HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-13-17 City Commission Minutes i i I i I i I THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES t Monday, February 13, 2017 AGENDA ORDER MODIFIED DURING MEETING. NUMBERED AND LETTERED BULLETS REMAIN AS i ORIGINALLY NOTICED,TIME STAMPS MAY NOT BE CHRONOLOGICAL. I F Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Present Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Absent Mayor-Carson Taylor: Present i Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Present Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Present Staff Present at the Dais: City Manager Chris Kukulski,City Attorney Greg Sullivan, and Deputy City Clerk j Pearl Michalson ) I A. 06:00:24 PM (00:01:14)Call to Order—6:00 PM-Commission Room, City Hail, 121 North Rouse Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. B. 06:00:34 PM (00:01:23)Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence I` C. 06:42:16 PM (00:43:06)Mayoral Proclamation 1. Proclamation That the City of Bozeman Is a Safe,Welcoming,and Inclusive Community lila Mayor Taylor presented a Proclamation that the City of Bozeman is a Safe,Welcoming, and Inclusive Community. Mayor Taylor clarified that the community policing includes no racial profiling in traffic stops, people aren't asked for their immigration status and witnesses and victims of crime would not be asked what their immigration status was, because we want to encourage that kind of reporting to keep our communities safe. a D. 06:01:27 PM (00:02:17)Changes to the Agenda Mayor Taylor reordered a number of items on the agenda. E. 06:04:48 PM (00:05:38)Authorize Absence-Commissioner Krauss k ( Page 1 of 13 s Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 13,2017 06:04:51 PM (00:05:41)Motion and Vote to approve the absence of commissioner Krauss. The motion passed 4-0. Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Absent Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve F. 06:05:16 PM (00:06:06) Public Service Announcements 1. No City Commission Meeting on February 20, 2017 and Closure of City Offices G. 06:05:27 PM (00:06:17) Minutes 1. Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes from January 9,January 23, and January 30, 2017,the Executive Session Minutes from August 15, 2016 and December 19, 2016,and User Access to Linked Minutes N4. 06:05:30 PM (00:06:20)Motion and Vote to Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes from January 9, January 23, and January 30,2017, the Executive Session Minutes from August 15,2016 and December 19,2016,and User Access to Linked Minutes. The motion passed 4-0. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff I<rauss:Absent Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve H. 06:05:59 PM (00:06:49)Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims for Goods and Services (LaMeres) 12A43 2. Authorize the Mayor to Sign the Findings of Fact and Order for the Opportunity Sub-Division Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat,Application 16235 (Quasi-Judicial) (Rice) '� a 3. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Grant Application from the Department of Justice,Office of Violence Against Women, for the Gallatin Project to Address Issues of Domestic Violence, Stalking,Sexual Assault,and Dating Violence (McLane) INO Page 2 of 13 I Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 13,2017 s 4. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Professional Services Agreement with the Western Transportation Institute for Downtown Parking Inventory and Occupancy Study(Winn) 111a I 06:05:59 PM (00:06:49)City Manager Overview I i City Manager Kukulski gave an overview of consent items 1-4. 06:06:55 PM (00:07:45) Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment on consent items 1-4. There was no public comment. Mayor Taylor closed public comment. is 06:07:09 PM (00:07:59)Motion and Vote to approve Consent Items 1-4 as submitted. The motion r passed 4-0. `3 Y Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve j) Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Absent Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve I. 06:07:30 PM (00:08:20) Items Acted Upon Without Prior Unanimous Vote 1. Ordinance 1920 Final Adoption, Building Maintenance and Demolition of Historic Structures Municipal Text Amendment,Application 14623 (Saunders) a 06:07:39 PM (00:08:29)Motion that the City Commission approval final adoption of Ordinance 1920 establishinga re uirement or structures to be maintained city-wide and revising q f y g procedures for i demolition of historic buildings and buildings within the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District and historic districts. Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd j 06:08:06 PM (00:08:56) Public Comment Mayor Taylor called for public comment. There was no public comment. Public Comment was closed. 06:08:10 PM (00:09:00) Vote that the City Commission approval final adoption of Ordinance 1920 i establishing a requirement for structures to be maintained city-wide and revising procedures for Page 3 of 13 If Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 13,2017 demolition of historic buildings and buildings within the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District and historic districts. The motion passed 3-1. Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Absent Mayor-Carson Taylor: Disapprove Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve J. 06:08:25 PM (00:09:15) Public Comment 06:09:31 PM (00:10:20)Jan Strout, Public Comment Jan Straut was with the Gallatin Friends of Cuba and thought that this was great way to address the secretary deputy ambassador of Cuba's visit. For the past 20-25 years equal pay for equal work was in the Cuban constitution.Along with paid family leave and prohibitions against discrimination against gender, race,and sexual orientation. Cuba offers another options to consider and explore.This visit signified the first time diplomatic staff of Cuba and the U.S.were able to travel in over a decade. 06:12:42 PM (00:13:32)Hans Deernfelt Public Comment Thanked the Mayor for his proclamation in welcoming the Deputy Secretary Fraga.This was an important step to build relations between citizens in Montana and Cuba. From an economic and educational standpoint Montana was poised to have the potentially the most prosperous relationship with Cuba,more so than with any other state.The opportunities were numerous;from tourism,shared cultural values and the arts. The opportunities were numerous between the two nations that could lead to an era of prosperity,growth, and mutual respect. 06:14:32 PM (00:15:22)Doug Wells,Public Comment Stated that he appreciated this opportunity to come and talk in regards to Fraga as a musician. Normalization has been way over due and this was a great way to building relationships.There were musicians from all over in support of creating relationships with Cuba. 06:16:38 PM (00:17:27)Margarita McClargy, Public Comment Recognized that the city commission was trying to do the right thing with this proclamation but found it too bland and insufficient. Concerns about immigration raids were discussed Sanctuary cities were safer and expressed concern about people being hauled away from their families due to immigration raids. Community dialogue about what is going on in our communities was requested. 06:19:20 PM (00:20:10)Dr. Edwardo Duran,Public Comment Stated that he is a veteran and himself with other veterans the reason they served was to make this a sanctuary country. Asked that if the commission decided to keep the proclamation addressed as a Page 4 of 13 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 13,2017 I welcome, that there be a caveat that you are welcome at your own risk. Wanted to offer a spiritual understanding of where Bozeman as being sacred land comes from. This land where we are was known as valley of the flowers. As the hostilities grew a spirit asked people to stop and asked people not to be violence and asked the city make this as a social political sanctuary for anyone who lives here and anyone who wants to come visit here. 06:22:20 PM (00:23:09)Patty Dickerson,Public Comment Did not feel that the proclamation was enough.The enforcement that currently existed did not not do enough to address the concerns of those that have children in the schools and asked that the commission consider making Bozeman a sanctuary city. 06:24:34 PM (00:25:24)Don McLarty,Public Comment Would like this to be claimed as a sanctuary city because we have a history of witch hunts because of the is lies of others. Mr. McLarty read a quote to the commission that spoke to not speaking out on an issue because a situation doesn't personally affect that person. Mr. McLarty stated that this quote could be used in many different ways to scapegoat things that are going on now and requested that Bozeman consider becoming a sanctuary city. Mr. McLarty did not want to see families lives destroyed due to the absence of a sanctuary city. 06:29:15 PM (00:30:05)Steve Kirchoff,Public Comment Asked the commission to adopt a resolution to declare Bozeman as a sanctuary city. He realized that these types of meeting could be often times difficult and emotions could run high. However he felt that recognizing those difficulties were important to weigh the difficulty of the experience versus the value of the statement. We all live in the same place and this issue was personal and would hazard to guess that there were more people who were known as an immigrants that not. He hoped that this meeting would occur. t 06:32:28 PM (00:33:18)Daniel Larson, Public Comment Stated that he appreciated the proclamation that the Mayor gave. There needed to be a reorganization of the fact that the absence of laws by the commission needed to be clearer. The statue that talks about losing federal money would not apply to the city of Bozeman.A measure needed to be passed and defined more clearly. 