HomeMy WebLinkAbout17- Amendment 4 to PSA - Sanderson Stewart - Oak Street ImprovementsAmendment No. 4 to Professional Services Agreement for Oak Street Improvements THIS AGREEMENT is made as of this ';L4 day of 0@aVt A ia" 2017, between THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Municipal Corporation, Bozeman, Montana, herein referred to as OWNER and Sanderson Stewart, an Engineering Consulting Firm of Bozeman, Montana, herein referred to as ENGINEER. WHEREAS, the parties have entered into a Professional Services Agreement dated March 16 2015, herein referred to as Original Agreement for professional engineering services; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to further amend the provisions of this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS CONTAINED HEREIN, the parties agree as follows: The conditions and provisions set forth in the attached EXHIBIT A (Scope of Services) and EXHIBIT B (Fee Proposal) are hereby incorporated in and made part of this Agreement. ARTICLE 1 - ENGINEERING SERVICES 1.1. The detailed description of the specific project components is described as follows: This project is the preliminary and final design phase for the Oak Street improvements from North 19th Avenue to North 15th Avenue. The project generally includes widening approximately 1200 LF of Oak Street to the full five -lane cross section with an extra through lane, curb and gutter and multi -use path on the south side of the roadway. The scope of this project also includes a concept level design of potential raised median between North 19th Avenue and North 7th Avenue. Scope of work items include topographic survey, lighting design, stormwater design, preliminary and final plans, specifications and estimate (PS&E) submittals. 1.2. The scope of services under this contract is set forth in this agreement and the attached EXHIBITS. ARTICLE 6 - COMPENSATION FOR ENGINEERING SERVICE 6.1 LUMP SUM AGREEMENT FOR BASIC SERVICES AND EXPENSES OF ENGINEER 6.1.1 Payment. The OWNER shall for design phase services performed as Basic Engineering Services under sections 4.1 through 4.3 of this agreement pay a total sum in the amount of $52,364 for such services. 6.1.2 Payment Schedule, Total cumulative payments for the design phase engineering services (sections 4.1 through 4.3) shall not exceed the following ceilings: $36,655 (70% of design fee) until the Preliminary Plans and Specifications have been submitted to the OWNER and review authorities. $47,128 (90% of design fee) until the Final Plans and Specifications have been submitted to the OWNER and review authorities. 6.1.3 General. Engineer shall submit monthly statements for services rendered. The statements shall be based upon Engineer's estimate of the proportion of the total services actually completed at the time of billing, subject to any limitations on Payments based on completion of tasks or specific retainage requirements pursuant to the payment provisions of the Agreement. 6.1.4 Reimbursable Expenses. Only those expenses specifically identified for payment under section 6.2 of this Agreement are reimbursable. All other design related expenses are included in the Lump Sum Payment for the Basic services (4.1 through 4.3) and are not separately reimbursable. Additional Services specifically identified under the scope of design services for payment under 6.1 are not separately reimbursable. 