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Bazeman, Montana
Ootober 19, 1960
The Commi.sion of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room. City Hall
Building, Wednesday, Ootober 19th, 1960 at laOO o'clook p.m. Present were Mayor Swanson, Commis-
sioner Sedivy, Acting City Manager Fryslie, City Attorney Lovelaoe and the Clerk.
The following prooeedings were had: I
Minutes of the last regular session were read and it was moved by Mayor Swanson, seconded by
Commissioner Sedivy, that the minutes be approved as read and the motion was oarried by the follow-
ing Aye and No votea those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting
No, none.
Purohase -- 3/4 Ton Piokup Truck with Utility Box
This was the time and plaoe set for opening bids for the purchase of a 3/4 ton pickup truck with
a three compartment utility box for use by the Water Department. The affidavit of publioation of the
Call for Bids was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seoonded by Mayor Swanson, that
the bids be opened and read and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No votea those
voting ~e being Mayor Swanson and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none.
The following bids were opened and reada
Name Base Bid
Bozeman Motors, Ino. $
Northern A.utomobile Co. 2,891.00
Robert F. Dye, Inc. 2,791.75
Rolfe and Wood, Inc. 2,472.42
Owenhouse Hardware 2,529.00
At the request of the Acting City Manager, it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by I
Mayor Swanson, that to allow time for study of the speoifioations of the various units, alternates,
eto., final awarding of the oontraotbe delayed until the next regular meeting of the Commission,
October 26th, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being
Mayor Swanson and Comnissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none. ~
Bidders were informed that each firm would be furnished with 8 full tabulation of all bids
submitted. --
Purchase -- Garbage Dispo.al Unit (Truok)
This was the time and plaoe set for opening bids for the purohase of a Garbage Disposal Unit
(Truok) . The affidavit of publioation of the Call for Bids was presented. It was moved by Commissioner
Sedivy, .econded by Mayor Swanson, that the bids be opened and read and the motion was oarried by
the following Aye and No votea those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson and Commissioner Sedivy; those
voting No, none.
The following bids were opened and read:
Name Base Bid Trade-in
Robert F. D,ye. Ino. . 9,000.00. $1,000.00.
Northern Automobile Co. IO,238.2o. 1,686.2C
Bozeman Motors, Inc. 12,OCC.00 3,068.36 I
Rolfe and. Wood, IE.c. 9,411.20 1,325.00
Owe%lhouse Hdw. Co. 11, l49.65 3,153.65
At the request of the Acting City Manager, it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy. seoonded by
Mayor Swanson, that to allow time for study of the specifications of the various units. alternates,
eto., final awarding of the oontract be delayed until the regular meeting of the Commission to be
held on November 2, 1960, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No votea those voting
Aye being Mayor Swanson and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none.
Bidders were informed that each bidder would be supplied with a full tabulation of all bids
submi tted.
C...1der.tion of Prelim1aary Plat -- Gr.!'. First AdditioB
A oopy of the Preliminary Plat, Gnt'. First Addition was presented. Following disoussion among
the Commission, Gene Graf, Jr., and his attorney, Lyman Bennett, it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy"
.econded by Mayor Swanson, that the preliminary plat be approved per City-County Planning Board reoom-
mendations as outlined in the Planning Board minutes of Ootober 3rd, 1960 and letter dated October 13,
I 1960" exoluding the requirement that Graf's First Addition be brought into the City, and with the
addi tional requirement that the final plat inolude adequate provision for park dedication or its
equivalent, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No votea those voting Aye being
Mayor Swanson and Commissioner Sedivy a those voting No, none.
Bond & Contract -- B.I.D. No. 418
Bond and oontraot of Kiely Construotion Co., Butte, Montana, for construotion of Special Improve-
ment Distriot No. 418 was presented. The bond and oontract were approved 88 to form by City Attorney
Lovelace and it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by :Mayor Swanson, that the Mayor and the
Clerk of the Commission be authorized to sign the oontraot for the City of Bozeman and the bid seo-
urities of Kiely Construction Co. and the unsuooessful bidders be returned and the motion was oarried
by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson and Commissioner Sedivy;
those voting No, none.
