HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-12-15 2Rl Bozeman, Mon tana 15 December 1965 The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in regular ses sian in the Commission Room, City Hall Building, Wednesday, 15 December 1965, at 1:00 o'clock p.m. Present were Mayor Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner LangohI', City Manager Cutting, I Ass't City Manager Fryslie, Acting City Attorney O'Connell and the Clerk. Commissioner Sedivy opened the meeting with a prayer and the following proceedings were had: Minutes of the last regular session he ld Wednesday, 8 December 1965, were read and it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Langohr, that the minutes be approved as read and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Mor row, Commis s ioner Sedi vy and Commis sioner langohr ; tr ose voting No, none. ConsideratiDn of N-S Alley 9th - lOth Ave. - Villard Street to Durs ton Road. Having reviewed a study on the estirrated costs for paving or improving to a high gravel standard the north-south alley, between North 9th and lOth Avenues from Villard Street to Durston Road and having examined a petition presented last summer by property owners requesting that the alley be opened, The City Commission reopened the subject for considerati0n. The City Manager presented a new petition signed by approxima tely twenty prope:r.ty owners on North 9th and 10th Avenues requesting that the alley be opened and made ser- I viceable without cost to the property owners. The City Manager again recommended that the a lley be opened and improved to permit the establishment of garbage service. In the recommendation of The City Mana ger, concurrence wi th it was moved by Commissioner LangohI', seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, tha t the above request be approved and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Langohrj those voting No, none. Authority to purchase Grader: Street Department - $26,000.00 Estimate (Bids) with Trade-in. The City Manager reper ted tha t the Ci ty' s present road grader is approximately twenty years old and in need of an extensive overhaul at an estimated cost of several thousand dollars, still leaving a question as to the dependabili ty of thi s essential unit of equipment. He therefore requested authorization to purchase a new grader at an estimated cost of $26,000.00 less a trade - in of the present unit wi th the purchase to be financed over a period of three years from budgeted funds. It was moved by Comm- issioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissi oner Langohr, that the purchase of a grader be authorized and the Clerk of the Commission be directed to issue a call for bids for the purchase, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: th os e I voting Aye being Mayor Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Langohr; those voting No, none. Authority to purchase Tractor Backhoe - Water Department $9,000.00 esti:mate (Bids) No trade-in -.'. r t was reported that the Wa ter Department ha s ne ed for a Tractor Backhoe and it being a budget item, The Manager requested that the Clerk of the Commission be directed to issue a call for bids for the tractor backhoe in the approxlma te amount of $9,000.00 282 with no trade-in. It was moved by Commissioner Langobr, seconded by Commissioner ~'edi vy, tba t the purchase of the backhoe be approved and the Clerk of the Commis s ion be directed to issue a call for bids for the pur chase and the mot ion was carr ied by the following Aye and No vo te: thos e voting Aye being Mayor Morrow, Commis s ioner Sedivy and Commissioner Langohr; thos e vo ting No, none. I. Authority to purchase one-ton pickup truck - Water Department $2,500.00 estimate (Bids)wlth trade-in. It was reported that the Water Department has need for a new one-ton pickup truck and the City Manager requested authority to issue a call for bids for purchase of the one-ton pickup truck in the approximate amount of $2,500.00 with a tradein. It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Langohr, tha t the authority be granted as requested and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No 170 te : those vo ting Aye bei ng Ma yor Morrow, Commissioner Sedi vy and Commiss- ioner Langohr; those voting No, none. Authority to purchase 3" Fire Hose - 500 feet - $975.00. The City Manager informed the Commission that the Fire Department has need for rive-hundred feet three inch fire hose at an approximate cost of $975.00, It was moved by Commis sioner Langohr, se conded by Commiss ioner Sedivy, tha t the pur chase be approved and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those vo t ing Aye being Mayor Morrow, Commis s ioner Sedivy and Commis s ioner Langohr; those voting No, none. Res olu ti on No. 1248: Au thorizing Mayor to sign Documents for Storm Drainage for I Study Application. In compliance with an application requirement for the proposed Storm Drainage study, the following Resolution was