HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-02-03 96 Bozeman, Montana February 3, 1965 The Commission of The Cit1 of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, City HaLl Building, Wednesday, 3 February, 1965, at l:OU P.M. Present were Mayor Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Langohr, City Manager Cutting, Ass't City Manager Fryslle, City Attorney Berg and the Clerk. I. Commissioner Sedivy opaned the meeting with a prayer and the following proceed- ings were had: Minutes of the last regular session held January 27, 1965, were read and it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Langphr, that the minutes be approved as read and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: Voting Aye, Mayor Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Langohr; voting No, non e . Request for vaca tinp; N-S Alley between N. 8th and 9th Avenue - John Saunders John Saunders appeared in regard to nis request for na ving tne ci'ty vacate the North-South aliey between No~th ~ighth and Ninth Avenues. Mr. Saunders, as requested, presented a petition signed by the property owners adjoining the subject alley. After discussing the proposed area, the City Manager informed the Commission that as a result of staff examination, he recommended that the request be denied in the publiC interest. The matter was tabled to permit examination by the Comm- ission and further consideration ~t the next regular meeting of the Commission on Wednesday, February 1.V, 1. 965, I Considera tion 01' Elec trical Complaints At the request of The ~ity Manager, BuiLding Inspector Barrick reported to tne Commission the results of his investigation of complaints of non-enforeement of the E1.ectrical Code cited by representatives of the Electrical Contractors and ELectricians at the meeting on January 27, 1.965. Mr. Barrick stated that four of the cases cited were unknown to the Cl'ty and cou1.d not be positively identified. In all otner cases permits had been obtained and inspections made contrary to the a1.legations. An additional case was cited of work done by one of the comp1.ainants in his own home for which no permit was obtained nor 1nspectlon requested and which could not now be specifiea1.~y identified. He also info~ed the City COnM1- lssion of the inauguration of inspection cards to be posted on each ,10b on whicn inspections made wii1. be de. ted and ini tia~ed tna t 1'411 keep a1..1. concerned informed of tne status of the worK. 'l'ne Ct ty A'ttorney informed the Commiss iou that in his opinion none of the evidence presented wou~d warrant or sustain complaints of ordin&r1ce violation be:Lng fl Led in court. Upon Commission comment that; the oomplainants sholud have Oeen present to I hear Mr. BarriCl(fs report, the Manager, explained tnat he fe1.t we matter snou.1.d f.1.rst be disoussed witn the City .Attorney, tha t the ccmp~alnants would be advised by lette~ of the results of the inves tiga tlon and the ma tter COUld be reviewed in detail with them at a later date. Consideration of Adverse Rulinp; of Supreme Count Decision S.l.D. No. 421 The City A ttomey explained the adverse ru1.ing of the &ita te Supreme Court 97 holding Special Improvement District No. 42l not to have been lega~ly constituted. The unanimous opinion of the Court had in essence held tha t the (.;i ty had erred in the formation of the distriot and in tne method ot assessment adopted. FOJ.iowing a discussion of aepects of tne si tua tion tna t now exist, the Commission was in- formed tha t further study of proceedure now required would be given by both the I Ci ty Attorney and The \11 ty Manager. Fire Department Personnel The vi ty Manager informed the Commission he had received a letter from Lt. Charles E. Masten announcing his resignation as Lieutenant of the Fire Department of Bozeman, Montana, to accept a poaltlon as Fire Chief in Sausalito, California, effective February 16, 1965. The City Manager informed the Commission that Mr. Masten's resignation had been accepted with regret and toot he was extending to Mr. Masten an expression of apprecia t10n for his au tstan:ilng services wi th 'the Fire Department of the City of Bozeman and tmt 'the City'S best wishes would go wi th him. The vommission was also inf'orm9d that the City Manager had approved Fire Chief Huber's oonfirmation of the appointment of Kenneth Simpson as Lieut- enant of the It'ire Department, effective February 1, 1965, ani of the appo::ntment of Gary Younker as fireman, effeotive February 1, 1965. In concurrenoe wi tn the City Manager's action, it was moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by Comm- issioner Sedivy, that the Manager be instructed to appropriately advise Lt. Charles E. Masten of the Commissions appreciation of his services and the motion I was carried by the following Aye and No vote: Voting Aye, Mayor Morrow, Commissioner Sedi vy and Commi s si oner Langohr; voting No, none. Reports The following reports were presented as fOllOWS: Disposal Plant Opera tor Flouridation Librarian Police Chief POlice Judge Fire Chief We. ter COi Ie c tor The City Manager oommen~ed on the reports and recommended their approval. It was moved by Commiss10ner Sedivy, se conded by Connnis sioner Langohr, that tne reports be approved and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: Voting Aye, Mayor Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Cammissloner Langohri voting No, none. Claims for January The fOllowing Nos. 384 to 615 inc., were presented on the fOlJ.owing funds: ~ Amount Fund Amount - Gen era 1 $21,451.09 Band $ 17.80 I Street 7,539.70 Garbage 5,183.73 Water 8,882.86 Parking Meter 1,895.35 S.D.S. 3, 621.93 Police Reserve 528.80 Libary 1,998.02 G.O.Bonds, 148.66 Planning Boa rd 40.00 Fire Re~ief 11,660.48 Park 4,251.51 S.I.D. 7,226.32 Ceme te.ry 1,655.83 S.I.D. Revolving 11,235.52 Total $87,337.60 The City Manager stated he had audited the Claims and found them to be true and lawful claims again s t tne Ci ty 0 f BozeMln and recommended thtl t tre Y be approved 98 I l " and the Direotor of Finance directed to is sue warrants in payment. After examination of the Claims in detail and oheoking against the claim register, it was moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that all olaims be approved as presen tad and tne motion was carried by the fo~lowing Aye and No vote: Voting Aye, Mayor Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner I Langohr; voting No, none. Ad j ournmen t There being no further business to come before the (,iommiesion at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner LangohI', thB. t the meeting adjourn. The motion was carr1ed by the following Aye and No vote: Voting Aye, Mayor Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Langohr; voting No, none. 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