HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-12-21 'It";,t ~ ,y, Bozeman, Man tana December 21, 1960 The Connnisslcm of the Ci ty of Bozeman mElt in regular session in the Conn:lission Room, City Hall Building, Wednesclg y, December 21st, 1960 at 1:00 o'clock p.m. Present were Mayor Swanson, C orand s s i one r S tauda her, Commissioner Sedivy, City Manager Cutting, Ass't. City Manager Fryslie, City Attorney Lovelace and the Clerk. I The f'ollowlnr, proceedings were had: Minutes of the last regular session were read and it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded. by COm..'11issioner Staudaher, that the minutes be approved as read and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye beine Mayor Swanson, Commiss ioner Sedivy and Commiss ioner StFtlldahOr; those voting No, none. Special Election -- Canvass of Returns (Montana Power Gas FranChise) The Clerk of the Commission aided by the City Commission proceeded to canvass the returns of the Speclal Elec tion held December 20th, 1960 for the purpose of sub- mi tt:tng to the qualified resident registered freeholders of the City the question of granting a Gas Franchise to the Montana t'ower Company, a corporation, for a period of fifty years. The canvass showed the following return: VOTES CAST FOn THE FRANCHISE . . . . . . . 1467 VOTES CAST A.GAINST THE FR1\FCFrISE . . . . . 92 Pursu.g.nt to the proceedlngs Mayor Swanson issuod the following proclama tion: . A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, On December 20, 1960, pursuant to pro- I ceedings in tha t behalf, regularly had and conducted, a Franchise Election was held in the City of tiozeman, wherein all qualified and registered resident freeholders of the City of Bozeman, whose names appeared on the last preceding tax roll of the City of Bozeman, or of the Coun ty of Galla tin, State of Montana, were entitled to vote; that at such election the following question was submitted to the voters: "Shall the City of Bozeman, Montana, grant to the Montana Power Company, a corpora tion, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege and franchise for the full period of fifty (5u) years, and thereafter until and unless otherwise provIded by ordinance, to cons truc t, equip, lay, ~aintain and operate in, under, upon, over and across the streets, a venues, aIle ys, highways, bridges, easements and other plblic places in the City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, State of Montana, as now or hereafter constitute~, mains, pipes, con&Jits, manholes, reducing and regulating stations and all other appurtenances and accessories for the purpose of transportin;~, conveying, dis tribu tin[j, supplyi!!:::; and selling na turlil gas or artificial gas, or a mixture of natural and artificial gas for light, he at, power and other purposes, at rates .1 fixed and allowed by the Pub~ic Service Con~ission of Man tnne . " WHEREAS, at such Franchise Election, a total of 1559 votes were cast; 1467 thereof being For Granting the Franchise, and 92 thereof being Against Granting the Franchise; WHEREAS, the majority of the votes cast at said election were tn favor of granting said Franchise to The Mon tans Power Company; , f"":"r': , · j,J WHEREAS, the vote on snid Franchise has been officially canvassed by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman: NOW, THEREFORE, I, ARNOLD ~~. SWANSON, Mayor of the City of Bozeman do hereby proclaim that, as shown by the official canvas of the votes cast at said election, said Franchise was I approved and granted by the electors; and that the vote thereon as here and above set forth is now officially announced. IN WITNESS WEEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Bozeman, Montana, to be affixed. Dono at the City of Bozeman this 21st day of Doc3~ber in the year of O1Jr Lord, one thousand nine hundred and sixty. sl Arnold r,~. Swanson ARNOLD ~:. S"wVAlTSmT, Ma yor ATTEST: sl C. K. Wilson C. K. WILso~r, Clerk of Ci ty Connnission Special Election -- Canvass of Returns (Ordinance No. 822) The Clerk of the Commission aided by the City Commission proceeded to canvess the returns of the Special Election held December 20, 1960 for the pur- pose of submitting to the regi3tered electors of the City the opportunity to vote on Ordinance No. 822, an ordinance pertaining to the control of dogs and other animals within the City, said ordinanca being passed and adopted by the Commission I on Apr51 27th, 1960. The canvass showed the following re turn: VOTES CAST IN FAVOR OF OHDINl',NCE NO. 822 . . . . 1143 VOTES CAST AGAINST THE ORDINANCE . . . . . . . . 1-349 Pursuant to the proceedings ~fuyor Swanson issued the fOlloWinG proclamation: A PROCLA~MTION W1IEREAS, At a special C1 ty elect1..on held on the 20th day of December, 1960, Ordina~ce No. 822 of the City of Bozeman, en tt tIed AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY ill" BOZm~A~r, l'ffOF']'ANA ES'11AELIST.TPJG A DDG AND ANDJT.AL COFTEOL LAW BY ?E8UT.Jl'\ I"f1ING ':'!TE KEEFIHG OF DOGS AND OTHER ANIMALS; FOR :.r:N3PECT~0~T A!'rJ PEEVmTll'ION OF RABIES IN DOGS; DEFINITIONS; LICENSING AND REGISTRATION; TAG AND COLLAR; NUMBER OF DOGS; ANIMALS AT LARGE; NUISANCE ANT.HALS; VICIOUS ANnrALS; IMPOUNDPTC OF DOGS; NOTICE AIm REDEMPTION; DISPOSITION OF UNREDEEr.1ED ANn"-,o.T~s; INVESTIGA- TION PROCED'lffiE; INTERFEREnCE UNLAVJFUL; CRlJZLT'l TO ANBIALS; PRO"ITOKING ANIMALS; LICENSEE'S LIABILITY A~fii TRANSFER; PEN- ALTIES; SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND REPEALINC ORDINANCES NOS. 187, 558 AND 819, CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA. was presented to the qualified electors of the City; WHEREAS, the vote on said ordinance at said election has been I officially canvassed by the City Commission of the Ci t:'T of Bozeman; WHEREAS, the total number of votes cast at sald election