HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-04-11 63 Bozeman, Montana April 11, 1962 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commis- sion Room, City Hall Building, Wednesday, April II, 1962 at I:OO o'clock p.m. I Presen t were Ma yor Staudaher, Connnissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Morrow, Ci ty Manager Cutting, City Attorney Berg and the Clerk The following proceedings were had: Minutes of the last regular session were read and it was moved by Commis- sioner Morrow, seconded by Commissioner SediVY, that the minutes be approved as read and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Staudaher, Commissioner Morrow, and Commissioner Sedivy; those vo ting No, none. Purchase of Air Compressor The City Engineer reported he had completed his tabulation and study of the bids opened on April 4th for the purchase of a new rotary type air compressor for the Water Department and that the bid of the Hall-Perry Machinery Co. appears to be the lowest and best bid in the interest of the City. The City Manager, in concurrance with the City Engineer, recommended that this low bld be accepted and purchase order for the compressor be issued accordingly. It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Morrow, that purchase of the Joy I compressor from the Hall-Perry Machinery Company of Butte, Montana be approved on the basis of its low bid of $4,938.47 and the motion was carried by the follow- ing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Staudaher, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Morrow; those voting No, none. pa triot' s Day -- April 19, 1962 R. B. McCulloch of the local American Legion Post appeared to request that Mayor Staudaher issue a proclama tion to designa te April 19th as Patriot's Day te c ommemora te Paul Revere's ride and observe other patriotic programs, also, that the Commission authorize the display of the City's American Flags on that da te . It was moved by Commissioner Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the request be granted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vo te : those voting Aye being Mayor Staudaher, Commissioner Morrow and Commis- sioner Sedivy; those voting No, none. Offer to Purchase Elk's ~roperty -- (Old Country Club) As a result of a rnlmber of informal discussions between City Officials and I representatives of the Bozeman Elk's Lodge, purchase of a tract of land in the eastern environs of Bozeman belonging to the Lodge and sometimes known as the - "Old Country Club", was cons idered by the Board of Trus tees of Bozeman's Suns et Hills Cemetery at its meeting held on April 10, 1962. The Board recommended, in view of a definite need for additional ground for the Cemetery that will develop llVithin the next tan or fifteen years, that the City purchase this property that has now been placed on the market. The City Manager concurred in both the stated need for the additional ground and in the recommendation that this property of 64 the Elk's Lodge be purchased by the City. It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Morrow, that the City Manager be authorized and directed to inl tia te the proper procedure for the purchase of the property and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Staudaher, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Morrow; those voting No, none. Petition for Sanitary Sewer Trunk Line -- Hillcrest Home Area I A petition to create a special improvement district for the construction of a sewer trunk line to serve the property in the Hillcrest Home site and adjacent areas was placed before the Commission. It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Morrow, that the City Engineer be instructed to ascertain district boundaries for maximum participation in the project, the City Attorney be directed to prepare a resolution of intention to create the district, and that proper application be filed with the Water Pollution Control Agency to request federal participation in the project. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Staudaher, Commissioner Sedivy and CommisRioner Morrow; those voting No, none. Request -- Extend City Limits to the Sou th A map prepared to designate some 117 acres of land in an area lying east of Third Avenue and south of the south City limits which the property owners desire to have incorporated within the limits of the City of Bozeman was placed before the Commission. The City Manager recommended that the proposed plat be completed in detail and the plan referred to the City-County Planning Board for I its recommendation. The members of the City Commission concurred in the Manager's recommendation. Motor Business Zone -- Office Building Permitted Representatives from the Montana Power Company appeared topresent a pre- liminary layout plan of its new office building proposed to be constructed at the southwest corner of Tenth Avenue ~md Main Street. The Company requested an interpretation of Chapter 17.08 of the Bozeman Municipal Code as it applies to office buildings in Section (6), "ME" Motor Business Zone. The City Attorney advised the Commission that, in his opinion, the provisions of Ordinance No. 818 would not exclude the construction of this office building in