HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-19-16 CC Mtg - SP2. Neighborhood Parking Data Presentation - Supplemental Materials (Distributed at Meeting) 'E 9HJRr Si - 4 _ ; W Hf A+L Sl �.c p t l t _ � • Proposed W�, a+emu• -� -��,.;- s Residents-Only t Parking District W ilryg. W'URTM �a O ... -„-� BpNA needs managed parking Densely developed with narrow streets and shared driveways in historic overlay district—we need on-street ,, ;#91F parking for residents. • Host to many visitors for events downtown, at Bogert and Lindley Parks - - one million? :. +• _ • De facto overflow parking for downtown • Development and downtown parking decisions are intensifying existing parking pressure on our neighborhood. • Concerns PRE-DATE Black Olive but will be affected by the project. BFNA Count Aug �_�^��; 2®16 Method based on recommendations of consultant to Bozeman Parking Commission • For 7 days,we wrote down license plate numbers on select streets evety two hours,from 8 a.m.until 2 a.m. During daylight,most counts photo documented. Six teams,6 man weeks,240 hrs - available space occupied �•; 1 Vehicle identity—resident? Visitor? Downtown employee? Section IDayofuv Dates Isam 110am 112pm j2pm 14PM 16pm Bpm 110pm I12am I2am Ihunday -Aug�. idday 19-Aug Salwday 24Aug A'M.y 21-nug Monday 22-Aug Tuesday 2g-nug Wednesday 24-Aug Montlay 22-Aug Tuesday 23-Avg Wednesday 24-Au9 2 Lindley Place/Koch lhunday 2S.Aug Friday 26-Aug Saturday 22-Aug SU.My "Me Thursday IRNig Fdday 1SAng S-day 24Aug Su. M d 2-nug _ Monda. 2y 2-Aug — Tueaday 23-Aug Wednesday Ia-nng Thursday La.Aug — hiday L9.Aug Sale,d.y 24And ug y Sunday 21-nug Mandy 2I-Aug Tuesday 23-Aug Wednesday 24Aug ss/Wallace/OIIV Thursday 1Rnna fliss/Wallace/Olt idday 19-nng Curtiss/Wallace/OIIV Saturday x4nug 5 Curtiss/Wallace/OIIV xmday n-nug CurtM/1Wallac!/OIIV Monday n-Aug cl'"St/Wallae¢/OIIV Tuesday 3T-Aug eurtlss/Wallaee/Oil;; wedneaday z4-nug .1— J11,nd,, MAugOliveFdday 19-Aug OuSaturday6 Olrvc• wndayoMondayTucsday 23-Aug nhe• 1:@dnn4av 2U nng 12/19/2016 1)'m III ow I P.,I k1I,g 1,•1 t.1 i , lull BOZE MAN' r -- i E� I • A�rl ll-, ty.MIH iy.11lw 4AM rrrrrrrrir +•�rrrrrrrr ♦rrrrrr;rr rrrrrrrr�r to a o t �+rrrrrrr,�� a�rrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr �a tease saaaa ttts t rasa r at seat tt a tt as t o a et t ss jty♦ e� eatte� atata�aeaa st�tatt}�tt ae�a�isaatt4et�a�es I r� 12/19/2016 2 - Lindley Place Lindley Plarr .. A.y.��r� A.�..t rr ArO.a)rt• r...t t,h ......t nw .r».. IIIIIIIIIN�II � � �� � 111 � 111 I � Ii� ��lllll I � � ldtttttttt tttt??teat ddt?tttt!! tJtt????i9 llttt?ttt3 ldtt?tt103 tlttttttd! ♦afIPaP181 f IlPPPBdd rrPsrrffrp dPdllrBrdr dff188irPP PIIIIfPfff rrfffdPade f8I11It11r f�1i11PIfd IlllPlPdBd dBdlPlrrfl 111ldlllld dfdlllftll IBIPItIBfb .J,...gJ, •1�......JJ :Jw•. .. .. `JJ` 3J'.wwJ�. ,�Jw•w .. :J'...gJ . Story A.,"1/IA Aw.-A Mh A,.,gm A�,..210 A,.,lhd A c-I all A.q.e11M (Th-14 r) If"d") (%O-d.rl ts-ur rl Im-d-VI I I"W) rv+nbr.mn) 3l��,+��l3d da'�c'.�:,a�'�►3 �9e':','A:�►3 d��'+'�,'::93 die+��,i?e'd3 �3+',a:�?;�d .��aasaa'�d9 S88S888885 S$58888888 888$$86688 8858688S8B 88a'88d'5888 88$Bd'B6'$S8 88SSs88888 d8888888d8 8d888888$d 8d888$88d8 8888888888 88d8$88888 8dd$8888$8 88d$8$888d !\!�\!u!�`\ •;+\.�lO;� •\!;hl�l1+\ !O\\h!! ti\\h •"\.♦!;;\ !;\\hw!!4;♦ •;y h•r�0,\h 4 12/19/2016 I - Church Church,Bogart A.n.N IJ• A.y,.N l•1� AyrI NM A.pNr llM AyrJYN Ayr JYa A�rl ll► IrA...Jnl ►r.Awl 1\N,.anf I/..ar� IMwr•1) fn.Ml I�wMI Mai\N iirrrrrriiZAVIiirrrrrrii iirrrrrrii iirrrrrrii iirrrrrrii iirrrrrrii iirrrrrrii ♦P BdIedBB sp►dd888dBe 81eP••8dds 88••I•••Pd dddd•teI,4• • •dP•P PB dd1•IP•• •♦ ep•e:aas dllb'Pd888P P•PP88B8d'd 8`688d88P•8 ddPladll`• •at•ddPP�dd IfB•�tdd�� Wallace Wallace A.