HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-09-17 City Commission Minutes I THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES Monday,January 9, 2017 3 AGENDA ORDER MODIFIED DURING MEETING. NUMBERED AND LETTERED BULLETS REMAIN AS ORIGINALLY NOTICED. Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Present f A Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Present i Mayor-Carson Taylor:Absent i Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Present Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Absent ( Staff present at the Dais: City Manager Chris Kukulski, City Attorney Greg Sullivan, and Deputy City Clerk Pearl Michalson A. 05:00:03 PM (00:01:02)Call to Order—EARLY START TIME-5:00 PM-Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Deputy Mayor Andrus called the meeting to order at 5:OOPM. D. 05:00:24 PM (00:01:22)Authorize Absence-Commissioner Pomeroy 05:00:36 PM (00:01:35)Motion and Vote to authorize the absence of Commissioner 1-Ho Pomeroy and ( Mayor Taylor. The motion passed 3-0. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor:Absent a Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Absent a E. 05:00:51 PM (00:01:49) Executive Session II Page Iof15 r 4: Bozeman City Commission Minutes,January 9,2017 1. 05:01:08 PM (00:02:06) Litigation Strategy-City of Bozeman v. Peterson 05:01:08 PM (00:02:06) Commission Meeting Closed for Litigation Deputy Mayor Andrus closed to the public this portion of the meeting pursuant to Sect. 2-3-203(3), MCA,finding that discussion would have a detrimental effect on the litigation position of the City. A separate set of minutes have been prepared for the Executive Session. 05:45:38 PM (00:46:36)Commission Recess Deputy Mayor Andrus closed the Executive Session and called for a recess until 6:00 PM. 06:00:04 PM (01:01:02) Commission Back in Session Deputy Mayor Andrus called the Commission meeting back in session at 6:00 PM. B. 06:00:13 PM (01:01:11) Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence C. 06:01:02 PM (01:02:01)Changes to the Agenda Deputy Mayor Andrus asked City Manager Chris Kukulski if there were changes to the agenda to which he stated that there were not. F. 06:01:13 PM (01:02:11) Public Service Announcements 1. No City Commission meeting on January 16, 2017 and Closure of City Offices G. 06:01:49 PM (01:02:48) Minutes 1. 06:01:56 PM (01:02:54)Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes from December 5, December 12, and December 19, 2016, and User Access to Linked Minutes _ 06:02:07 PM (01:03:06)Motion and Vote to approve the regular meeting minutes from December 5, December 12,and December 19,2016, and user access to linked minutes. The motion passed 3-0. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor:Absent Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Absent H. 06:02:10 PM (01:03:08)Consent Page 2 of 15 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,January 9,2017 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims for Goods and Services (LaMeres) 77L.0 2. Approval of the Beer and Wine Renewal for Bozeman Taproom and Fill Station for Calendar Year 2017 (Pitcher) 7L! 3. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Professional Services Agreement with Gradient Systems for Utility and Resource Tracking Software (Meyer) 07 P 4. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Professional Services Agreement with RESPEC for Wetland Consulting Services for 2017(Krueger) `I- 3 5. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Professional Services Agreement with TerraQuatic for Wetland Consulting Services for 2017 (Krueger) `- P 6. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Professional Services Agreement with TREC, Inc.for the Design and Engineering of a Removable Bulkhead for the Swim Center(Hill) 7-.a 7. Authorize the City Manager to Sign Amendment 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with Sanderson Stewart forthe 2016 Capital Improvements Survey(Gamradt) 7-.4m 8. Authorize the City Manager to Sign Amendment 6 to the Professional Services Agreement with Morrison-Maierle, Inc.forthe Capital Improvement Projects Field Survey(Murray) `L 9. Authorize the City Manager to Sign the Memorandum of Agreement, Public Use Easement, Waiver Valuation, Escrow Instructions, Buyer's Instructions, and Closing Statement for the Right-of-Way Purchase for Construction of Improvements to Baxter Lane, Parcel 13 (Hixson) 10. Authorize the Mayor to Sign the Findings of Fact and Order for the Yellowstone Theological Institute Minor Subdivision Preliminary Plat, Application 15574 (Quasi-Judicial) (Krueger) p 11. Resolution 4751, Purchase of Real Property for Construction of Improvements to Oak Street and Fowler Lane (Woolard) 7 a 12. Resolution 4754, Approving the Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment Number 1 to the Contract with Dick Anderson Construction, Inc. for the Irrigation Pipeline Relocation at the Bozeman Sports Park(Poissant) 01-.4- 13. Resolution 4763, Authorizing Change Order Number 1 with DLM Contracting, Inc. for the South University Area Sewer