I New Fire T:ruck -- Deli very (~ .. T P0 + _ "lI ..:, ~ 'k!' Yl~'~;~T f' 'I ~! lr}'I,..:j ,....,~-.::.,.".- 1. I r !.'1 " F___rO.Lieft;in-,tila r,erolted th",t t.,e ",\;0" ~iro tl~lC,~ "~L' ar.~',ed _n Dozem"n, and tl,\'o1 t l t ",i3. S now be ing to s tea and from all indic.'1 t:LOns l t wO'.1.1u surpas saIl reQuirements incorporated in the specifications. The new unit was inspected by the Commission. Bond and Contract -- Settlin~ Basin Fence Bond and Contract of the Colorado Fuel & Iron Co., Salt Lake City, Utah, for t~e furnishing of materlal and lo.:Jor to construct 0. fence of the chain 11n1-:: type at the Settlln: Basin was prs8ented. ThD City r~n9ger reported t~3t the City has on file th e propa r certifies to s to Sl:"JS tantia te tl"\~. t the con trac tor is D daqua to ly insur8d, the pc~'fon:w,nee ;Jond and the contract had been npproved by the Ci t;:/ Attorney's office, and he recom1"1endod that the City enter into the agreement and that the 1.18yor and the Clerk be authorized and directed to Sl[~n the contract for the C1 t~'. It was 1'1oved by Commlss ioner Sbmdnher, seconded by Cor'--p']is s inner Sed~ vy, tl1at the Mayor and the Clerk be auth0rized and directed to sien the contract for the City end the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those I votinc Aye being Mayor SwnDson, Comr.-dssioncr :stnudaher and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none. Reports i'''.dLli ti"r18l report c for th e month of T.Ts y, 19C1 were presen ted: via tel' Collo c tor }\luoridn tion The C~ty !!anager reviewed the reports with the Cor-m,:I.si:>ion and stated that delinquent water accounts were being held to 8 minimlm anQ the reports appeared to be in orderj he reeom~ended that the reports be approved and ordered filed. It was moved by COr1t"'1.ssioner Sedivy, seconded b;y Comrr5_ss1oner Stnudnher, that the reports be approved and filed and. thc: m0tion was ca::::>r:T ed b~T the following Aye 8.nd Po vote: those voting AY8 being Ma;:'or Swanson, Commissioner Sed5vy and Commis- sioner Staudaherj those voting lTn, none. Adjournment There beinc; no further bus'ness to come before the COUI:,dss ion a t this tirne, it was moved by Commis sinner Sedi v"J', seeonded by Commiss loner Staudaher, tha t the meetine adjourn and the motion wns carried by the following Aye and Eo vote: I ,~hOS: vot~ng Aye being l,rey, or Swanson, Commisl::lioner 8edivy and Cotr.l.mlssioner 0tau~aher, those voting No, none. ~~~~ ,,;8yor A TTl~~jT : ,p'~ " / ~. ' Clerk 0 'e '" y Co:rrm:~LS B._on - - .- - - - - - -