HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-03-01 :~80 Bozeman, ~ont8na ~,1arch 1, 1961 The Commi3sio~ of the Ci t~,.. (If 30zemnn met in regular session ln thE) Commis- sion Eoom, Ci ty Hall Bu:!.lding, Wednesday, March 1, 1961 at 1:00 o'clock p.m. Present were Mayor Swanson, Corrunissioner S'caudaher, Co~~issioner Sedivy, City !-.1anager C"...1 tting, Ass't. City Manager Fryslie, City Attorney Lovelace and the I Clerk. The following proceedings we~& h~d: !.:~nu tes of the last regular session were read and it W88 n:oved by CO:^l~:is- sionel"' Sedl v::" se::::onded by C01!lXlissloner Staudaher, tha t the minu tes be appro'7dd as read s.nd the motion was ca::.....rlad by the follovving Aye and No vote: those vo ting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Comrriss ioner Sed~" vy and ComT"'.iss ioner Staudaher; those voting No, none. Withdrawal of Proposed Plat -- Graf's First Addition Dclrlng the regular meetlng of the Commission held February 23rd, a reques t of Eugene Graf, Tv. that the City di8continue action on the appro'Tal of his pro- '--... . posed plat to be known as Grc:.f's FIrst Addition, and the plat and other pc..pers ra la tad to tho ac tion be l':~ "Pl:::'Y1od to him was tabled until this date, March lst, 1961. The City Managor advised the Commission the City has on file the following pertaining to tho proposed subdivision: 1) PIa t; two nege ti ve copies and one copy cloth-back. I 2) An original copy (2 pages) le tter, dat6G 10 January 1961, addressed to Mr. Graf from Dr. Eldon R. Dodge. Subject; Engin8orine; Liata in regard to Sanitary Sewers and Water Lines wi th the proposed 50 lots subdivision on tho old Valley View golf course. 3) 3argain and SaId Deed coverlng various lots in Blocks one to fot'l' (lncl1Jsive), all of the proposel" "u'raf's Pirst Addition", to the City of Bozeman . . . . . 4} Eargetn and Sale Deed cover1ne Lots 1, t') 16, 17 and 18 in "', Block "A" of Moadowlark, a r3arrangemen t of a port1,on of Bulen's Subdivision, and recommended that the Commission grnnt Mr. Graf's request and the rcvJ.rn of the above material and discontinue further action on tbe matter. It was moved by Comm:i.ssioner St3udaher, seconded by COrrJ.mJssionor Sedj,v~', tha t r,~r. Graf's reauest be Granted and the motion was carried by the followinG Aye and No vote: those votinc Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner St8.11daher and Commissioner Seaivy; those voting No, none. Easement for Storm Sewer -- Layton Thompson Property An snsement described as follows to the City of Bozeman, obtained b~l the City Ensineer, to provide a right of way for routine; of storm drainage across I tho Layton Thompson property at 918 South Tracy was placed before the Commission for acceptance: The Southerly ten feet ( 10' ) of that certain tract of land recorded in Boole gO of Deecis a t page 613, records of the County Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin Cmmty, Montnna.l said_easoY"1ent beginning at a pain t on the .2as t line of Sou th 'l'rac y Avenue a t Cleva land Stree t and ex tonc.i.ing in an eas terly direc tiaD along the Sou th line of the above mentioned tract, a distance of 180 feet~ :~81 The easement was approved as to fOrM by the City Attorney, and the City Manager reco~rrended its acceptance. It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Co~~is- sioner Staudaher, that the Commission approve the a0ceptance of the easement and the motion was carried by the foJ.lowing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Staudaher; thOSd vo ting :No, none. I Bargain & Sale Deed -- Kable Subdivision (Cul-de-sac) Dur:tng the Commission meeting held February 15, 1961 the Commission approved the p:::>oposed plat of the Kable Subdivision subject to the condition tha t the Ci ty receive a deed to establish a cuI-do-sac as indicated on the proposed plat. To comple te the aforoMentioned the following Bargain and Sale Deed, signed by David w. and Molra Blackmore, platters of the Sub-division, vms presented: All that portion of the front or easterly 20 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, I~ble Sub-division, Gallatin County, Montana, platted and of record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, tron tana. Ti tle to the property hereln and hereby conveyed shall revert to the grantors herein, and/or to their successors and assigns, if and when North 25th Avenue is extended, or other adequate provision is made by the City of Bozeman for ~lblic travel and for ingress, egress and re- gress to and from said lots, Kable Sub-division, by said City of Bozeman, Hon tana . The deed was approved as to form by the City Attorney, anu it was recommended by the City Hanager that the deed be acceptod. It was moved by Co~nissioner Staudaher, seconded by