�.N IJ'^ A"FNfM Ay,r lM AMny tlr Ayr lYr yrJ•A yrw In..dnl ►..Awl M1+.AnI IWwI Mrirh rl�.+,l rw.a.rnl iirrrrrrii iirrrrrrri iirrrrrrrr iirrrrrrii iirrrrrrii rrrrrrrrrr rirrrrrrii r•�I�i�a��•'�•a c�iae�t►�i d t o�����i e� ���i i iir a s�fi i��i i� i�i i�i,��,�`���•��e<��i�� 5 12/19/2016 • — Curtiss C rif Av/vrt l9,h �uN,t i91h ayW xtvn AupL 21r1 ayr�lLb WnI xLC r. IIh•rruf.,) (I,IAry) rlaYrbr! M ) IMorrlry) (I�eWryj �a - _ ddv;' .'dd9 dld.rt::�'dd 33'�::iPd3 —��� :233 •'v:ldd::�'d d3: ;w':'3: dd'BddBfidfi$ d$ 8d8B8Ba• b•8S888fi68N xa88xS888d 8fid8dddd38 BBdBr?,�SSsB r"88r;',•.:;r't$d 8888888ddd 8$$d8ZQ8d8B N8888BddRd a88S888Rd8 d89N88dddd 88dd88b,d+>r^ Au(Utl 1llh Au6Utl 191h nullu.t xmh Auguvt 211t Ayuu 7xnd Aueu,r x"1 (Ihuraday) (Friday) ivanrrJayl (Sunday) IMmd+vl Iru.,d.y) Ayufl xJur l�/�dne.arl g� aSSB$y8 dB� d¢d�BrY 8fi$fig�68y$ �daddad434 €$da&acaxa 5Q¢MpS&trtiY adNaoeh�c,d; . vo^v ♦�.y�sr � � �� . o, nod. so ♦ �ti h � ♦y• .a 6 • • • MNN i E M OT •� Fi il••In wrJw. . .)u+yl,d M• What ab®�.�t development? Black Olive project will need at least 15 on street spaces • One per household,55 households,35 onsite parking spaces,5 smart cars=ig spaces • All existing parking districts provide access to 2 onstreet spaces per household • In other parts of Bozeman,statute requires i parking space per bedroom • What if BO tenants/buyers actually own 2 cars per household? • US average is 2.28 vehicles(http://www.autosuies.com/news/Study-Finds-Americans-Own-2- 28-Vehicles-Per-Household-26ac�) • The BO project could need i5+55 spaces= 7O onstreet spaces 12/19/2016 August 18th August 19th I August 20th August 2ISt August 22nd August 23rd August 24th(Wednesday) (Thursday) (Friday) (Saturday) (Sunday) (Monday) (Tuesday) aril, ------- ---- i T i11lII�r�Mo Atli" O hp N �V August 18th August 19th Augustr20th August 21St August 22nd Auyusl 11,1 Aueusc 24th(Wednesday) (Thursday) (Friday) (Saturday) (Sunday) (Monday) (Tuesday) INS gpppmw N g v, 8 12/19/2016 Olive Street August 18th August 19th August 20th August 21st Augurt22nd August 23rd puguss 271h I1"Jednesday) Thursday) (Friday) (Saturday) (Sunday) (Monday) IT—day) c Y 154 •b South Bozeman Ave August 18th August 19th August 20th August2151 Augurt22nd August 23rd August 24th (Thursday) (Friday) (5alu rday) (Sunday) (Monday) ITuesday) (Wednesday) 7. Farmers Market -. FF�'Q.TFf FF�� F�$'2'2'FF2'F2'2' 2'2'f F��FbF'�dr v�P�dgE�-d'FdfP'�P`tr dr.�'�'FQ'F4�4s��� PFQ$FFFF2'F�T 2' F£FFFFFFFF P P Q 4 4 4 4 P Q Q Q Q Q Q P P P..pp P 4 4 4 4 4 n4 4 4 4p 9 4 4 4 4 Q Qg 4 4 4 P 9Py P 4 4 4 4 4 4 P P g a9g88 SS$fgg <Qg>�88$88..8 $}aBggg S.pg88 9fY B(�Y 88�f?S�� $Ng88889598$8 8p8_$$�Y>�$g$ YN$y�$�,8$8g5� gg�1�8S8}�85� 881�$g S8888 ��885?814Y 8g Y8fY888g$gl4 CQ$Y$$$NN88 �5?t48tQ t4gg8t4 588�,88$8�8 4,Y0'ti N'ObbtiO"ry'N b',O,YN'VPbbOY'yN b'ti0'F'KP bb"OVN O0,N"htr bbYyN b^"N Ntr b0�0'�:N b',o^N PbroO"YN by�N boti Tt—jhr) 9 d1rUz1.a. l..t. k • Citizen participation in democracy=hard work? Good coverage,no incidents • Quiet week in late summer,to ensure that we caught summer festivals. • Day tithe use is higher during the school year. Spaces are more limited Nrith snow. • Concern that pressure from the B3 core potential changes in downtown parking,and high-density in-fill development will make things NINH worse • As streets in the outer neighborh9od re overrun,impacts will move inward to currently unaffected streets like Story and Lindley an Kocy. We therefore request that the council consider our request for a resident-only.parking district. We have collected 73 resident signatures to support this proposal. WHY A. . A .IKI��aJ G DISTRICT?? 