HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-02-17 Correspondence - Human Rights Campaign to Taylor - Municipal Equality Index (MEI) E3 ffi!" HUMAN �`c, RIGHTS CAMPAIGN® Office of the Mayor Taylor P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 March 2, 2017 Dear Mayor Taylor, This letter is to inform you that your city will again be included in the Human Rights Campaign's Municipal Equality Index(MEI)this year.The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is the largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian,gay, bisexual,transgender and queer(LGBTQ)Americans.The MEI is the first nationwide evaluation of municipal laws,policies, and services affecting the LGBTQ community. This year, HRC will evaluate the 506 cities rated in last year's publication.These include the 50 state capitals,the 200 largest cities in the country,the five largest cities in each state,the cities home to the state's two largest public universities,75 cities and census-designated places with high proportions of same-sex couples,and 98 cities selected by HRC and Equality Federation group members and supporters. HRC will conduct preliminary research on your city and will send you a draft scorecard in May for your review. When you receive your draft scorecard,we ask that you review our research and contact us with corrections and supporting documentation before July 14th.The MEI will be published and released in October. Please note that the 2017 MEI utilizes the same scorecard as the 2016 MEI,which you will find enclosed with this letter along with a detailed explanation of our standards for credit. Upcoming changes to next year's scorecard will be detailed in this year's MEI. At this time,we are writing simply to alert you that your city will be rated again this year. If there is a specific person in your office you would like us to communicate with from now on, please let us know. Also, please let us know if you are interested in learning more about how you can improve your score prior to publication. Finally,we ask that you keep us apprised of any relevant city actions that occur after you receive your draft scorecard.The best way to get in contact with us is by emailing mei@hrc.org. We look forward to working with you in ensuring that your city is rated accurately and given all of the credit it deserves. Sincerely, Xavier Persad Legislative Counsel HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN 11640 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036 P202-628-4160 1 F202-423-2861 I HRC@HRC.ORG CONFIDENTIAL-DRAFT-NOT FOR PUBLICATION-CONFIDENTIAL-DRAFT HUMAN 13 RIGHTS CAM PATGN , o u u o •r o 2017 MEI Scorecard - City, State Max Pts. State County Municipal Earned Pts. Part I.Non-Discrimination Law SO Cl SO GI so GI A.Employment 10 5/5 0 0 5/5 0 0 5" El 0 0 B.Housing 10 5/5 0 0 5/5 0 0 5/5 0 0 C.Public Accommodations 10 5/5 0 0 5/5 0 0 5/5 0 0 30 Part I.Standard Points 0 Part if.Municipality As Employer s0 GI SO GI Non-Discrimination Policy for City Employees A.Non-Discrimination in City Employment 12 6/6 0 0 6/6 0 0 0 Benefits for City Employees —B.Trans-Inclusive Health Benefits 6 6 0 6 0 0 Contractor Policies — --- C.City Contractor Non Discrimination Ordinance 6 3/3 0 1 0 3/3 0 1 0 0 BONUS:Inclusive Workplace 2 2 0 2 0 0 24 Part II.Standard Points 0 2 Part II.Bonus Points o Part III.Municipal Services so Cl s0 GI so GI A.Human Rights Commission 5 ; 0 5 0 0 B.LGBTQ Liaison to City Executives 5 ; 0 5 0 0 Schools C.Anti-Bullying Policies 6 3/3 0 0 3/3 0 1 0 313 0 1 0 0 BONUS:Enforcement of HRC 2 2 0 2 0 0 BONUS:City provides services to LGBTQ youth 2 2 0 2 0 0 BONUS:City provides services to LGBTQ homeless 2 2 0 2 0 0 BONUS:City provides services to LGBTQ elders 2 2 0 2 0 0 BONUS:City provides services to HIV/AIDS pop. 2 2 0 2 0 0 BONUS:City provides services to transgender pop, 2 1 z 1 0 2 0 0 16 Part III.Standard Points 0 12 Part III.Bonus Points 0 Part IV.Law Enforcement A.LGBTQ Liaison/Task Force in Police Dept. 10 10 0 10 o 0 B.Hate Crimes Reporting(2015) 12 12 0 12 0 0 22 Part IV.Standard Points 0 Part V.Leadership on LGBTQ Equality A.Leadership's Public Position on Equality 0-5 0-5 0 0-5 0 0 B.Recent Pro-Equality Legislative Efforts 0-3 0-3 0 0-3 0 0 BONUS:Openly LGBTQ Elected or Appointed Leaders 2 2 0 2 0 0 BONUS:City Tests Limits of Restrictive State Law 4 4 0 4 0 0 8 Part V.Standard Points o 6 Part V.Bonus Points 1 o Key Standard Points Total 0 SO=Sexual Orientation Bonus Points Total 0 GI-Gender Identity Total Raw Score o Final Score 0 CONFIDENTIAL-DRAFT-NOT FOR PUBLICATION-CONFIDENTIAL-DRAFT IIUMAN RIGHTS CAMPATGN r o u n c A r : o l 2017 MEI STANDARDS FOR CREDIT HUMAN RIGHTS ` CAMPAIGN, Aitll!. I- The following details what qualifies for credit in each section of the MEI scorecard. The 2017 scorecard and standards for credit are the same as those utilized in 2016. SECTION I. NON-DISCRIIVIINATION LAWS • Non-Discrimination in Private Employment, HousinE, and Public Accommodations (Up to 30 points). This category evaluates whether a city has an enforceable non-discrimination ordinance that expressly covers sexual orientation and gender identity and applies to private employment, housing, and public accommodations citywide. In each category (private employment, housing, and public accommodations), cities receive 5 points for explicitly prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and 5 points for expressly prohibiting discrimination on the basis of gender identity. A 3-point deduction is applied for public accommodations protections that contain carve-outs prohibiting individuals