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Bozeman, 1'1ontana
18 Nay 19(,6
The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, City Hall
Building, Wednesday, 18 May 1966, at 1:00 o'clock p.m. Present were Mayor Sedivy, Commissioner Morrow,
COlumissioner Langohr, City Manager Cutting, Ass't City Manager Pryslie, City Attorney Berg and the Clerk.
Mayor Sedivy opened the meeting with a prayer and the following proceedings were had:
Minutes of the last regular session held Wednesday, 11 May 1966, were read and it was moved by
Commissioner 1.angohr, seconded by COlluuissioner Horrow, that the minutes be approved as read, and the
motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being COlllI11issioner Langohr,
Commissioner Morrow and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none.
~EJ.0.icatLotl for Business License: _. "Lazy Hones" Furniture Company., Eas L HaLn S i".reet (Indus t:r jal. Zone):
James G. Worthington representing "Lazy Bones" Furniture Company located at 702 East Nain Street
appeared before the Commission to request approval of that firms application for a business !icense
to locate and operate the "Lazy Bones':' Furniture Company at this address in accordance with the provisions
of Zoning Ordinance No. 637. After discussing the above request, it was moved by Commissioner Morrow,
seconded by Commissioner Langohr, that the application for a business license to locate and operate
the "Lazy Bones" Furniture Company in the Industria! Zone at 702 East Main Street be approved and
the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Morrow,
Commissioner Langohr and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none.
Co~~-i.butions for City Flag: \-lorld \-Jar I Veteran:; and Auxili.i1l-Y:
George J. Stublar, Barracks Commander of Gallatin County Barracks No. 1346 Veterans of World
War I and Mrs. Angeline J. Wittman Auxiliary President along with Wesley Glass, Ruby M. Glass, pau!
B. Smith and Joseph lvittman also members of the Veterans of l-1or1d War I or its Auxiliary appeared
before the Commission to present to the City contributions of $83.25 from the Veterans and $25.00
for the Auxiliary, a total of $108.25 for the purpose of purchasing the new City Flag to be flown on
the third mast in front of Bozeman's new Municipal Building.
Mayor Sedivy, Commissioner Morrow and Commissioner Langohr each expressed the appreciation and
gratitude of the City Administration for the generous contributions, splendid gesture and the inspiring
interest in public affairs of the World War 1 Veterans and Auxiliary toward the community of Bozeman.
No-Parking s'gns on Hain Street off of 8th Avenue - Hmvard Nyc and Floyd IV. Jenki11f:;
Howard Nye, 815 W. Main and Floyd W. Jenkins 821 W. Main Street appeared before the Commission
to inquire \\That could be done about the no-parking signs just installed in front of their homes and business
establishments on West Main, Street between Seventh Avenue and Ninth Avenue in Connection Hith the
traffic control median system painted on the pavement. The interested parties of this area were informed
that the traffic controls and parking restrictions just installed were placed as a part of the Main
Street reconstruction project and in accordance with State Highway Commission plans for that Federal
Aiel pro j ec t.
Follm\ling discussion of the parking problem in the area on HeRt Hain Strect between Seventh AVenue
and Ninth Avenue and what possibility there would be for 1'10c1ifying on street parking restr.ictions and
development of off-street parking, the Commission advised the property owners present thnt they could
address letters protesting the parking restrictions to the City of Bozeman to be noted anel forwnreled
to the Hontana State High~vay Department asking for their further consideration of this matter.
Reqlle~__~:,<2._.1~}<lCC benches on l,jC1i,n Stl'ect ;~(n: Senior Ci,t,j7en~,: "Gray Ladies": HXf;. Carol K,lhride:
Mrs. C<1rol Kilbride, Chairman and Mrs. paull-Jylie of the"Gray Ladies" appeared before the
Connnissi.on to request permission to place benches on Hain Street or other appropriate places for
the benefi.t of 8('l1ior Citizens. It Has moved by Comrnissioner Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Langohr,
that approval to place the benches be granted \vith the unclerstanding that the "Gray Ladies", or assisting
groups, \-Jill provide the benches and obtain the permission of the property owner where the benches
are to be placed, and the motion was carried by the folloHing Aye and No vote: thos voting Aye
being Commissioner Morrow, Conunissioner Langohr and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. Mayor
Sedivy complimented the "Gray Ladies" on their very worthy and commendable project.