Main Interceptor Project(Murray) 7_a 14. Ordinance 1967 Final Adoption, the Billion Auto Plaza Zone Map Amendment Rezoning an Existing 21.11 Acre Subdivision Generally Located at 270 Auto Plaza Drive from BP (Business Park District)to B-2 (Community Business District) (Owens) „a 06:02:19 PM (01:03:17) City Attorney, Greg Sullivan gave an overview of item number 2 on the consent agenda which was a part of the original renewals that should have happened this past December. This was the same application that you would see at the end of every year. Under city code there are two permits,conditional use and the city chapter 4 of the municipal code.This was a renewal of the license of their existing conditional use permit. This permit is not the same as the license that the Taproom asked Page 3 of 15 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,January 9,2017 for in regards to the Commission approval of the beer and wine to full beverage.This permit is completely independent from that request last month. 06:04:43 PM (01:05:41) City Manager Chris Kukulski gave an overview of consent items 1-14. 06:08:29 PM (01:09:28) Public Comment Deputy Mayor Andrus opened public comment on consent. 06:08:29 PM (01:09:28)Evan Center,Public Comment Evan stated that this oversight of the TapRoom Beer and Wine license would allow the commission to consider the impact of a beer and wine license from a health standpoint when it comes to the affect that it would have on children and their life later on.A suggestion of asking the TapRoom to cover their patio during school hours. 06:11:30 PM (01:12:29) Public Comment Closed Deputy Mayor Andrus closed public comment. 06:11:40 PM (01:12:39)Motion and Vote to approve Consent Items 1-14 as submitted. The motion passed 3-0. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve MaVor-Carson Taylor:Absent Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-1-Ho Pomeroy:Absent I. 06:12:12 PM (01:13:11) Public Comment Deputy Mayor Andrus opened general public comment. 06:12:56 PM (01:13:54)Ella Shire, Public Comment Stated that last week last week Bozeman was shaken by another domestic violence homicide and asked that the city take note of this pattern that is making itself known in our community. This pattern that is making itself known in our community.This pattern of violence and inequality goes against the values that we hold as Bozeman citizens. We ask the city to take a stand against domestic violence and work with us in the future to figure out how the community can prevent future tragedies like this from occurring. 06:14:39 PM (01:15:37)Debra Watson, Public Comment Stated that the golden gate subdivision developer has not shoveled any the sidewalks or any of the area that is surrounded by snow even after being notified of the issue. Photos of the area was brought to show that there had not been any snow shoveled in that area. Ms. Shire commended the city for citing those Page 4 of 15 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,January 9,2017 who do not shovel their walks but would like the city to take issues like this into consideration before they approve a development in the future. 06:18:01 PM (01:18:59)Scott McKhann, Public Comment Scott from California stated that he was concerned with the impacts that go along with this property, traffic, sewer issues from Kagy and 11'h and Kagy and V as well as right away issues. There are a lot of infrastructure issues and asked the commission to consider economic issues and what would it do to the properties around it.They are opposed to this as is. 06:20:13 PM (01:21:12)Closed Public Comment Deputy Mayor Andrus closed public comment. J. 06:20:22 PM (01:21:20)Action Items 3 1. 06:20:37 PM (01:21:35) Resolution 4744, Creation of Special Improvement Lighting District Number 737 for Westbrook Subdivision Phase 2, 3 and 4 (Rosenberry) 7L! 06:20:50 PM (01:21:48)Staff Presentation Administrative Services Director Anna Rosenberry gave an overview of the creation of the special improvement lighting district in the vicinity east of Laurel parkway, South of Annie and North of Durston. The district would have 10 LED Street lights mounted at 25 feet. There are 62 lots, average residential lot size is right under 8 thousand square feet. The estimated annual assessment would be under$4.00 a year. 06:23:16 PM (01:24:14)Questions for Staff There were no questions for staff. I I 06:23:23 PM (01:2421)Public Comment Deputy Mayor Andrus opened public comment. There was no public comment. Public Comment was closed. 06:23:35 PM (01:24:34)Motion to approve Resolution 4744, Creation of Special Improvement Lighting District Number 737 for Westbrook Subdivision Phase 2,3 and 4. r. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:2nd 06:24:02 PM 01:25:00 Discussion There was no discussion. I Page 5 of 15 l 1 i P ) Bozeman City Commission Minutes,January 9,2017 06:24:02 PM (01:25:00) Vote to approve Resolution 4744, Creation of Special Improvement Lighting District Number 737 for Westbrook Subdivision Phase 2,3 and 4. The motion passed 3-0. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor:Absent Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Absent 2. 06:24:07 PM (01:25:05) The Opportunity Sub-Division Preliminary Plat Application For A Major Subdivision to Subdivide 20.31 Acres into Six Lots, Located at 2525 North 19th Avenue, Application 16235 (Quasi-Judicial) (Rice) 0_ a 06:24:17 PM (01:25:15)Staff presentation Mayana Rice, Associate Planner entered her staff report on the record with findings and recommendations. The verified lot size and gave an overview of the final plat application for a major subdivision to subdivide 20.31 acres into six lots. History of the site was discussed.This is a five year period phase. The steps that this plan takes prior to approval were discussed.Approvals for when waivers were granted as well as not granted were discussed.Conditions and Code Requirements were discussed. Public Comment, Recommendations, and Suggested Motion Language were discussed. 06:32:19 PM (01:33:18)Questions of Staff There were no questions for staff. 06:32:25 PM (01:33:23)Applicant Presentation Chris Budeski, consultant with Madison Engineering as a representative of the applicant- Bozeman 6 LLC gave a brief presentation of the loss of the right of way for the roads and the development of the land. Wetlands was a big part of this project but were not impacted as much. Impacts for the stream crossings have a 50 foot setback.The 10 foot wide asphalt trail that runs along 19' has been extended all the way up towards Cattail Street. Conditions 1-19 were reviewed and agreed upon for this property. 06:36:27 PM (01:37:25)Questions for Applicant CR Mehl asked the applicant if he agreed with staff and the staff report to which he responded that he did. 06:37:00 PM (01:37:58) Public Comment Deputy Mayor opened public comment. 06:37:21 PM (01:38:19)Clarification Page 6 of 15 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,January 9,2017 CR Krauss asked staff if there was a condition prohibiting dewatering wells and staff stated that there was not. 06:37:29 PM (01:38:28)Closed Public Comment There was no public comment. Deputy Mayor Andrus closed Public Comment. 06:37:41 PM 01:38:39 Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials,public comment, and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 16235 and move to approve the Opportunity Sub-Division Major Subdivision with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. I Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd 06:38:01 PM (01:38:59) Discussion CR Krauss stated that this had been a large piece of ground inside the city and we've grown significantly and its time that we went to work so he supported this application. CR Mehl supported this as well and was in support of the staff analysis, in terms of the appropriate conditions and discussion. i DM Andrus also supported this application and appreciated that we were doing somethingwith this piece of ground and looks forwards to seeing it finished. 06:38:33 PM 01:39:32 Vote that having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report I, for application 16235 and move to approve the Opportunity Sub-Division Major Subdivision with t conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. The motion passed 3-0. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor:Absent Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Absent 3. 06:38:55 PM (01:39:53)Continuation of the Public Hearing on Application 16469 for the I South University District Phase 2 Minor Subdivision Preliminary Plat from January 9,2017 to January 23, 2017 (Quasi-Judicial) (Rice) 77F.4P 06:39:06 PM (01:40:05)Staff presentation Page 7of15 r 'i Bozeman City Commission Minutes,January 9,2017 Mayana Rice,Associate planner asked the commission to continue this public hearing at the request of the applicant. DRC reviewed it and found two items that needed to be completed by the applicant and asked that this be continued until the 23`d of January. 06:40:20 PM (01:41:19)Questions for Staff CR Mehl asked if staff got the public comment given tonight. Staff acknowledged the public comment from Mr.Scott McKhann that was given today. CR Krauss asked for clarification in the background specifically about the priority planning and financial agenda items preempt the public hearing of this proposed subdivision. Staff responded that there were two items related to an off-site street easement as well as a plat correction that have not been in. Staff was trying to reference that the agenda was full tonight for the financial pieces of the agenda. The postponement was requested specifically by the applicant once it was deemed by staff that they did not have the two items that needed to complete their application. 06:41:53 PM (01:42:51) Public Comment Deputy Mayor Andrus opened public comment. There was no public comment. Public Comment was closed. 06:41:57 PM (01:42:55)Motion to continue the public hearing on Application 16469 for the South University District Phase 2 Minor Subdivision Preliminary Plat from January 9,2017 to January 23, 2017. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd 06:42:25 PM (01:43:23) Discussion CR Mehl stated that he felt that there was mutual agreement to kick this for two weeks and he was fine with it. 06:42:27 PM (01:43:26) Vote to continue the public hearing on Application 16469 for the South University District Phase 2 Minor Subdivision Preliminary Plat from January 9,2017 to January 23, 2017. The motion passed 3-0. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor:Absent Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Absent Page 8 of 15 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,January 9,2017 4. 06:42.44 PM (01:43:43) Adopt the General Fund Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2018-2022 (Rosenberry) L! 06:42:53 PM (01:43:52)Staff Presentation Anna Rosenberry,Administrative Services Director,and Chris Kukulski, City Manager gave a presentation on the General Fund Capital Improvement Plan. An overview of required scheduled projects and unscheduled projects in the next five years; breakdown of the capital by division within the next five years was discussed by dollar value. Capital funding that would go toward sports and parks, aquatics and pool, a Motorola lease for portable radios, a ten year term intercap loan for Story Mill Community Center Improvements, Broken Park Pathway, 25th Avenue (Oak to Tschache) along Rose Park, water and wastewater lines at the Sports Park Complex were discussed. Policy changes, the general fund CIP, the concept of general fund cash carry over,and revenues was discussed.The law and Justice Center was not listed in the noted projects for the city. i 07:06:14 PM (02:07:12)Questions for Staff 1 CR Krauss asked about building a new city hall as well as the veteran's cemetery. II1 Mitch Overton, Director of Recreation and Parks talked about the Veteran's cemetery in 2019. Bozeman i creek improvements was asked about. Mike Grey, Facilities Superintendent talked about the Bozeman i Creek and the concerns around the preventing the bridge from falling in. Professional Building upgrade was discussed as well and Mr. Grey stated that there are antiquated parts that are going out of services. Electrical code by today's code we are not up to code.Senior center spending was discussed as well as the funding for the upkeep of that building which is currently funded out of the facilities departmental budget. i 07:16:56 PM (02:17:54) Questions for Staff Continued CR Krauss asked about where the capital investment money would come from and also about the Story Mansion fund. CR Mehl asked why this CIP did not have a strong growth rate. Anna Rosenberry stated that the lack of growth rate was due to property taxes and a large group of revenues. Questions about the condition of the Pool at Bogart was discussed with staff. DM Andrus asked about the energy project at city hall and what has changed that called for movement. Movement of the Prost plan was asked. 07:25:07 PM (02:26:06) Public Comment Deputy Mayor Andrus opened public comment There was no public comment. Public Comment was closed. 07:25:14 PM 02:26:12 Continued Question/Discussion CR Mehl suggested that until all 5 commissioners were in attendance that three items be postponed. CR Krauss felt that this not be adopted with negative numbers in years 2019 and 2020. Story Mansion be paid out of general fund and not the capital fund. Page 9 of 15 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,January 9,2017 DM Andrus asked staff if this being in the negative was something new to which staff stated that this was something that usually would balance out at the 5th year. Explanations of why this was done was given by Anna Rosenberry. CR Krauss stated that this felt like strategic planning by testing financially how feasible this is. CR Mehl stated that this plan changes every year and would like to have a discussion with all five commissioners present. DM Andrus asked this if there was a deadline to adopt this. City Manager, Chris Kukulski stated that by Charter, this needed to be given to the commission by December 15th but there were no deadlines to adopt this. Lain Leoniak discussed items on the CIP. Staff talked about items on the CIP and if they need to be approved tonight. 07:41:47 PM (02:42:46) Discussion DM Andrus asked that the General Fund Capital Improvement Plan(CIP)for Fiscal Years 2018-2022 be moved to a later date so that all commissioners are available to discuss. 07:42:00 PM (02:42:59) Break Deputy Mayor Andrus called for a break until 7:55 PM. 07:55:16 PM (02:56:14)Commission Resumed Deputy Mayor Andrus resumed the commission meeting at 7:55 PM. 5. 