from using facilities consistent with their gender identity. • Required Documentation: Copy of relevant municipal code provision(s). SECTION II. MUNICIPALITY AS EMPLOYER • Non-Discrimination in City Employment (6 points for sexual orientation/6 points for gender identity). Whereas Section I assesses private employment citywide, this section evaluates non- discrimination protections for city employees (public employment). To qualify for credit, the city must have an enforceable non-discrimination ordinance or policy that expressly applies to all municipal employees and explicitly includes sexual orientation and gender identity. • Required Documentation: Copy of relevant municipal code provision(s) or city equal employment opportunity policy. • Transunder-Inclusive Healthcare Benefits (6 points). To obtain credit in this category, the city must offer at least one municipal employee health insurance plan that expressly covers transgender healthcare needs, including gender-affirming procedures, hormone therapy, mental health care and other gender-affirming care. The lack of express exclusions for these services is not sufficient for credit because this care is routinely not covered. For more information on extending transgender- inclusive healthcare benefits to city employees, read our issue brief here or at www.hrc.org/mei. • Required Documentation: Copy of city employee health insurance plan benefits booklet. • City Contractor Non-Discrimination Ordinance or Policy (3 points for sexual orientation/3 1 WWW.HRC.ORG/MEI 2017 MEI STANDARDS E3FOR CREDIT HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN, points for gender identity). This refers to a city law or policy that requires all businesses the city contracts with for goods or services to have an employee non-discrimination policy that expressly covers sexual orientation and gender identity. Partial credit may be awarded in instances where the city has no qualifying ordinance or policy but consistently includes a contractor non-discrimination provision in all contracts with businesses, or when a city gives a bidding preference to businesses with a qualifying employee non-discrimination policy. • Required Documentation: Copy of relevant municipal code provision(s) or city policy. • BONUS: Inclusive Workplace (2 bonus points). This section assesses whether a municipality has LGBTQ-specific programming to attract LGBTQ applicants and promote diversity in the workplace. Cities will receive credit if they have any one of the following: an LGBTQ employee pride alliance or resource group, LGBTQ-inclusive diversity training for all city staff, or a recruitment program that actively advertises available positions to the LGBTQ community. • Required Documentation: Confirmation from city human resources department of an LGBTQ employee pride alliance or resource group; copy of LGBTQ-inclusive all-staff diversity training; or documentation of recruitment efforts directed to the LGBTQ community. SECTION III. MUNICIPAL SERVICES • Human Rights Commission (5 points). Credit is awarded in this section if the city has a community-facing body tasked with eliminating discrimination and educating the public on issues of diversity and inclusion. To these ends, the commission can hold community discussions, screen movies, present panels, take public comment, advise city leaders and develop policies and strategies to make the city more inclusive. The commission must be active and meet regularly. • Required Documentation: Copy of relevant municipal code provision(s) or link to city human rights commission website. • LGBTQ Liaison to City Executive (5 points). To earn credit in this category, the city must have an officially designated liaison to the LGBTQ community who reports to the city executive and whose designation as LGBTQ liaison and contact information is posted on the city website. An LGBTQ liaison serves as an accessible and friendly ear to the city's LGBTQ community and elevates LGBTQ-related concerns to the city executive and other city officials. LGBTQ persons who work in the city executive's office do not qualify for credit in this category unless they serve as 2 WWW.HRC.ORG/MEI 2017 MEI STANDARDS E3FOR CREDIT HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN® the official LGBTQ liaison and meet the above criteria. This role may be assigned to existing city staff. Additionally, the LGBTQ liaison to the city executive cannot double for credit as an LGBTQ police liaison (which is rated in Part IV), given the unique function of each of these divisions of city government. • Required Documentation: A link to the city website displaying the LGBTQ liaison's title and contact information. • Enumerated Anti-Bullying School Policies (3 points for sexual orientation/3 points for gender identity). A city will be awarded points in this section if the school district that serves the city (1) has an anti-bullying policy that expressly covers sexual orientation and gender identity, OR (2) has an anti-harassment policy that explicitly covers sexual orientation and gender identity AND explicitly includes bullying. Where there are multiple school districts within city limits, credit will only be given at the local level if at least 75% of students within these school districts are covered by qualifying anti-bullying policies. Lastly, points are awarded if the state in which a city is located has a statewide anti-bullying law that expressly includes sexual orientation and gender identity (however, the total points for this section cannot exceed 6 points even if qualifying protections exist on