7.3 DIRECT LABOR COSTS Direct Labor Costs used as a basis for payment mean the actual salaries and wages paid to all ENGINEER's personnel engaged directly on the Project, including, but not limited to, engineers, architects, surveyors, designers, drafters, specification writers, estimators, other technical and business personnel; but does not include indirect payroll related costs or fringe benefits. For the purposes of this Agreement the principals and employees of the ENGINEER maximum billable Direct Labor Costs are: Principal $53_50/hour Project Manager $49.77/hour Senior Engineer $49.77/hour Project Engineer $33_46/hour Staff Engineer $27.22/hour CADD Designer $27.83/hour Senior Professional Land Surveyor $39.38/hour Staff Surveyor $26.41/hour Clerical $19.52/hour Except as specifically amended herein, the original agreement shall remain in full force and effect and the Parties shall be bound by all terms and conditions therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto do make and execute this Agreement on the day and year first above written. APPRO ORM By: City Attorney ATTEST: By: I "1) 11" �' CITY OF BOIAN- By Y ATTEST: Robin Crough �. City Clerk rt APPRO ORM By: City Attorney ATTEST: By: I , SANDERSON 640 STEWART Exhibit A Oak Street Improvements Scope of Work — Design Phase for 19th Avenue to 15th Avenue 1/27/17 Sanderson Stewart is pleased to provide this scope of work for the Oak Street Improvements project, along with our sub -consultant, Marvin & Associates. This next phase of the Oak Street Improvements project will consist of preliminary design and final design services for the segment of Oak Street from North 19th Avenue to North 15th Avenue. The project generally includes widening approximately 1200 LF of Oak Street to the full five -lane cross section with an extra through lane, curb and gutter and multi -use path on only the south side of the roadway. The scope of this project also includes a concept level design of a potential raised median between North 19th Avenue and North 7th Avenue. A detailed scope of set -vices for these design tasks is outlined below. We understand that the widening for the extra through lane on the west side of 19th Avenue, and the associated signal modifications, would be completed as part of a larger future project for widening to the west and is not part of this scope of work. Therefore, no modifications to existing signals would be required for this particular phase. Construction bidding and construction administration services also are not part of this scope of work. They will be provided through a separate contract amendment once the construction schedule has been determined. Phase 1- Project Initiation This phase of the project will include project initiation and planning tasks, including scoping, contract preparation, meetings with the City of Bozeman and coordination with sub -consultants. All project management tasks, client meetings and sub -consultant coordination for tasks beyond project initiation will be allocated to the remaining project phases. Phase 2 — Raised Median Design Concepts This phase of the project will include preparation of a concept level design for a raised center median between 19th Avenue and 7th Avenue. This was a request made by the City Commission on 3/7/16 when the pte- design recommendations were presented. Left -turn bays will be laid out at intersections and some of the major access points to show where raised median could fit. Deliverables will consist of one concept design map and up to two cross-section renderings for illustration of the improvements. Phase 3 - Topographic Survey A fairly detailed topographic survey of the Oak Street corridor was conducted as part of the pre -design services but pick-ups will be required for the preliminary and final design from 19th Avenue to 15th Avenue. Pick-ups will include a more detailed