HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-28-17 Public Comment-H. Happel - Strategic Plan DraftThese are comments to a few of the statements in the Bozeman Strategic Plan Draft Vision Statements dated August 4, 2016, copy attached below. WPC 3: “Every Bozeman neighborhood offers a complete mix of housing, shopping, schools, parks and transit.” Comments: 1. The word “neighborhood” is ambiguous, and is some cases it’s use by the City renders this vision inappropriate. See, for example, the City’s “Bozeman Creek Neighborhood Plan” from 2004 that deals with a narrow strip of land of a mere 106 acres along both sides of the Creek between Kagy Blvd. and Story Street. All of the Bozeman neighborhoods would need to be defined to give this Vision Statement meaning. 2. A “complete mix of housing [and] shopping” requires action by the private sector, and their activities are to a considerable extent market driven. The City has zoned for commercial development adjacent to residential development in expanding areas of the City, but in some cases has changed the commercial zoning back to residential when it has become clear that no commercial development is likely to be forthcoming anytime soon. This sort of rezoning merely reflects commercial realities. It would be too bad if this Vision Statement were used to skew this sort of decision making away from pragmatic action. WPC 8: “The City manages growth efficiently, encouraging new development that is well planned and serviced, as well as infill development and density where appropriate.” Comments: 1. The words “where appropriate” emasculate the statement on infill and density. If you don’t think so, just add those words to any of the Vision Statements. (Ex.: “The City manages its finances to effectuate a well maintained city” where appropriate.) 2. Many of the other Vision Statements are dependent to a greater or lesser degree on increased urban density. See Statements WPC 2,WPC 5, WPC 7, WPC 9, WPC 11, and WPC 14. 3. I therefor think WPC 8 would better reflect the realities of growth if it were revised to read: “The City manages growth efficiently, encouraging infill development and increased density, as well as new development in outlying regions that is well planned and serviced.” SE 1: Bozeman protects its surrounding open spaces and agricultural lands, helping maintain the community’s natural setting and Western identity.” Comment: Bozeman lacks the wherewithal to protect the described open spaces and agricultural lands because these are almost exclusively outside the City’s jurisdiction. Given that, I think it would be better to say that, “Bozeman will take such steps as possible to help protect its surrounding open spaces…” IE 9: “Bozeman’s economy is strengthened by investments in arts and culture.” Comment: This is less a vision statement and more an assertion of fact. Would it be better to say, “ Bozeman will promote investments in arts and culture because they diversify and help strengthen the economy.”?? Hap Happel DRAFT VISION STATEMENTS The Bozeman Strategic Plan is identifying our community’s preferred ‘destination’ – a shared image of where we would like to be in 2040. This document contains draft vision statements for each conversation area. City of Bozeman August 4, 2016 ENGAGED COMMUNITY EC 1: City leaders are aligned with Bozeman’s core values and its vision for the future. EC 2: The City communicates consistent, useful information to citizens on important issues. EC 3: Bozeman residents have useful information and resources to help them get connected and involved in the community. EC 4: The City tracks and reports on the community’s progress in achieving its vision and goals over time. EC 5: The City and other local governments are open, transparent and accountable in everything they do. EC 6: The City collaborates with the County and other public institutions on key community decisions. EC 7: The City reaches out to engage all residents, including people who may be less inclined to participate and citizens are knowledgeable about important issues in their city. EC 8: The City actively partners with SD7, MSU and Gallatin College in improving and advancing our community. EC 9: Bozeman welcomes newcomers to our city and helps them integrate into community life. EC 10: The City has dedicated leaders, excellent management, and competent, responsive staff. EC 11: The City collaborates with businesses and service providers. EC 12: City government has the trust of its citizens and institutions and effectively leads the community towards its goals. WELL-PLANNED CITY WPC 1: The City thinks, plans and acts regionally, coordinating key decisions with the State of Montana and Gallatin County. WPC 2: The City carefully maintains existing infrastructure and plans new infrastructure that functions efficiently and supports a strong community. WPC 3: Every Bozeman neighborhood offers a complete mix of housing, shopping, schools, parks and transit. WPC 4: Bozeman has a robust ‘multi-modal’ transportation system including public transit, bike lanes and pedestrian amenities. WPC 5: Bozeman maintains community affordability as the city grows, including diverse types of affordable housing for people of all income levels. WPC 6: Bozeman residents are involved in key community planning decisions on the city’s future growth and development. WPC 7: Bozeman maintains the city’s physical beauty, including its surrounding natural environment, mountain views, and good urban design that integrates public arts and culture. WPC 8: The City manages growth efficiently, encouraging new development that is well planned and serviced, as well as infill development and density where appropriate. WPC 9: Bozeman has a vibrant, full-service downtown with a balance of shops, restaurants, services, and offices that serves residents and visitors alike. WPC 10: Bozeman protects its traditional neighborhoods and their historic character as part of its heritage and small-town feel. WPC 11: The City builds and maintains an excellent road network that connects different parts of the city, improves traffic flow, and minimizes congestion. WPC 12: The City manages its finances to effectuate a well maintained city. WPC 13: Bozeman promotes the culture and character of