HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-10-17 Public Comment - J. Collins - TapRoomDear Commissioners, It has come to my attention that the Bozeman Taproom is requesting a renewal of their CUP to sell Beer and Wine. As a parent of a 4th grader, Kindergartener and Pre-kinder at Hawthorne I would like to express my concern once again at the proximity and direct impact that this bar is having and will have on our children. As I stated at the 12/19/16 commission meeting I have multiple concerns about the clear visibitly and bar environment in regards to kids 5-12 years old. My concern is not whether this is a family friendly place, but the direct interaction this bar and its patrons have with small school children every day. I expect and demand that the City Commission place a high value on the safety of our children. I don’t need to lecture anyone on the statistics of alcohol as I think we are all aware of them, but this does make me pause and ask if we have become complacent in our society in regards to it. I enjoy going to a restaurant with my children and having a glass of wine or beer, but I don’t believe my children should have to be subjected to alcohol consumption on a daily basis starting at 11 am within their classroom. It is absurd that we are arguing about this and that the parents of Hawthorne have been put in this predicament! We are very concerned about the precedent this will set not only for Hawthorne and the fact that we are surrounded by commercial buildings on 2 sides, but also the other elementary schools and high school. This building could have been designed a 100 different ways that would not have allowed such direct line of sight and interaction with these kids. Why was it allowed in the first place and why was it allowed such open exposure to small children and families that have NO choice, but to interact with this bar and its patrons? As I stated in my previous letter I would ask that the City require some modifications to the CUP before renewing it. Listed below are some ideas to limit exposure to alcohol consumption and a bar environment. I don’t believe any of these are out of line and would be extremely easy to facilitate. Thank you for your time and attention to this very serious matter. 1. Install dense screens on rooftop deck to block view of alcohol consumption/patrons during school hours (11:00 am – 5:30 pm) 2. Keep all garage doors on Rouse closed during school hours (11:00 am – 5:30 pm) 3. No music on roof top deck or outside speakers during school hours (11:00 am – 5:30 pm) 4. Alcohol deliveries (kegs) must park and be delivered through front door on Mendenhall (not visible to Hawthorne classrooms, Hawthorne parking spots utilized by Hawthorne parents/guardians) 5. Clean all sidewalks each night and each morning to clear environment of garbage and filth Truly, Julie W. Collins t: 406.570.0710 e: paperroute@gmail.com juliewalkercollins.myrandf.com juliewalkercollins.myrandf.biz