Sub-Contract -- S.I.D. No. 418
Copy of a sub-oontraot between Kiely Construotion Co. of Butte, Montana and R. T. Armstro~g
and Sons, Miles City, Montana was presented. This sub-contraot provides .hat R. T. Armstrorcand
Sons will do specified work as a sub-oontraotor on the oontraot awarded Kiely Construction Co. for
I oonstruotion in Speoial Improvement Distriot No. 418 at a oost of $13,CII.06. The aforementioned
was recommended by Wayne W. Dean, the engineer representing Harold Hoskins & Assooiates, the
engineering oonsultant firm retained by the City for this district, and the City Engineer. Fo 11 0"'"
ing the recommendation of the Acting City Manager" it was moved by Mayor Swanson, seconded by Commi.-
sioner Sedivy, that the City approve the sub-contraot and the City Manager be direoted to notify the
contracting parties of its aotion on the matter. The motion was oarried by the following Aye and
No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none.
Resolution No. 998 -- Final Passage -- ~Iessing B.I.D. No. 406
This was the time and plaoe set for hearing protests to levying assessments for Speoial
Improvement Distriot No. 406. Affidavit of publication of the Notioe was presBnted. No one wal
present to protest and, no protests having been filed, Resolution No. 998, provisionally adopted
at the regular meeting held Ootober 13th, 1960, was presented for final passage. It was moved by
Mayor Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the resolution be finally passed and adopted
and the Dlotion was carried by the following Aye and No votea those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson
and Commissioner Sedivy} those voting No, none.
I Resolution No. 999 -- Final h.sage -- Assessing S.I.D. No. 412
This was the time and plaoe set for hearing protests to levying assessments for Special Improve-
ment Distriot No. 412. Affidavit of publication of the Notice was presented. No one was present
to protest and, no protests having been filed, Resolution No. 999, provisionally adopted at the
regular meeting held Ootober 13th, 1960, was presented for final passage. It was moved by Cammi.-
sioner Sedivy, seconded by Mayor Swanson, that the resolution be finally passed and adopted and the
motion was oarried by the following Aye and No votea those voting Aye being Mayor "Swanson and
Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none.
Resolution No. 10.00 -- Final Paa sage -- Asseasing S.I.D. No. '14
This was the time and plaoe set for hearing protests to levying assessments for Special Improve-
ment Distriot No. 414. Affidavit of publio8tion of the Notioe was presented. No one was present to
protest and, no protests having been filed, Resolution No. 1000, provisionally adopted at the regular
meeting held Ootober 13th, 196C, was presented for final passage. It was moved by Mayor Swanson,
seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the resolution be finally passed and adopted and the motion was I
oarried by the following Aye and No votea those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson and Commissioner
Sedivy; those voting No, none.
Resolution No. IDOl -- Find Pal8age -- As.e.sing S.I.D. No. 416
This was the time and place set for hearing protests to levying assessments for Special Improv~
ment District No. 415. Affidavit of publication of the Notioe was presented. No one was present
to protest and, no protests having been filed, Resolution No. 1001, provisionally adopted at the
regular meeting held Ootober 13th, 1960. was presented for final passage. It was moved by Commissioner
Sedivy, seconded by Mayor Swanson, that the resolution be finally passed and adopted and the motion
was oarried by the following Aye and No Totea those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson and Commissioner
Sedivy; those voting No, none.
Resolution No. 1002 -- Final Passage -- Assessing S.I.D. No. 'IS
This was the time and plaoe set for hearing protests to levying assessments for Special Improve-
ment Distriot No. 416. Affidavit of publication of the Notice was presented. No one was present to
protest and, no protests having been filed, Resolution No. I002, provisionally adopted at the reg-
ular meeting held October 13th, 1960 was presented for final passage. It was moved by Mayor Swanson,
seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the resolution be finally passed and adopted and the motion was I
oarried by the following Aye and No votea those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson and Commissioner
Sedivy; those voting No, none.
Resolution No. IOC3 -- Final Passage -- Assessing S.I.D. No. 410
This was the time and plaoe set for hearing protests to levying assessments for Special Improve-
ment Distriot No. 410. Affid8vit of publication of the Notice was presented. No one was present tp
proteat and, no protests having been filed, Resolution No. I003, provisionally adopted at the reg-
ular meeting held Cotober 13th,1960 was pr~sented for final passage. It was moved by Commissioner
Sedivy, seconded by Mayor Swanson, that the resolution be finally passed and adopted and the motion
was oarried by the following Aye and No votea thoae voting Aye being Mayor Swanson and Commissioner
Sedivy; those voting No, none.