'a • Control parking during periods of high Municipal Code Section 36.04.330 impact Designate a residential parking permit areas • Reduce noise,traffic hazards, because BPNA is: congestion,trash,crime 1.Predominantly residential in character; • Manage future impacts 2.An area the streets of which are • Establish residential access to on regularly congested with vehicles parked street parking by persons not residing in the area;and • Enable city to develop resources 3•An area where limiting the parking of needed for enforcement of parking vehicles along the public streets better • Identify people who are not allowed to provides adequate motor vehicle parking park for residents of the area;and the creation of a residential parking permit area in the • 15 vs.70—identifying the extra cars residential area under consideration would further one or more of the following objectives: a.Promoting tranquility among commuters and residents; b.Reducing noise; c.Reducing traffic hazards;or d.Reducing litter. We ask your help in protecting our access to our homes and our peaceful, safe quality of life. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND CONST_DERATION! .t u Jim AI ,. t Legal Description • 2 hours only nonresidents parking. Residents may purchase vehicle and guest permits. Alternatively,resident-only parking from 9 p.m.to 12 noon. • South Bozeman Avenue(both sides),from East Olive South to Koch Street;Koch Street(both sides)from South Bozeman Avenue east to Bogert Park;Lindley Place(both sides)north to East Olive;East Olive(both sides)from Black Street east to Wallace Avenue; Curtis Avenue(south side),from Wallace to Church; Church Avenue(east side)from East Olive to Bogert Place;Bogert Place from Church to Story. • • • 4 Report sunin�arizing results of BPNA Parking Count This presentation Available at 1.�ttps://4�sv�v.c1►•��pbnx.coi3i/sh/owjxw4�11c�dkic�ga/AAAc�Io-bjW�Bs-YdYF4.jTI'ga?dl=o Dint ntmv IIt',1101w D,I to Cnl le,tin❑AI -,I Un,L E MANnr a • l� Lef/sl�cna r 4r r„1.,�..a e„ 11 M SMI I.WO fee[ PROPOSAL: Creation of a twenty-four hour residential parking district for the streets marked in black above. We propose that parking will be limited to two hours for those without a Resident Parking Permit or a Guest permit. An alternative acceptable to most residents would be to limit parking to residents only, between the hours of 9 p.m. and 12 p.m. noon. Both plans will allow parking for downtown access during the afternoon and evenings, while discouraging day long parking, late night parking, and long term parking by non-residents. The proposed parking district will extend(clockwise)from the corner of East Olive Street and Black Street, east to the northwest corner of Olive and Wallace;from Curtis south to end of Wallace, west on Curtis Street to Church Street. Also, Church Street south to Bogert Place, west to end of Bogert Place. And, Lindley Place south to Koch, Koch west to S. Bozeman Ave, and S. Bozeman Ave north to East Olive Street. Both sides of all streets would be included, except for Wallace from Olive to Curtis, which is dominantly commercial development. The specific boundaries and time frames for management of this BPNA Residents Only Parking District are open for public comment and will be negotiated during the public review by the City Commission. Residents will have the opportunity to buy tags for up to two of their own vehicle and for guests. They