06:36:03 PM (00:36:53)Keagan Noshion,Public Comment Stated that she spent a lot of time working with refuges and would ask the commission to consider making the City of Bozeman a sanctuary city. This word would mean a lot to have this as a sanctuary city. She talked about a refuge teenager that she knew who would like to come to America in order to know what it meant to give the type of hope that she experienced. 06:38:39 PM (00:39:29)Debora McKas, Public Comment Stated that it was nice to see the chief of police and Mayor stand for the values that Bozeman embodies; respect,diversity,quality and kindness.This proclamation was a platitude but being a sanctuary city would Page 5 of 13 `f i I�. Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 13,2017 be more of a commitment to these values. In a next door neighborhood post,she found that about 2/3 of the people that she knew supported the city as a sanctuary city. Others were against a sanctuary city. Education needs to happen so that people can have a constructive conversation about having a sanctuary city. 06:42:07 PM (00:42:57) Public Comment Closed Mayor Taylor closed public comment. K. 06:02:12 PM (00:03:02) Mayoral Proclamation 1. 06:02:15 PM (00:03:05) Proclamation Regarding the Visit of Miguel Fraga,Cuban Deputy Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba to the City of Bozeman, Montana , C� Mayor Taylor presented a Proclamation Regarding the Visit of Miguel Fraga,Cuban Deputy Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba to the City of Bozeman, Montana. L. 06:43:58 PM (00:44:48)Special Presentation 1. 06:44:02 PM (00:44:52) Distinguished Budget Presentation Award (Taylor) Mayor Taylor presented a certificate of budget presentation to Assistant City Manager Anna Rosenberry. 2. 06:45:58 PM (00:46:48) Unified Development Code / Design Manual Document Update (Matsen) Director of Community Development Martin Matsen gave a quick presentation on the Unified Development Code (UDC). The concepts in this document would take on a broader context which would be housed in the new Bozeman design standards which was currently in draft form. The scope of work currently contained 44 articles in the Unified Development Code, however the new document would only have 7 articles.These articles were broken down in a much more organized fashion such as: 1. General provisions 2. Permits, legislative actions and procedures 3. Zoning Districts and land use 4. Community design 5. Project design 6. Natural resource protection 7. Definitions In March, community development would have drafts of the UDC and Design standards.There would be internal works on these drafts. This would then be presented to the community and then to the commission for adoption. Page 6 of 13 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 13,2017 06:55:24 PM (00:56:14) Questions for Staff CR Pomeroy asked about affordable housing and the affordable housing advisory board asking staff if he could look more carefully at the smaller lots and houses. Staff stated they did not look at the affordable housing ordinance but stated that there were more options. CR Mehl stated that there was a citizen advisory group at 5 that would talk about this in the professional building Mayor Taylor thanked staff for taking care of this. M. 06:59:35 PM (01:00:25)Action Items 1. 1. 08:38:11 PM (02:39:01) Adopt the General Fund Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2018-2022 (Rosenberry) °a o tl 08:38:45 PM (02:39:35)Staff Presentation Assistant City Manager,Anna Rosenberry gave brief presentation on the General Capital Improvement Plan and revisions made. 08:43:06 PM (02:43:56)Questions of Staff j DM Andrus asked staff about the money that was currently being used for city use in the economic development department. Facilities was asked if ADA compliance improvements money could be used for everything that they needed. Facilities stated that they would be able to make adjustments as needed. In this fiscal year there was an electrical study being done. Finance discussed numbers on the report so that it was clear about what items were moving forward and which were not. Parks Department was asked if there was any more information in the development plan for 271h street. Mayor Taylor asked facilities about the professional building elevator. Staff stated that this elevator was not part of the phase 2 at this time. 08:54:35 PM (02:55:25) Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. There was no public comment. Public Comment was closed. 