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Bus began his work with the City of Bozeman on July 71 1958, as a
storekeeper at the city Shops. He wus appointed to his present position
on ,July 1, 1959. It W/::iS my pri vLLege, and indeed a pleasure I to work
with Bus the four years I served on the City Commission. He served
Bozeman well and was pleasant and kind to everyone with whom he had
contact. He was also my summer neighbor as we had cabins at Cave Creek.
Bus would drop in with a mess of fish or a jug for an occasional
cocktail. We in the canyon and City Hall will miss him greatly as he
was a true friend.
Bozeman, Mo~tana
October 14, 1\:164
The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in tho
Commission Room, City Hall Building, Wednesday, 14 October 19641 at 1:UO
o'clock P.M. Present were Mayor Morrow, Commissioner S-edivYI Commissioner
Langohrl City Manager Cutting, City Attorney Berg and the Acting Clerk.
Mayor Morrow opened the meeting with a prayer and the following proceedings
were had:
Acting Clerk of the City Commission
Harold A. Fryslie
It was moved by Conunissioner Langohr, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy I
that Harold A. Fryslie be appointed Acting Clerk of tne City Commission
and that said appointment be effective 9 October 1964, and the motion was
carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor
Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Langohr; those voting No, none.
The Clerk of the City Commission, Clinton K. (Bus) Wilson
Officlal notice was taken of the untimely and sudden death on Friday,
October 9,.,1964, of the Clerk of tne Ci ty Commiss ion, Clinton K. (Bus)
Wilson. Immediate p1::\st Mayor Fred M. Staudaher delivered a eulogY of Mr.
Wilson and it was moved by Commissioner Sedlvy, seconded by COIl1!"'lssioner
Langohr tha t ~,~r. Staudaher' s remarks be spread in full upon tne minu tea
of this meetJ.ng and th,e appreCiation of tne City Commission for the eulogy
voting Aye being Mayor Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Langohrj
be noted and the motion was carried by the f61lowing Aye /::ind No vote: those
those voting No, none.
Our departed clerk of the Bozeman C1 ty Commission, Clinton K. Wilson,
55, died of a heart condition last Friday morning at his home llu9
South Grand Avenue.
Bus, as we knew him was born April 12, 19U9 in Bozeman, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Wilson. His parents homesteaded the 320 Ranch in Gallatin
He was graduated from Gallatin County High School and attended Carnegie
Technical School where he studied accounting. He was married to Hazel
Huffine on May 30, 1936 at Butte, Montana. He worked in the Gallatin
County Clerk and Recorder's Office from l~3U to l~42. He enlisted in
The United States Navy in 1942 1::\nd served two years during World War II.
After leaving the Navy, Bus went to Baker, Montana ln 1~44 wnere he
worked as a public accountant until 1~54 when the family returned to
Bozeman. They have lived here since.
He was affiliated with the American Legionl and a ~ast Master of the
Masonic Lodge of Baker, Montana.
Survivors, in addi tion to his widow include two sons, Sam and Jack,
a daughter, Pamela, all of Bozeman, and a sister Helen Eloise Wilson
of Price Utah.
Funeral services were conducted Monday afternoon at the Dokken-Nelson
Funera 1 Home hnre in Bozeman.
Former Mayor of Bozeman
It was then moved by Connnissioner Langohr, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy
that there be recorded in the minutes of this meeting an expression by the
City Commission of regret for the sudden and untimely death of Mr. Wilson
and that it be noted that he served the City of Bozeman faithfully and we~l
and his continued efforts were sincerely appreciated by the Commission and
that an appropriate letter of condolence be addressed to the bereaved widow,
and tho motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting
Aye being Mayor Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Langohr; those
voting No, none.
Investment of Parking Meter anel Miscellaneous Funds in U.S. Go'ernment Securi ties
The City Manager informed the Commission that the Director of Finance
had requested authority to invest operational funds in U.S. Government
Securities as follows:
Parking Meter Fund
Miscellaneous Funds
180 day maturity
30 de y me turi ty
The City Manager concurred in the request and it was moved by Commissioner
Sedivy, seconded by Commiss~oner Langob.r that the investments be authorized
as requested and the motion was carried by the following A;18 and No vote:
those voting Aye being Ma yor Ttorrow, Conunissioner Sedivy 8nd Commissioner
Langohr; those voting No, none.
M.S.C. Homecomin~ Day Paradel
10:00 A.M.I 17 October 1964
The City r,~anager recommended ttlat the ~1.S.C. Homecoming Day Paradel
scheduled for 10:uO A.M.I 17 October 1064 along Tvlain Street from Church
Ave., to Tenth Ave., thence svuth to the Campus be authorized. It was
moved by Commis s ioner Langohr, se conded by Commis S ..Loner Sedivy th8 t the
parad'e be au thorized as recommended and the motion was carried by the
fO.LIOwing Aye und No vote: those 'Toting Aye be:tng Mayor Morrow, Commissioner
Sedivy and Commissioner Langohr; those voting No~ none.