07:55:18 PM (02:56:17) Resolution 4728, Adoption of the City of Bozeman Drought Management Plan (Leoniak) " a 07:55:29 PM (02:56:27)Staff Presentation Lain Leoniak,Water Conservation Specialist,gave a presentation on the Drought Management Plan which was comprised of drought severity indicators, drought response actions, drought response program measures,and drought response plan enforcement.The impact of not considering was longterm drought planning in the past was discussed. A breakdown of how Bozeman currently manages drought and the current vulnerability to Bozeman was discussed such as water supplies,growth, and water use patterns. Severity Indicators and Reservoir storage was hugely important in the monitoring protocol. Ms. Leoniak talked about the national indicators of drought that were being used today to predict drought as well as indicator and response stage guidelines. Drought response program measures stages 1-4 were discussed. Enforcement via warning letters,fines,and water shutoffs in the event of a drought was discussed as well as future consideration by the commission. 08:23:39 PM (03:24:37)Questions for Staff CR Mehl asked about the management plan which said it should be updated every five years and what the time frames/rates were for the strategic reserve and drought rates. Ms. Leoniak stated that she would like to consult with the team that they were currently working with Page 10 of 15 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,January 9,2011 now. It would take a couple years to get finite numbers and data. Director Craig Woolard stated that a rate study RFP is currently in the process.Getting a consultant on board and working with them as well as getting funding set aside was a priority as well as a much needed goal. CR Mehl asked why the enforcement or hard decisions were not at the forefront of the introduction in orderto give an idea ofthefull impact ofwhatthey aretryingto conveyto which staff gave an explanation. 08:36:49 PM (03:37:48)Questions Continued City Attorney, Greg Sullivan provided clarification of the Municode giving power to the public works director in the event of a drought.An Ordinance will be drafted in the future to provide clearer direction on the responsibilities of both the commission and the Public Works Director in the event of drought. CR Mehl asked for clarification on monitoring and declaring droughts. There was also clarification asked on the ability of the commission to make decisions and the intent of staff. CR Krauss asked staff which years Bozeman had significant dry periods. Staff stated in 2005, and in 2012. Questions about implementing a drought plan prior to a drought was asked.The need for a drought plan driven by our reliance of conservation measures rather than storage was asked.Staff stated that one year of drought or one season of it would put us in a severe situation because we don't have the water supply (adequate storage)available to assist us. CR Krauss asked how a strategic reserve was different from this scenario. Incremental stages were discussed. 09:01:30 PM (04:02:28) Questions Continued DM Andrus asked why this plan was put in place. Staff stated that the reason this was put together was because this was best practice. If a plan was not adopted prior to the city experiencing a drought, it would cause the city mitigating impacts from a financial and community standpoint. DM Andrus asked how the plan was going to be implemented. Staff stated that this would be done with public relations consultants with general information in non-drought years via bill stuffers and hosting seminars. A full court press would happen with media and radio if and when this would become a dire situation.This concept and plan was presented at the federal level and they wrote a letter of support for the plan. j 09:05:53 PM [04:06:52) Public Comment Deputy Mayor Andrus opened public comment. 09:05:58 PM (04:06:57)KerryStraussan, Public Comment Ms. Straussan, regional manager of the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Water Resources Office, applauded the city's efforts and water supply planning in general. This drought plan would be leading the way on this an example for other cities to follow. She liked the communication and education component of the plan and gave her overall support. As drought plan came up a lot as something that was greatly needed in cities and the state of Montana. 09:07:30 PM (04:08:29)Ada Monte ue Public Comment Ada is the water planner of the DNRC under the MCA is also for staff the governor's drought and water Page 11 of 15 j ;i ib il Bozeman City Commission Minutes,January 9,2017 supply advisory committee.The lieutenant governor asked her to come and answer any questions that the commission might have.The drought management plan that the city of Bozeman is contemplating dovetails well with other plans that are already in place in the upper Missouri headwaters.This plan is also in line with the state water plan. 09:09:14 PM (04:10:13)Public Comment Closed Deputy Mayor Andrus closed public comment. 09:09:22 PM (04:10:20)Motion to approve Resolution 4728,Adoption of the City of Bozeman Drought Management Plan. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd 09:09:37 PM (04:10:36) Discussion CR Krauss stated that we need to implement this so that we increase our margin and our ability to be prepared by adding water storage and water supply. It is good to have an understanding of where we are and what we face in the future. CR Mehl stated that we need to do this because waste is expensive and it is more expensive not having water. I would rather have a plan up front and support this. CR Mehl made five friendly amendments: 09:12:49 PM (04:13:48)Friendly Amendment 1 A friendly amendment that provides for the Commission to enact a drought. (The city attorney will look at the plan that the commission adopts and look at the code and make sure that they work together and it is clear on who has authority to enforce once the commission makes the drought declaration. It will require an ordinance and will come back to the commission.) 