was 1,992 of which 1,143 was for the ordinance and 849 against the ordinance: 1TOW, THETIEF'ORE, I, ArmOLD H. SWANSON, ~:jayor of the Ci ty of Bozeman do hereby proclaim that, as shown by the official canvas of the votes cast at said election, Ordinance No. 822 was approved and accepted by the electors; and that the vote thereon as here and above set forth is now officially announced. :Jc")(j IN ~ITNESS VffiEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Bozeman, Montana, to be affixed. Done at the City of Bozeman, this 21st day of Decembor in the year of our Lord, one thollsand nine hund.red and sixty. S I Arnold M. Swanson A~NOLD M. SWANSON, Mayor I A TTE3T : sf C. K. vVils on C. K. VVILSOE, Clerk of the City Commission Ordinance No. 818 -- Transition Zone Area Map A "Transltion Zone Area Map" as provided for by Section VIII of Ordinance No. 818 and approved by the C1 ty-Coll_nty Plnn:r.ing Board was agaIn placed before the Connnission. The City 1mnager recommended that the Commission approve tho map as official and it was moved by Commissioner Staudaher, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the map, as provided for in Ordinance No. 818 be designated as the offlcial "~:Irans i tion Zone Area Map" of the City and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye belng Mayol' Swanson, Commlssioner Staudaher and Co~~issioner Sedivy; those voting No, none. Apollo Subdivision -- Approval of Plat The proposed plat of the Apollo Subdivision was placed before the Commission for approvAl. The City :Manager presented a letter received from the City-County Planning Board ata ting tha t the Board had approved the pla t, subject to definite I establish~ent of the temporary cul-de-sac indicated at the north end of 16th Avenue, dur:tng its Teeting of December 6th, 1960. After consultation with the City Attorney and the City Manager, it was moved by Com~issioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Staudaher, that the Commission approve the plat, subject to the condition that the City be deeded thRt portion of the area indicated as a cul- de-sac and not dedicated for street purposes, and th3 t, because of the size of '. the area, the park requirements be waived. The motion was carried by the follow- ing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Sedivy and Connnissioner Staudaher; those voting No, none. Reports The following reports for the month of November, 1960 were presented: Water Collector Cemetery Sanitarian Director of Public Service Cashier Upon the recommendation of the City Manager, it was moved by Commissioner Staudaher, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the reports be approved and filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No Vot6: those voting Aye I being t':ayor Swanson, Commissioner Staudaher and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none. CIa ims -- Payment for Judges and Clerks, Special Election December 20, 1960 Claim No's. 10236 to 10295 inc 1u,J i ve in the total amount of $802.50 were presented on the General fund for pSj7Ulsnt for services for the Judges Rnd Clerks serving on the election boards during the Spec~al Election held December 20, 1960 :~:)7 were presen ted. It was; moved by Cow.missioner Sedi vy, seconded by Commissioner Staudaher, that the claims be Rpproved and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Comrr,issioner Sedivy and Commissioner Staudaher; those voting No, none. Applications -- City Beer and Liquor Licenses for 1961 I The following applications for city beer and liquor licenses, toge ther wi th required ljcense fees, were presented: Name Beer Liquor Cullen's Corner Store ~f;2 uu . 00 $ x x x Safeway Stores, Inc. 200.00 x x x Crystal Bar 200 .00 300.00 Baxter Hotel Lounge 200.00 300.00 Top Ha t Lounge 200..00 300.00 It was moved by Commissioner ~taudaher, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the above applications be approved and that the Director of Finance be directed to issue licenses in accordance therewi th and the motion was carried b:r the follow- inG Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissionor ~taudaher end Cow~issioner Sedivy; those voting No, none. Action on the applications of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and Eagle's Club was tabled. Ordinance No. 830 -- Montana Power Gas Franchise Pursuant to the result of the Special Election held December 20th, 1960, Ordinance No. 830, prepared to grant a gas franchise to the Montana Power Company, I was presented, en ti tIed: ORDINANCE NO. 830 Al: OHDINANCE GRANTING TO T'TE MONTANA J~OVJER C mcel-\ NY , j\ CORP- ORATION, A PRAI\7C~IISE AND PIXING TI~E TERMS THEREOF UNDEr.. NHICH SAID cm~p[\'WJ VAY COIJSTr:~JCT, E0 :JIP, LAY, MAINrrAU: Arm (HJE~u\TE !)IPE LIlJES AND APPURTENANCES IN, UNDER, epOE, OVER AND ACROSS STREETS, AVE1--TUES, ALLEYS, HI GmVA YS , BRIDGES, EASmt2:NTS AND OTHER PUBLIC PLACES IN THE CITY 01" BOZELTAN, ~"OFTANA, AN'j) MAY TRANSPORT, DISTRIBUTE, ANI) SELL OtiS; AND TIEPEALHm ORD:rNANCE N1J!'mER 600. ! The City Manager recomr,1ended that the Commission pass and adopt the ordinance, and it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Staudaher, that the Commission approve and adopt the ordinance and the motion was carried by the fOllowing Aye and No vote: those votlng Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Staudaher; those voting No, none. Adjournment There being no ~1rther business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by C01nmissioner Staudaher, secondod by Commissioner SediVY, tha t the meo ting ad,j ourn the mo tion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those I voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Staudaher and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none. ~~~~ Ma yor - ATTEST: '7 ' . ~-z:u..b~~/ Cle k of the Commission ----- - - -