are also able to request a parking holiday from the City for a special event (e.g., large BBQ, house party, etc.). The annual cost of Resident Only Parking District tags is generally between $40 to$60 per vehicle and$10 per guest, in existing districts, but these fees may increase to allow the City to have adequate funds to enforce the district. Costs also will be finalized during the public review by the City Commission. JUSTIFICATION AND DISCUSSION: Residents in our neighborhood are experiencing difficulty finding parking near their homes. Our neighborhood is predominantly residential in character, and is regularly congested with vehicles parked by persons not residing in the area. Controlling the ongoing use of our residential neighborhood as overflow parking for downtown would improve its tranquility and reduce excess noise, litter, traffic hazards, and crime. We are especially troubled by congestion during downtown and city park events, daytime parking by downtown and federal building employees, and late night noise. This qualifies us under Section 36.04.330 of the Bozeman MT Code of Ordinance to request a Residential On-street Parking Permit Regulation Program. Based on data collected in late August and feedback from multiple residents,those signing this petition conclude that a parking district for the streets shown above would be beneficial. These streets experience high levels of impact (noise, litter)and congestion, or are likely to receive more congestion once a parking district is implemented. Impacts vary within these areas, with heaviest impact in some areas during evening and nighttime hours, and during daytime hours in others. We note that our counting data represent only one week in late summer; daytime use is presently notably higher than was measured at that time. It is our hope that more data can be collected throughout the year by the City to describe parking use, as part of the B3 parking district study that is currently out for bid. However, there is no parking commission funding currently available for assessment of our neighborhood within this program. Waiting for many months to establish this district does not meet resident needs. We therefore propose creation of a district now,with modification later as additional data become available. Resident discussions about this proposal can be reviewed on the Next Door website. Our August data can be found at: https://www.droDbox.cone/sh/owixw8dlgdkigAg/AAAgIO-biWSBs-YdYF4 [J FRa?dl:-:0 While a 24 hour a day district would address all resident needs, it would not allow us to accommodate present use of our neighborhood for parking during social events held downtown and in the City Parks, such as the car show, Music on Main, and Farmers Market. Limiting parking to 2 hours, or breaking up access during the business day,will reduce the number of vehicles left for an extended time, such as for a full day by downtown and federal building workers, thus encouraging them to park elsewhere on a routine basis. It will also reduce long term parking of vehicles by non- residents and eliminate parking in our neighborhood by late night bar patrons who are often noisy, messy, and prone to breaking the law. If impacts change as a result of event management and city parking policies, or new parking count data suggest an alternative plan next year, we will have the right to modify this district, both in dimension and hours of enforcement. MOST IMPORTANTLY, this parking district will allow us to track how residents (and non-residents)are using on-street parking in our