HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-11-18 In? Bozeman, Montana November 18, 1959 The Co~~ission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Cow~ission TIoom, City Hall Buil.ding, Wednesda y, November 18, 1959 at 1:00 o'clock P.M. Present were Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Berg, City Manager Henderson, City Attorney Lovelace and the Clerk. The following proceedin~s were had: I Copies of the minutes of the last regular meeting held on November 12, 1959 haVing been furnished to each member of the Commission and read in detail by them, it was moved by Commissioner Berg, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the minutes be approved and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Berg and Commissioner Swanson; those voting Ho, none. Water Meters & Fire Hydrants - Authorization to Pnrchase W. R. Border, Water ~perintendent, has reported need for water meters and fire hydran ts to replenish stocks normally carried in that department. City Manager !-Ienderson recommended that purchase of 25 3/8"X3/4" water meters at an approximate cas t of ~p675 .00 and 2 fire hydran ts a t an approxima te cos t of $550.00 be au thorized. It was moved by Comwissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Berr;, tha t the City Manager be and is hereby authorized to purchase these recommended items and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those votinE" No, none. Sta te G<9.so11ne Tax Refund Claim . A claim for refund of State Gasoline Tax for gasoline used by the City in the I ammmt of ~f;1,108.56 was presented. The City Manager requested that he be authorized to sign the claim in behalf of the City. It was moved by Commissioner ~wanson, <JBconded by Commissioner Berg, that the authorization be granted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; thos e votinr; No, none. Resoh, tiOD No. 966 - Vaca te Portion of the East Side of Willson Between ~ain and Ba bcock Stree ts As directed, City Attorney Lovelace has prepared a resolution of intention to vacate a portion of the east side of' Willso:n -~\.0n"...c':; -.Jdt\VG,:ln )19.in anl 3':1b..::o::k 5tr,~8t3. Resoll1tion No. 966 was prer-cnted entitled: COM1\'ISSION RESO: ,"TIOE NO. 966 A RESOrPTION OF T::rE CON'1\'ISSION Of' TPE Crl'Y OI' J30Zm~A~', MmrTA NA, DECLAPPW IT TO BE ']'HE I:',T'T'EYTION OF ~:;AID COM"ISSION TO VACATE A PORTIOF 'IF SOTTTH WILL30'E AVENU1<; IN THE CITY OF BOZE~'~AN, ~~ONTANA It was moved by Commissioner Berg, seconded by Commissioner ~wanson, that the resolution be adopted and that December 23, 1959 be set as the date for public hear- ing on t.he proposal and the 1"10 tion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: I those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Berg and Commissioner Swanson; those voting No, none. Emj:)lo;yirten t of Part-Time Cons1.J.l tan t on Zoning and Planning . A proposal was presented from Laurence C. Gerckens under which he would supply his services as a Planning Consultant during the year 1960 to contin~e the work out- lined by the "Master Plan" prepared by S. R. DeBoer & Co. and to implement such plan. Mr. Gerckens proposes to put in 30 to 4u houI'se per month on t:ds work for a fee of ln8 $150.00 per month. With this proposal, Oi ty Manar:er Henderson presen ted a s ta temen t from the Montana State Planni~g ;Board showing an approved ad.vance of funcls from the H.H.F.A. which would provide $~,35U.OO to app~y on this work, such amount to be ma tchod by funds furnished by the Ci ty. It was moved by Commissioner Berf" seconded by Comrnissioner Swanson, tha t , sub.1ect to conC1~rrent approval by the County Commis- sioners of Gallatin County, the City-County Planning Board and the Montana State I Planning Board, the proposal herein described from Mr. Gerckens be approved and accepted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye bein~ Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Berg and Commissioner Swanson; those vot~.ng No, none. Ee(n](~st - "Shut-Down Order" on SID No. 408 T. C. Hag'"':erty and Guy Sperry, partners in Hagrrerty-Messmer Co., appeared before the Con~ission and presented a letter from their company requesting an indefinite . extension of time for completion of tbeir contract to install storm sewers in SID No. 408. Reason stated for the r:,quos twas that unseasonable sub-zero weather had driven frost into the ground to such depth as to make flJr ther trenching impractical until the frost goes out in the spring. Action on the request was deferred pendinIT receipt of recommendations from Hoskir:s and Associates, sup,",r'lis ing engine ers and of fur ther information rrom Hap~erty-Messmer Co. ReqlJest for Infor~atlon on Sewers - Graf & Simkins Lyman Bennett, attorney representing Eugene Gra f , .Jr. and TI. G. Simkins, appeared before the meetlnp' to seek jnfor!Tla tion on wha t should anlt can be done to flJrnish sew- I erage facilities for land owned by his clients which is now occupted by tho Va~ley View golf course. Mr. Bennett was informed tha t, before the City can give an answer to his 1uestlons, his clients should present a proposa~ which wou~d incLude t}~e following: 1. A plan to show how their lam~ will be develop8d and the sewage volume as t:"cma ted to be developed from 1t. 2. A plan to show detai~ as to sewers required to serve their land and disposal facilities tequired'for su6h ~~wers. . 3. A s ta temen t as to how the insta~latlon of their SOW0r and disposa~ faciJ.:l ties is expected to be financed. 4. A s ta temen t tb8 t, befo~e any sewers in or from their lands are connected to any existing part of the City's scwerRge system, the land owned by them wll~ch will be served by suc11 sewers will be acceptably platted and, by their petition, brought into the City. Ad i 0l1.rnmen t There being no further mlsines8 to carre before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Berg, that the meeting adjourn and the moti@n was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting I Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commlssioner .swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No, none. {(; ..' ATTEST: ( ;4, if Mwt2 Jt,.~ Ma yor ~Q:(f4~fI/I. /' .. Clerk of"t e ty Commission