HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-12-05 187 B 0 z e:rnan I ;";on'tana December 5, ::'962 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Comrr,ission ROOllil City Hall B,dld:1 ng ,'!'Jednesday I December 5, 1962 at 1:00 o'clock p.m. Present were Hayor Staudaher, Cornmiss iOr'J3r Sedi'T'JI COlnnissioner Morrowl City Manager CuttinCI Ass It. City ~5anaCer Frys lie, City Attorney DerG and the Clerk. I The following proceedings were had: T,~inut eo of the In.st regular session were read and it was moved b:'T COYI'lr.issioncr :.:orrowl seconded by Commissi OTler Sedivy I that the 111.imites be approved as r~ad ar:d the me-tio:n vms carried 10;" th~ following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye 'being ?Tayor Staur1aher, COTI1.'Tlis<;ion'Jr :,'orrow and Corlrr.iss:~oY'cr ::'cdbr;y; those vo+ing ~~o, none. Request for Annexation -- Graf' s First Subdivis ion During the €ommission rneetine; of April 26.. 1!J61, thE' CO)1.'nis::::ion approved the plat of Graf's First Subdivision and authori~ the Cj ty ManaGer to sign the plat as Director of Public Service for the City. -~,_.,,-- It ~~s reported tho flat had been duly processed 8.:!;.d r8corded and Eucono Grai', Jr. , the plat'::er of' the pr operty I has now recmested th?t the City institl}tc the :D:-oper procep.dinGs t,) ext8nd the 'b OUYi.dar ic.s of +}l€~ Sits' limits to incorporo:i::e tbis subdivision as platted and rccordPG. The C~~y T,'a:CC! :('r )'Cc,of.1'ilended c!1nt the CHy Attorne~T be instrL'cted to prepare n resolution of ir:t.enticIl to aiF1C::: r:'raf's First Sub- di,rision to be submit+c1 to the CO'TunisGion for considc'ratiorJ o.s rccltcested by the p1..'\tter. It W'l8 moved by r'omr,liss ioner Sed ivy, seconded by Comrniss5 oner L~orr01'V'J that the C:;ty Attorney be i~str0ctc~ to prepare the resolution as recommended and the motion was ("G.:rr ied b~' the fo'lovJ"inC Aye and Fo VOt8: those vetinG I A,:{e being ~,~ayor <:1,aud8J,er, C:xm1.iss ioner Mor:row and ConUJUSR ioner SediVYj t:~')se '1,j",::L:c, I:c, none. Did Security for Purchase of S.I.D., No. 4241 Bonds to be Reduced A request frO'll Cro.nde ,:~ CO;.l:r:'.ny. purchaser of 0~pcial Improvement ;-:~strict }~o. 1j2~: bonds I was read r:'_EkinG tLp.i; after delive:r:r and paY':J.cpL of the first $110,rOO.Oo, of the ~305,OOO.OO of 8.1.D. No. 424 bonds had beel". .:1!\c:c, its 1::Jjd fecurity in the fcr.::~, cf 0. cc!'tiJ'ieo. check in ~Le em:mrt. of ;;:20,000.00 be returned to then in exd:rm,::;e for their c8rtified check in the a:mun t of ::')1000.001 already rece:i.v8u. In concu~'rence ".:;.ti: the r'2COlTZ'1cndRtj cr: of the City Manacer (!..Dd the Dir0ctor of I<':i.nn.l1cel it WB.S moved b;y CJIlmLissioner :"orrO"l'l, s800rded by Comrniod,or:.cr Scdi.v~/, ths.t tlie r;ecuri ty be reduced as requested by the purchaser n.nd tl:e I"otiol1 'was 08.rried by the follow:i.1l2 Aye 8.)1(1 Po ';,'ote; those 'Fotin: Aye beine :~ayor 3te.udaher I COJcJllis3~.0r.e)~ I.:orrow 8l1(1 Cor:rrn:is s ion8r Sedivy: "those vo'l~jnc ;;c, Yl.one. Application for TIn:; ldinC Permit -- Northern Automobile Co. US ,P;19l &: ','Jest Babcock An n.pplica-tion subrrtitt....,1 .by the Unrthern Au'l:;omo'bile Co,~~ranJ- 0.