HomeMy WebLinkAbout17- Task Order 5 - HDR Engineering - Stormwater Improvement ProjectsProfessional Services Agreement for Stormwater Improvement Projects Exhibit A TASK ORDER NUMBER 05 This Task Order dated March 6, 2017 between the City of Bozeman (City) and HDR Engineering, Inc. (Contractor). Issued under the authority of Professional Services Agreement for Stormwater Improvement Projects between the City of Bozeman and HDR Engineering, Inc. for: A range of professional and technical services, including but not necessarily limited to engineering design, preparation of construction documents, project bidding, and construction administration services for various stormwater improvement projects. REPRESENTATIVES: The following representatives have been designated for the work performed under this Task Order: 1. City: Kyle Mehrens 2. Contractor: Daniel March P.E. SCOPE OF WORK: Attached Scope of Services for Task Order 5 — Westridge Stormwater Infrastructure Improvement Project COMPENSATION: Contractor shall be reimbursed on a lump sum basis. Contractor shall invoice no more often than monthly for services provided in the prior month. The provisions of the Professional Services Agreement for Stormwater Improvement Projects, Master Task Order Agreement, and any special terms and conditions and/or exhibits or attachments to this Task Order shall govern the Work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties authorized to commit resources of the companies have executed this Task Order: City o oz man Ci By: Title: AWWW Y't u ia' Date: 312t 114 HDR Enaincerine, Inc. (Contractor) By: a'Vti/%(r(L.1/� Title: Vice President Date: Fed. ID. No. 47-0680568 City of Bozeman I Westridge Stormwater Infrastructure Improvement Project SCOPE OF SERVICES Exhibit A - Scope of Services 1 • • • f The following scope of services is to provide engineering services to the City of Bozeman (COB) for the Westridge Stormwater Infrastructure Improvement (WSII) Project. The project will be located near the intersection of Westridge Drive and Overbrook Drive. COB would like to improve the current stormwater conveyance/treatment system at this location in order to bypass a pair of sedimentation ponds that currently receive stormwater runoff from the project area. Adjustments to the conveyance system will include adding an in-line treatment system and associated infrastructure so that stormwater runoff can discharge directly to Figgins Creek. The following document outlines the assumptions, understanding of the work, and deliverables for work associated with the WSII Project. Project schedule The project schedule is set with the goal that design of this project will take place during the spring of 2017 and construction will be completed by the end of June 2017. Assumptions: • Notice to Proceed (NTP) will be issued by COB by March 15, 2017. • COB will provide requested materials and review comments in a timely fashion as presented in the assumption sections for the following tasks. Scope of Services Task 1: Project Managementr • Quality Assurance/Quality Control Services Description of Work: The scope, schedule, and budget will be monitored so that the project moves forward in a timely manner. Each deliverable will be reviewed to ensure accurate, high-quality, and dependable work products. Sub Tasks: 01.01 - Project Management & Coordination of Work This task includes project management services during the entire life of the project, including: • Monthly Invoicing and Monthly Reports • Project Delivery Administration: Budget & Schedule Controls • Kickoff meeting to establish communication protocol, project understanding, available data, project schedule, etc. • Management of subcontractors (survey). March 3, 2017 City of Bozeman I Westridge Stormwater Infrastructure Improvement Project SCOPE OF SERVICES 01.02 - Quality Assurance/Quality Control Services • Review of each deliverable according to HDR's quality management procedures. • Quality Assurance/Quality Control is integrated into each deliverable's budget. Assumptions: • Project management effort is a function of the project duration and is based on the schedule included with this scope of services. • NTP is anticipated before March 15, 2017, with participation assumed to be completed at the end of construction. • Project management efforts and tasks associated with construction administration are included under Task 6. Deliverables: • Monthly invoice and project status updates. Task 1 Budget: • $1,100 Task 2: Site Survey (OutsideServices) Description of Work: Site specific data will be collected from existing sources, topographic surveys, and site visits, if necessary. The data will be reviewed to understand the site constraints and analyze the feasibility of the project. As a subconsultant to HDR, Pioneer Technical Services, Inc. will perform the activities outlined below. Sub Tasks: 02.01 — Topographic and Utility Survey A topographic and utility survey of the project site will be performed by a licensed Professional Land Surveyor (PLS) to determine the existing topography, location of existing infrastructure (curbs, sidewalks, etc.) and locations of existing underground and above -ground utilities. All utility locates shall be scheduled prior to surveying activities. Existing stormwater features (inlets, outlets, manholes, pipes, etc.) will be surveyed within the boundaries of the project. Figgins Creek features within the project area will be surveyed including: anticipated discharge location; culvert inverts; and channel cross sections. Easement boundaries will be surveyed to ensure all work is performed within COB right of way. The data generated from this effort will be used for the preliminary design, 95% Design, and final design. Survey data developed for this project will use the following data systems: Projection: Montana State Plane Units Datum: Horizontal — MT 2500 St PI NAD83 US Feet Vertical — NAVD88 US Feet March 3, 2017 City of Bozeman I Westridge Stormwater Infrastructure Improvement Project SCOPE OF SERVICES Assumptions: • COB will provide HDR with existing topographic and stormwater infrastructure information for the drainage area outside the project boundaries. • COB will provide HDR with bike trail right of way/easement information. • Pioneer Technical Services, Inc. will be responsible for scheduling utility locates. • Surveying activities will be completed in one business day. Task 2 Budget: • $2,630 Task 3: Preliminary Design Description of Work: All information received will be reviewed to understand the site characteristics and project constraints. Using the information compiled, the Engineer will prepare a preliminary design for the proposed improvements. The preliminary design will be delivered to COB for review and approval. Sub Tasks: 3.01 — Hydrologic Analysis HDR will perform a hydrologic analysis of the contributing drainage area in order to determine peak flow rates. Previous projects have utilized the Rational Method for calculating peak flow rates; therefore, HDR anticipates using this methodology unless otherwise directed. As requested by the COB, HDR will use the 2 -year storm event for treatment design and the 10 - year storm event for bypass design. 