HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-08-05 Bozeman, Montana Ifn August 5, 1959 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, City Hall Building, .Wednesday, August 5, 1959 at 1:00 o'clock P. M. Present were Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Berg, City Manager Henderson and the Clerk. The following proceedings were had: Minutes of the last regular session were read and it was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded I by Commissioner Berg, that the minutes be approved as read and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson and COmIT.issioner Berg; those voting No, none. Hequest for' Authority to Purchase Police Uniform Items Chief of Police Saunders has recommended that items of uniform equipment for policemen be purchased at an approximate cost of $800.00. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Berg, that the City Manager be authorized to purchase items of police uniform in accordance with Chief Saunders' recommendation and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No, none. Bonds for City Officials Renewal of annual bonds of the following persons in the amounts and for a one year term beginning on the dates shown opposite their respective names were presented: M. E. Henderson - City Manager - $20,000.00 - 8/15/59 H. Dean Hoore - Cashier & Water Collector - 15,000.00 - 8/1/59 Helen Norrison - Office Clerk and Assistant Water Collector - 10,000.00 - 8/1/59 These are annual replacements for current bonds which expire on the dates shown. It was moved by I Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Berg, that these bonds be approved and accepted, subject to approval as to form by the City Attorney and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No, none. Street Light - Junction of South Third & Grand Avenues Request has been received for a street light to be installed at the jlillction of South Third and Grand Avenues. It was moved by Commissioner Berg, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the City Manager be authorized to have the Montana power Company install a light at this location and the rrlotion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No, none. Reports The following reports for the month of July, 1959 were presented: Librarian police Judge Building Inspector Fire Chief 'v-vater Collector Chief of police Sanitary Inspector Sewage Plant Operator Cashier It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Berg, that the reports be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being I Mayor E~lin, Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No, none. Hesolution for Purchase of Road Oil A resolution authorizing the City Manager to purchase not to exceed 25,000 gallons of road oil during the year July 1, 1959 to June 30, 1960, for use by the street Department in repairing pavement a.nd for sealing certain sections of existing pavement within the City, from the Eontana State Highway Department was presented as follows: (Resolution next page) 108 RES 0 L UTI 0 N -.v'HEREAS the Cit:)'" of 30zeman will have need during the fisca.l year July 1, 1959 - June 39, 1960, for road oils for use in repairing streets and for sealing certain sections of existing pavement within the City, and vlliEREAS the City of Bozeman does not have proper facilities for han- dling and storing the needed quantities of such oils, and I WHEREAS the Montana State Highway Department does have storage facili- ties and normally does have quantities of the required types of oils stored in Bozeman from which it can suppl;y the quantities needed by the City of Bozeman, rJ01d, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That an emergency does exist relative to the procurement of road oils by the City of Bozeman and the City Manager is hereby authorized to purchase from the Montana State Highway Department, from its stocks in storage in Bozeman, approxi- mately twenty five thousand (25,000) gallons of road oil, this to be purchased from time to time during the fiscal year July 1, 1959 - June 30, 1960, as needed by the Cit.y of Bozeman for repair and sealing of existing pavements, and these quantities of road oils to be purchased at cost plus normal handling charges. Passed and adopted by the Cit;y Commission of Bozeman, "Montana, at a regu- lar meeting of said Commission held on the 5th day of August, 1959. sl Howard Erwin I HO'dARD ERfJIN, Hayor ATTEST: CITY OF ROZElilAJJ, MONTANA sl c. K. vJilson C. K. HILSON, Clerk of the City Commission City of Bozeman, Montana It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Corrunissioner