Senior High School - Football Rally ane. Parade, Thursu.a y, 15 Oc tober 1964
John YUhas, Bozeman SeDlar High Scnool Student Bocly Presldent, had
reyuested that the Hign SCLlool be authorized to p8rade along Main Street
between the SenIor }!J.gn Scnool and the Baxter Hotel at C$:uv P.M., Thursday,
It October 1~H:541 as a pHrt of a .Pre-Park-Bozeman Footb8~.L Game Rally ano
tne Ci ty Manager recummended the request; be gr8n ted. It \V,,)S moved by
Commissioner Sedlvy~ seconded by Commissioner Langohr that the request be
granted as l~ecommended and the motion was carried by tho following Aye and
No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow, Commission('r Sedivy and
Commissioner Langohr; those voting No, none.
Historic Committee to Survey Present City Hall
Pursuant to and in accordance with the Commission action of '1 October
1964, Ma yor Morrow announced the appointmen t of the following His toric
Committee to Survey the Present City Hall:
S.l.D. No. 431 (Paving & Drainage - W. Arthur st.) - Acceptance of Contract
and final payment to Contractor
Haro.id HosKins & Associates, Consulting Engineers, reported that
Dr-. M. G. Burlingame - Chairman
Harry C. Duntsch
G. Nicholas lfft, III
Mrs. Herold (Bonna) Murdock
Gene Q,uaw
Malcolm C. Story
It was moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy that
the appointments be approved as announced and ~he mo~ion was c~rried by the
following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow, Comml.ssioner
Langohr and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none.
Petition for Opening Alley from Villard s.t. south between N. 9th & N. 10th Ave.
A petition and related sketch requesting that an alley be establiShed
in Block 5, Brunton-Palffy Rearrangement of Durston S.ubdivision and signed
by seven persons as owners of the property involved was presented. Following
discussion and recommendation by the City Manager, it was moved by Commissioner
Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Langohrl that the petition request be
granted subject to being without cost to the City and contingent upon receipt
of properly executed deeds drawn b:: the Ci ty Attorney from the property
owners to the City of Bozeman for the necessary property and the motion was
carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow,
Commissioner Langohr; those voting No, none.
S.I.D. No. 430 (Paving & Drainage + Tracy & Cleveland)
Contract and Final Payment to Contractor
Harold Hoskins & Associates, Consulting Engineers, reported that
Acceptance of
construction of the Paving and storm drainage improvements within Special
Improvement District No. 430 had been completed in accordance with the
plans and specifications of the contract by Robertson and Blossom of Great
Falls, Nron~ana, and recommended that the City accept and approve the project
as completed. The City Manager and the City Engineer concurred in the
recommenda tion of the consultant engineer, and tne Manager informed trle
Commiss~on that a determination had been made tnat all valid claims against
the contractor resulting from the construction have been paid, and recommended
that any penalties against the contractor for overrun of tne contract time
be waived. It was moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by Commissioner
Sedivy that, in concurrence wittl the foregoing recommendations, the contract
work in Special Improvement District No. 430, be approved and accepted as
completed and that any penalties for overrun of contract time be waived,
and, final payment be made to the contractor upon presentation of a final
estimate and c~aim in proper oraer and the motion was carried by tne following
Aye and No vote: tnose voting Aye being ii/layor Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and
Commissioner Langohr; those voting No, none.
construc~ion of ~he paving and storm drainage improvemen~s within Special
Improvement District No. 431 had been compl.eted in accordance with tne plans
and sp~cifications of the contr~ct by Robertson and3lossom of Great FalJ.s,
Moncana, cmd recummonded that "(;tle City accept and apllruve the project as
comple te. 'l'Ile C1 t;Y ]'ffcd,~,ger and tne Ci ty Engineer concurred in the recommenda tion
of the consultant engineer, and the Manager infomed the Commission that a
determination had been made that all val.id C..Laims 8.gainst the contractor
resulting from tho construction have been paid, and recommended that any
penalties against the contractor for overrun of -ehe contract timE:) be waived.
It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commlssioner Langohr, that
in concurrence wi th the foregoing recommenda tions, tho contrac t worl: in
S,pecLd Improvement District No. 431, be approved and accepted as completed
and that any penalties for overrun of contract time be waived, and final.
payment be made to the contractor upon preo,entation of a final estimate
and claim in proper order and the motion was carried.
