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Bozeman, Montana
October 28, 1964
T:-'e Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, City
Hall Building, Wednesday, 28 October 1961+, at 1:00 o'clock P.M. Present were Mayor Morrow,
Commissioner Sedivy, Conunissioner Lnagohr, City Nanager Cutting, City Attorney Berg, and the Acting
Commissioner Langohr opened the meeting with a prayer and the following proceedings were had:
Minutes of the last regular session were read and it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, sc,conded
by Commissioner Ian,7ohr that the minutes be approved as read and the motion was carried by the following
Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being l\J.ayor Horrow, Commissione::: Sedivy and Commissioner Langohr;
those voting No: None.
Resolution No. 1143 - L8 ying Assessment in S.l.D. 427 - Final Adoption.
This was the tine and place set for hearing protests to levying assessment for Special Improve-
ment Dist,rict No. 427. Affidavit of publication of Notice was presented. No one was present to
protest and no protests having been filed, Resolution No. 1143, provisionally passed and aJ.opted
at the reR:ular meeting held 21 October 1964, was presented for final passage. .in concurrance with
the recommendation of the City Manager, it was moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by Commissioner
Sedivy, that the resolution be finally passed and adopted and the motion was carried by the following
!\ye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Horrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Langohr;
those voting No: None.
Resolution No. 1144 - L0v:rim; Assessment in S.LD. 428 - Final Adoption.
Thj s was the time and place set for hearing pro ests to levying assessment for Special Improve-
!;lent Distrid No. 428. Affidavit of publication of Notice was presented. No one was present to
protest and no protests having been filed, Re~olution No. 1144, provisionally pa~;sed and adopted at
the regular meeting held 21 October 1964, was presented for final passage. .in concurrence with the
recommendation of the City Manaper, it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Conunissioner
Langohr, that, the resolution be finally passed and adopted and the motion was carried by the following ~.
Aye and No vote: those voting Aye bein{r, Hayor Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner ....angohr;
those voting No: None.
f:.esolution No. 1145 - Levying As,sessment in S.l.D. 430 - Final Adoption.
This was the time and place set for hearing protests to levying assessment for Special Improve-
r:'ent District No. 4=W, Afficl.'-wi t of publication of Noti;~e was presented. No one was present to protes'L
and no protests having been filed,Resolution No. 1145, provisionally passed and adopted at the regular
meeting held 21 October 1964, was presented for final passage. In concurrence with the recor:rrnendztion
of the City 11ana[,er, it Wi.1.s moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by Commissioner Seui vy, that the
resolution be finally pa~'sed and ",dorted and the motion was carried b;jT the following Aye and No vote:
those voting P,ye being Mo.yor Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Langohr; t OS(: votini:~, No:
Resolution No. 1146 - Levying Assessment in S.LD. 431 - Final Auoption.
ThlS ws.s the time and place set for hearin!; protests to levying assessment for Special lrnprove-
["lent DisLrict l'J'. 431. Affi(~avit of publication of Notice was presented. No one was present to
protest and no protests having been filed, Resolution No. 1146, provisionally pac3sed and adopted
at the regular meeing held 21 October 1964, ,vas presented for fini::.l passage. In concurrence with
the recommen!ation of the City Manar:er, it was moved by Commissioner SediV'J, seconded by Commissioner
Langohr, th2t the resolution be finally passed c.i.nd adopted and the notion was carried by the
following /J"ye and ~o vote: those voting Aye bei ng MayortJ~orrow ,::ommissioner Sedivy ane! Commissioner
Langobr; those votiW!. No: None.
Resolution No. 1147 - Levying Assessment in S.LD. 433 - final Acioption.
Thic h'ClS the time and place set for hearing protests to levying assessment for Special Improvc-
ment District No. 433. Affidavit of publication of Not,ice WE,S presented. No one vias present to
pro+.est andno protests having been filed, hesolution No. 1147, provisioni:i.lly passed and adopted at the
rcp;ular meeting held 21 October 1964, was presented for final passage. In concurrence with the
recommendation 01 the City I\lanager, it was moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by CommissLmer
Sedi vy, that the resolution be finally passed and adopted and the motion "I, s carried by the followinE:
I:ye and No vote: those votinF!' Aye being Jelayor Morrow, Corrunissionor Sedivy and ;onmissioner Langohr;
those vot.inp: No: None.
Assessment in S.I.D. 43 - Final Ado tion.
This HclS the time and place set for hearing prot.ests to levying assessment for Special Improve-
ment District No. 431+. Affidi'wit of publication of Notice was presented. No one was present to
pro+,est and no protests having been filed, Resolution No. 1148 , provisioncc11y passed ano auopteci at
the reguJar meetin'~ held 21 October 1964, was presented for final passa[!,e. In concunence wi th the
recommednation of the City Manager', it ',vas l'1oved by Commissioner Secii vy, seconded by -";ommissioner
Langohr, that the resolution be final1y passed and adopted and the motion was carried by the fo11ow-
inf:" Aye and No vote: those voting Aye 'ieing Mayor Norrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner
Law"ohr; those voting No: None.
