HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-08-17 Public Comment - D. Anderson- SanctuaryGood Evening City of Bozeman and committee members! I read on Facebook yesteday that there was a meeting regarding the subject of Bozeman and the possibility of becoming a sanctuary city. I grew up in Bozeman. I'm 34 years old now and nearly all of my family lives in Bozeman; mother, father, brother, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. Every single one of them are are upstanding, faithful, kind, loving, generous, actively contributing members of society. Given the status of our world today relative to immigration, refugees and the like, I would have serious concerns regarding the safety and ability of my family and friends to live as they do today, if there was an influx of illegal immigrants, refugees, etc. into the city and how ever many there would be is not relevant to me. 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda took down the Twin Towers on 9-11 for God sake. 19 is all it took. 19. Think about that for a second. These people often do not agree with our culture, our everyday practices and most importantly our religion and general way of life. How can they too be active contributors and profitable members of our community when they don't understand English and refuse to learn, can't get a job, drive a car and ultimately end up staying on welfare because that's the good life compared to where they came from? We do not have those kinds of resources PERIOD...and if we do, they should be put back into the education system, our military veterans and our own homeless. We have to draw the line somewhere. AMERICA FIRST. I would like to draw your attention to Congressman Trey Gowdy who has made valid statements regarding his understanding of sanctuary cities and their purpose, or lack there of. That video can be found on YouTube by searching "Trey Gowdy on Sanctuary Cities" or you can click this link. https://youtu.be/AhTANkbMTOI There's another point I'd like to make: Imagine pouring yourself a nice big bowl of Cheerios, or your favorite brand... but before you take a bite, I need to warn you that 10 Cheerios in the bowl will kill you if you eat one...still want to eat the cereal? Let's take that one step further... What if it wasn't up to you whether or not you took that bite? I fully support Congressman Gowdy's views and as such, I vote "no" for Bozeman becoming a Sanctuary City. It's too great a risk for us. We first must take care of each other and put America and her citizens first. Regards, DeAnna Anderson