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Present were Mayor Morrow, Commissioner Langohr, City Manager Cutting, Ass't.
Bozeman, Montana
JULY 22, 196~
The Comrnission of The C1 ty of Bozeman met in reguLar sess ion in the Commie"
sion Room, City Hall Building, Wednesday, Ju~y 22, L964 at l:UO o'CLock p.m.
City Manager Fryslie, Acting City Attorney Angel and the CLerk.
Mayor Morrow opened the meeting with a prayer and the fO~Lowing proceedings
were had:
Minutes of the Last reguLar meeting were read and it was moved by Commis-
sioner Langohr, seconded by Mayor Morrow, that the minutes as read be approved
and the motion was carried by the fOLLowing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye
being Mayor Morrow and commissioner Langohr; those voting No, none.
Absence of Comm:'Lssioner Sedivy
It was moved by Mayor Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Langohr, that in
compLiance with Section 2.u8.06u of the Bozeman Municipal Code, that Commissioner
Sedivy's absence from the meeting be considered as authorized. The motion was
carrIed by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow
and Commissioner Langohr; those voting No, none.
Jc's Request to Place Ticket Booth on Main Street (Rodeo)
It was reported the JC's had requested permission to place a ticket booth
in a parking meter sta~L in front of the Montana Power Building on or about
JulY 26, 1964 for an advanced saLe of tickets for their rodeo to be held on
August 7th and 8th. . 'l'he C1 ty Manager recommended tha t permission to place the
booth on Main Street at the location requested be granted except that the booth
be placed on the sidewalk rather than on the street and approval of the Montana
Power Company be obtained. It was moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by
Mayor Morrow, that permission to pLace the booth as recommended by the City
Manager be granted and the motion was carried by the fOLlowing Aye and No vote:
those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow and Commissioner Langohr; those voting
No, none.
Ordinance No. 8~7
(196~-1965) Salary Ordinance
Ordinance No. 8~7, the annuaL salary ordinance, covering saLaries of the
heads of departments and empLoyees who are direct appointees of the Commission
was presented, entitLed:
It was moved by Mayor Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Langohr, that the
ordinance be passed and adopted and the motion was carried by the fOLLowing Aye
and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow and Commissioner Langohr;
those voting No, none.
Purchase of Stone Chips for Seal-coat Oiling of Streets
As the Street department has need for a supply of stone chips for use in
its program for seal-coat oiling of paving on various streets within the City,
the C1 ty Manager reques ted authoriza tion to purchase 275 cubiC yards of the
material at $3.5V per yard. It was moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by
Mayor Morrow~ that the purchase be approved and the motion was carried by the
fOLlowing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow and Commissioner
Langohr; those voting No, none.
Water Meters
The City Manager reported that the Water Department has need for an addi-
tlonaL SUPPLY of water meters and requested authority to pLace an order for
thirty-four (34), (3/4") meters a t a totaL approxima te cost of $ge6.uO~ or
$29.00 each. It was moved by Mayor Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Langohr,
that the purchase be authorized and the motion was carried by the fOLlowing Aye
and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow and Commissioner Langohr;
those voting No, none.
Authority to Call for Bids
Two (2), ( ! , Ton Truc ks ) S tre e t & Wa te r
The City Manager reported the purchase of two new (tJ ton trucks~ four-wheel
drive type, one each for the Water and Street departments, is being provided for
in the proposed 1~64-1965 budget and requested that the Clerk of the Commission
be directed to pub~ish n "CaLL for Bids" for the new units to be opened at l:Ov
o'clock P.M., August 19th, 1~64, as follows:
Street Department
New (t) ton unit, pLUS snow p~ow and
New Ct) ton unit, less aLlowance for
trade-in of similar unit - 1947 modeL
Wa ter Departmen t
It was moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by Mayor Morrow, that the
Clerk of the Commission be directed to issue a "CalL for Bids" for the purchase
of the units as recommended and the motion was carried by the fO~Lowing Aye and
No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow and Commissioner Langhorj those
voting No~ none.
Utility Right-of-way Edsement Agreement
(Frank Hoey - Maple Terrace Addition)
An Easement and Right-of-way Agreement for Sanitary Sewer ~ipe Lines and
other UtiLities over and across various Lots in BLocks "A" and "B", MapLe Terrace
Subdi vision, to the Ci ty of Bozeman, gran ted by the owners, f'rank E. and Hermina
H. Hoey, was presented. In concurrence with the recommendation of the City Manager,
it was moved by Mayor Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Langohr, that the City
approve and accept the agreement and the Mayor and the CLerk of the Commission
authorized to sign for the City. The motion was carried by the fOLlowing Aye
and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow and Commissioner Langohr;
those voting No, none.
Approval of Plat West Park Manor Second Addition
The proposed plat of West Park Manor Second Addition was pLaced before the
Commission and the City Manager reported that the Bozeman City-County Planning
Board had approved the plat as of JULY 6, 196-4, and that provision for required
park: area for this addition had been previous.LY provided for in the platting of
West Park Manor First Addition. In concurrence with the recommendation of the
City Manager, it was moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by Mayor Morrow,
that the pLat be accepted and approved and the City Manager acting as Director of
PubLic Service be authorized and directed to sign the pLat for the City. The
motion was carried by the fOLlowing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being
Mayor Morrow and Commissioner Langohr; those voting No, none.