09:13:35 PM (04:14:34)Friendly Amendment 2 That the introduction includes a greater discussion and enforcement. 09:13:41 PM (04:14:40)Friendly Amendment 3 Include the drought rate question in the study that they are doing and include it in the RFP. 09:14:45 PM (04:15:44)Friendly Amendment 4 Remove the last sentence in subsection 3.3 number 4 at the bottom of page 27 as discussed. 09:14:53 PM (04:15:52)Friendly Amendment 5 Addendum to the last sentence of section 6 on page 28 so that it would read "for changes warranted and so recommend to the city commission as necessary". Page 12of15 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,January 9,2017 DM Andrus stated that she would be supporting the plan because it has been evident for a while that we have need storage and appreciate the plan and supports the amendments as well as the rates. 09:16:07 PM (04:17:06) Vote to approve Resolution 4728,Adoption of the City of Bozeman Drought Management Plan. The motion passed 3-0. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor:Absent Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Absent 6. 09:16:35 PM (04:17:34) Legislative Update(Kukulski) 7'..a 09:16:47 PM (04:17:46)Staff presentation City Manager Chris Kukulski talked about the gas tax talking points for a bill that would be introduced on Thursday which talked about the expenses that Bozeman's allocation would be and estimated revenue was also discussed.Significant impacts were discussed. Local option authority was discussed. i I 09:24:02 PM (04:25:00)Questions of Staff CR Mehl asked about the local option tax. CR Krauss talked about budgets. No motion is required.Advertised as Action Item so that Commission may direct staff as necessary. 7. 09:27:01 PM (04:28:00)Appointment to the City-County Board of Health (Michalson) 7,, P 09:27:05 PM (04:28:04)Motion to appoint Buck Taylor to the City Appointee position on the City-County Board of Health that expired January 1,2017 with an updated term ending January 1,2020. F Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2"d t 09:27:17 PM (04:28:16) Discussion CR Mehl stated that Buck has been with the board for some time and is very much involved with health If issues. 09:27:33 PM (04:28:32)Vote to appoint Buck Taylor to the CityAppolntee position on the City-County Board of Health that expired January 1,2017 with an updated term ending January 1,2020. The motion passed 3-0. I Page 13 of 15 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,January 9,2017 Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor:Absent Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Absent 8. 09:27:44 PM (04:28:43) Appointment to the Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Committee (Michalson) "1 a 09:27:49 PM (04:28:48)Motion to re-appoint Amanda Arnold to the City Appointee position on the Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Committee that expired December 31,2016 with an updated term ending December 31,2019. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd 09:27:55 PM (04:28:54) Discussion There was no discussion. 09:28:00 PM (04:28:59) Vote to re-appoint Amanda Arnold to the City Appointee position on the Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Committee that expired December 31,2016 with an updated term ending December 31,2019. The motion passed 3-0. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor:Absent Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-1-Ho Pomeroy:Absent 9. 09:28.06 PM (04:29:05) Appointments to the Bozeman Midtown Urban Renewal Board (Michalson) 07 a 09:28:09 PM (04:29:08) Discussion DM Andrus moved this to January 23, 2017 because it is a mayoral appointment and the Mayor will be present at that time. CR Krauss asked that new applicant Josh Palmer be added to this memo. Action Item 9 will be moved to the January 23,2017 agenda. K. 09:29:16 PM (04:30:14) FYI/Discussion Page 14 of 15 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,January 9,2017 • Craig Woolard gave an overview of the transportation master plan.The proposed schedule of completion was given from presentation on January 11'through implementation on April 17`h. • Strategic plan is in a similar situation need dates from the commission over the next 60 days that the commission is available to discuss and adopt this in February no later than March. Please contact the City Clerk. L. 09:34:46 PM (04:35:45)Adjournment Deputy Mayor Andrus adjourned this meeting at 09:35 PM. Carson Taylor Mayor 2 01;. • • • .��rj, ATTEST: Uq �^'I T _r•' � • _ • * , •.• inCrough City Clerk PREPARED BY: Pearl Michalson Deputy City Clerk Approved on: is Page 15 of 15