Berg, that the resolution be .. passed and adopted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting A',yre being Mayor Erwin, COlnmi~sioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting I'ia, none. Public Hearing - Special Improvement District No. 414 - Resolution No. 958 - Creating S. I. D. #414 This 'A'as the time and place set in Co:nmissi011 Resolution No. 955 for hearing protests to creation of Special Improvement District No. 414, for construction of a sewerage system and paving streets in the Ne\-J Il;yalite View Subdivision of this City. Affidavit of publication of Notice was presented together with the Clerk's Mailing Certificate that all property mrners have been notified. No 't!r:itten protests having been filed and no one being present to be heard, Resolution No. 958 creating Special Improvement Die t,r'ict 1')0. 414 was presented, entitled: I A RESOLUTION OF TI-IE CITY COMEISSIOE OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN CREATING A SPECIAL IHPROVEP.ENT DIS- TIlICT TO DE KNmm AS SPECIAL INPROVEl'lENT DISTRICT NO. 414 OF THE CITY OF BOZErvIAN FOR TIlE PUR- POSE OF CONSTRUCTING AND INSTALLING AN OXIDATION POND FOR THE TREATMENT OF RA~'1 SE\\fAGE; FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SE'o'JERAGE SYSTEN TO PROVIDE SANITARY SEi\TERS FOR ALL LOTS WITHIN THE DISTRICT :HTH TIlE EXCEPTION OF LOT ONE (1) IN BLOCK THIRTEEN (13) AND LOT ONE (1) IN BLOCK FOURTEEN (14); AIJD FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING AND INSTALLllm A PAVEME.T\JT PROJECT ON HIGHLAND BOULEVARD FROM 110UNTAIN VIE:l DOULEVAJW TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF THE NEvi HYALlTE VIE\'[ SUBDIVISION, CHERRY . DRIVE FROl'f HIGHLAND DOULEVA.l1D TO AND INCLUDING THE CUL-DE-SAC IN BLOCK FIFTEE.1\J (15) OF SAID SUB- DIVISION, SOUTH SPlmCE DRIV'l FROM HIGHLAND BOULEVA.B.D TO NORTH SPRUCE DRIVE, NORTH SPRUCE DRIVE FROM HIGHLAND BOULEVARD TO SOUTH SPRUCE DRIVE, SOUTH CEDARVIE~1 DRIVE FROM HIGHLAND BOULEVARD TO NORTH CEDAHVIEW DRIVE, NORTH CEDARVIE.J DRIVE FROM HIGHLAND BOULEVARD TO SOUTH CEDARVIEd DRIVE, SOUTH PINECREST muVE FROM HIGHLAND BOULEVARD TO NORTH PINECREST DRIVE, NORTH PINECREST DRIVE FRm: HIGHLAND BOULEVARD TO SOUTH PINECHEST DRIVE, HOLLY DRIVE FRON HIGHLAND BOULEVARD TO CHERRY DHIVE, ASH DHIVE FTWH HOLLY DRIVE TO AND INCLUDING THE CUL-DE-SAC IN BLOCK (16) OF THE },rEH HYALITE 'JIE~i SUBDIVISION OF THE CITY OF BOZlliAN, MONTANA 109 It was moved by Comwissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Berg, that the resolution be passed and adopted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Conunissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No, none. Claims for the Month Claims Nos. 5402 to 5683 inclusive were presented on the vari ous funds as follows: General $17,949.46 I Street 7,173.33 vJater 8,608.03 s. D. S. 3,796.82 Library 1,573.07 Park 6,075.11 Cemetery 3 , 206 . 93 Band 514.79 Garbage 5,437.71 Parking Meter 1,540.61 Police Reserve 528.80 Cemetery Suspense 300.00 Planning 15.00 P. E. R. S. 903.37 Fire Relief 6,286.50 P. L. P. 18.62 Tot a 1 - - - - $,63,928.15 The Manager stated that he has audited these claims and finds them to be true and lawful claims against the City of Bozeman and recommends that warrants be issued for their paJrment. After examination of the claims in detail and checking against the Claim Register, it was moved by commissioner Swanson, seconded by Cornmissioner Berg, that the claims be approved and warrants issued for their payment and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No, none. I Resolution No. 957 - Tax Lev:; I Resolution Number 957, setting the tax levy at 42.8 mills for the year 1959, was presented entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE COl-JMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZFYiAlJ DETERMINING THE AMOUNT OF CITY TAXES FOR ALL PURPOSES, GENERAL AND SPECIAL, TO BE LEVIED Aim ASSESSED ON TAXABLE PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, STATE OF MONTANA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30th, 1960. It was moved by Comnissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Berg, that the resolution be passed and adopted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No, none. Appointment of cTudges and Clerks for 1959 Elections The Clerk of the City Commission presented a list of electors and suggested that they be appointed Judges and Clerks for the Primary Election on August 25th, 1959, and the Gen~ral Election on November 3rd, 1959, as follows: Precinct No. 1 - Hawthorne School Precinct No. 5 - Emerson School Precinct No. 9 - \'lhittier School Mamie Y. Garver 304 N. Church Gladys S. Christopherson Thos. Triemstra 502 N. Grand Blanche ','Iilkin 308 N. Church 312 S. Vlillson Jeanette Lowis 623 N. Willson Hary Briscoe Hamill Apts. Frances A. Harley 419 S. Tracy Aura :'Jestlake 501 ~!. 