~ [,ozeman, for perr'lisdon '};o COl:~,~r,:ct c. vrarehouse PJfKJ "buildin.::; at the intel'Ecction of Fsill'Jl 8.nd V';cs-l:; 5s.tcock Street was tabled pend:i~1.b fup+,her investi(;8.tim. Abatement of' .taxes (1962) I The ~ollowing applications ror tax abatemen~ were presented: ., ~:eJne Descrirtion Amount Purpose -- L. G. Shadoan 3 to (3 l~y i:D_G . r;. c-:, liT., of RR-T'.-vroy 1\ 10.80 Dble. ASS08S. III; Elk 20, '31;1'\-.1::0 C"eo. F. Heiser Lot 9 I ::::lk 1, Springdell 20 . ~10 l~o 13erv'. '62 Earold. A. Frys15c 13 :'\; 14" Dlh 119, ~T .:2. C.97 Single Unit T':;n.rl I~o.rdesty ~ract 4. ""'lk G Beall's 1st 10.20 Garb8.ce D ,_ "), Harold A. Fr:rslie ~}- (14) Part of 15 & all 16, 17.(:\0 (;o.rbaC8 .w~~ Blk. B. Trac~/' s 2nd .Arm U. J.TaIOll'JJT Pert 61 Block 11, SprinG br.ook 9.35 Garbat:;G . 188 . Name Des cr ipt ion Amount Purrose Harold A. Fryslie Part of 15, all 16 G 17 Part of 18, $12.75 GarbaGe Block 31, park C. B. Cl;.as e S1;- of 3 to 8, Blk.D, Hof:man's 13.60 Garbage Ardis 'C. Lyon 7: 8, and }~ of 9, Blk, 45, Park 6.97 Garbage Mm. George Pullach Lot 13, BlOck I, Spr. Den 8.50 Garbage Harry E. Chri3tie ~, of 7 &; 8, Blk A. Rouses 2nd 6.00 Garbage I ~Lrs. Roy Cattrell 9 & 10, Blk I. a.p. 19.04 Garbage Henry Ve.nderark Lot 2, Blk 4, North 7th 18.70 Carbage Harold A. Fr;yr,lie 13-18, 4-12, Blk. 119, N.P. 6.70 Garbage Alice M. Trets'len Part of 14-17, Blk. 4, Cap. Hill 10.20 Garbage Alta Price Part Tract 2, Blk 5, Beall's 1st 11.05 Garbage Claire'/!. Long, Jr. 1 to 3, Blk II. ,a.p. 22.10 Garbage L. G. Shadoan 20, B llc. D, X. P. 17.00 Garbase H. Dean :Moore 22 & 23, Blk. 45, rmes 1l.90 Garbage H. Dean Moore 19 & 20, Blk. 36, rmes 17.00 Garbac;e II. Deun IEoore Part Trart II, Blk. 3, Bab & Davis 14 .80 Garbage N. J. DeJardine Part Blk. e, Tracy's 3rd. 17.00 Garbai;e T,:rs. W. s. Combs 13 and Part tract (Dixon), Blk. R 12 .43 Garboge Lindley: <.fJ'l..: GuY's H. Dean I.roore 22-24, Elk. 17, Park 36.08 Garbage Harold A. Fryslie II, Elk. 4, Nor. 7tI: IG.'10 Garbar: e William L. ll[yman 11-12, Blk. 7, Butte 20 .40 Garbaee H. Dean Foore Part 6, all 7, Blk 3, Violett 13.60 GarbaGe E. Dean !,loore Part 5, & G, Elk. 3, Violett 13.60 GarbaGe Eiza L. Shaw Part 6, all 15, and part 16, Blk A G.63 Carbage Tracy's 2nd L. G. Shadoan 7. nlk 2, Springclell 5.10 Ga.rbage Enrold A. Fryslie E 13' ( 4). r 11 ~5, and po. rt 2, B lk. F 17.1]() Garbage I~ous es 1st Harold A. FrysJ.ie 14 & 15, Blk D. Tracy's 1st 1'7.00 Garbagd ~I. Dean J;Ioore 14, Blk. D., P.P. 17.00 Garbag;e C.K. W:1.lson 1 & 2, nlk 43, N.F. t; Tract I, Babcock t: Davis 17 .00 Garbace II. D~an [:loore Part Blle 2. Deall's 1st 1[\.70 C:orba[:,e L. G. Shadoan 13 & 14, Elk G,'Iest Park 22.10 Gar bag e Harold A. Frys lie Part 10. all 11 to 15, Jlk F., O.P. 12.74 Garbs. ,'Sa I-J:arold A. Frys Ue I - 10, & 15-24, BIk. 22, }j.P. 17 . 00 Gar h'l.[; e Harold A. Frys lie Part 1-5, Blk. J., O.P. 17.00 Garbage I llRrald A. Fryslie 10-11., Part 14,. Elk. };'., Blac!