HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-21-16 City Commission Minutes a l so rah co.�o I THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES Monday, November 21,2016 l Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Present Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Present MaVor-Carson Taylor: Present , Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Present Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Present Staff Present at the Dais:City Manager Chris Kukulski,City Attorney Greg Sullivan, City Clerk Robin Crough A. 06:00:03 PM (00:01:34)Call to Order—6:00 PM-Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. r. P. B. 06:00:08 PM (00:01:39) Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence l C. 06:01:13 PM (00:02:44)Changes to the Agenda City Manager Kukulski noted a small change in motion language on Action Item 1,which has been distributed to the Commission. D. 06:01:34 PM (00:03:05) Public Service Announcements 1. New Online City Hall Topic - East Gallatin Recreation Area (Bozeman Beach) Master Plan Survey(Crough) City Clerk Crough noted that there is a new topic available online for citizen input on the Online City Hall system on the City's website. Interested citizens can call the Clerk's office at 582-2321. 2. City Offices closed on Thursday, November 24"and Friday, November 25t", 2016. City Clerk Crough informed the Commission and public that City offices will be closed on Thursday, November 24t" and Friday, November 25t", 2016 due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Collection i services will not be active on Thursday, but will be resumed on Friday to make up for the lost day. 3 Collection services will be on schedule the following week. E. 06:02:42 PM (00:04:13)Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims for Goods and Services (l.aMeres) a 2. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Professional Services Agreement with the Center for Public Safety Management(CPSM)to Update the Fire Protection Master Plan (Waldo) .t� 1. ( Page 1 of 13 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,November 21,2016 3. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Professional Services Agreement with KU Engineering for the Downtown—North 7th Conduit Project(Fine) ` :!; 4. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Professional Affiliation Agreement with Bozeman Health for Fire Department Personnel to Engage in Educational Experiences at Bozeman Deaconess Hospital(Waldo) 1a 5. Adopt the Tree Maintenance Fund Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)for Fiscal Years 2018-2022 (Rosenberry) ! 6. Resolution 4749,Approving Change Order Number 4 with Saunders Line Construction for the 2016 Downtown and Midtown Conduit Project(Fine) a 06:02:46 PM (00:04:17) City Manager Overview City Manager Kukulski provided a brief overview of Consent Items 1-6. 06:03:57 PM 00:05:28 Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. There was no public comment. Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 06:04:1.4 PM (00:05:45)Motion and Vote to approve Consent Items 1-6 as submitted. The motion passed 5-0. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Mayor-Carson TaVlor:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve F. 06:04:34 PM (00:06:05) Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. 06:05:21 PM (00:06:52)Sahara Devi,Public Comment Ms. Devi thanked the Commission for their service. She then stated that she does not support the Black Olive project.She also stated she did not believe the Block M Apartments were not what she expected, due to their lack of affordability. Black Olive and its parking issues will be the same. 06:08:22 PM (00:09:53) Brian Caldwell, Public Comment Mr. Caldwell discussed the Regional Urban Design Assistance Team public outreach/volunteer opportunity regarding growth and infill development. He asked for a letter of support from the Mayor and City Manager to support the process. He discussed recent neighborhood meetings in regards to this process. 06:10:19 PM 00:11:50 Public Comment Closed Mayor Taylor closed public comment. G. 06:10:24 PM (00:11:55) Mayoral Proclamation Page 2 of 13 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,November21,2016 1. Small Business Saturday Mayor Taylor read a proclamation and proclaimed Saturday, November 261h, 2016 as Small Business Saturday. H. 06:12:35 PM 00:14:06 Action Items 1. 06:12:45 PM (00:14:15) Resolution 4732, Calling for a Public Hearing to Approve Certain Public Infrastructure Projects in the Northeast Urban Renewal District as Urban Renewal Projects and to Finance the Projects through the Issuance of Tax Increment Urban Renewal Bonds; and Making a Reimbursement Declaration in the Event that Tax-Exempt Bond Proceeds Reimburse Original Expenditures to the City(Fontenot) 4 06:13:09 PM (00:14:40)Staff Presentation Economic Development Director Brit Fontenot presented Resolution 4732. Mr. Fontenot discussed the history of the Northeast Urban Renewal District and the NEURD Plan, as well as the District principles f and board members. He discussed the approved FY17 District Work Plan and budget,with its seven designated projects and their relative cost estimates. He