Hesolution No. Ill.9 - Levyinr: Assessment in S.l.D. L31 - Final Adoption.
'l'bis w:;s the Ume ami place set for he;Jrinf, protests to levying assessment for Special Improve-
ment District
i~O .
Affidavi t. of publication of Notice viaS present.ed.
No one Wi~S present to
protest and no protests having been fj led, Hesolut:irm r<o. 1149, pr.ovisionally passed and adopted
at the re'~ular rrleer,ing held 21 O(~"ober1961+, w;:s preiiented for final par;sage. In concu rencewitL
the recommendation of the City ~'lanager , it was loved by Cor1missioner Lani":ohr, seconded by Com-
missj oner Sedivy, that the resolution befinally passed and adopted Clnd the rr,otion was card ed by
the following t,ye anri No vote: those votinr, j\ye [leinE l\jayor "'lorrow, Commissioner Sedivy and
Commissioner L.C1ngohr; those vatinE No: None.
Re~w]ution No. 115U - Levying Assessment in S.l.]). 438 - Fiml ',Goption.
This \'ltC's the time and pla.ce set for heaTing protests to levyin{; assessment for Special Improve-
ment Disi. riet No. 1+38. Affiriavi t of publication of Noti ce Wi,s presented. No one "as present to
protest and no protests ha \lin,,,: been filed, F~esolution No. 1150, ],rovisional1y passed and adopted
at the rep:u1ar meetinp; held 21 October 1964, was presented for fint,} pi:ic~sage. In eonCl1rr'ence "iLh
the recornmendation of the CitY)llanager, it WiJs'Iloved by Commissioner Sedivy, scondcd by Commissioner
LanfJ'ohr, that thC' resolution be fi nally pass(,d and adopted m.d the nlOtion HaS earried by the following
i;ye c~W No vote: those voting Aye being Mayol Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Lani:ohr;
those voting No: None.
Res<)Jution No. 1151 - Le'l/ .. n_ J\ssessment in S.LD. 440 - Final Ado tion.
This WEiS the time and place set for hCoiring protests to levying assessment for Speci6.1 Improve-
rr.ent District No. 440. Affidavit of publication of Notice vIdS presented. No one waf, present to
protest and no prot.ests ha-\;ing been filed, Resolution No. 1151, provisionally passed and adopted at the
regular meeting held Oc'Lober 21, 191)4, was pr('_'senLedC'or final passaE!,e. In concurrence with I,he recornmend-
ation of the City rv:ana,~er, it was 1110ved by Commissioner Lan,c;ohr, soconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the
~-8'-olution be finally passed and adopted an the motion \"a5 carried by the following Aye and No vote:
those votingAyo being Mayor Norrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner LangohI'; those voting No: l~one.
Resolution No. 11S2. - Lev in-" l\ssessment in S.LD. 4 2 - Provisional Ado tion.
Hesolution No. 1152, levving assessments for the construction of Special Improvement Uistrict
No. 432 in the amount of ;ip187, 729. 20\~es presented entitled:
It. was "loved b'" Commissioner Sedivy, s8conded by Commissioner Langohl', that the resolution be provisionally
passed and adopted and November 4, 1964, be set as the date for public hearing and the motion '""as carried
by the following Aye and No vote: those vot:Lmr Aye beinE, !'!:ayor Morro\lT, COlmnissioner Sedivy and Commissioner
Langohr; t'nOSf." voting No: None.
S.LD. No.4 2 (Sanitar Sewer - lrJest Side
ent in ContI'actor.
A certificate from i-iarold Hoskins & Associates, Consulting Engineers, stating that construction
of s2.nitary sewer lines wi thin Special Improvement Distriet No. 432, had been completed in accordance
with the plans and sp cifications of the contract by haggerty-Hessmer Co., LJozeman, and reconunending
th2ct the City accept a.nd approve the project as completed was presented. The City Ham,ger and the
City Engineer concurred in the recommeniation of the consultant angineer, and tbelvlanager informed
the Commission that a determination had been made that all valiu claims against the contNctor resulting
from the construction have been poid, and recommended that any penalties against the contractor for over-
run of the contract tir:e be -'Iai ved. It was moved by Corrunissioner Sedivy, Seconded by Commissioner Langohr,
that in concurrence with the foregoin,q; recommendations, the contlet work in Special Improvement DisLl'ict
No. 432, be approved an:l accepted as completed and that any penalties for overrun of contract time be
waived, and, fi.nal payment be made to the contractor upon presentation of a final estimate and claim
in proper order and trle motion wa,s carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being
Vayor varrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Commisc,ioneI' Lan!~ohr; those voting No: None.
~~_t,!(). 115
Resolution No. 1153 _ levyinr~ ass(~ssmonts for the construction of Special Improvement Uistrict
Ko. 439 in the amount of 'Hi15,846.71 was presented entitled:
It 'triS moved by Corunissioner Langohr, secondf-]d by Commissioner Sedivy, that the resolution be provision-
ally passed and a opted and November 4, 1964, be set as the date for puolic hearing ami the motion "II'i"-LS
carried by Hie following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being dayor l\jorrow, Conunis~,ioner Sedivy
and Commissioner Lango'I'; those voting No: None.