{' s 12 .75 (' 1 'Jaroage Harold A. Fryslie Part 7ract T, -::~lk. I. PE~:rkins-S'bone 1'1.00 Gar 1)ag e Tob 1 0'602.26 It 'W98 mov0u by COlT!iJl:iss:ioner S8diVYI seconded by Co,,1"oicsi')::cr ~<~al~row, +hal; +;'p ?Jl::lic:::"tions be app'oved am. the DiJ'cctor of Finance be authorized to eYl+:er the n1)atements on:;Le tax records. Tho matieJD was oa1'1'i8(: b;y the i'ollO':r5.:c,[; Aye and No '\Tote: those votinG Aye llcing; I.:8yor Staude.her, Commissioner >'(,rrmv [,Wi C:()l~lr(li8r: ioner :~e(~jv;'t: th)".:.; vot:1.nC Fo, none. Shut-dovm Orc': er -- J. Vi. LJer z (Draine-i,;e Contractor on SID no. 424) The City T1'o.nager r8]:Jortcd that the contrac~or on the clra~no.ge phase of the ~')r:.struction of the i:;;lpro",;TC!~l,~r:,ts for :Jpedal ::-npr:"cTI1e:r-t District Fo. ,~24 had, bo('.ouse of adv';rs8 weather conditions, verlJal1J' requested tii!:\t he be 2;rantccl. a shut-do"m order. j1\)l1owinC the rccommemhtion of' the 8nt::~i,neers coneurr':J2. :il1 by the tilC City ;:Ctr1".C-:r, 5t was :"iOVCU l'y C')n1laissiolB" ~,IorrO'1j{, sQconded by COInl11iss j.oner Sedivy, thG:'G the enGiw"ers be instructed to isr; ue 8. pr8per s;n't-dm'.T11 order subject t.o -:,~:],.l s ("Jrctrnctor!" )roper ;,;rLl_rltc:c?Y'ce 0;[' -l-]"," 2::'l.:::;tin[; ",'ortjo)') of the "":.:r~tr~lct COI!:~':'.ctpr} [m'~ in campl ia.nce wit];, th8 contract documents oS' the project. ITJ1~~ ~.nti 01.1 V~~U) carric:: (1 '[JY -rll ':: <'cllowing _,~~,-,:, R:'.tl r:o "'ilote: -f<':.f:.SC -,.,.\,"/~,:, v i",.J:~'I ~J(JjY1G ~,.I~e.;:,,"or 8.taucla1."';.e~.'1 COTIl'T'.is!:; iOn81' 1,.1 or roY, ~)Jl (l .':;omm:ts c'iOll(':!1' ;;~~~; c: :~."'IoJ:I: those voting No, none. I Cla ims for l:ovember ~: ~."J. iIil :'.,T 0' i,,',. ~ ~ ::'. to 61(jG~ .Lnc 1\.,<:; ,~'v-o, ~r.rer~ prc.scl~"GcJ (/.I,~ .~.:lt2 1..rariOl13 f\.J.ncls as follows: T\.:r,u. Amount Fund Arrrc"mt I..~ ~ ~C, ~~" 3.1 ~:20,l:JO.12 Stree':~ G,olC.G3 ","ate1' 17,453..01 S.D.S. 3"SOO.CC ;.) ~,. ::1 r D. r~i. 1,0<14.08 Pc:.!'k 2../t38.SG Celr:.etery l,GOG.08 .E aJ.1 d 10.00 r:o.rb3{;e 5..CC9.73 :co';rkin[; ];ete:r- ";1138.12 Pol ic e T? ~s e:....\i.:.::~ D2:J . (30 I~.::,,"=,'~.S. [34;:'2.96 Cewl'cl'jnCare eo.oo s mF424 7~:J7)r'7.17 -.. ---T 189 Yund Amount Fund _^_r1l01.1Ilt -- SID 1/425 () , 1 GO . 3 ! S !:'J;?>12 6 '77 . 50 :"lmlrlins :20R::':} 337.00 Total .:;11.:2 J48[; .38 Tho C::t;y ~,I.':U'Qr:;er COmIl10rcted on '!:;h2 claims 8.n(', 8to.teu he }'ad audited tL::~.l 8)10 fOl.mc1 "el' em to I be true and lawf\ll clo. 51m3 aso.i.nst the City of EClZemD.J1 D.nll rec:)FIFlcFlcledchat the;,; l~e 8.:';;H'O'Ted 8.nd "\:;}cc Dire c'c:or elf Fi:nnnce clirect,ccl. t'J issv.c "'J8.rrar:tr:J -i.n :; 2.yme nt. After eX8.miYlc,t ion of the c Is. Lru.1 in detail n.nd c}12cking a[r:15::lst the claim r26ist8r, it 'Nas moved by Cornmiso:ioner ,'3edivy, 8cconoed by COlllinist,ioner l'or:;.'ow, tr,.')t all clC..l1~t) PC rr~:;si;~'..'J~~~'~' be a~':~:.c;yvecl ~\:r~I.: -~11'2 IilOt7.0~1 vrO.8 ca"':'::'~c. by tile; following Aye and I'o vote; those votinG Aye beinE; l:o..y01' ~;-cmHla'ner, COl:uniss ioner ]:~or)'ow and COllll'liss ionel- SecliVY;'~'~LOS e votinc No, none. Resolution No. 1060 -- Certifyinz Delinquent Taxes (1962) fwso1ut:1.on No. 1060 certifyins delinquent taxes in the anlouE',; of ~{4,22G.7G to tho County Trea:::;urcr vms prC:'cented. entitled: CQIiJDS:::IOl;- RECOCl'l'I0r; ::C. J.060 A RESOLUT ION or THE~m::"ISS JQrJ OF TILS CITY DF BC'3EL\N DEClARTIJG CEEl'/ln~ SPEC Hili iJ)SBSSl'.I~~:TT 2, JUE AlI1Jl PAYABLE lWV;:%IBER 30TH, 1962, lJTD DTP1.ID AS OF rrI-IAT DATE, AND C:Sl1':'A:rl'T O'H~RSPBCIAL ASSESSE_BNTS AND IE STAt T):): ~;],\.T s OF SPECIAL .A.!