HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-01-16 BABAB MinutesBABAB Meeting Notes June 1, 2016 Present: James Lusby, Jason Karp, Candace Mastel, Tony LeBaron, Rebecca Gleason, Dillon Warn Public: Danielle Scharff, Tom Keck (Collins Coalition) A.Meeting called to order at 6:07 p.m. B.Approve May Meeting Minutes (did we do this?) C.Public Comment 1.Collins Coalition Update, Tom Keck -What is status of separated path along North 19th Avenue? -Usually there's a fund raiser for separated bike and pedestrian paths, they raised $10K for that specific trail -Did not do a typical bike ride at the Ridge this year, but are doing a Big Brothers Big Sisters ride in Three Forks, Outdoor Explorers, sponsored by Gallatin Forest; leave Headwaters State Park and come back to park in Three Forks (Date: June 18) -Donations will go directly to Outdoor Explorers Program and also monies to develop safe community trail systems (originally focused on Belgrade to Bozeman path) in general; public is invited; four bikes for use by Bigs/Littles and one will be raffled to Bigs/Littles (purchased from Bike Kitchen) -Any ideas of where we can get trailer for a good deal? -Candace suggested that maybe Tom could connect with MSU FGH about their surplus of kids bikes pulled from racks in housing; Tom would prefer if all donated bikes are ultimately routed through Bike Kitchen so they are fixed -Tom handed out postcard with Collin's Coalition information D.Level of Service and Travel Projections, Rebecca Gleason -Rebecca sent everyone a handout called (Chapter 7) "Challenging the Justification for Large Road Projects." -LOS is based on automobile delay, not delay or other user issues -We should be asking how we can make streets good for everyone vs. just for cars -Rebecca asked if LOS should be a topic that BABAB has a position on -Candace mentioned that maybe we should offer commission positive solution for how LOS is just one part of analysis of intersection and street design -Rebecca will send handout out again for next month's discussion -Rebecca said that there’s a good publication that might be worth a read by the board members "A Citizens Guide to Better Streets" E.BABAB Kagy Boulevard Reconstruction Subcommittee, Tony LeBaron -3-lane configuration; protected bike lanes and sidewalks -Danielle said that letter should be addressed to City Commission or "Design Team," sent to Danielle and Commission email -Danielle said stakeholder group said 3-lane option is only addressing current demand (the concern is shared by one of the commissioners); Danielle asked what the board thought about having two lanes in each direction with no turning lane vs. two lanes in each direction with a turning lane (would keep width down)? -Jason said that fast drivers set pace on multiple or five-lane configuration -Jason is concerned that if we just focus on car capacity we'll get an unsatisfactory result -Rebecca said that many communities with multi-lane roundabouts are undergoing a "road diet" because they don't work very well -Candace talked about experience on Shiloh Road in Billings, which seems like it would be similar to what is proposed on Kagy Blvd. -James said that Bend, OR used three-lane roundabouts and they have worked well -Rebecca said that larger roundabouts discourage biking and walking -James said that draft letter that sub-committee put together in a very biased way towards bicyclists...look at big picture incorporating that all modes need to be equally treated -Danielle needs letter before July 18th; Tony to distribute draft to larger board soon via email; to be decided on in June meeting -Danielle said next Kagy stakeholder meeting is on June 29​th F.Bozeman-Belgrade Trail, Dillon Warn -The meeting that Ralph set up was cancelled -Can BABAB have dedicated person or two that wants to be involved in being an advocate? -Dillon asked if Jason wants to be the lead on this; Jason said the meeting was cancelled the day before; Craig Woolard cancelled the meeting -Jason said a corridor study is happening with RPA (Jeff Key) (for the next year) looking at Frontage Road, from Griffin to Jackrabbit Lane (public meetings will ultimately happen) -Danielle added that a corridor study is basically a master plan for the corridor including crash volumes, turn lanes, LOS, trails, bike and ped improvements for corridor, environmental component (200 ft. extension past road), etc. -Ralph Zimmer will be involved in corridor study G.Feedback for City Commissioners, Rebecca Gleason -At the Commission presentation, Commisoner Miehl had questions about what projects did we want to see done in the future -Rebecca said that one of three projects got implemented since 2012 (bike lanes painted on 23rd) -Rebecca said that what she heard was commission wants highest priority projects for next few years that are actually implementable -Rebecca's priorities are intersection treatments and connectivity at South 23rd Avenue and Main Street; bicycle boulevard network (sharrows)/traffic calming -Jason added that Highland path is bad; who maintains this? -Candace suggested that four way uncontrolled stops are dangerous and if we maybe reconfigure these or provide stops we could control traffic better, especially for bikes -Tony described what Sharrows were...no legal or binding law on how to the use of the symbol, merely suggestive -Rebecca said we should follow up with Commissioners with an email and add that maybe at Grand Avenue we try bicycle boulevard improvements (Rebecca is not sure what right street is to try this beta project) -Candace suggested we connect with Natalie Meyer, Sustainability Director for COB and see if she can be a positive voice for BABAB to City H.Bike to Work Week Feedback, Rebecca Gleason -10% increase in attendance -Tony said that panel at MSU was successful, about 50 people came I.May Commuter Challenge Update -Pretty successful this year -Maybe get plastic seat covers for next year's effort as giveaways...James will get me info on a vendor for this potentially -Rebecca said that Bike Walk Montana purchased software but there were some glitches this year J.July Meeting -No one has been scheduled for chairing the July meeting K.Old Business L.New Business -Starting in August we will not be able to have meeting at City Hall due to being used for classroom -Dillon will not be at July meeting so who will chair board? M.Meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m.