its neighborhoods as they evolve and develop. WPC 14: Bozeman anticipates future growth trends and incorporates its vision into all planning efforts. SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT SE 1: Bozeman protects its surrounding open spaces and agricultural lands, helping maintain the community’s natural setting and Western identity. SE 2: Bozeman has an interconnected system of parks, green spaces, and walking/biking trails linked to open spaces beyond the city. SE 3: Bozeman promotes clean, renewable sources of energy that reduce the city’s reliance on nonrenewable fossil fuels. SE 4: Bozeman fosters decreased water consumption, through improved conservation, low-water landscaping, and use of greywater for lawns and irrigation. SE 5: Bozeman increases recycling of solid waste through comprehensive curbside residential and commercial recycling programs. SE 6: Bozeman promotes the economic benefits of a quality environment to attract new investment and create jobs. SE 7: Bozeman improves local air quality through enforcement measures, promotion of public transit, and alternative modes of transportation. SE 8: Bozeman helps ensure clean water for a growing population through pollution prevention programs and protection of local aquifers and watersheds. SE 9: Bozeman works to promote a “carbon neutral” city and reduce greenhouse gases that contribute to the city’s carbon footprint. SE 10: Bozeman is a leader in efforts to create and maintain a city that is environmentally and economically sustainable into the future. INNOVATIVE ECONOMY IE 1: Bozeman fosters a culture of economic innovation and risk-taking, building and retaining new companies that diversify its economy. IE 2: Bozeman promotes collaborative partnerships for workforce development to produce highly skilled workers for jobs in targeted industries. IE 3: Bozeman creates new well-paying jobs supporting a wide range of skills and opportunities, helping keep the city affordable. IE 4: Bozeman balances economic growth with affordable housing and urban services, helping ensure the city’s continued quality of life. IE 5: Bozeman supports the growth of locally owned businesses across the city, serving both local residents and the city’s many visitors. IE 6: Bozeman uses existing and planned infrastructure to drive economic growth, directing future development and providing a stable environment for investment. IE 7: Bozeman creates Montana’s first comprehensive citywide fiber optic network, supporting new Internet-based and technology companies. IE8: Bozeman promotes an economy consistent with its vision and respect for the environment. IE9: Bozeman’s economy is strengthened by investments in arts and culture. EDUCATION, CREATIVITY & CULTURE ECC 1: Bozeman increases it arts, cultural, and educational offerings, making them more diverse and affordable. ECC 2: Bozeman guarantees essential funding for schools, libraries and the arts in the community as the city grows. ECC 3: Bozeman targets educational excellence in its schools from pre-K to 12, with the best teachers, upgraded facilities and highest student achievement. ECC 4: Bozeman builds critically needed facilities to support its high educational, arts and cultural aspirations, including a second high school. ECC 5: Bozeman assures equal access to learning and creative development with schools, libraries and other programs that are open and accessible to all. ECC 6: The City increases its support for arts and culture in the community and the integration of arts and cultural programs into the work of the City. ECC 7: Bozeman generates funding and support for major new arts and cultural facilities, including a community arts center and performing arts center. ECC 8: Bozeman makes pre-kindergarten and after school programs accessible to the entire community, ensuring that all children have the same advantages. ECC 9: Bozeman expands creative education in schools, supporting early learning and personal growth and development of all students. ECC 10: Bozeman makes community-based education, including community college, adult education and lifelong learning, more available, accessible and affordable. ECC 11: Bozeman helps its community-based artists and culture innovators remain active and successful, highlighting their contributions to the city and its culture. ECC 12: Bozeman promotes the engagement of MSU students in the community, building opportunities for them to stay in Bozeman after they graduate. ECC 13: Bozeman’s art and culture are valued equally with our passion for the outdoors. SAFE, HEALTHY PEOPLE SHP 1: Bozeman fosters community wellness and awareness of healthy lifestyles, encouraging residents to enjoy its recreational opportunities. SHP 2: Bozeman expands parks, trails and recreational facilities across the city to accommodate growing community interest in recreational activities and all user groups. SHP 3: Bozeman is a safe and secure community. SHP 4: Bozeman thinks of its neighborhoods as ecosystems with clean air, canopies of street trees, community gardens and parks, green buildings, and “village-style” centers. SHP 5: Bozeman invests in new community facilities that address unmet needs for community resources and services. SHP 6: Bozeman educates the community about its growing diversity, promoting an atmosphere of diversity, equity and inclusion that welcomes everyone. SHP 7: Bozeman works to address the challenges of social inequity in the city, including lower income groups, underserved populations, and people affected by homelessness. SHP 8: Bozeman expands preventive programs for the health of the city’s at-risk populations, including children, families and elders. SHP 9: The City considers community health in all of its programs and services, and partners to improve health communication and collaboration citywide. SHP 10: Bozeman’s approach to community policing successfully integrates police and citizens who are equally engaged in the safety of their community. SHP 11: Bozeman’s fire department successfully educates and protects its residents to minimize emergencies and create a safe environment. SHP 12: Bozeman’s human services providers and faith based organizations collaborate with the city to create a caring and compassionate community.