~);.:.~ESSI.'~::~?TS:l mrs A:;m PAYAT3V; 1JO'l3EBER 30TH, 19G2, AnD l'~;?AID, -:JELIlJ(:.l:EI.TT, AS ::1' ()'n 1) ET:' S Y CHl.PTER 2.:?2 (;F TH:;"; BO?'EJ,:AN t:Ti1'JICIPAL CODE AIm S:::;CTIOE 11-22::\3, POI..ITICAL CODE, R. c.;':., 1947 It was moved by COlnJ.liss bner LIorrow, seconded by Cornrrrisd.one~' Sedivy, tl'8.t the resolution be paslicd and ~~doFted nnd the motion vw.S 0arried b;,/ t.he fo l1ol'lin<~ Aye anG. Ho vote; th08e votins I Aye beinc ~jD.yor Staudallcr, Comr:lissioner Horrow and Commis:-; ioner SediV'J; those votinc lTo, 110!lC . Reports The followin'" l'81)Orts v/ere oresented to the Comuission; ~ - ~ "'1 . , t. ('7'. \ Libro~'ian roli-::c J:..F1se .' uor lua - J. on 01.'iO.) Disposal Plant Operator BuildinG I:nsrector Police Chief The City I\Tml8.cer COlr1J'1Bnted on the rerorts and reCOHll1!.cnded "\~hcil. approval. It "gns ':lQved b:;r Commissioner ScrJivy, seconded b:;r Commissioner Llorrow, that the re:;:lorts be ap;,roveo and ordered filed. Gnd the ,;Dtion YJUS (; al'ried b;r the fo llowin;:; }~ye [l_nd ~TO vote: tlo,ose votinr:; Aye beinc II~yar Str>..udaher, Coml!liss ioner Sedivy I and Cornmiss ioner }Torrow; th os e vot ine; IT 0, none. Joint Meetini:'~ with Gallatin County Board of Corr.missioners (Civil Defense) ~'he Gatllatin County Poard of Commissioners ::net in a ;Joint me-;tinc vrith the City COlrun- issioners to discuss the proGress of the civil defense Fall-out shelter rro[':ran in CA.l1atin County. Cha irman Dr 03e of'the County Cammissioners reported on the 1'1'0[;reSS b':.ing; made and s to. te d that Sh?df'f D. J. Skerritt, t11e present civil defense director. has mai led he se forms to 01:'11101'8 of buildings which llave been approved as structures suitable for the proGram. It V,8.S agreed that the ap ~ointmetl t of a county dil' ec.tor for the pro:;I'3Jll would be the reGpons ibili-bJ of county oi' fieif'.ls, and that the City ~i:r.\11ager would act as u oordinator for the City. I Mode 1 Ordimmoe -- Speoial Licensing; of Businesses Offerhb i'roducts l-roduced in Comnunist Controlled Courrtries City officials discussed a model ordinance novr beinG circulated in the United Si.AJ.tes 'Which wou_ld require specj 0.1 lice~sinE of businesses offering produ~ts produced by COTillTnmist labor. Although all were in favor of making every effort to combat Comnnmism, i'~ wa s aGreed that because of the scope of the ~tter it should be fully investiGated and discussed with local businessmen before further action. 190 lrljournment There being no further bus iness to come before the Commission a.t this time it was moved by Cormnisf;ioner Morrow# seconded by Commissioner Sedivy# thE,t the meetinz; adjourn. The motion 'WaS carried by the follovdne; Aye a.nd No vote: those votin;:; Aye being; Meyor Staudaher# COl111'lissioner 2;edivy and Conunissioner ldorrow; those voting No# none. I ~~ - b3.yor ATTEST: ~ e /~t/~~~ - Cleaf the Co_ssion - - - I I