noted the estimated bonding capacity of the A district. Mr. Fontenot discussed the next steps of the process. a 06:22:34 PM (00:24:05)Questions of Staff a DM Andrus asked if the order of the projects reflect the priority given to these projects.She also asked if these allow for the increment to grow. CR Krauss asked if there are any projects being proposed in the NEURD right now,so where is the i growth in the increment? CR Mehl asked the purpose to bond the TIF. What share of the budget would it be?Since the City's bond rating went up,why 5%opposed to 3%? He asked about the City issuing the bonds, but not guaranteeing them.Administrative Services Director Anna Rosenberry responded in detail. CR Mehl asked further about extending the TIF. DM Andrus asked if it has been in existence since 2005,why isn't there any money to do these projects? CR Krauss asked if there are no projects being proposed, 3 projects would be close, and they are betting 77%of the increment on the bonds, how does this compare to the downtown? Director Rosenberry 3 responded. He asked if it would affect the City's bond rating if the district defaulted. CR Pomeroy asked about the breakdown of the money, and if the money goes into the reserve.She asked if the expectation is that property values in the district will go up, and if they can revisit the remaining projects at a later date when they can be paid for. She also asked how long it will take to accumulate the money required to make up the difference in the project cost and bonding capacity. Mayor Taylor asked about the potential of a RUDAT, mentioned earlier in public comment, and its impact on the district. He asked if some money has already been spent on some of these projects. He also asked if the district accumulated enough money, could they pay off the bond, and then if it got to that point,can someone decide to end the district at that point. CR Krauss asked that even if they couldn't finance all the projects they would still sell all the bonds? Director Rosenberry responded in detail. He asked that the City would sell only the bonds required for the projects. 06:46:31 PM (00:48:02) Public Comment Mayor Taylor public comment. 06:46:41 PM (00:48:12)Greg Beardslee,Public Comment Page 3 of 13 F Bozeman City Commission Minutes,November 21,2016 Mr. Bea rdslee discussed a safety consideration that the Board did not look into. A young lady on a tricycle will be trapped when the Rouse construction occurs. The projects should be reordered. 06:48:06 PM (00:49:37) Public Comment Closed Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 06:48:10 PM (00:49:41)Motion to approve Resolution 4732 calling fora public hearing on December 19,2016 to approve certain public infrastructure projects in the Northeast Urban Renewal District as urban renewal projects and to finance the projects through the issuance of tax increment urban renewal bonds;and making a reimbursement declaration in the event that tax-exempt band proceeds reimburse original expenditures of the City. Commissioner-I-Ho PomeroV: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd 06:48:56 PM (00:50:26) Discussion CR Pomeroy thanked Mr. Fontenot and the Board to get to this point. As the liaison,she stated that they cannot spend the money that they don't have.She strongly supports the motion. CR Mehl supports the motion. It's a small district and this makes sense as they can only do modest projects without bonding. He also supports just bonding what is needed with a tiny cushion. He believes the risk is worth taking to bring benefits to this area, and he believes this is the right order. DM Andrus also supports the motion,the priorities set by the Board,and understands the risk.She agrees to look at bonding only what is needed, but this is a workable amount.She is willing to look into the public comment mentioned. CR Krauss is undecided, but doesn't necessarily think the increment will always increase. He also doesn't think he'd support using General Fund money to cover the debt. He doesn't believe there's an imperative to bond right away. He stated there are many factors that could impact the risk,which can be mitigated by encouraging private investment. Mayor Taylor stated he disagreed, as there is some risk, but doing this now would be better than later. He supports the motion. 07:01:05 PM (01:02:36) Vote to approve Resolution 4732 calling for a public hearing on December 19, 2016 to approve certain public infrastructure projects in the Northeast Urban Renewal District as urban renewal projects and to finance the projects through the issuance of tax increment urban renewal bonds,and making a reimbursement declaration in the event that tax-exempt bond proceeds reimburse original expenditures of the City. The motion passed 4-1. Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl• 2nd DeputV Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Disapprove MaVor-Carson Taylor:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve 2. 