Semi-Final Estimate awl p
ent - S.LD. 4 9 and S.LD. . O.
The City Hanac"er reported that construction within Special Improvement lJistricts No. IS 439
ano 4_40, had been completed with the exception of final clean-up work ani rresented senli-fiml
estimates and claims for payment 88 prepared by the consultant engineer as follows:
S.LD. 439
S.l.D. 440
~n2 , 595 . 86
~~13, 688.32
Following recommenda,tion by the City Manager it Wc;,S moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by
Commissioner Sedivy, that the claims as presented, be approved and the Lirecotr of Finance instructed
to draw warrants for their payment and themotion was carried by the following f.ye and No vote:
those voting Aye being Mayor' Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy ann Commissioner Lan{"ohr; those voting
No: None.
Speed Limit co on 1-'ISC C",m Pus.
Pursuant to theaction at the regular session October 21, J.964, Chief of Police C. V. SEitmdel's
and M.S.C. officials had conducted a study of traffic conditions on the Campus and the City
Manaver read a letter from Chief Saunders which recommended that no change be made in the speed
li.mi te on the Campus at this time. F~obert 1vlullica, Campus Police Chief, was present anci concUlTed
in the recommendation '/'lith the request that study of the matter of traffic control on the Ct:.rnpus
cont:inue.l'layor Morrow informed Chief Hu"1lica that action on any proposed City Ordinance setting
speed limits on the Campus "Wi,ll be held in abeyance pending furthel' study as reqUl'~sted.
Request for Parade - Gallatin County Democratic Committee.
A letter from Dr. Paul Visscher, Chairman of the Gallatin vounty Democratic Corrunittee,
requesting permission to conduct a parade through several City streets lVionday, i',iovember 2,
19(,4, in honor of Dr. h. H. Henne, Lumocratic Ciindidate for Covernor of iVlOnt.ana., w,",s read.
It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Langohr, that the request be granled
Clnd the rr:otion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye belng l'layor 1';01"1'0'.-1,
Commissione 5edjvy and Commissioner Lan "ohr; those voting No: None.
ReC1y'st for 4C I Curb O-,)enin? - 4 Plex - 12th awl Koch St.
p, let tel' from 30yd C. Foster, requesting approval 0 f his proposed forty foot curb opening to
serve the garages of his newly constructed four-plex at Twelfth ami Koch Street was reiJ,d. rol1owing
recommcmdation by the City Hanager, it was moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded cy Commissioner
Sedi vy, that the request be granted and the motion Wi_i s car-ried by the following Aye and No vote:
those voting Aye being Mayor Horrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Corranissioner Langohr; thqse voting
No: None.
Report of City Hall Survey - Historical Committee.
A letter from the Cit'r Hall Histodcal Committee recommending preservation of the following
items within the present City Hall when the building is razed WiS recod an': corrunem,eci on b,y the
Ci ty [J!anager:
1. Stained glass winc10ws, doors and harclware leading from the front to the second story.
2. t, further attempt should '00 made to remove additional posters from tbe wall~,. of the
opera louse.
J. The drum wi neh now used to raise nnd lower the s~,age curtain.
4-. The judges ehair am) several old capta'ns chairs located on the second flool'.
5. The drinking fountain locctted in the middle of the building on the first. floor.
6. Old theater seats located in the basement.
7. flAIf dozen or so of the old st,reet lights.
8. Two Hier water gauges, Fairbanks scale, water heate' and old maps, loc.',cted in the basement.
9. The old vJ'Ood street signs indicating ""ouse and j'i:ain Streets.
10. The individual stone letters CITY HALL located on the front of the':Juiluint;.
It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Langohr, that receipt of the recommendations
be acknowledr:ed and the appreciation of the City Commission be conveyed to the Committee and the motion
was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting ;'ye being Mayor hOirow, Commicisioner Sedivy
and Commissioner Langohr; those voting No: None.
Hecu,st for ;/:ater Connection O'ltside City Limit - David Vouel, Jr.
A letter from Dr, ,:tel Vogel, Jr. requesting permission to connect his property loc,,,ted l\orthea,st
of the City to the water translttission line from the Lyrnan Creeh supply w;:"s read. The City l\lanager
commented on the renuest ami it was moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by Corrunissioner Sediv;y,
that the re'~luest be denied cend thernotion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting
Aye beinF~>TayoY' rd'orrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Co:nmissioner Langohr; those voting No; None.
Ad.l ournrnent
There beinr~ no further business to come before the Commission at this time it was moved by
Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Langohr, thatttho meeting adjourn a,nci the motion was
carried by the following Aye and No vote: those votin Aye being ,\iayor >;orrow, Commissioner Sedivy
and Commissioner Langohr; those voting No: None.
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Acting Clerk of the Commission