2~.:p()~ of I~~_l:.):ar tan :~'larg;arct [Ii lcman:
Margaret Hileman reported on the Librarians Convention held in Missoula, 12-14 May 1966. It
was moved by Conunissioner Langohr, seconded by Conrrnissioner Morrmv, that Miss Hileman"s very complete
resume of the meeting be approved and Miss Hileman be commended for her comprehensive report, and the
motion '/Jas carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye Here Connnissioner Langohr,
Conunissioner Morrmv and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none.
Vncati.n?; 1,[I1"01]1.:31r('(', cast of I-ElIson Avenue. (Tabled from 11 Hay):
A petition signed by William A. Hunt and Cassious F. Whitehill, to vacate 160 feet of Lincoln
Street lying east of South Wi 11son Avenue for the purpose of installing thirty feet of concrete side-
walk across this street area when the sidewalk is installed in front of the Hunt property was again
presented to the Connnission. Action on the above petition \.,a5 again deferred for study.
AuLhor.~zat:Lon to attend Hestern SLates (;1:1111e Conference: Billings ?'j-28 H~~EolLc~._J:;~_!icl2j,---_2a~lnders
and_Lt~_ eu t:.~
The Western States Crime Conference is to be held in Billings, 25-28 May, 1966. The City
Manager recommended that Police Chief Saunders and Police Lt. Cutting be authorized to attend
the conference. It was moved by Connnissioner Morrow, seconded by Conunissioner Langohr, that the
authority to attend the nleeting be granted to Chief of Police Saunders and Lt. Cutting, an~ it
being in the public intet:est, their expenses be paid from the General fund. The motion was carried
by the follotving Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Connnissioner Morrow, Connnissioner Langohr,
and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none.
Ch~lf,e-O.2"c1,=r q_:.:~: ULilis:. desk fo!: bus n(>~,s office
-- :)38~)..OO:
- '
The Architects, as instructed, prepared a change-order to incorporate an addition to become a
part of the contract for the Municipal Building Facility. The special Change-order No. G-4 providing
for a utility desk for the busineRs office in the amount of $383.00 was presented as follows:
Change Order No. G-4: To provide labor and material for a Utility Desk
for the Administration Building Business Office
for the sum of $383.00.
The Ci ty Manager reported he had examined the change-order and found it to conform to the item
and cost discussed and recommended that it be approved as prepared. He also informed the Commission
that private contributions totalling $300.00 had been received to apply toward this cost. It was
moved by Connnissioner Langohr, seconded by Commissioner Morrmv, that Change-Order No. G-4 in the
amount of $383.00 he approved as prepared, and that the Mayor be authorized and directed to sign
for the City, and that the City l1anager convey an appropriate expression of appreciation to the
contributors and the motion \.,as carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being
Connnissioner Langohr, Commissi.oner Harrow and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none.
Authority to Purchase ~?5,OOCl.OO Hater bond: The Director of F:nance:
It was moved by Commissioner Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Langohr, that the Director of
Finance be authorized to purchase a $5,000.00 water bond, due in 1981 on the open market at a price
of ninety-five cents on the dollar or a price of 4,750.00 plus accrued interest to date of delivery of the
bond. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner
Morrow, Commissioner Langohr and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none.
LLcense BOIl:.1: Ele<:;trical - Nannix Electric CO....:...t.:
In compliance with Chapter fifteen of the Bozeman Municipal Code, the Electrical bond of
Mannix Elec tric Company ,vas presented for approval. The Ci ty Manager reported that the Build ing
Inspector recommended that the bond be approved. The City Attorney approved the bond as to form,
and it VIas moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by Connnissioner Morrow, that the bond be approved
and accepted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being
Connnissioner Langohr, Connnissioner Morrow and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none.