Commlssioner Sedivy, that the deed be accepted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, I Commis s loner S ta1,ldaher and C ommis s loner Sedi vy; those voting No, none. Re por ts The following reports were presented: February, 1961 : Disposal Plant Operator Plu orida tion Building Inspector Librarian Cashi8r Fire Chief January, 1961 : Director of Public Service Director of Finance Annual: Fire Chief The Commission and Fire Chief Pentilla dlscussed various phases of his annual report, and the City Manager stated that all reports appeared to be in order and recommemled thn t they be approved. It was moved by Commissioner Staudaher, second- ed by Commissioner Sedivy, that the reports be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by tne following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye be:'Lng ~~8 YOI' Swanson, Com'l'1'!lssioner Staudaher and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none. Resolu tion No. 1010 -- Intention to Create SID No. 419, (por tioD of RO:Tal Vis ta) Petitions having been filed renuesting the Commission to create a Special Improvement District for drainage and street improvements in a portion of Royal I Vista Addition in Bozeman, the Ci ty Attorney, as ins true ted, has prepared a reso- lution of intGntion to create Special Improved District No. 419. Com.miss ion Re solu t:i.on No. 1010 was presented, entitled: COMMISSION ::1ESOL~TTION NO. 1010 A RESOLTT'T'ION OF THE CITY COT-,If;I,nSSION OF TEE CITY OF I30Z- ~,:A~~ DECLARING r'1' TO DE TEE I}TTE~;rrIOlT 0[' Tl-ill CITY OP 30Zm~AN :J82 TO Cli.:0,,^.TE 1. S?ECIJ,L I~ P:r:OV:C;~;ffi1lTT DISTYUCT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL PTPFOTIE~i~NT DIS~['RICT '!'TO. 410 or THE CI'!7 OF BOZEJ;TAlT ron TH:D ~~TTr..POSE or COFSTRUCTING AND INSTALL... ING A PAVEME~TT PROJECT ON Wi~;ST BIRCH STHEET FROM NORTH SE\IE~;'TT!T AVEFUE TO JlJORTT; EI0,TTTI-I A','ENUE AND ON NORTH EIGET~T A VENUZ Fno~r !" POIN'P '"P'i/EHT'.L I~E~'~T ::)OUTH OF THE SOUITlH LIN:8 OF ROYAL VISTP. ADDITIQ}; TO THE HEST LINE OI~ LOT S::XTE.I!:l\T, BLOCK mm AND LOT SIX, BLOCK THREE OF ROYAL VIST~ ADDITln~, TO DOZ~;i:MI\.. F , ;mNTANA AND INCLUD- I lUG- r(,~r^ T, C ')TTRT P.S 01,...'\ ITl'T'ED rnT THE 195'7 REARRANGEl1ENT OF LOTS THREE, FOUR, FIVE AND SIX, BLOCK ONE, ROYAL VI S '1'."-. . SAID PA V'J;~mNrI' PRO.TECT TO IITCLUDE COlmTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF A ST()m,~ SEWEB LINE, COMBINATION CONCRETE CURBS Alf0 G-TTTT~TIS) G:tf. VEL B!-\SE C ounSE, CRUSHED GRA~JEL CUSHION C01mSE, AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE COURSE. The City Engineer advised the COn1."lission that the preliminary estimate of cost of the improvement is $39,320.00, and the method of assessment as stip~lated in the resolution has the approval of a major:!.t~T of the petitioners requesting the dis tr:tc t. The C1 ty l!Ianager recommended tha t the Commiss ion adopt the reso- lu tion, and it was mO"l'.red by Comniss ionor Sedi V~T, seconded by Co~missianer Sto::'luaher, tha t the rE:lsolution be pa.sst:ld and adopted and March 22, 1961 be set as the ea te for plJ,blic hearing and the motion was carried by t.l1e fo1low:~,:ne Aye and No va te : those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Staudaher; those votine No, none. Application ...- The Scoop - Liquor License An application for a City Liquor license accompanied by the required Itcense fee Sl,1.bmi tted by "The Scoop", 714 Viest l,1a:tn, W3.S presented for approT7Rl b~r the Commission. It was moved by Commissioner 3talJdaher, seconded by Com~issioner I Sed.ivy, as recor.1'Tended 8jT the City Manager, tha t the applica tion be npproved and the Director of Finance be instructed to issue the license :i.n accordance there- wi th. The motion was car'ried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor S~anson, Commissioner Staudaher and Corr:llissioner Sedivy; those va ting go, nono. Gas Fitter's Bond ...... Gallatin Farmers Co. T116::8.s fi tter' s bond of G-a lla tin Farmers Comp8r..y was pre sen ted. The bond. was approved. 0.8 to form b~r the City Attorney, 8.nd it W3.S moved b~l Comr::is8 ioner Sedl v'" seconded by Commissioner Staudaher, that the bond be approved and accepted '- , and the motion 'Nas carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissloner Sedivy and Commissioner St3.udaher; those voting No, none. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, It was moved by Comr:lissioner Seuiv;!', seconded. b:'l Comr:ission0r StB.l1dat!er, tha t the meeting ad,1ourn and the motion was carried b~r the fal Jowing A:le and No vote: I those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Com~issioner 3edivy and Commissioner Staudaher; those voting No, none. a~Y~ M8yor A.TTEST: rP. ffa/~ /,/ CIerI>:: of the Commission - - - - - - ...