08:55:07 PM (02:55:57)Motion to adopt the General Fund Capital improvement Plan(CIP)for Fiscal Years 2018-2022. Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd i 08:55:16 PM (02:56:06) Discussion I ( Page 7 of 13 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 13,2017 DM Andrus stated that finding matching funds needed to Story Mansion was found and that was appreciated. CR Pomeroy hopes that staff convince the right amount for aquatic, needed more detail about how this would be paid. CR Mehl supported this motion as well and appreciated the patience of staff. 08:58:25 PM (02:59:14) Vote to adopt the General Fund Capital Improvement Plan(CIP)for Fiscal Years 2018-2022. The motion passed 4-0. Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner-1-Ho Pomeroy:2nd Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Absent Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve 2. 07:00:03 PM (01:00:52) City Manager Recommendation on Regulations for Mobile Vending and Commission Direction (Kukulski) , G 07:00:23 PM (01:01:13)Staff presentation City Manager Chris Kukulski gave a presentation on mobile vending. There was a deliberate absence of a draft ordinance. The goal was to have an opportunity to hear public feedback from the public as well as the commission.There had been an attempt to get clarity about what policy would be beneficial to both mobile vendors and brick and motor restaurants. The protection of public health, general public safety and welfare was at the core of creating these regulations. Benefits were discussed, concerns, parking, regulations, fees, location, hours (6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.), requirements (licenses), and considerations were discussed. The city manager talked about locations where mobile vending would be prohibited (in B2 and B3 zoning districts, mobile vendors may operate from 6:00 a.m.to 2:30 a.m., except that on Main Street between Church Avenue and Grand Avenue mobile vendors may only operate from 6:00 a.m.to 10:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.to 2:30 a.m.The time limitation for Main Street is not applicable to a sidewalk vending cart as defined in 34.05.020 which has been issued a sidewalk encroachment permit by the city and presents to the city the written authorization of the owner of the property in front of which the sidewalk vending cart intends to operate). Operational guidelines such as sales made toward sidewalks and away from the right away was discussed. Exclusive use permits were discussed (mobile vendors cannot park where exclusive use permits currently exist). Mobile vending units must not be longer than 36 feet and utilities must be self-contained. Fee structure (if approved)would be$25 for a business license,$225 for additional inspections, and$250 for operating downtown. Page 8 of 13 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 13,2017 f 07:18:44 PM (01:19:34) questions for Staff CR Pomeroy asked what kind of restrictions the city could impose on food trucks and the width. Staff stated public safety, health and general welfare. As far as width,state law states that the truck could be no wider than 102 inches.These regulations also go for non-food trucks CR Pomeroy asked the chief of police about the 9:30pm to tam and the issues of night hours when the weather got nicer.There were no real issues that law enforcement saw. DM Andrus asked about the recommended hours of 6:00 a.m. - 11p.m. and the reasons for them. The City Manager stated that Main Street had the benefit of 11k vehicles a day running through Main Street. Parking would be tight during those hours and based on a parking study, an 85% threshold on parking capacity the city should manage that issue better. Peak times and congestion and safety were what lead to recommended operating times s DM Andrus asked about parking on private property.The city managergave an example where the vendor i on private property had not created a problem as far as accessibility for a business.Staff sated that if there was a problem generated a site plan modification could be asked for and granted if the site still functioned as normal. Otherwise there would be a zoning violation. Fees were discussed in detail. CR Mehl asked about Babcock and Mendenhall;why they did not have a similar time consideration being 1 narrow streets. The city manager stated that the traffic volume as a main consideration was lower. Staff stated they wanted to spread business north and south to free up congestion on Main Street. Mayor Taylor asked if they would need to pay fees to the city health department. Staff stated yes that was correct. An additional valuation fee would be assed as well. A clarification was asked regarding what 60 decibels sounded like for noise compliance. The city manager stated that 60 decibels would be like a generator that campers use. Noise regulations have a limit with music and they need to follow the current nuisance laws. Agreements between food trucks and brick and motor restaurants was discussed. 