neighborhood. By definition, the parking district will be enforced. Vehicles that do not belong to permitted residents will be ticketed during the Resident Only hours. This is very important as large-scale, high density development begins in our area. We need to understand how much space is available and how these projects (which assume no more than 1 vehicle per household, and in reality are required to provide less than I per household, in spite of a national average of 2.28 vehicles per household)will actually impact our quality of life. This would provide information needed to revise existing, inadequate regulations prior to development of future projects. PUBLIC COMMENT: The Residential On-Street Parking Permit Regulation Program must be approved by the Bozeman City Commission. Your signature on this petition will encourage their full consideration of this proposal, which you will be able to comment on in public review. We plan to submit this in the coming weeks. BPNA Parking District Petition I hereby ask the Bozeman City Council and Parking Commission to support development of the BPNA parking District, as described in the attached handout. The proposed district lies within the block bounded by East Olive to the north, Koch to the south, Wallace on the east and Black on the west. The proposed district would allow 2 hour parkingfor non-residents, all day, with extended parking allowed for permitted residents. Alternatively, 9 pm to 12 Noon would also meet our objectives. Thank you for considering this proposal. 23PNA Parking District Pet,itrimr: hereby petition the Bozeman Parking Commission and the Bozeman City Commr ssison to create a BPNA Parking District as described in the attached phoi© and language Name Address i Signatu-re 6 7 rep �4;�:- rIII io /;. 12 11 mil. � - �vYy,•C' �2 _ � � ,�, ' � � J / 13 t ram' 14 a� Z •- --yam . L {�..__.__.......... _ 15 16 17 — 18 1 �—' 19 Y/VV 7/f 20 21 22 23 24 z 25 tVL v 26 27 28 29 "r 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 eL 39 40 DvA a�gqw U-vu-� 41 r7lvl�s&vy zwo e 40c4--, 42 Z 43 2 BBNA Parking District Petition I hereby ask the Bozeman City Council and Barking Commission to support development of the BPNA parking District, as described in th e attached handout. The proposed district lies within the block bounded by East Olive to the north, Koch to the south, Wallace on the east and Black on the west. The proposed district would allow 2 hour parking for non-residents, all day, with ex.ended parking allowed for permitted residents. Alternatively, 9 pm to 12 Noon would also meet our objectives. Thank you for considering this proposal. Name Address 1 _ _ Signature /' ,yi�„�`�,._` ` r, ,,cam 9 10 j �v 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 BPNA Parking District Petition I hereby ask the Bozeman City Council and Parking Commission to support development of the BPNA parking District, as described in the attached handout. The proposed district lies within the block bounded by East Olive to the north, Koch to the south, Wallace on the east and Black on the west. The proposed district would allow 2 hour parking for non-residents, all day, with extended parking allowed for permitted residents. Alternatively, 9 pm to 12 Noon would also meet our objectives. Thank you for considering this 23 /VISS proposal. 2425 27 C Ca+� v ZO S 28 v �'ZIP �. �+ p c_ c� u4:+•rJ 29 30 31 /line o„Z v Z 'r�� 17 32 M �v� �Q�r� � /O6 �• � �T �i�—�.l' '� 33 _VIv° 1Z L�C9 e S" Sj ,r•1 34 35 , 4�iterc S . rf 36 2 4" pl a-r-e BUZ.e� P.i 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48