S. I.D. No. 434
(Paving and Drainage - Spring Creek Drive)
Contract and Final Payment to Contractor
HaroJ.d Hoskins & Associates, Consulting Engineersl reported that
Acceptance of
constructlon of the paving and storm drainage improvements within Special
Improvement District No. 434 had been completed in accordance wittl tne plans
and specifica tions of tIle contrac t by Robertson und Blossom of Grea t Falls,
Montana, and recommended that the City accept and approve the project as
completed. The City Manager and the City Engineer concurred in the recommenda-
tion of the consultant '3ngineerl and the Manager informed the Commission
that a determination hr,',d been made that 8.LI valid claims against the contractor
resulting from the construction have been Vaid, and recommended that any
penalties against the contractor for overrun of the contract time be waived.
It was moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy thatl
in concurrence with the foref,oing recommendations, the contract work in
Special Improvement District No. 434, be approved and accepted as completed
and that any penalties for overrun of contract time be waived, and, final
payment be made to the contractor upon presentation of a final estimate and
claim in proper order and the motion was carried by the following Aye and
No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and
Commissioner Langohrj those voting No, none.
S.I.D. No. 437 (Water Main Improvements)
Change Order No.1
To properly provide for flow of irrigation water of Mr. Wilbur Smith
along the south ,'ide of Durs ton Road a t 20th A venue, Change Order No. 1
to tbe plans and specifications of Special Improvement District No. 43'(
as pre pa red by Consul tan t Engineers_l,Narold Hoskins and As socia tos, was placed
before the Commission. The City Manager recommended that the Change Order
No.1, directing the installation of eighty feet of twelve inch culvert
a t the loca tion afore mentioned and a t an increased cos t of ~p4vO. vU be approved.
It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Langohrl
Minutes Regular Meeting 7 October 1964
Minutes of the last regular session held '/ October 1~64, were read
and it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Langohr
that the minutes as read be approved subject to revision in the entries
related to Commission Resolution No.'s 1141 :dnd 1142 which may be recommended
that CLange Order No.1 to the plans and specifications of S.l.D. No. 43'7,
be approved as recommended and the motion was carried by the following Aye
and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and
Commissioner Langohr; those voting No, none.
42 foot Driveway to Serve Long's Tire Service North Black Avenue
A request for a 42 curb opening to serve Long's Tire Service new
building along North Black Avenue was presented with accompanying sketch.
It was moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy that
the request be granted with a minimum curb radius of 4 feet to be installed
at the North side of tne al~ey approach and the motion was carried by the
following Aye :dnd No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow, Commissioner
Sedivy and Commissioner Langohr; those voting No, none.
S.I.D. No. 432 ('Nest Side Sewer Truck Lines) - Change Orders 31 4 and 5
Change Order No.'s 3, 4 and 5 to the plans and specifications of
Special Improvement Dis tric t No. 432 as prepared by consul tan t engineers
Harold Hoskins and Associates, were placed before the Commission. The City
Manager stated that the Orders would authorize work that would be of benefit
to the district and that could not have been reasonable anticipated in the
preparation of the plans and specifications and explained the work to be
accomplished and recommended that the Change Orders be approved and that
a request be submitted to the Federal Water Pollution Control Agency for
a proportionate increase in the grant for Project No. WPC Mont - 72 to meet
the increase cost incurred througn Change Order No.3. It was moved by
Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Langohr the t Change Order No.' S
31 4 and 5 to the plans and specifications of Special Improvement District
No. 432 be BIJproved as recommended to authorize the following: Change Order
No.3: InstaLlation of an additioDl::ll manhold to permit connection of a
second outfall line from the M.S.C. veterinary research laboratory yt an
increase cost of $2'/7.00., Change Order No.4: Installation of fourteen
inch ductile iron pipe through a concrete box culvert at Station 10-40 Durston
Road to provide sufficient strength pipe to prevent breaking of the concrete
box culvert settles at an increase cost of $e4e.uU., Change Order No.5:
Installation of an additional manhole at So. 15th Ave., and Garfield Street
to permit connection of sewer outfaLl from college housing at an increase
cos t of ~f,331.0()., and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No
vote: those voting Aye being T~ayor Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner
Langohr; those voting No, none.
by DorseYI Owen, Marquart, Windhorst and West, legal advisors to the City
for the Municipal Building Program Bond Issue and the motion was carried
by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Morrow,
Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Langohrj tnose voting No, none.
Ad .i ournmen t
There being no furtner business to come before tne Corrnnlssion at this
time it was moved by Corrnnissloner lAngohr, seconded by Connnissioner Sedivy that the
meeting be adjourned and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote~ those
voting Aye being Mayor Morrowl Connnissioner Langohr and Connnissioner Sedivy; those voting
No:: None.