Resolution No. lOO4, -- Final Passage -- Assessing S.I.D. No. 41l
This was the time and plaoe set for hearing protests to levying assessments for Speoial Improve-
ment District No. 411. Affidavit of publioation of the Notice was presented. No one was present
to protest and, no protests having been filed, Re.olution No. 100.4, provision81ly adopted at the
regular meeting held Ootober 13th, 1960, was presented for final passage. It was moved by Mayor
Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy-. that the resolution be finally passed and adopted and the I
m.otion was oarried by the following Aye and No votea those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson and
Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none.
Flu.l Payment -- S.I.D. No. '06
During the regular session of the Commission, Ootober 13th, 1960, Commission aotion, follow-
ing the recommendation of the resident engineer of Harold Hoskins and Associates, the engineering
oonsultant firm retained by the City for the District, accepted as oompleted and approved the con-
tract work on Speoial Improvement District No. 406 performed on the projeot by the contraotor,
: l:31
Stanley H. Arkwright, Inc. The Acting City Manager informed the Commission that a detennination
had been made that all claims against the oontractor resulting from the construction have been paid
and all reoords of the projeot completed and presented a claim as final payment in the amount of
$977.29 due the oontraotor, Stanley H. Arkwright, ~o. The Acting City Manager recommended to the
Commission that the claim be approved as such, and it was moved by Mayor Swanson, seconded by Commis-
I sioner Sedivy, that the aforementioned claim in the amount of $977.29 be approved and a warrant issued
in payment. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No votea those voting Aye being Mayor
Swanson and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none.
Final Payment -- S.I.D. No. 412
During the regular session of the Commission, October 13th, 1960, Commission aotion, following
~ -
the recommendation of the resident engineer of Harold H~skins and Associates, the engineering con~
suI tant finn retained by the City for the District, accepted as oompleted and approved the contract
work on Speoial Improvement District No. 412 performed on the projeot by the oontraotor, Stanley H.
Arkwright, I o. The Acting City Manager informed the Commission that a determination had been made
that all claims against the oontractor r~sulting from the oonstruotion have been paid and all
records of the project oompleted and presented a claim as final payment in the amount of $1,102.17
due the oontractor, Stanley H. Arkwright, Ino. The Acting City Manager recommended to the Commis-
sion that the olaim be approved as suoh, and it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seoonded by
Mayor Swanson, that the aforementioned claim in the amount of $1,102.17 be a:pproved and a warrant
issued in payment. The motion was oarried by the following Aye and No votea those voting Aye being
Mayor Swanson and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none.
I Final Payment -- S.I.D. No. 416
During the regular session of the Commission, Ootober 13th, 1960, Commission action,follow-
ing the reoommendation of the resident engineer of Harold Hoskins and Assooiates, the engineering
consultant firm retained by the City for the Distriot, aooepted as oompleted and approved the
oontraot work on Speoial Improvement District No. 416 performed on the project by the oontractor,
Stanley H. Arkwright, Ino. The Acting City Manager informed the CoJDJrlssion that a determination had
been made that all olaims against the oontractor resulting from the construotion hav.' paid and all
reoords of the project oompleted and presented a claim as final payment in the amount of $3,t47.55
due the oontraotor, Stanley H. Arkwright, Inc. The Aoting City Manager reoommended to the Commis-
sion that the olaim be approved as suoh, and it was moved by Mayor Swanson, seconded by Commissioner
Sedivy, that the aforementioned olaim in the amount of .3,447.66 be approved and a warrant issued
in payment. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No votea those voting Aye being Mayor
Swanson and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none.
Claim -- Engineering Servioes on S.I.D. No. 4l0, Extimate No. , (Final)
A olaim filed by Harold H skins & Assooiates, Supervising Engineers on Speoial Improvement
Distriot No. 41C, in the amount of fl,3ll.66 representing final payment for engineering servioes on
I the project was plaoed before the Commission. The Acting City Manager stated that the total amount
of engineering servioes on the district amounted to $8,473.49, that the engineer had previously
received $7,161.83 whioh left a balanoe due of il,3ll.66, and reoommended that the olaim be approved.
It was moved by Mayor Swanson, seoonded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the claim be approved and a
warrant issued in payment and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No votea those voting
Aye being Mayor Swanson and COIn."I)lissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none.
. ._,
There being no further business to oome before the Commission at this time, it was moved by
Mayor Swanson, seoonded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the meeting adjourn. The motion was carried
by the following ~e and No votet those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson and Commissioner Sedivy;
those voting No, none. I
AT TEST I " (!! (J/ a/'~.
-- C.ler of the COJJDnissioD.
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