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Bozeman, Montana
August 3, 1960
The Commission of the City of Bouman met in regular session in the Commiuion Room, City
Hall Building, Wednesday, August 3rd, 1960 at 1:00 o'clock p.m. Present were Mayor Swanson,
I Commissioner St8udaher, Commissioner Sedivy, City Manager Cutting, bs't. City Meager Fryslie,
Deputy City Attorney Berg and the Clerk.
The following proceedings were had&.
Minutes of the last regular session were read and it was moved by Commissioner Staudaher,
seoonded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the minutes b. approved as read and the motion was oarried
by the following Aye and No votel those Toting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Staudaher,
and Commissioner SediVYJ those voting No, none.
AAA Pedestrian Prog~ Appraisal - Presentation ot Plaque
Dr. E. O. Holm, representing the American Automobile Association, presented a plaque
commemorating the City's four-year record of not experiencing a Pedestrian Traffic Fatality
during that period to Chief of Police Saunders.
Bond & Contract - SID No. '16
Bond and contract of Stanley H. Arkwright, Inc. for construotion of Speoial Improvement
District No. 416 was presented. The bond and oontract were approved as to form by Deputy City
Attorney Berg and it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Staudaher, that
the )layor and the Clerk of the Commission be authorized to sign the contract for the City of
I Bozeman and the bid securities of Stanley H. Arkwright. Inc. and the unsuccessful bidders be
returned and the motion _s carried by the following ~e and No votel those Totin~e being
Mayor Swanson. Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Staudaher~ those voting No, none.
Sub-Contract - SID No. '16
Copy of a sub-contract between Stanley H. Arkwright. Inc. of Billings, Montana and
Haggerty-Messmer Co., Bozeman, _s presented. This sub-contract provides that Haggerty-Messmer
Co. will do specified work as a sub-oontractor on the contract awarded Stanley H. Arkwright,
Inc. for construction in Special Improvement District No. 416 at a cost of $10,631.20.
It was moved by Commissioner Staudaher, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy. that the City
Manager be directed to notify the contracting parties of its approval of the above and the motion
was carried by the following Aye and No votel those Toting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner
Staudaher and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none.
Bids for Fluorine
This was the time and place set for opening bids on the purchase of 40,000 Ibs. (minimum
carload) ot sodium silicofluoride. The affidavit of publication of the "Call for Bids" was pre-
sented. It was mOTed by Commissioner Sedivy, seoonded by Commissioner Staudaher, that the bids
I filed with the Clerk of the Commission be opened and read and the motion was carried by the
tollowing Aye and No vote I those Toting Aye being Mayor Swanson. Commissioner Sedivy and Commis-
sioner Staudaher; those voting No, none.
The following bid. were then opened and read&.
Name of Biader Bid Price FOB, Bozeman
Dyce Sales Engineering Service .8.25 CWT
Lyon Chemical Co. 8.53 ..
Van water & Rogers, Inc. 8.53 "
The Chemical Sales Co. 8.53 "
Thompson-Harward Chemical Co. 8.53 ..
Name of Bidder Bid Price FOB, Bozeman
Blockson Chemical Co. tS.53 CWT
MoKesson & Robbins 8.475 .
Great Western Chemioal Co. 8.53 "
The City Manager's recommendation that to allow time for seouring further information in re-
gard to the product the low bidder proposes to furnish, awarding of the bid be deferred until the
ne.t regular meeting, was approved. I
Resolution No. 982 - Tax Levy
Resolution Number 9S2, setting the tax levy at 42.8 mills for the year 1960, was pre-
sented entitled.
JUNE 30th, 1961.
It was moved by Commissioner Staudaher, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the resolution
be passed and adopted and the motion was oarried by the following ~e and No vote. those voting
~e being Kayor Swanson, Commissioner Staudaher and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none.
License - Holland Furnace Co.
The Cit,y Manager reported, that as directed July 13th, he has corresponded with the main
office of the Holland FUrnace Company, and based upon assurances from that company, issuanoe of
a business license for the ourrent year would be in order. It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy,
sedonded by Commissioner Staudaher, that the license be granted, subject to notification to the I
Company that it must comply to all phases of the business license codes of the City, and the
motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote. those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson,
Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Staudaher; those voting No, none.