07:01:50 PM (01:03:21) Ordinance 1968 Provisional Adoption, the Stopka Zone Map Amendment Rezoning Four Existing Lots and Adjacent Rights-of-Way Located at 3611, 3623, 3635 and 3641 Laduke Street from R-2, Residential Two-Household Medium Density District, to R-3, Residential Medium Density District,Application 16380(WerBell) L Page 4 of 13 i I i Bozeman City Commission Minutes,November 21,2016 i i 07:02:20 PM (01:03:51)Staff Presentation Mr. WerBell entered his staff report and materials into the record. He discussed the plat of the Oak Springs Subdivision,the related annexation maps, and the application and subject properties. He noted what the different zone types would entail. All zoning criteria are met with this application. Public comment was received.The DRC and Zoning Commission recommended approval. 07:08:37 PM (01:10:08) Questions of Staff CR Pomeroy asked why one block has two different zonings. 3 5 CR Mehl asked what we have done so this doesn't happen again. Policy and Planning Manager Chris Saunders responded in detail regarding process. CR Mehl also asked Mr.WerBell about the public commenter and the height limitations. CR Krauss asked if another remedy would be a variance. Staff responded no. t i 07:14:54 PM (01:16:25)Applicant Presentation Project representative Sarah Mackie briefly discussed the projected height. k is 07:15:23 PM (01:16:54) Questions of Applicant CR Mehl asked if the applicant had seen the staff report and accepted it. a b f 07:15:44 PM (01:17:15) Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. There was no public comment. Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 1 07:15:55 PM (01:17:26)Motion that having reviewed and considered the text of the ordinance,staff report, application materials, earlier public comment, the deliberations and recommendation of the Zoning Commission at the November 15,2016 Zoning Commission meeting and all information presented,I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for Application 16380 and move to provisionally adopt Ordinance 1968, the Stopka Zone Map Amendment. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: 2nd_ 07:16:25 PM (01:17:56) Discussion CR Mehl supports this motion. DM Andrus also supports as it fits the growth policy and makes sense for the area. Hopefully we can clean up other areas of the City where this has happened. CR Pomeroy stated that this makes sense,so she supports. CR Krauss doesn't take so cavalierly zoning, as it should be an expectation of adjacent property owners. He will still vote yes. Mayor Taylor supports the motion. He does agree with CR Krauss that this is a topic for discussion in the future. CR Mehl stated that he also agrees with the zoning discussion in the future, and the comment received by the Zoning Commission. i CR Krauss stated that if we fix 100 of these,we should discuss. 07:24:43 PM (01:26:14) Vote that having reviewed and considered the text of the ordinance,staff report, application materials, earlier public comment, the deliberations and recommendation of the ) Page 5 of 13 i� li ij a i Bozeman City Commission Minutes,November 21,2016 Zoning Commission at the November 15,2016 Zoning Commission meeting and all information presented, thereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for Application 16380 and move to provisionally adopt Ordinance 1968, the Stopka Zone Map Amendment. The motion passed 5-0. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve 3. 07:25:21 PM (01:26:52)A Conditional Use Permit (CUP)Application to Allow the Establishment of an Accessory Dwelling Unit(ADU)Above an Existing Detached Garage Structure at 3168 Foxtail Street in Phase 2 of the Cattail Creek Subdivision (Quasi-Judicial) (Owens) m to 07:25:39 PM (01:27:10)Staff Presentation Planner Rebecca Owens entered her staff report into the record.She discussed the current land use in the subject area and neighborhood context, as well as the property. She displayed the proposed ADU and the remodeling/construction involved.She showed an approved map of nearby ADUs.The proposal has met all the ADU and CUP review criteria.The DRC supports approval with stated conditions. 07:31:14 PM (01:32:45)Questions of Staff DM Andrus asked if there have been any issues with the other ADUs in this area. 07:32:02 PM (01:33:33)Applicant Presentation Applicant Chris Bauccus stated he was available for questions. 07:32:05 PM (01:33:36) Questions of Applicant CR Mehl asked if he was okay with the staff report. 07:32:41 PM (01:34:12) Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. There was no public comment. Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 07:32:51 PM (01:34:22)Motion that reviewed and considered the application materials,public comment, and all the information presented,I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 16420 and move to approve the 3168 F'oxtail Street conditional use permit to allow the establishment of an accessory dwelling unit above a detached garage building with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd Page 6 of 13 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,November 21,2016 07:33:22 PM (01:34:53) Discussion i DM Andrus supports the application as this area already supports nine ADUs where there have been no issues. CR Krauss stated this is the only place he votes for ADUs in R-1, because this area has been specifically designed with this in mind. CR Pomeroy stated this brings in more housing and supports. i 07:35:04 PM (01:36:35) Vote that reviewed and considered the application materials,public comment, and all the information presented, l hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 16420 and move to approve the 3168(oxtail Street conditional use permit to allow the establishment of an accessory dwelling unit above a detached garage building with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. The motion passed 5-0. 