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Bozeman, Montana
June 30, 1965
The Commission of t he City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission
Room, City Hall Building, Wednesday, 30 June 1965, at 1:00 o'clook p.m. Present
were Mayor Morrow, CommissLmer Sedivy, Commis sioner Iangohr, Ci ty Manager Cutting,
Aas't City Manager Fryslie, City Attorney Berg and the Clerk. I
Connnissioner Sedi vy opened the meeting wi th a prayer and t he following pro-
ceedings were had:
MinUltea of the last regular session held Wednesday, 23rd June 1965, were read
and it was moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by Mayor Morrow, tha t the
minutes be approved and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote:
those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow and Commissioner Langohr; those voting No, none.
Authority to purchase 32 - 3/4" Water Meters - Approximately $950.00.
The City Manager reported that the Water Department has need for an additional
supply 3/4" wa ter meters and requested au thori ty to purchase thirty-two we ter me ters
at an approximate cost of $950.00. It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded
by Commissioner Langohr, the t the purcha se be authorized and the motion was carried
by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow, Commissioner
Sedivy and Commissioner Langohr; those voting No, none.
Authority to Purchase 500' -1" and 480' -2" Copper Tubing - 'r'otal approx. $985.00
The City Manager reported that the City has need for larger sized copper
tubing, and requested authori ty to purchase 500 feet of 1" and 480 feet 2" copper I
tubing in .the total appr.oximate amount of $985.00. In concurrenoe wixh the re-
oommendation of the City Manager, it was moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded
by Commissioner Sedivy, the. t the purchase of 500 feet of 1" copper tubing and
480 feet of 2" copper tubing be approved and the motion was carried by the
following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow, Commissioner
Sedivy and Commissioner LangohI'; those voting No, none.
Resigna tions: Police CommIss! on - Lorn Hardie: Library Board - Mrs. T. G. Hag.'!:ert:v
A written resignation of Lorn Hardie as a member of the Police Commis s ion was
read by the City Manager who informed the Commission he had accepted Mr. Hardie's
resignation with considerable reluctance in view of his outstanding service and
assistanoe since 16 September 1959. It was moved by COlY'Jrlissioner Sedivy,
seconded by Commissioner Langobr, that in view of his eocpected unavailability, the
acceptance of Mr. Hardie's resignation be reluotantly approved and the Manager
be directed to forward to Lorn Hardie an expression of the Commis s ion's appreo-
iation for his many years of servioe on the Police Commission, and the motion
was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow, I
Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Langohr; those voting No, none.
A letter received from Mrs. T. G. Haggerty, submitting her resignation as a
member of the Library Board, was read. It was moved by Commissioner Langohr,
seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that in accordance with her request, the resign-
a tion of Mrs. Haggerty be reluctantly accep ted and an expression of appreciation
and thanks be sent to her for her many years of dedicated servioe on the Library
Board since December IO, 1953, and the motion was carried by the following Aye
and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Comm-
issioner Langohrj those voting No, none.
Final Audit (Appealed) S.l.D. No. 432 Westside Sewer: F:i.nal Payment due .3,841.00.
The City had appealed to the Water Pollution Control Agency of the Federal
I Government from the final audit of the Agency Audi tor in which exceptions were taken
to certain charges made to S.T.D. No. 432, W.P.C.-Mont-72 by the City. A Ie tter
advising that the Surgeon General had sustained the ruling of the Audlt6r was
placed before the Commission. Total Federal Grant for the project was therefore
determined to be $42,641.00, leaving a balance due the City as final grant payment
the amount of $3,841.00 as authorized by the Surgeon General if accepted by the
Commission. It was moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy,
that the decision and offer of final payment in the amount of $3,841.00 be accepted
and the motion was carried by the followlng AY0 and No vote: those voting Aye being
Mayor Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy a nd Commissioner langohr; those voting No, none.
Authori t to Re-invest funds: Water a
Miscl. a
It was reported by the Director of Finance that $75,000.00 water funds now
invested in U.S. Treasury Bills will mature on July 8, 1965, and $100,000.00
miscellaneous funds now invested in Certificates of Deposit ba ve matured, and he
requested authority to reinvest the funds in like securities.