3.02 — Evaluate Treatment System & Associated Infrastructure HDR understands that the COB has adopted the State of Washington Department of Ecology's TAPE program as a bench mark for required certification of stormwater technology. HDR anticipates using the approved Vortechs hydrodynamic separator treatment system that is manufactured by Contech Engineered Solutions. The system will be analyzed and sized appropriately for the peak flow rates calculated under sub -task 4.01. In addition, all inlets, outlets, and pipe alignments will be analyzed and sized appropriately. 3.03 — Review of Easement & Floodplain Requirements Information collected during the site survey will be used to review easements and floodplain requirements. Property boundaries will be identified and all construction activities are anticipated to take place on City property or within City right of way. If easements become an issue, HDR will meet with the COB to evaluate other options. HDR will evaluate any floodplain requirements and provide recommendations in the preliminary design memorandum. Completion of floodplain permit applications is not included; however, HDR can provide this service as an amendment to this scope. March 3, 2017 City of Bozeman I Westridge Stormwater Infrastructure Improvement Project SCOPE OF SERVICES INSIN 3.04 — Preliminary Construction Drawings HDR will develop a set of construction drawings with plan & profile views showing general project layout with the purpose of presenting major project component location and elevation to evaluate project functionality and constructability. Assumptions: • The Rational Method will be used to calculate peak flow rates. • Completion of floodplain permits is not included. • Recommended treatment option will be approved by the Washington Department of Ecology TAPE program. • Drawings to be preliminary in nature without complete construction notes or details. • HDR and COB will have a meeting to review the Preliminary Design, answer questions and discuss COB comments. Deliverables: • Preliminary design memorandum • Preliminary construction drawings Task 3 Budget: • $4,070 Task 4: 95% Design Description of Work: HDR will develop a 95% design of the project after a Design NTP has been issued by COB. The following tasks will be completed for the 95% design. Sub Tasks: 4.01 — Construction Drawings HDR will develop a set of construction drawings that will include a cover sheet, general notes, construction notes, plan & profile views, and detail drawings. The construction drawings will be submitted to COB for review and comments will be incorporated under Task 5. 4.02 — Specifications & Engineer's Estimate HDR will provide general notes and construction specifications. All specifications relating to inlet, outlet, and pipe installation will be based on the Montana Public Works standard specifications. Specifications for installation of the Vortechs hydrodynamic separator will come directly from the manufacturer. Specifications specific to COB will be reviewed and incorporated as needed. Supplemental specifications and special provisions may be included if necessary. The Engineer will generate a cost estimate for construction activities that will be based on time and materials. March 3, 2017 City of Bozeman I Westridge Stormwater Infrastructure Improvement Project SCOPE OF SERVICES Assumptions: • All notes for the design of the project will be included on the construction drawings. • Contract documents will be produced by the COB. • COB will provide HDR general material costs as seen on previous projects. • Information used for the Engineer's estimate will come from a combination of the latest version of RS Means, Montana Department of Transportation bid price summary, supplier quotes and values provided by COB. • Specifications are anticipated to be included as notes on project drawings. Deliverables: • Construction drawings: 95% • Specifications: 95% • Engineer's estimate (for 95% design) Task 4 Budget: $4,150 Task : Final Design Description of Work: HDR will finalize the construction drawings, specifications, and Engineer's estimate. Sub Tasks: 5.01 — Finalize Documents HDR will complete final construction drawings, specifications, and cost estimates that will include revisions based on COB comments on the 95% design documents. Assumptions: • COB comments to the 95% design documents will be incorporated into the Task 5 deliverable. Deliverables: • Construction drawings: 100% • Specifications: 100% • Engineer's estimate (for 100% design) Task 5 Budget: • $1,350 Task 6: Project Inspection Description of Work: HDR will be involved with construction administration activities including, contractor coordination, inspections, and record drawings. March 3, 2017 City of Bozeman I Westridge Stormwater Infrastructure Improvement Project SCOPE OF SERVICES Sub Tasks: 6.01 — Pre -construction Meeting HDR will work with COB and Contractor to facilitate a pre -construction meeting. The meeting will help identify project expectations, establish communication protocol, and clarify any contract or specification discrepancies. 6.02 — Construction Inspection Inspections will be performed by an HDR representative during key construction activities. A daily work report (DWR) will be developed for each day that construction takes place. The DWR will document on-site personnel, equipment, planned activities, inspections performed, and any issues encountered. 6.03 — Record Drawings Record drawings will be developed by HDR in order to document the as -built conditions of the project. All record drawings will be submitted to COB. Assumptions: • Construction costs will be less than $80k and therefore COB can solicit two bids and select a contractor based on price. • COB will be responsible for contractor bid solicitation and contractor selection. • Construction will last no longer than 5 business days. • HDR's Project manager and project engineer will be present during the pre -construction meeting. • HDR will be present for key portions of construction but not full time. • No significant changes are expected between the construction drawings and record drawings. Task 6 Budget: • $2,790 Total Project Budget: • $16,090 March 3, 2017