HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-06-03 78 Bozeman, Montana June 3, 1959 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, City Hall Building, Wednesday, June 3, 1959 at 1:00 o'clock P. M. Present were Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson, City Manager Henderson, City Attorney Lovelace and the Clerk. The following proceedings were had: Minutes of the last regular session were read and it was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded I by Mayor Erwin, that the minutes be approved as read and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin and Commissioner Swanson; those voting No, none. Addition to Building - 522 West Main Mr. Harold King, 522 West Main Street, was present in regard to a permit for the proposed construc- tion of an addition to the dwelling at this address. The dwelling i5 located in the Main Business District and Fire Zone No.1, and the addition would be a conforming building added to a non-conforming building. Decision on the permit was delayed pending the presence of all members of the Commission and the investigation of the buildings on the ground. Hearing - S. I. D. No. 410 This was the time and place set for hearing protests to the creation of Special Improvement District No. 410, paving of Area "AU. The affidavit of publication of the Notice was presented, together with the Clerk's Mailing Certificate that all property owners have been notified. Written protests representing 18% of the property in the district was presented. Mrs. C. Overstreet and Mrs. Maude Hogan were present and were heard. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Mayor Erwin, that the protests be overruled as insufficient and the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the resolution creating the district and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: I those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin and C~ssioner Swanson; those voting No, none. Resolution No. 950 - Creating S. I. D. 410 The City Attorney as instructed has prepared the resolution creating Special Improvement District No. 410. Resolution No. 950 was presented, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN CREATING A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 410 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING AND INSTALLING A PAVEMENT PROJECT ON NORTH EIGHTH AVENUE, NORTH NINTH A VENUE, AND NORTH TENTH A VENUE FROM WEST MAIN STREET TO WEST BEALL STREET, AND ON WEST MENDENHALL STREET AND WEST LAMME STREET FROM NORTH SEVENTH A VENUE TO NORTH TENTH AVENUE, .)> IN SAID CITY. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Mayor Erwin, that the resolution be passed and adopted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin and Commissioner Swanson; those voting No, none. Resolution No. 949. Intention to Vacate One Block of Aylsworth Avenue The City Attorney as instructed has prepared a resolution of intention to vacate Aylsworth Avenue from College Street to Fort Ellis Street. Resolution No. 949 was presented, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTEN- TION OF SAID COMMISSION TO VACATE A PORTION OF AYLSWORTH AVENUE IN DRUM LUMMON ADDITION TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA. I It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Mayor Erwin, that the resolution be passed and adopted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin and Commissioner Swanson; those voting No, none. Termination of Lease for Parking Lot Phil Sandquist and J. H. Morrow, representing the Security Building Inc., were present to verbally request the termination of the lease for the parking lot at the corner of Bozeman and Babcock Street. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Mayor Erwin, that the requirement of a thirty day 79 written notice be waived and the lease be terminated as of July 1, 1959 and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin and Commissioner Swanson; those voting No, none. Bids for Misc. W & C 1959 This was the time and place set for receiving bids for construction of Misc. W & C 1959. Affidavit of publication of Notice was presented. Two unsealed bids having been received were read I and found to be as follows: Edsall Construction Company - - $1,628.00 w. D. Howells 1,520.00 - - - - - It was moved by Mayor Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the bid of W. D. Howells be accepted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin and Commissioner Swanson; those voting No, none. Reports The following reports for the month of May, 1959 were presented: Cashier Librarian Sanitary Inspector Fire Chief Police Chief Water Collector Sewage Plant Operator It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Mayor Erwin, that the reports be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin and Commissioner Swanson; those voting No, none. Zoning Ordinance by DeBoer & Company Proposed Zoning Ordinance as prepared by S. R. DeBoer, Inc. was presented. Action was deferred pending the arrival of Mr. DeBoer for detailed discussion. I Traffic Signals - 7th & 8th at Main Street A communication was read from the State Highway Department stating that funds for participation in cost of installation of traffic signals at Seventh and Eighth Avenue with Main Street would not be available. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Mayor Erwin, that the City Manager and City Engineer be authorized to go to Helena to further discuss this matter with Highway officials and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin and Commissioner Swanson; those voting No, none. Right-of-way Easement for Road to Mystic Lake A right-of-way easement for a road to cross land owned by Mrs. Anna Fridley, which would connect with the new road to Mystic Lake was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Mayor Erwin, that the easement be approved and the Mayor and the Clerk of the Commission be authorized to sign the easement for the City of Bozeman and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin and Commissioner Swanson; those voting No, none. Bonds Approved The following bonds were presented: I Electrician's License Bond of C. P. Electric Company Gas Fitter's Bond of Arthur Stapleton The bonds were approved as to form by the City Attorney. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Mayor Erwin, that the bonds be approved and accepted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin and Commissioner Swanson; those voting No, none. Street & Alley Vacation in Southeast Section of City Petitions of the Bozeman Deaconess Hospital Board for streets and alleys in Centra~Prospect Hill, Highland and Valley View Additions to be vacated were again considered. It was moved by Commissioner 80 Swanson, seconded by Mayor Erwin, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a Resolution of Intention to vacate these streets and that final action in the matter be conditioned on the Bozeman Deaconess Hospital Board furnishing the City an acceptable plan which will insure that they will do whatever is required. to furnish streets on their property to provide adequate ingress and egress to all properties within the above named additions which are owned by persons other than their Board and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin and I Commissioner Swanson; those voting No, none. Transfer of Beer License Application for a transfer of the city beer license from the J & E Market to Heeb's Food Center, Inc. was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Mayor Erwin, that the applica- tion be approved and the license so endorsed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin and Commissioner Swanson; those voting No, none. Fireworks Display - July 4th, 1959 Request of the Bozeman Exchange Club for a permit to display fireworks on the night of July 4th, 1959 at the Bozeman Country Club was read. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Mayor Erwin, that the request be granted subject to approval of the lessee of the property, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin and Commissioner Swanson; those voting No, none. Delegates to Montana Municipal League Meeting The annual meeting of the Montana Municipal League will be held in Great Falls June 11th, 12th and 13th. It was moved by Mayor Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the attendance of the Mayor, the City Commissioners, the City Manager, City Engineer, Director of Finance and O. E. Cutting, I or such of those persons as,in the opinion of the City Manager, can be spared from their regular duties, be authorized to attend this meeting and their expenses be paid from the General Fund and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin and Commissioner Swanson; those voting No, none. Claims for the Month Claims Nos. 4838 to 5099 inclusive were presented on the various funds as follows: Band $ 23.45 Garbage 4,752.72 Library 1,581.46 Parking Meter 1,704.78 S. I. D. 330.63 Cemetery Perm. Care 29,657.71 P. E. R. S. 708.18 S. I. D. Revolving 3,383.53 Cemetery 2,943.48 General 16,525.23 Park 3,478.45 f S. D. S. Revenue 3,657.69 Street 5,018.49 Cemetery Suspense 300.00 Police Reserve 528.80 Water 9.142. 73 Total ----- $83,737.33 I The Manager stated that he has audited these claims and finds them to be true and lawful claims against the City of Bozeman and recommends that warrants be issued for their payment. After examina- tion of the claims in detail by the Commissioners, and checking against the Claim Register, it was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Mayor Erwin, that the claims be approved and warrants drawn for their payment and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin and Commissioner Swanson; those voting No, none. Adjournment (next page) 81 There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Mayor Erwin, that the meeting adjourn and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin and Commissioner Swanson; those voting No, none. I 4w~{)~ Mayor ATTEST: ,;o.~~~ Clerk of the City Commission I " I