HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-06-17 8.t Bozeman, Montana June 17, 1959 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, City Hall Building, Wednesday, June 17, 1959 at 1:00 o'clock P. M. Present were Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Berg, City Manager Henderson, City Attorney Lovelace and the Clerk. The following proceedings were had: Minutes of the last regular session were read and it was moved by Commissioner Berg, seconded I by Commissioner Swanson, that the minutes be approved as read and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner . Bergj those voting No, none. Public Hearing - Special Improvement District No. 411 This was the time and place set in Commission Resolution No. 948 for hearing protests to creation of Special Improvement District No. 411. Affidavit of publication of Notice, together with the Clerk's Mailing Certificate that all property owners have been notified, were presented. Written protests representing 2.3% of the property in the district were presented. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Berg, that the protests be overruled as insufficient, and the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a resolution creating the district, and the motion was carried by the follow- ing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No, none. Resolution No. 951 -- Creating Special Improvement District No. 411 The City Attorney, as instructed, has prepared a resolution creating Special Improvement District \ No. 411. Resolution No. 951 was presented, entitled: , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN CREATING A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT 'I DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 411 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING AND INSTALLlNG A PAVEMENT PROJECT ON NORTH THIRD AVENUE FROM WEST LAMME STREET TO WEST PEACH STREET, NORTH FOURTH AVENUE FROM WEST VILLARD STREET TO DURSTON ROAD, NORTH FIFTH AVENUE FROM WEST LAMME STREET TO DURSTON ROAD, WEST BEALL STREET FROM NORTH GRAND A VENUE TO NORTH FIFTH A VENUE, WEST VILLARD STREET FROM NORTH GRAND A VENUE TO NORTH SEVENTH AVENUE, WEST SHORT STREET FROM NORTH-SOUTH ALLEY IN BLOCK FOUR (4), KARP'S ADDITION TO NORTH FIFTH AVENUE, WEST PEACH STREET AND DURSTON ROAD FROM NORTH GRAND AVENUE TO NORTH SEVENTH AVENUE, IN SAID CITY. It was moved by Conunissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Berg, that the resolution be passed and adopted, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson and commissioner Bergj those voting No, none. Hearing -- Vacating Portion of Aylsworth Street This was the time and place set for hearing protests to vacating Aylsworth Avenue from East College Street to Fort Ellis Street. Affidavit of Publication of Notice was presented together with signed acknowledgement of service of the notice from owners of all abutting property. There was no one present to protest and, no protests having been filed, the City Attorney was instructed to prepare an Ordinance vacating said portion of Aylsworth Avenue. Ordinance No. 812 -- Vacating Portion of Aylsworth Avenue The City Attorney, as instructed, has prepared an ordinance vacating Aylsworth Avenue from College I Street to Fort Ellis Street. Ordinance No. 812 was presented, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, VACATING A PORTION OF AYLSWORTH AVENUE IN DRUM LUMMON ADDITION TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Berg, that the ordinance be passed and adopted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No, none. .. Petition for S.I.D. to Pave Beall Street from Fifth Avenue to Seventh Avenue A petition representing 42.4% of the property, requesting that a special improvement district be created to pave Beall Street from Fifth Avenue to Seventh Avenue, was presented. It was moved by 85 Commissioner Berg, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the City Engineer prepare the necessary data and, based on these data, the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a resolution of intention to create the district and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No, none. Petitions for Drainage of Area "C" I . Petitions representing 27.36% of the property in proposed drainage district known as Area "c" in the "Hoskins Report" requesting a special improvement district be created for this drainage district were presented. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Berg, that the City Engineer prepare the necessary data, and based on these data, the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the resolution of intention to create the district, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No, none. Deeds for Exchange of Property in Block E, Original Townsite Deeds from the Gallatin Gateway Supply to the City of Bozeman and from the City of Bozeman to the Gallatin Gateway Supply for the exchange of property in Block '~", Original Townsite, as approved on May 20th, 1959 were presented. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Berg, that the Mayor and the Clerk of the Commission be authorized to sign the deed for the City of Bozeman and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No, none. Vacating of Streets & Alleys - Deaconess Hospital Tract * As proposed at the meeting of June 3rd, 1959, a communication from the Bozeman Deaconess Hospital I Board was read stating they will dedicate streets as shown on the over-lay map on file in the City " Office which streets will furnish ingress and egress to all properties not owned by said Board, and also they will hold the City free of any condemnation costs in connection with the opening of any streets which are platted by said board. Mr. C. V. Henderson was present and was informed that the agreement was satisfactory and that the City would proceed with vacation of the streets and the alleys as petitioned. Plat New Hyalite View Sub-division Approved A plat of the New Hyalite View Sub-division was presented, together with an agreement whereby, .' within ninety days after the filing of this plat, a request for creation of a park maintenance district will be filed, to have the city maintain dedicated park land, as described in the agreement, with the maintenance cost to be assessable against all lots in the New Hyalite View Sub-division. The maintenance of the park land will not start until 40% of the property has been improved. It was moved by Commissioner Berg, seconded by commissioner Swanson, that the plat be approved and accepted and the Mayor and the City Commissioners be authorized to sign the plat for the City of Bozeman and, upon receipt of the written opinion of the City Attorney approving the title of the lots, the Director I of Public Service be authorized to sign the plat and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No, none. Improvements for New Hyalite View Sub-division Mr. Warren Cowgill of the B & E Company, developers of the New Hyalite View Sub-division, requested the City Commission to take steps to establish an improvement district for the installation "'7":- of pavement, sanitary sewers and sidewalks in this sub-division. He also requested the City pay the additional cost of water mains over eight inches in size which are being installed in this sub-division. These matters were taken under advisement. 86 .. Temporary Permit for Business Operations in Block G, Original Townsite A request from Kenyon-Noble Lumber Company for an extension of 120 days time on the temporary permit to store material and carry on business operations on Lots 13-18, Block G, Original Townsite was read, together with requests from Kenyon-Noble Lumber Company and the local U. S. Soil Conserva- tion office to allow parking on these lots for employees and tenants in the Kenyon-Noble Lumber Company building, 25 East Mendenhall. Mr. Kenyon and Mr. Ogle were present and were informed the requests would be reviewed and taken under advisement. I Encroachment Permit - Montana Power Company An application from the Montana Power Company for an Encroachment Permit to relocate a gas Une on North Seventh Avenue was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Berg, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the Encroachment Permit be granted subject to the relocation of the gas line in accordance with specifications to be furnished by the City Engineer and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No, none. Report of Municipal League Meeting The City Manager and the Mayor reported on the meeting of the Montana Municipal League which they attended in Great Falls. Bond & Contract - W. D. Howells - W & C 1959 Bond and contract of W. D. Howells for construction of Walks and Curbs 1959 were presented. The bond and contract were approved as to form by the City Attorney. It was moved by Commissioner Berg, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, the' the bond and contract be accepted and approved and the Mayor and Clerk of the Commission be authorized to sign the contract for the City of Bozeman and the motion 1 was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No, none. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Berg, that the meeting adjourn and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No, none. 4~-- -'f - . ayor ATTEST: /~~/ Clerk 0 the City Commission \,>~ I