07:39:02 PM (01:39:52) Recess Mayor Taylor declared a commission recess until 10 minutes to 8. l H 07:50:04 PM (01:50:54) Meeting Resumed Mayor Taylor resumed the city commission meeting at 7:50 p.m. I I 07:50:09 PM (01:50:59) Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. 07:50:47 PM (01:51:37)Marley McKenna, Public Comment Stated that she appreciated the time and consideration taken on this.The parameters of the hours were really positive and felt that there was an impact on parking on the side streets. Parking and safety was extremely important. Enforcing hours were needed. Traffic flow needed to be taken into consideration. 07:53:59 PM (01:54:48)Bobs Noel, Public Comment Public Safety and health was discussed as well as parking. Mary Vant Hulls words were spoken to the commission about her ideas on ordinance enforcement. Page 9 of 13 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 13,2017 07:56:22 PM (01:57:12)Mark Bannhman,Public Comment Wondered when parking became okay to use privately for mobile vending. Exclusive use permits were discussed. Was the city willing to incur after hour health inspections? More discussion needs to be done. 07:59:13 PM (02:00:03)KelsyShurg, Public Comment Owns a merchandise truck and stated that as a fashion truck she agreed that they needed to be regulated but felt that retail was different than food.The 10-9 slot would effect a retail clothing hour. Asked for an amendment for retail specifically in order to recognize that merchandise trucks operated differently than food trucks. 08:01:31 PM (02:02:21)David Josef,Public Comment There was a study done on property taxes.The only way to pay property taxes, brick and motor stores pay more to the city in order to have the parking needed for their businesses. When do people use the parking spaces during peak hours?This issue came up when businesses need these spaces and how many are utilized. 08:06:15 PM (02:07:05)Joe Cobb,Public Comment Asked the city how they planned to handle 2 hour parking violations and if it had been discussed? If a mobile vendor parked in front of their business was there a concern for public safety or warfare?Was it okay for a truck to take up two parking spots?Was the city contradicting codes that were already in place?These are questions posed to staff and the commission. 08:08:36 PM (02:09:26) Public Comment Closed Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 08:08:44 PM (02:09:34)Questions of Staff DM Andrus asked about commercial vehicle parking restrictions. Staff stated that commercial vehicles had to comply with all parking restrictions. A question was also asked about food trucks only paying for parking tickets and staying in place.Staff stated that they have heard that this was happening.There were conversations where had with mobile vendors about this issue. CR Pomeroy asked about side streets and how the issue of food trucks parking in the customers' parking spot.Staff stated that there was currently no regulations on side streets however,the new proposed rules would have mobile vendors adhering to the parking rules. CR Mehl asked staff to respond to the scenario of a food truck parking into a restaurants' encroachment area. The city attorney stated that congestion on the sidewalk was looked at and discussed. It was recommended that a need to maintain a clear path of pedestrian traffic. Mayor Taylor asked about encroachments and public safety.The city recognized that he property owner gave exclusive use to the encroachment space. Parking to hold a space before opening was asked and discussed. Compliance with all parking regulations was something that staff stressed needed to happen but recognized that it would evolve with the current changes in downtown. The city attorney gave an explanation of the difference between exclusive use and encroachment permits and how the plan was drawn up. Page 10 of 13 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 13,2017 08:21:21 PM (02:22:11)Motion to direct the City Manager to return to the Commission with an ordinance for provisional adoption regulating mobile vending as provided for in the City Manager's recommendations. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: 2nd 08:21:34 PM (02:22:24) Discussion CR Mehl stated that this was a good approach when and where mobile vending was allowed in terms of the recommendations. DM Andrus thanked everyone who tried to have a discussion about this as well as staff who worked on this. The choices were to do nothing or they could decide to approve the recommendation by the city manager.She would approve them because so much time has been put into drafting this.This was a good compromise and starting place.As the liaison to the parking commission, parking was a work in progress. f: Surface lots was something that she would like to see back at the parking commission. Mayor Taylor stated that he failed to see the difference between encroachments and exclusive use permits. Asked for an amendment to include language of encroachments in the same place as the exclusive use permits. Health inspections and looking at parking with the parking commission was discussed. CR Pomeroy stated that she understood both sides of food trucks and restaurants. And asked staff to amend the motion to come back after one year of study how it affects current restaurants. k CR Mehl asked there be two suggested changes;one to require a report to come in a year from the time of enactment to give the community time to adapt to it. 08:35:07 PM (02:35:57)Friendly Amendment that citystaff will report back to the commission on the efficacy of this effort no later than March 1,2018. is 08:35:22 PM (02:36:12) Discussion Continued CR Mehl stated that the second suggested change talks about exclusive versus not substantial encroachments. The City Attorney talked about the Downtown sidewalk encroachment permit program.The encroachment that was written into the proposal was the exclusive use permit. The mayor was looking for a non-substantial encroachment type of permit for a sidewalk caf6. j r 08:37:08 PM (02:37:58)Amendment to the Motion that non-substantial encroachments for sidewalk cafes be included in the definition. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor-C nthia Andrus: 2nd 08:37:20 PM (02:38:10) Discussion Page 11 of 13 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 13,2017 There was no discussion. 08:37:29 PM (02:38:19) Vote on the Amendment to the Motion that non-substantial encroachments for sidewalk cafes be included in the definition. The Amendment passed 4-0. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Deputy MaVor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Absent Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve 08:37:55 PM (02:38:45) Vote on the Motion as Amended to direct the City Manager to return to the Commission with an ordinance for provisional adoption regulating mobile vending as provided for in the City Manager's recommendations,that City staff will report back to the Commission on the efficacy of this effort no later than March 1,2018, and that non-substantial encroachments for sidewalk cafes be included in the definition. The motion passed 4-0. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Absent Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve 3. 08:58:35 PM (02:59:25) Legislative Update(Kukulski) INa 08:59:06 PM (02:59:56)Staff Presentation City Manager Chris Kukulski was able to give a presentation the league of women voters to reach out to people in our community to contact legislators around both fuel,transportation safety act and the infrastructure investment property tax relief act. On Feb 22 at 3-6pm there would be a tentatively scheduled hearing taking place to discuss the bridge and road transportation safety act. The work continues on fending off tax increment finance bills.The city will continue to be involved with the State to produce some kind of cap in regards to taxable values.A bill to recognize water source and water source protection was discussed to get people to that hearing. 09:05:26 PM (03:06:16)Questions of Staff Mayor Taylor asked about local legislators and getting in contact with them. Local hosting was discussed. Page 12 of 13 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 13,2017 N. 09:07:17 PM (03:08:07) FYI/Discussion • Assistant City Manager Rosenberry informed the Commission that budget presentations will be held in the new conference room in the Stiff Building on Tuesday and Wednesday next week, and Friday will be in the City Shops Training Room. • City Manager Kukulski reminded the Commission that the Strategic Plan Values Discussion will be held Wednesday at the Willson School at 6:30 p.m. • Mayor Taylor asked the Commission if any of them would like Sanctuary City to be put on an upcoming agenda. O. 09:09:26 PM (03:10:16)Adjournment Mayor Taylor adjourned the meeting at 9:09 PM. Carson Taylor Mayor $O Z ATTEST: �� ■ i C`• V WIRWJ�IA%rough �LLA■ 1. . ••�1otify Clerk TtN co- PREPARED BY: Pearl Michalson Deputy City Clerk Approved on: _N 20, 7(-)1'1 Page 13 of 13