survey on this roadway segment, the roadside ditch area and possibly into the adjacent property for grading and stormwater design purposes. A corner search to establish right-of-way was conducted during pre -design, but a complete boundary survey was not included and is not anticipated to be needed for this phase. Survey control from the initial survey can be reused for all pick-up tope. Base drawings will be prepared/updated in Autocad format following the completion of the topographic survey, and additional pick-up topo will be conducted as needed throughout the duration of the project. Public and private utilities will be located prior to the survey pick-ups via one -call for inclusion in base drawings. This phase also includes traffic control needed for the completion of survey tasks. Phase 4 — Roadway Design Roadway design tasks for this phase of the project will include the design of the roadway widening on the south side of Oak Street and setting the grade of the new curb line and multi -use pathway. The roadway design phase will also include preparation of plan/profile sheets, cross-sections, signing and striping plans, and design details. Public and private utilities will be shown that were identified through the One -Call process for coordination and identification of conflicts. Sanderson Stewart will include sleeves/conduit as necessary in the design and coordinate with the utility companies to determine the cost of relocations, if needed. Subsurface utility exploration is not included in this scope of services and would be provided by amendment if any potential conflicts are identified that warrant further investigation. Installation of water and sewer main extensions are not included in this scope of work. Phase 5 — Corridor Lighting This task will include preparation of electrical plans by Marvin & Associates for the corridor lighting. LED luminaires will be selected by the City of Bozeman based on recommendations from Marvin & Associates. Electrical plans will be included in the preliminary and final plan sets. Marvin & Associates will also provide illumination calculations, details, specifications and opinions of probable cost. A scope of services and fee for this phase provided by Marvin & Associates is included as an attachment to this scoping document. Phase 6 - Stormwater Design This phase of the project will include a high level review of existing drainage patterns in the area to ensure the existing roadside ditch along the south side of Oak Street is no longer needed as part of the regional stormwater system. New inlets will be placed in the location of the existing 12 -inch storm drain pipes across Oak Street. If needed to accommodate flows from the adjacent private property to the south, a new swale will be installed along the proposed multi -use path. A stormwater report will not be required for this project. Wetlands were identified on the north side of Oak Street in this area, but not on the south side. Therefore, it has been assumed that no wetland permitting will be required for this phase of the project. It has also been assumed that the Storm -water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) peen t will be prepared by the contractor, not by Sanderson Stewart, and is therefore not included in this scope of work. Phase 7 —Preliminary PS&E Submittal (M/o) The above information will be compiled into a preliminary set of plans, specifications and opinion of probable cost for review by the City of Bozeman. Plans will include plan/profile sheets, cross-sections, typical sections, details, signing and striping plans, and electrical plans. Sanderson Stewart