Authority tQ Perform Street Improvements
West Park Manor (Private Project)
Foll.owing a continued discussion of proposed construction of street improve-
ments by private enterprise, and upon the recommendation of the City Manager, it
was moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by Mayor Morrow, t~t the request of
Western General Enterprlses, Inc., dated JULY L3, 1~)64, for permission to per-
form street work wit in the West ParK Manor Addition be granted in accordance
wi th the reques t and contingent upon the following s t.ipula tions:
1) The proposed work will be done at such street grades and
typical cross-sections !.ind with storm drainage as approved
by the City Engineer,
2) Engineering and insvection ser~ices of a nature adequate
to insure COmpLi!:l.nce with specificatl.uns shaLl. be provided
by and at the expense of Western GeneraL Enterprises, Inc.,
Testing of materia.Ls shaoll. be as required by the Montana
State Highway De~artment and in accordance with ASTM
standards and the C1 ty Snl::lLL be prOVided wi th the original
copy of the relJorts of alL such tests. "End Result"
compaction specifications wil.L be used,
All lJnases of t:he worK ShaLL be sub ject to continued observa-
tion by the City Engineer and in the event it is deemed
necessary by the City Commission for the City to emplOY
additionaL personnel to insure adequate inspection, such
personnel shaLL be provided at the expense of Western
GeneraL Enterprises, Inc.,
5) All work performed WiLL be subject, upon compLetion, to
acceptance by the City Com~ission,
6) Where pavement is contempLated, Western Genera~ Enterprises
shalL provide the City with a performance surety bond in an
amount equaol to luu% of the contract or estimated total
cost of the contempLated improvement to safeguard the City
against faulty worl~anship or material and for a period of
one year folLowing accefJtance of the worlc by the Ci ty
7) And that an earLier request of Western General Enterprises
to pLace fill. materiaL in the park area south of aha adjacent
to Bea il Stree tat 2ls t A venue to aD approved final grade
and a distance not to exceed 75 ft. south of BeaLl Street
also be approved.
The motion was carried by the fo~lowing Aye and .No vote: those voting Aye
being Mayor Morrow and Commissioner Langohr; those voting No, none.
Request to Landscape street Area
College Street East of South Black
It was reported that Kenneth D. Bryson residing at 7L6 South Black and
Robert W. Cameron residing at 8u4 South Black had requested permission to
landscape the cr,eneraL area of COLLege Street east of South BLack Avenue and
adjacent to their homes. The City Manager stated this dedicated street area
is not presentLY used for street purposes and the area has become overgrown with
vegetation and recommended that Mr. B~yson and Mr. Cameron be granted permission
to improve the generaL appearance of the area as requested. It was moved by
Commissioner Langohr, seconded by Mayor Morrow, that the request be granted and
the motion was carried by the fOLlowing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being
Mayor Morrow and Commissioner Langohr; those voting No, none.
JC Centennial Rodeo Parade
August 8, 1964
It was reported the JC's had requested permission to stage i~s CentenniaL
Rodeo ~arade at 1L:UV O'CLOCK A.M., August eth, from Buttrey's to Bogart Grove
and to YLace a reviewing stand during the yarade on Main Street. It was moved
by Ma yor Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Langohr, ~ha t permission to stage the
parade be apyroved and the motion was carried by the fOLlowing Aye and No vote:
those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow and Commissioner Langohr; those voting
No, none.
Final Estimate
SID No. 429
Final acceptance by the City of the contract improvemen~s in SpeciaL
Improvement District No. 429 by Long Construction Company having been made, the
following cLaims were presented:
Amoun t
Long Construction Company
HaroLd Hoskins & Assoc's.
The City Manager recommended that the claims be approved and the Director
of Finance directed to issue warrants in payment. It was moved by Commissioner
Langohr, seconded by Mayor Morrow, that the c~aims be approved and the motion
was carried by the fOLLowing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor
Morrow and Commissioner Langohrj those voting No, none.
Change Orders
SID Nos. 427 & 433
Change Order No. One (1) to the plans and specifications of ~pecial Improve-
men t Dis tric t No. 427, as prepared and recommended by the Ci ty Engineer and
Harold Hoskins and Associates, consuLtant engineers, as proposed was presented:
Purpose and Amount: Bentonite irrigation ditch on Beall Street
between Tenth and Ninth Avenues at an additionaL
cost of $47.uu.
Change Order No. One (1) to the plans and specifications of Special Irrprove-
ment District No. 433, as prepared and recommended by the City Engineer and
Harold Hoskins and Associates, consl11tant engineers, as proposed was presented:
Purpose and Amount: Bentonite irrigation ditch on BeaLL Street
between I:3th & 9th Avenues and the repLace-
ment of existing culvert at ViLLard Street
and North Seventh Avenue at an additional
cost of $95U.UO.
In concurrence with the recommendation of the City Manager, it was moved
by Mayor Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Langohr, that the change orders be
approved and the motion was carried by the fOLlowing Aye and No vote: those
voting Aye being Mayor Morrow and CommisSioner Langohrj those voting No, none.
There being no further business to come before the Commission at this
time it was moved by Commissioner Langohr, se d d by Mayor Morrow, that the
meeting adjourn. The motion was carried by 'oLLowing Aye and No vote: those
votlnf( Aye beinf( Mayor Morrow and Commissi r ...:ngo~h=~ No, none.
Attest: ~ lni p-r