presented, entitled: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1248 - A RESOLUTION A umORIZING FI LING OF APP LICATION WITH THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FOR AN ADVANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE PLANNING OF PUBLIC WORKS UNDER 'IRE TERMS OF PUBUC LAW 560, 83RD CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, AS AMENDED Upon recommendation of The City Manager, it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Langohr, tha t Res olu tion No. 1248 be lDassed and adopted, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: thos vo ting Aye being Ma yor Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Iangohr ; those voting No, none. Acceptance of Schultz & Lindsay Contra~t S.l.D. No's. 441, 442, 443, 445, 447, 448, and 4bl - PavIng. The certificate of the engineer of Harold Hoskins and Associates on Special Improvemen t Dis tr i c t No t s. 441, 442, 443, 445, 447, 448 and 451 stating the construction of the pavement had been completed in accordance with the terms and specifications of the contract by the contractors, Schultz & Lindsay Cons truction Company and recommended 1 that the City accept and approve the projects was presented. The City Manager con- curred in the recommendation of the engineers and fur ther recommended tha t penal ties for overrun of the contract time and payment of the final estimate be considered at a la ter da te . It was moved by Commis s loner Langohr, seconded by Commis s ioner Sedivy that the contract of Schultz & Lindsay Construction Company be accepted as recommended, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: thos voting Aye being Mayor Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Langohr; those voting No, none. 2R3 Appointment of Sewage Disposal Plant Operator: Carl Larson, Jr. Mr. Cutting announce his appointment of Carl L. larson as the new Sewage Disposal Plant operator,effective January 1, 1966, to fill the vacancy created by the death of Ruben Batchelder. Mr. Cut ting reported tha t Mr. Larson is unusually well qualified to handle the plant operation. It was moved by ~ommissi0ner Sedivy, seconded by Comm- I issioner Langohr, that the Commission concur in the appoint of Carl L. Larson as Sewage Disposal Plant Opera tor beginning January 1, 1966, and the motion was carr ied by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow, Commission er . Sedivy and Commissioner Langohr; those voting No, none. Request for use of one-half block of Olive St. west of Willson for Xmas Pageant _ Evening of 19th thru 22nd December - First & Faith Methodist Church. A letter received from Mrs. La yton Thompson, Chairman of Commission on Educ- ',""1 ation of the ~irst and Faith Methodist Churches for permission to block off one- half block between Willson and the Alley to the west of Willson for the da tes of December 19th thru December 22nd to stage an outdoor Christmas Pageant was presented. The City Managermcommended that permission be granted, and it was moved by Commiss- ioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Langohr, tha t the request be granted as re- commended and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye, being Jlfayor Morros, Cotnmis sioner Sedivy and Commissi oner Langohr, those voting. No, None. Re ports for November (con tinued) . I The following reports were presented: Li brar ian Cashier The City Manager commented on the repor ts and recommended their approval. It was moved by Commls s1 oner Langohr, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the r epor ts be approved and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow, Commissioner Sedi vy and Commlssioner Langohr; those voting No, none. Change Order s : Municipal Bldg. (1) General Contractor, (2) Electrical Contractor. The Arohiteots, as :In s tru c ted, prepared change orders to incorpaste several additions to become a part of the contract for the Municipal Building Facility now under construction. The change-orders being E-2 and G-2 to become a part of the electrical and general contracts, were presented. The City Manager reper ted he had examined the change-orders and found that they conform to the i terns and c os ts discussed and recommended tha t they be approved as prepared. It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Langohr, that change-order No. E in the sum of $646.00 and change-order No. G-2 in the amount 1 of $2,478.85 be approved as prepared and tha t the Ma yor an d the Clerk of the Vity CommissLone be au thor ized and directed to sign for the City a nd the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow, Commissioner Langohr and Commissioner Sedi vy; those voting No, none. 284 Ad'; '-'urnment. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, tha t the meeting adjourn and the motion was carried by the following .t1.ye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Lang ohr ; thos e I voting No, none. C . )t&-r-l^-r~v/ ATTEST~ (, /,/ (';'f;:-/ ~l~'~tt~f /~r{r 6t;~~~~iS sion I 1