will prepare special provisions and a specifications manual including the templates for bid documents. The engineer's opinion of probable cost including a 15% contingency «rill also be provided with this review submittal. Erosion control plans, landscape and irrigation plans are not included in this scope of work. Phase 8 — Final PS&E Submittal Sanderson Stewart will address review comments received from the City of Bozeman, provide final coordination between disciplines and with utilities, and prepare final plans, specifications and engineer's opinion of probable cost. The final deliverable will include electronic (pdo copies of all submittal documents, as well as six half-size hard copies. Schedule The anticipated schedule for this project consists of the final deliverable within 3 months of notice to proceed. Additional time may be required for right-of-way coordination and/or City review. EXHIBIT B PROJECT SCOPING WORKSHEET- COST BASED Project Name: Oak St -19th Ave to 15th Ave Project Number: 15022 Project Mana er. Danielle Scharf Date: 1MT/PO17 Client Name: City of Bozeman Client Contact Name: Bob 14mre Client Contact Email: bmurrav(�bozema o.net Client Contact Phone: 582-2280 M6 0 ac ac to to rc In to 5 o Y 0 o on u Ma wa. ce Z S a > 0 an us a v 3 o_ 0 ce0 us 3 0 0 TASK DESCft . IVIE1,RATF, _ _ 53.W $d9]] W, 7 $2);22 $2].83 53938 $2611 $35 J5 $1952 100PROJECl NIrOi N 101 CartaclAmaMmanl 1 - 2 56929 _ _ _. 1 1 d __ _ _ _ _ 1 5 519.)] $25258 j tot C6eMCenwllelbnow.aeWgs 103 Prajecl 6mpicq 1pol Prolecl Planning SucUolal Labor Homs 1 ] 1 9 Sub Total Direct Labor Cost $53.50 531039 $19.52 b12141 $421.41 F-varah3.OMulninier $1.284.23 Mulfipller 13.00 1 Given ft. P. 51,269.00 200RAISED MEDIAN DESIGN CONCEPTS 2ol l Prolecl Management and CooNinalbn 2 2 2 2 $99.51 $99.54 w1l,renl Censulla8an no Meepn_9s 203: Cmrzpl 0esi, - _ 0 _ 16_ 24 $03360 201 ftoMemgs t 12 i6 1 $63648 55350 206 Oualiry COnBOI ReNew Subtotal Lahr H0u5 1 16 16 12 45 Sub Tohl 0lrect labor Cost $53.50 $79632 $43552 1 543]A1 $1)22]4 2091 need Evpensel I 1 1 $30000 Bub Total Dlmct Expense antl Subcoestillanl $30000 Mod by. -I Cd tby Hast _ $2,02$$4_ _ Fee with 3.0 Multiplier 55 46022 111.16PIier= 3.00 Given fee OF. $596000 300 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 301Pmecl Mana9emantamiccor seen 2 4 _ 6 2 2 $25].06 $65.79 $65.79 302 PreSurvey Preparalbn eM Resea¢M1 3oS Survey Cnmpulato._ 309 Survn Cantrell _ 2 d $5262 poxot 305 BowMary Survey _ ___ IS236,28631M _$42256 3o6 Topa8apM1lc Survey _ 16 I6 frW520 I 2 16 99 lMtHwS SUL Total Oirecl Labor Cost $53.50 59954 $91528 $1.46894 309 Direct Expense $S50 Go Su4 Tclal Dlmd Expanse and SUOconsullant $050.00 ER.518_A¢._ F¢e wflb 3.0 MWliplier E5,255.32 Mulfiplier- 3.00 Givon fee of. 55255.00 dW ROADWAYDESIGN _ 401 Pro act Mana9emenlantl lbn 2 0 $505.16 _ bee. 40R Cf nt Canw113aan end M1leel'vgs 4 _ 4 d $199.00 903 HoracnlalaM V. nmenl __ 6_ B __ 40 6 $208..60 $200.02 dOd T kal5eclbn 4 _ 2 4 405 CressseGbns _ _ 40fi GcameOrsaM Gratlinp 2 0_ 6 14 4 $51639 $111.32 d0) S' nl 851n i�g d _ _ 408 Mu18use Pe111 Design A 24 32 409 DelaBs 2 2 L 6 $210.N $210.86 410 GwIily Connal ReNew 2 2 $10]W Sub{plalbabor Hours 'tl 10 60 8 118 Bub TotalmmrtLabor Cost $21JW ..3 $1,39356 $095.86 $1,83320 $22264 fr1.35926 411 Obad Espense $50000 Suh Tolal01rec1 Expense antl Bubwnaullanl $50000 Feewiffilahullipiler $13,5)].]8 MuhlPlleo J.OD Galen lee of, E1J,578.00 5W CORRIDORIJGHTING 501 Project Managemeniene. rtlinatien 4 4 Site, 00 W2 Duality Cortical ReNem 1 1 55350 BuWrelLabor Hours I J 5 Bub Talal Dllecl "her Cost $53.50 I $19900 I $25250 503 1 6ubmnsullaSu Mahn It Associates $].]90.00 Sub Total DirecttExperee and Bubconsullanl $7.790 W u Total reel cost by Phase E8,092.56. Fee with 30 0 Mulfiplier $8,54).)6 MNllpllar- I 1.00 lee of $8,548.00 !Given 60015TORMWATER DESIGN AND REPORT 602 ExtraMahatma M CwMI- fi02 Slo�mwaWiCakulatlMs E03 hor- fiO4 Sb�mwemrR M1 Project Name: I Oak St-19th Ave to 15th Ave Project Number 115022 Project Manager. Danielle Scharf Date: 112712817 Client Name: City of Bozeman Client Contact Name: Bob Murray Client Contact Email: bmurra bozeman.aeClient Contact Phone: 582-2280 Faxene nmIr __ .