HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-02-24 t09 Bozeman, Montana February 24, 1965 The Commission of the City of Dozem~n met in regular session in the Commission Room, Ci tyHall Build:1n g, Boz eman, Mon tana, Wedne sds y, 24 February, 1965, at 1 :vO 0' clock P.M. Presmnt were Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Langohr, City Manager Cutting, Ass't City Manager Fryslie; City Attorney Berg and the Clerk. .1 Commissioner Langohr opened tne meeting wi th a prayer i:lnd the fOil.Ow:tng proceed:1ngs were had: Minutes of the last regu.Lar session held February 17, 196b, were read and it was moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, tha t the minutes be approved as read and the motion was carr1ed by the following Aye and No vote: tnOB e voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Langobr, those voting No, none. Desi~nation of President Pro Tempore of Commission In tm absenoe of Mayor Morrow, and in Com.f.ll.1t:lnCe wlt;n Section ..L..l..-3:G45, R.C.M. 1947, it was moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that Commissioner Sedivy be designated to act as f'res1dent Pro Tempore of the Commission, and the motion was carried by the fOl.10wing Aye m1d No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Langohr; those voting No, none. Absence of' Mayor Morrow In concurrence with the recommendation of 'J.'he City JlLanager, It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, secon~d by Commissioner Langohr, that the absence of lY1ayor Morrow be au thorized, ~ nd the motion was carried by the fo llowing Aye and ,No vote: those I voting Aye being Commisaioner Sedivy and Commissioner Langohr; those voting No, none. Public Hear:1np; -- S.I.D. ~istrict No. 452 - (Pavinp; Main Street and North Seventh ~) This was the time and place set in Commission Resolution No. ~i7o to hear protests to the creation of Special Improvement District No. 452, for the ~ ving of Main Stree t and North Seventh Avenue. Tne affidavit of publication of Notice was presented to- gether with the Clerk's Mailing Certificate stating tnat all known property owners had been notified as required by .Law. Following a discus sion of the proposed dis tric t wI. th in tere s ted c1. t1zens a tterdng the meeting, The Vity Manlger informed tne Commiss10n tnat no protests of the l)is tric t had been recorded and recommended tha t the Oity Attorney be instruc ted to prepare a resolution to crea te the d1strl c t: Commission Resolution No. .1184, entitled: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. lle4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN CREATING A SPECIAL IMi'ROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS S.PE CIA L IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 452 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE CONSTRUCTION AND RECONSTRUCTION OF A PAVEMENT PROJECT ON MAIN STREET BETWEEN THE WESTERLY STREET LINE OF I WALLACE AVENUE AND THE WESTERLY STREET LINE OF EIGHTH AVENUE SOUTH, AND ON SEVENTH AVENUE NORTH BETWEEN THE NORTHERLY LINE OF MAIN STREET 'ill THE NORTBERLY LINE OF OAK STREET. prepared by Tne Ci ty Attorney was presented. In concurrence with the recommenda t10n of The City Manager, it was moved by ~ornmlssioner 1angohr, seconded byvommissioner Sedivy, th~t Commission Resolution No. 1184 be pissed and adopted to cres te Special Improvement D1str1ct No. 452, and the motion was carried by the f'0.110wing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye be1ng Commissioner Sedivy and Cormnissioner Langohr; thos e voting No, none. 110 Request for Street Flood Light (Housekeepers Club) Mrs. Thomas Morgan, Chairman of the Better Street Lighting Comm1.ttee, of the Bozeman Housekeepers Club, appeared before the Comndssion to request a specifio date on 1h ich to present to tlE City a cneok in the amount of $lUO.W for a floodlight to be placed near the band stam at Bogarts Grove. Mrs. Morgan was mr orme d tne Commission 's agenda for llarch 10, 1965, would provide for mis presenta Uon. I , "AlIl'eement rela tin/l; to Payin/l; Al\enc,:v'". (First Na t10nal Bank of St. Paul - G.O. $475,000 ) An Agreement des:lgnatlng tne i'irst National Bank of St. Paul as Paying Agenoy for the Bozeman Municipal. Buil.ding bonds, dated JUl.Y 1, 1964, was presented. The City Mana ger, in concurrence with the Director of Finance, recommexded that the City enter into the Agreement. It was moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the Agreement be entered into by the Vity and that tne Mayor and the Cierk of tne Comm.1s sion be au thorlzed and directed to sign for the Oi ty. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those vo~ng Aye being Comm- issioner Sedivy and Commissioner Langobr; thos e vat ing No, none. Application for Curb lpen~n~s: (300 Bloc k N. MWi lIs on Avenue. -Medica 1 Arts Center) A le tter from toe Medical Arts Center reques ting a con t1nuous curb opening in the eas t side of North Wil.lson Avenue along the front of til9ir propose d ne w buildi.ng in the 3uo block to provide diagonai pl::l.rking for "Oi tizen Convenienoe" was presented. After discussing the proposed project, The City .Manager reoommended ttl:l request b~ den ied in the IU bli c interest since tm oVening reque sted w')uld be a traffic hazza'rd, not under private control, and unnecessary in view of ample off-street area avail- I able within the area of the project. In concurrence wi 1h the reccmmenda tion of The Ci t Y Manag er , it was moved by Commissioner Sed! vy, seconded by Commissioner Langohr , thl::l.t the request be denied, .... nd the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: tnose voting Aye htng Commie sioner Sedivy and Commie s10ner Langohr, thos e va ting No, none. Authority to purchase: - 4" x 1" Compound Water Meter for Federal Building -t898.00. The City Manager repor ted tm t the City wil.l prOVide tne water service for the Federal BUilding which plan will. require 4" x 1" Compound Water Meter, a nd requested authority to p.trchase the meter at an approximate amount of $l:Jlde.w. It was moved by Comm1Bsioner Sedivy, seconded by liommissioner Langonr, 'that the purchase be a1Jproved and the motion was carried by tne fOll.Owing aye and No vote: Those voting Aye being Oommissloner Sedivy and Commissioner Langohr; those voting No, none. Authority to Purchase: 2200' - 3/4" Copper Pipe - Approxim te .960.00 The City Manager repor ted that it W oUJ.d be desirable to repleD ish the Vi ty' s stock of copper pipe and requested authori ty to purchase 22'uO feet of 3/4" Copper Pipe in the approx1ma te amount of $ld5V.W. In cone urrence wi ttl the re ccmmend a tion I of 'l'ne lJ1ty Manager, it was moved by liorrmissioner LaIlSohr, seconded by CommissJ.oner Sect! vy, 'tha t the purcn~se of 220U feet of 3/4ft Copver .Pipe be approved and tne motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: tnose vO[ng Aye being Commissioner Sedi vy and <':ommiss ioner Lang o.tlr ,:' those voting no, none. Authori ty to Call for Bids: - Cast Iron Pipe & Fittings. The City Manager reported that; wnen Main Street is reconstructed the existing 4" Wa ter main between lj'l.fth and Be..'I'8nth Avenue should be repl.aced wi tn a 6" main cim other '1 :1.1 replaoements and additions be made and requested "tL.:.a t tne Clerk of the WonIm1ss1 on be directed to issue a cali for bids for the required Cast Iron Pipe and F1ttlilgS in the approximate amoun~ of $~2,5uv.uv. I t was moved by vommiss loner Sedivy, seoorned by Cotnmlss1oner Langohr, that to, p,lrC.tl&.se of' tne Cast Iron 1'1.ve and It'i ttlngs be w.thorized and tne CierK of tne Cornmiss10n be directed '(;0 issue a caJ..~ for Olds I fur 'the purcnase and tne motion Wl;:l.S carried by me fO.1.10wlng Aye ....nd No vote.. tlDse VOl.lng Aye bing Comm1S s10ner Sedivy and CommIssioner Langonr; tnose VOliliig No, none. License Bonds: Ge",rge Norman - Belp;rade (a) Gas Fitter (b) Plumber In canpl1ance wi th Chap ter 16 of tre bozeman MuniCipal Code, the cert1fi ca te for tre plumbi~ and gas fitter bonds of' George Norman, Belgrade were presented. The City-Manager sta ted ttle Building Inspector had recommended tne approval of the bonds, and the certificates had been awroved as to form by the CityAttorney. It was moved by CoMmissioner Langohr, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, tna t the afore- mentioned bonds be approved and tne mot1on was oarried by' the fo l.1.owlng Aye and No votte; those votlng Aye belng Commissioner Sedi vy an d Conmissioner ~hr, toos e voting No, none. CallC ella tion of License Bonds: - Geor~e Norman - 13elp;rade J\ Ie tter from tb3 Belgrade Sta te Bank reque sting tha t the plumbing and gas fitter bends of George Norman, Belgrade, written by the Home Insurance Company and now held by the City be oancelled, was presented. "l.he City Manager recommended tba t the C1 ty comply wi th the reque at since the subject bonds are replaced by the I bonds approved by the foregoing action, It was moved by Uommls sioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissionr Langohr, that the cance lla tion of the bond s effec tiv e as of 24 February, ~96 5, be approved and the motion was carried by the following Aye / and No vote; tnos e voting Aye being Connnis sioner Sedivy and l..iornmlssicmer Ls.ng>hr, thoee wting No, none. J. C. Request: - Use of Cooper park for Easter E~ Hunt ~ 18 A~ril, 1965 - Easter ~unday A verbal reaue st from tne Bozeman Jaycees for permiss ion to stage the annual Jaycee Easter Egg Hunt in Cooper Park, Sunday, April 1~, 1~65, was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, tb8t the request be granted and th9 motion was carried by ttle fOilowing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner SediVY and Commissioner Langohr; those voting No, none. Adj ournm~ There being no further business to Come before tiE Comm1a sian l;:l.t this t1me, it was moved by Commis sloner Sedivy, seconded by Commissions r Langohr, that the meeting adj DUrn ani the motion was carried by tm fOllowing il.ye and No vo te: those voting I Aye, being Commissioner Sedivy and Comm1ssionerLangohr; those voting No, nom. ilL / ~ ~l~J ATTEST Mayor ( . on