3rd Dorothy Hoore Hwnill Apt s . Erma NcCarthy 212 S. 3rd Gladys House 513 N. Grand Miriam L. Jensen 307 N. Church Helen Creasy 311 S. 3rd Nanabel Reardon 433 N. Tracy Edna Callies Crenshaw Apts. Precinct No. 2 - Armory Bldg. Precinct No. 6 - City Hall Precinct No. 10 - College Gym Hattie L. Donald 402 N. Tracy Mary R. }lcGuire 116 S. Rouse Helen Buckmaster 1315 S. ':Jillson Rena Hartilla 313 N. Black Geneva Cook Blackmore Apts. Lillian hThi tham 1014 S. 6th I Jewell Fay Fisher 901 N. Black Audrey Ogle 104 S. Bozeman Eleanor Hollier 1016 S. Vlillson Christine Kundert 317 N. Black Marjorie Adamson 511 E. Babcock Ruth P. Breeden 1202 S. 'ifillson Virginia Schoenleber 626 N. Bzman Virginia Hill 120 S. Tracy L. R. Daems 1014 S. Grand Precinct No. 3 - Court House Precinct No. 7 - Longfellow Sch'l Precinct No. 11 - ':lomen' s Club House Beth Hohendorf 807 I'I. Main Gretchen Uhlrich 522 W. Babcock Tf1elma Fulton 415 S. 9th - Jessie Smile-y 317':1. }fend' 1 La ura Showalt er 317 Lindley Betty P. Elder 916 'd. Babcock Lillie Lyon 310 VI. Mend'l Kate LapineI' 712 S. Tracy Kay ',Iidmer 414 S. 9th Laura Ketterer 35 N. Grand Rose Mary Barnett 517 Dell Junita Lay 415 S. 8th Dorothy NcNullen 324 N. 3rd Edith Heeb 1 406 S. Church Ruth E. Hagen 702 H. Hain Precinct No. 4 - Willson Jr. H.S. Precinct No. 8 - Irving School Precinct No. 12 - South Side Park Della Gilchrist 214 S. 8th Elva Schumacher 804 S. 7th Margaret Po st 205 VI. Cleveland Margaret McCulloch 405 vI. Olive Ella Mae Border 716 S. 6th Hyrel Coleman 521 S. Grand Dorothy Kench 1317 ld. Alder'n Virginia Denecke 512 '{[. Harrison Helen Le..ris 520 S. 5th Kargaret Mikkelson 210 S. 8th Donalda Bohart 712 S. Sixth Alverda Shriver 721 S. Grand Arm 1,~nite 316 S. 6th Ethel Stout 608 S. 1lth Ada DeLap 825 S. Grand 110 Confirmation of Dewey J. Johnson A communication from Fire Chief Penttila was was read recommending confirmation of Dewey J. Johnson as a regular member of the Fire Department as of August 1, 1959, he having satisfactorily completed the required six months of probationary service. It was moved b~i Conunissioner Swanson, seconded by Conunissioner Berg, that the recommendation be approved and Dewey J. Johnson be confirmed as a regular member of the Fire Department and the motion. wa.s carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commi,ssioner Swanson I." and Conunissioner Berg; those voting No, none. Heport oi' HedlJction of Fire Insurance Rates ',rithin the City A letter was presented from the Hontana Fire Rating Bureau stating that due to improvements which have been made in the water s;'lstem of the Cit;y and its fire fighting facilities, this Cit~' has been re-g-aded by the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific from Class 6 to Class 5. This change in classification results in average reduction in fire insurance rates as follows: Masonry Jc':ercantile Buildings and Contents .. 5% Frame 1-'Iercantile Buildings . . . . . . 15% Frame Hcrcantile Contents . . .. . . . . 10% Hasonry Industrial Buildings ..... 10% Frame Industrial Buildings . . . . . . 17% School Properties ....... 20% Th.ellings . . . . . . . . . . 10% Replacement of Sidewalk and Curb - Cit;YT Hall Propert;:,' City Hanager Henderson presented estirn..:'"ites to show that to replace the sidewalk extending east from the fire Hall driveHay on Main Street to Rouse Avenue and replacing all side"Ialk and curb from Main street to Babcock Street along city owned property with new sidewalk approximately e feet in width and combination curb and gutter 2 feet in width will cost approximately $2,000.00. After I examination of those sidewalks on the ground by the City COmmission, the Commission authorized the City IvIanager to have such sidewalk and combination curb and gutter installed by \'J. D. Howells under .,' his existinG contract with this City for constructing miscellaneous walks and curbs during the ;year 1959. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Co~.issioner Berg, that the meeting adjourn and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Hayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson and Comrnissioner Berg; those voting No, none. / , , G' ~~/~ ub' ~.,. ~ .,"'... .... l " ..- "'..... 't: . ",..,b,,;':"~'..:a, .:j' .' ~-tZ,~~ "'."~,. .......... ~ ~_. ), Mayor / ATTEST: ... Cl~~eit~ I