__ H rc 0 N a W t re - Wre W W o oc g p yce U O U_ > a - (9 UT a y m be 6 parM6 N sas z O _ Z_ u F (9 MasQ O_ o Z Y Y 2 s O O 60]OvaPy Control FeWew 1 I $53.50 Soi...l tenor I d B 13 e.., Sub Total Girecl Lahor Cosl ;5350 $199.00 21T]6 $.170.34 608 01red Evpe $1000Bub Su Total Oiretl Eryense antl Subcansullanl $100W Bu Tola osl by PFase .AAn ,as wi1F 3 O llipller $1 511.03 Mulllpller- 3.00 GNenut S1.511.011 700 PRELIMINARYPSSESUBMUAL to'Pro'ee1Maro,prenlencCwNiredsn _ 0 0 $390.16 ]02 Cf nl Corculla6onaM MeeWgs _ 2 2 $Bust 703 Complete1,a1nxnary0e519n Pucka,, 4 0 8 24 44 $1,48292 ]W Scandal Provisions 0 d 12 V7E24 ]05 Bpecilkalbns Manual and Bid Documents 4��v _ _ _ 8 12 $355.24 _ ]ma"" Estimate __ 2 8 _ 10 $317.30 ]0]Q.1t,ConmIReview 2 1 _ 3 $156.]] ,entered m., hours 2 29 8 i6 24 12 91 Sub Total Direct Labor 14441 $107.00 $1,4"33] $39016 $43552 Woo $.'. $3286.17 708 011¢11 Fl.al. 1 1 $1000.00 Sub Total nired Expense antl 5ubscreclon 1,000.00 Sub Total Fluor cost by Phas¢ .AtL_--' Fes wltM1 3.0 Multiplier $10.856.51 MulOpller- 3.00 Givep roe of:. $10,859.00 label FINAL PSBE SUMMITTAL 001 Projeel Mem9emenlard Cour under 4 4 $19940 002 Cfenl monument anOMe,"'m 1 1 $49.77 F. Atl4u. Reeiew Comments aMCom (e FLlal 4 J J 0 _ _ _ 20 $]29.60 e04 Sp¢dal Postpone 4 _ _ 4 $IES08 805 ,ped- Bans Menual antl ed Fo -.am d _ 2 6 $239.12 806 Cog 1M.ale _ _ 1 3 $106.21 em pualiry Control L000 2 _ _ _ '' __2 _ 2 $107.00 Subiolel Decor do, 2 10 6 6 0 2 40 Bub Total Girecl bhor Cost $10],W $69506 $198.08 5163.32 5222.66 $39.111 $1.62691 8.8101ned @pansel I I 1 $1000.00 Sub Total Direct Expense and Subconsultant $1...d $ W Total nired Cool by aha,. $2626.94 Fee -In 3.0 Multiplier $4880.82 Mualpllor= 3.00 I Given tee Or it a mumu Total Hours 13 dud ]d 106 1 56 1 6 24 12 15 310 Total names Labor cost 5695.511 55,1]6.118$1,692.10 52,G85.32 $1,55648 $23680 $633.84 $"37.40 $292811 St3,Gm.eO Total Wall Emense and Subconsultant $11,5"0.00 Total Project Direct Cost $25,147:88 Total Proposed Fee with 3.0 Multiplier 1 $52,364.08 _ 'All --- M�nrin 1C Aecn�i�4ue Oak Street N 19th to N 15th Avenues Lighting Design 10/19/2016 Manhours Engr Tech Labor Cost Direct Costs Total Costs Street Lighting Design Project Tasks $110 $68 4 0 1 Project Administration & Coordination $ 440.00 $ 20.00 $ 460.00 2 Import Survey Base Mapping & Format Lighting Plan Sheets 0 2 $ 136.00 $ - $ 136.00 3 Lighting Illumination Calculations, Spacing Tolerances, & Prepare Location Layout 6 0 $ 660.00 $ - $ 660.00 4 Review Potential Power Service Locations & Discuss with Northwestern Energy 4 1 $ 508.00 $ 508.00 5 Prepare Lighting Plans at 90% Completion Level 6 60 $ 4,740.00 $ 20.00 $ 4,760.00 7 Submit Preliminary Design Documents & Review With City of Bozeman 2 1 $ 288.00 $ - $ 288.00 8 Submit Service Application Forms to Northwestern Energy 2 1 $ 288.00 $ 10.00 $ 298.00 9 Prepare Final Lighting Electrical Plans Based on City of Bozeman Design Review 1 3 $ 314.00 $ 10.00 $ 324.00 10 Prepare Special Provisions & Design Cost Estimates 2 2 $ 356.00 $ - $ 356.00 Subtotal Lighting Design = 27 70 $ 7,730.00 $ 60.00 1 $ 7,790.00