both the state and local level). • Required Documentation: A copy of the anti-bullying policy for all school districts that serve the city. • BONUS: Non-Discrimination Ordinance Enforcement by Human Rights Commission (2 bonus points). Where, in addition to the functions listed above, a Human Rights Commission has the authority to conciliate, issue a right to sue letter, or otherwise enforce citywide non- discrimination protections, that commission will earn two bonus points in addition to the five standard points awarded above. • Required Documentation: Copy of relevant municipal code provision(s) or link to city human rights commission website. • BONUS: City provides services to/supports LGBTQ youth (2 bonus points). Cities should offer services designed to address the unique needs of LGBTQ youth, who often face higher rates of bullying, harassment and rejection after coming out. Cities can earn credit here by (1) directly providing services targeted to LGBTQ youth, (2) funding organizations that provide these services, OR (3) providing other meaningful types of support (such as in-kind support, subsidized use of city 3 WWW.HRC.ORG/MEI 2017 MEI STANDARDS E3FOR CREDIT HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN® facilities, etc.) to community organizations that provide services designed for LGBTQ youth. For LGBTQ youth resources, visit hqp://www.hrc.org/resources/topic/children-youth. �ex: Required Documentation: (1) A record of the city's support for the qualifying service A copy of the current city budget showing city funding for a community organization that provides the qualifying service) AND (2) Documentation of how the service qualifies (ex: A link to the city-supported community organization describing the service that is targeted to LGBTQ youth). • BONUS: City provides services to/supports LGBTQ homeless individuals (2 bonus points). LGBTQ individuals —particularly youth — are disproportionately impacted by homelessness. Cities can earn credit in this section by (1) directly providing services targeted to LGBTQ homeless individuals, (2) funding organizations that provide these services, OR (3) providing other meaningful types of support (such as in-kind support, subsidized use of city facilities, etc.) to community organizations that provide services or resources targeted to LGBTQ homeless individuals. For more LGBTQ homelessness resources, visit hqp://www.hrc.org/resources/lgbt- youth-homelessness. �ex: Required Documentation: (1) A record of the city's support for the qualifying service A copy of the current city budget showing city funding for a community organization that provides the qualifying service) AND (2) Documentation of how the service qualifies (ex: A link to the city-supported community organization describing the service that is targeted to LGBTQ homeless individuals). • BONUS: City provides services to/supports LGBTQ elders (2 bonus points). As LGBTQ individuals age, they encounter unique health, social and cultural challenges. Cities can earn credit in this section by (1) directly providing services targeted to LGBTQ elders, (2) funding organizations that provide these services, OR (3) providing other meaningful types of support (such as in-kind support, subsidized use of city facilities, etc.) to community organizations that provide services or resources targeted to LGBTQ elders. • Required Documentation: (1) A record of the city's support for the qualifying service (ex: A copy of the current city budget showing city funding for a community organization that provides the qualifying service) AND (2) Documentation of how the service qualifies (ex: A link to the city-supported community organization describing the service targeted to LGBTQ elders). 4 WWW.RRC.ORG/MEI 2017 MEI STANDARDS E3FOR CREDIT HUMAN RIGHTS CAM PAIGNm All Tim i • BONUS: City provides services to/supports people living with HIV or AIDS (2 bonus points). HIV continues to disproportionately impact segments of the LGBTQ community. Cities can earn credit in this section by (1) directly providing services for people living with HIV or AIDS, (2) funding organizations that provide these services, OR (3) providing other meaningful types of support (such as in-kind support, subsidized use of city facilities, etc.) to community organizations that provide services or resources targeted to individuals living with HIV or AIDS. For resources on HIV and AIDS, visit http://www.hrc.org/resources/topic/hiv-aids. �ex: Required Documentation: (1) A record of the city's support for the qualifying service A copy of the current city budget showing city funding for a community organization that provides the qualifying service) AND (2) Documentation of how the service qualifies (ex: A link to the city-supported community organization describing the service targeted to people living with HIV or AIDS). • BONUS: City provides services to/supports transgender-specific programming (2 bonus points). Transgender individuals face disproportionate levels of discrimination, stigma and systemic inequality. Cities can earn credit in this section by (1) directly providing services targeted to transgender residents such as employment programs, post-incarceration re-entry programs, and violence prevention programs; (2) funding organizations that provide these services; OR (3) providing other meaningful types of support (such as in-kind support, subsidized use of city facilities, etc.) to community organizations that provide services or resources targeted to the transgender community. For resources on the transgender community, please visit