I It being in the publiC interest, the City Manager concurred with the request
of the Director of Finance and recommended authority to reinvest the $75,000.00
water funds in U.S. Treasury Bills for a period of 180 days and $100,000.00 misc-
ellaneous funds in Certificates of Deposit for approximately thirty days. It was
moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commis sio ner Langohr, tha t the reinves t-
Ment as requested be authorized and the motion was carr led by the following Aye
and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Comm-
issi oner Langohr; those vo ting No, none.
License Bond (Continuation CertifIcate) Montana Power Company - Gas Fitter.
The continuation certificate for the renewal of the gas fitter license bond
for the Montana Power Company was presented. In crmcurrance wi th the recommenda tion
of the City Manager, it was moved by Commiss i--'ner Iangohr, seconded by Commissioner
Sedivy, tha t the certifies te be approved and the motion was carried by the following
aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and
Commissioner Langohr; those Voting No, none.
Change Order: S.l.~. No. 444 (No.1 Substitution of Manhole - $585.11.
I The change order on S.I.D. No. 444 prepared by Harold Hoskins and Associates
to become a part of the original contract for construction of improvements in the
project described was presented as follows:
S.I.D. No. 444 - Permit the discharge of drainage at a
higber elevation to require a shallower and shorter
drainage ditch, yet permit the extension of the storm
drain at a future date at proper depths. The cost of
the proposed change is j585.11.
The 01ty Manager concurred wi th the City Engineer and recommended the change
order be accepted and approved as presented, It was moved by Commissi~)ner Sedivy,
seconded by Commissioner Langohr, that Change Order No.1 on S.I.D. No. 444 be
approved and that the Mayor and Clerk of tm Commission be authorized to sign for
the City and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting
Aye being Mayor Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy ~d Commissioner Langohrj those voting
No, non e . I
Change Order: S.I.D. No. 455 (No.2 Relocation of Storm Drain Line - $479.05.
The change order on S.I.D. No. 455 prepared by Harold Hoskins and Associates
to become a part of the original contract for construction of improvements in the
project described was presented as follows:
S.l.D. No. 455 - To relocate storm drain so as not to
interfere wi th or require the reloca tion of the gas
main. The cost of the proposed change is j479.05.
The City Manager concurred with the City Engineer and recommended the change
order be accepted and approved as presented. It was moved by Commissioner
Lang ohr , seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that Change Order No.2 on S.I.D. No. 455
be approved and tha t the Mayor and Clerk of the Commis sion be authorized to sign
for the City and the motion was carried b~T the following Aye and No vote: those
voting Aye being Mayor Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy a nd Commissioner Langohr;
those voting No, none.
Request for use of Bogart Park for Cub Scouts "Cub Pack Days" 29 - 30 July.
A letter received from Keith R. Wilson, District Scout Executive requesting
permission to hold the Yellowstone Valley Council of the Cub Scouts of America I
"Cub Pack Days" on .July 29 - 30 a t the Bogarts Park was presented.
In concurrence with the recommendation of the City ~~nager, it was moved by
Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Langohr, the. t the Cub Scouts be
granted this permission and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No
vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow, Co~missioner Sedivy and Co~missioner
Langohr; those voting No, none.
Au thori ty to proceed wi th 1965 Ci ty Sidewalk program. .
The Ci ty Manager re!~orted tha t the Engineers office had completed its survey
of walks and curbs within the City and recommendations for repairs o~ installations
for the year 1965 were presented.
The meeting was recessed and the Commission proceeded to make its annual
inspection of walks and curbs wi thin the Cl ty.
The meeting was again convened and it was moved by Commissioner Langohr,
seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, tha t the survey be approved subject to the
following addltions~ I
Herluf Annerson - l002 W. Babcock -
Harold N. Wheat - 522 W. College -
Zada Sales Dickson - 725 S. Third -
Harvey A. Larson - 1414 S. Grand -
Charles R. Swart - 324 S. Grand -
Quentin H. ~lreck - 719 W. Mendenhall -
The motion was carried by the follow:l.ng Aye and No v:Jte; those voting Aye
being Mayor Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Langohr; those voting No,
M.JQurnmen t :
There being no fUrther business to come before the Commission, it was moved by Comm-
is s ioper Sedi vy, seconded by Commissioner langohr. that the meeting adjourn, and
the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being
I Mayor Morrow, Commissioner ~edivy and Commissioner lanc::"ohr j those voting No, none.
ATTEST: Ma yor
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Clerk of the isslon \J
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