Curb Cuts - Eddy Bakery
The City Engineer disoussed the request of the Eddy Bakery Company for permission to oon-
struct two 20 foot curb outs in front of the location of its warehouse at 601 W. Villard. 'lbe
City Engineer reoommended that the two curb cuts be approved subjeot to the owner construct-
ing pavement between the sidewalk and the front of the building at its expense. Foll owing the
recommendation of the City Engineer, it was moved by Commissioner Staudaher, seconded by Commis-
sioner Sedivy, that the request be granted and the motion was oarried by the following Aye and
No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Camm1ss1oner Staudaher and Commissioner Sedivy.
those voting No, none.
Bonda tor City Otfioiala
Renewsl of annual bonds of the following person1in the amounts and for a one year term I
beginning on the dates shown opposite their respeotive names were presented.
H. Dean Moore - Cashier & Water Collector - $15,000 - 8 jl/ffJ
Helen M.orrison - Office C lark and Ass' t. - 10,000 - 8/1/60
Wa ter C 011 eotor
The bonds were approved as to form by the Deputy Ci ty Attorney, and it was moved by
Kayor SWanson, seconded by Commissioner Staudaher, that the bonds be approved and aooepted and
1- _
the motion was oarried by the following ~e and No votea those voting A.ye being Mayor Swanson,
Commissioner Staudaher and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none.
Appointment to City-County Airport Board - Thomas G. Haggerty
Me.yor Swanson announced the re-appointment of Thomas G. Haggerty as the oity member of the
I City-County Airport Board for a term of three years to expire July 31, 1963. It was moved by Commis-
sioner Staudaher, seoonded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the appointment be approved and the motion
was oarried by the following Aye and No votea those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner
Staudaher and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none.
Claims for the Month of July, 1960
Claim No's. 8834 to 9117 inclusive were presented on the various funds as followu
Fund . Amount ~d ~ ~ . Ampunt
- -
General . 17,282.52 Street 11,601..30
Water 10,805.05 S.D.S. 3, 149~ 7-3
Library 2,340.85 Park 6,6~3~~
Cemetery 3,824.96 Band 1,369.60
Garbage 4,174.56 Parking Meter 2,o.o.~.09
Polioe Reserve 2,528.80 P.E.R.S. 9Q,8.06
Planning Board 1,365.0.0. Fire Relief -1,_387.44
C. P. Care 166.0.0 SID'S 12~,89'.O7
Total $20.1,459.47
The Me.nager stated that he has audited these olaims and finds them to be true and lawful olaims
against the City of Bozeman and reoommends that warrants be issued for their payment. After exam-
I ination of the olaims in detail and checking against the claim register, it was moved by Commissioner
Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Staudaher, that the claims be approved and warrants issued for their
payment and the motion was carried by the following Jfe and No votea those voting Aye being Mayor
Swanson, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Staudaher; those voting No, none.
The following reports were presenteda
Cashier Disposal Plant Operator Fire Chief'
Cemetery Librarian Chief of Police
Building Inspeotor
The Manager reviewed the reports with the Commission and reoommended that the reports be
approved and filed. It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Staudaher, that
the reports be approved and filed and the motion was oarried by the following Aye and No votea
those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Staudaher; those voting
. No, none.
Investment of Operational & SID FUnd,
I Direotor of Finanoe Shadoan reported that approximately '566,000.00 of Miscellaneous o~eratiGnal
and Special Improvement District Funds are available and could be invested in short te~ U.S. Treasury
Bills. It was reoommended by the City Manager that the Direotor of Finanoe be authorized to make
the foregoing investment. It was then moved by Commissioner Staudaher, seoonded by Commissioner
Sedivy, that the authorization be granted and the motion was oarried by the following Aye and No
votea those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Stw daher and Commissioner Sedivy) those
voting No, none.
Adjourzmaent -
There being no further business to oome before the Commiasion at this time, it was moved by
Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Staudaher, that the meeting adjour.n and the motion I
was oarried by the following Aye End No votea those voting ~e being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner
Sedivy and CoDWdssioner Staudaher; those voting No, none.
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