httv://www.hrc.org/resources/toRic/transgender and review the 2015 MEI issue brief entitled Anti- Transgender Violence: What Cities Can Do available here or at www:hrc.org/mei. • Required Documentation: (1) A record of the city's support for the qualifying service (ex: A copy of the current city budget showing city funding for a community organization that provides the qualifying service) AND (2) Documentation of how the service qualifies (ex: A link to the city-supported community organization describing the service that is targeted to transgender residents). SECTION IV. LAW ENFORCEMENT • LGBTO Police Liaison or Task Force (10 points). To get credit in this category, the city must have an officially designated liaison from the police department to the LGBTQ community (or a 5 wWW.HRC.ORG/MEI 2017 MEI STANDARDS E3FOR CREDIT HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN® y� police task force charged with addressing LGBTQ issues) whose designation as LGBTQ liaison and contact information is posted on the police department's website. An LGBTQ police liaison serves as an accessible and friendly ear to the city's LGBTQ community and elevates LGBTQ-related concerns to the police chief and other city officials. LGBTQ police officers, including high-ranking officers, do not qualify for credit in this category unless their service as liaison is part of their official job and the required information is published online. Partial credit will be awarded if the entire police force was recently trained on LGBTQ issues. • Required Documentation: A link to the police department website displaying the LGBTQ police liaison's title and contact information. • Reported 2015 Hate Crimes Statistics to the FBI (12 points). To qualify for points in this section, the city must report hate crimes statistics to the FBI in all categories, including sexual orientation and gender identity, and either: • Report a positive number of hate crimes in any category in 2015 (i.e. report more than"0"for hate crimes reported in any one or more of the protected categories), OR • Report zero hate crimes in 2015 AND have reported a positive number of hate crimes in any one or more of the protected categories some year in the past five years of published reports. This second prong is to recognize that while statistically it is possible that no hate crimes of any kind occurred in a small city one year, it is highly improbable that no hate crimes of any kind occurred in a city in the past five years of published FBI hate crimes reports. SECTION V. RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LGBTQ COMMUNITY • Leadership's Public Position on LGBTO Equality (0-5 points). This section grades, on a sliding scale from zero to five points, how pro-equality the city leadership is in its public statements. City leadership includes the city executive, city council, and other government officials. These statements may include joining a pro-equality association such as Mayors Against LGBT Discrimination, coming out publicly in favor of LGBTQ rights, supporting LGBTQ community organizations publicly, attending a pride parade, speaking out against anti-LGBTQ legislation, partnering with LGBTQ groups to create solutions to city problems, etc. It also includes comments made during city council meetings or at other public events. • Required Documentation: Links to recent news articles, photographs of city leadership at LGBTQ events, op-eds, Facebook posts, tweets, etc. 6 WWW.HRC.ORG/MEI 2017 MEI STANDARDS E3FOR CREDIT HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN,, �)h I - • Leadership's Pro-Equality Legislative or Policy Efforts (0-3 points). This section grades, on a sliding scale from zero to three points, how actively the city has been pursuing pro-equality legislation and policies. This includes ordinances introduced (whether passed or not), city policies, and pro-equality city council resolutions and proclamations. • Required Documentation: Links to news articles, copies of ordinances and policies, or a written summary from city officials demonstrating recent pro-equality legislative and policy efforts. • BONUS: Openly LGBTO Elected or Appointed Municipal Officials (2 bonus points). Appointed or elected city officials who are openly LGBTQ will qualify the city for two bonus points in this category. While the city should seek to employ LGBTQ persons at all levels of government, this criterion specifically addresses city officials who are well-known in the public eye like the mayor, vice mayor, city manager, vice city manager, and members of the city council. A state or federal elected representative from the city does not qualify. • Required Documentation: Links to relevant news articles, for example. • BONUS: City Tests Limits of Restrictive State Law (4 bonus points). This category (formerly called "Resisting Dillon's Rule") only applies to cities located in states with statewide laws that restricts cities' authority to pass LGBTQ-inclusive ordinances. Such cities that take distinct actions to push back against state limits to their ability to pass pro-equality laws will qualify for four bonus points in this section. Cities can advocate against restrictive state law through council resolutions or declarations and engagement with state legislators. For more information on preemption laws, please see the 2016 MEI issue brief entitled Poiver Struggles and Preemption here or at www.hrc.org/mei. • Required Documentation: Links to relevant news articles, copies of council resolutions or declarations, summaries of state-level advocacy by city officials, etc. 7 WWW.HRC.ORG/MEI