the Motor Business Zone. Members of the City-County Planning Board and the Board of Adjustment pre- sent at the meeting concurred in the opinion of the City Attorney. It was moved by Commissioner Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that interpretation of the applicable provisions of the Code by the Commission is that construction of this proposed office building as presen ted in the "MB" Motor Business Zone is a permitted use in tha t Zone. The motion was carried by the following Aye and I No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Staudaher, Commissioner Morrow and Commis- s ioner Sedivy; those voting No, none. Jaycees Plan for Posting of American Flags -- Contingent Approvel Leonard Malbe of the local Jaycees again appeared to discuss the group t s plan for the displaying of American flags on twelve designated dates by attach- ing the brackets holding the staffs to the parking meter posts. It was moved by 65 Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Morrow, that the City approve the year plan subject to a 30-day revocation notice, effective May 1st of each/, and a representative of the Jaycees contacting the City Attorney to draft an agreement incorporating the matters of liability insurance coverage, property damages, e tc . , which would be mutually agreeable to both the City and the Jaycees. The motion I was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Staudaher, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Morrow; those voting No, none. American Legion Auxiliary Poppy Sale -- Friday May 25th A request from the local unit of the American Legion Auxiliary to stage its annual Poppy Sale, Friday, May 25th, was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that permission be granted 98 requested and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Staudaher, Commissioner Morrow and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none. Reinve s tmeTI t -- Water Funds ($70,000) The Director of Finance reported that $70.000 of Water fund investments are maturing and requested authority to reinvest the funds in like securities, Treasury Bills. The City Manager recommended that the reinvestment be approved and it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Morrow, that the reinvestment, as requested, be approved and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor 0taudaher, Commissioner I Sedivy and Commissioner Morrow; those voting No, none. Boy Scou t Parade -- Saturday, April 14th It was reported that the Boy Scouts have requested permission to stage a parade on Main street, Saturday, April 14th, at 3:30 p.m. It was moved by Commis- sioner Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that permission to conduct the parade be approved and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Staudaher, Commissioner Morrow and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none. Au thori ty to Travel -- Governor's Conference and Municipal Lear,;ue Meeting It was reported the Governor's Conference and ~Jon tana Municipal League , Meeting is to be held in Helena, April 12th and 13th. The City Manager recom- mended that authority be granted for members of the Commission and the City Mana- ger to attend the meeting and that, it being in the public interest, the i:r lSxpens es incl1rrerl to atce:ld the meeting be paid from the General Fund. It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Morrow, that the travel as recom- mended by the City Manager be authorized and the motion was carried by the follow- I ing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Staudaher, Commissioner Sedlvy, and Commissioner Morrow; those voting No, none. State Examiners' Work Shop for City Clerks & Treasurers The City Manager reported the State Examiners' Work Shop tor City Clerks and Treasurers is to be conducted at Helena, April 12th. He requested that the Direc- tor of Finance and the City Clerk be granted authoritJ.,. to attend the meeting, and it being in the public interest, their expenses to attend the meeting be paid from 66 the General Fund. It was moved by COnL.'llissioner Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Sedi vy, that the attendance of the above named be granted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Staudaher, .Conrrnissioner Morrow and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No., none. Reports for March The following reports for February, 1962 were presented: I Sanitarian Cashier Cemetery Water Collector The City Manager stated the reports were in order and recommended their appro~ral. It was moved by CommisRioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Morrow, that the reports be approved and filed and the motion was carried by the following . Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Staudaher, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Morrow; those voting No, none. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time it was moved by CommisRioner Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that tile meeting adjourn and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor staudaher, Commissioner Morrow and Conrrnissioner Sedivy; those vo ting No, none. ?m?l~L Mayor ATTES.T: .g0~/ I Clerk of the City Commission ----- I .