C:JllceLlation 0: License bonds - effective 15 June 1966: l\l:thuy Stapleton a) plumber J22 Gas FiLter:
A request from the American Casualty Company that the Plumbers Surety Bond No. 3()l!536 of Arthur
Stapleton, Bozeman, Montana, be cancelled effective June 15, 1966, ,vas presented. The building
inspector reported the concern had now completed all work with the City VIhich would apply to the bond.
following the recommendation of the City Manager, it was moved by Commissioner Morrow, seconded by
Commissioner Langohr, that the release of the bond be approved effective as of 15 June 1966, and the
Mayor and the Clerk of the Connnission be authorized and directed to sign the company's standard form
of release, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being
Commissioner Morrow, Con~issioner Langohr and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none.
Gnrbagc Scrv;ce: North 18th and 20th Avenue area and Haple TCCc'ClCC:
'he City Manager reported that the City is to collect the garbage in the area of North 18th
Avenue and North 20th Avenue and reconnnended that the Maple Terrace area also he included. It VIas
reported that the area which is to have this service should be further clcrified and the property owners
notified of this service. In concurrence with the recomnendation of the City Manager, it was moved
by Connnissioner Langohr, seconded by Commissioner MorrOW', that the City collect the garbage on North
18th and North 20th Avenues andalso include the Maple Terrace area, and the motion Has carried by
the fol1mving Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Conmli.ssioner Langohr, COTImlissioner Morrow and
Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none.
;~cq tW~; ,: Lo ho 1<1 "Poppy D~lY" sa Ie: V . F . H. - Sa tun1ay 23 Nay, 19(;[,:
A request from F. Dean Jones, Comnander of Veterans of Foreign \.lars to designate Saturday,
28 May 19(1(" as "Poppy Day" and penni t the sale of the poppies on that day was I.cad. I t Has moved
by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by Commissioner Morrow, that the request be granted. The notion
HilS carried by the follov!'Lng Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being CorrndssionCl. Langohr, Commissioner llo
HorrO'v and Hayor Sed ivy; those voting No, none.
();~(~ "ll;~_ r.:!(~: f::'i7___:.-,~ilC'n~.nr~ DOE Onl:nm~lce "No. 812:
^s instructed, City Attorney Berg prepared Orclinanc0 No. 857 amending DOG On1inance No. 822
see tion 5/16/010 and see tion 5/16/050 of the Bozeman Hunicipal Code; defining the term "At: Large" an(l
requiring the O\'!nC'r or keeper of any animal 'vithin the City Limits of Bozeman, Nontana, to at all times
prohibit and prevent said animal from being at large; repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances
in conflic t hercHi th.
After discussing the amending of the Dog Ordinance No. 822, it ,,,as moved by Commissioner
MorrmJ, seconded by Commissioner Langohr. that the new Ordinance be further amended in regard to
pound fees and hrought back in for ac tion at the next Commission Meeting. The motion vlaS carried
by the follmdng Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Morrmv, Commissioner Langohr.
and Hayor Sedivy; those voting No, none.
Pet,'~..i..'~ 011 - ~leD(1'irs on Sout.h B1.~1ck .:\.vcnllC and
~..____.....___...............~....4-___~ . .
;_':~('-'l.l t.b BozcI~lan i\vcnue:
A petition signed by L;L: property owners for the purpose of requesting the City to repair the
streets in the area lying south of the Milwaukee railroad tracks on Garfield Street between the
railroad tracks and South Tracy Avenue ~^,as presented. Mr. David Bruck of 1315 S. Bozeman Avenue
<11s0 appeared to further discuss the repair of this area.
Hr. Bruck was informed that the Commission will continue to investigate the request for
repairing that area.
f,CP01"ts for A;n< 1 :
The fol10v1ing reports were pres en ted:
Cemetery - Harch
Cashier - March
Director of Public Service
Director of Finance
1965-66 Skating Rink summary
The City Hanager corrnnented on the reports and recommended their approval. It ,,,as moved by
Comnissioner L8ngohr. seconded by Commissioner Morrow. that the reports be approved. and the motion
was carried by the fol1mving Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Langohr, Comm-
issioner Horrow and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No. none.
There being no further business to come before the Commission. it was moved by Comnlissioner
Horrow, seconded by COIIlnlissioner Langohr. that the meeting be adjourned, and the motion was carried by the
follov1ing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner MorroH, Commissioner Langohr and Mayor
Sedivy; those voting No. none.
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