1, 5 Deputy Mayor-CVnthia Andrus: Motion ° Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve 07:35:25 PM (01:36:56) Break ( Mayor Taylor called a break until 7:45 PM. 07:45:04 PM (01:46:35)Call to Order Mayor Taylor called the meeting back to order at 7:45 PM. 4. 07:45:16 PM (01:46:47) Public Hearing on Changes to the Unified Development Code for Y Water Part 1, Addressing Clarification of Language, Modifications to Landscaping and Irrigation Requirements for City Parks and Rights-of-Way, and Detail in Plan Submittal Requirements (Owens) '7- 3 ) 07:45:41 PM (01:47:12)Staff Presentation Planner Rebecca Owens entered her staff report and related materials into the record. She presented progressive revisions to the UDC updates.The Part 1 set of text amendments are to address clarity, resource management, process, and consistency. She discussed in detail the specific proposed changes. She discussed the criteria for evaluation and public comment. 07:53:22 PM (01:54:53) Questions of Staff DM Andrus asked for clarification on the amendment regarding well water and what we're actually doing. Water Conservation Specialist Lain Leoniak responded in detail. DM Andrus also asked about the definition of efficient irrigation systems. She also asked what the impetus for these text amendments was. CR Pomeroy asked why we need a modification for irrigation in City parks and rights-of-way.She asked if the City currently lacked standards. CR Krauss asked what sideboards on water usage would be. Ms. Owens provided additional detail. He also asked how these text amendments make housing more affordable. 08:03:31 PM (02:05:02) Public Comment Page 7 of 13 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,November 21,2015 Mayor Taylor opened public comment. There was no public comment. Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 08:03:43 PM (02:05:14)Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials,public comment,recommendation of the Zoning Commission, and all the information presented, !hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report and move to provisionally adopt UDC text amendment 2D, Water Part 1. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:2nd 08:04:19 PM (02:05:50) Discussion CR Krauss was interested in seeing a cost-benefit analysis and its effect on housing affordability, but he supports. CR Pomeroy stated that this is good since we don't currently have guidance, so she supports. CR Mehl supports as well, as this is primarily housekeeping. DM Andrus stated that she also supports these text amendments, and the community buy-in about this is very important. Mayor Taylor supports the motion as well. 08:06:57 PM (02:08:28) Vote that having reviewed and considered the application materials,public comment,recommendation of the Zoning Commission, and all the information presented, !hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report and move to provisionally adopt UDC text amendment .2D, Water Part 1. The motion passed 5-0. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:2nd_ Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:.Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve 5. 08:07:10 PM (02:08:41)Ordinance 1962 Provisional Adoption, Addressing 13-21VI/R-5 Signs; Ordinance 1963 Provisional Adoption,Addressing R-5 Group Living; Ordinance 1964 Provisional Adoption, Addressing B-1 Apartments; and Ordinance 1965 Provisional Adoption,Addressing Zoning Categories Allowing Parks (Rice) a 08:07:37 PM (02:09:08)Staff Presentation Planner Mayana Rice discussed corrections identified in four individual ordinances presented in this item.These are not part of the spring UDC update, and are instead edits that happen now.Starting with Ordinance 1962,the ordinance addresses corrections in signs, specifically adding missed zoning types, no changes to the standards. No public comment was received, and the DRC recommends approval. 08:11:16 PM (02:12:47)Questions of Staff on Ordinance 1962 There were no questions of staff. Page 8 of 13 I I i i Bozeman City Commission Minutes,November 21,2016 08:11:24 PM (02:12:55) Public Comment on Ordinance 1962 E Mayor Taylor opened public comment. There was no public comment. Mayor Taylor closed public comment. r 08:11:41 PM (02:13:12)Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials,public comment, recommendation of the Zoning Commission,and all the information presented, 1 hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report and move to provisionally adopt Ordinance 1962. N Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd 08:12:11 PM (02:13:42) Discussion CR Pomeroy supports the motion. CR Mehl stated that both Planning and Zoning support this correction to an oversight. DM Andrus agrees with CR Mehl. 08:13:20 PM 02:14:51 Vote that having reviewed and considered the application materials,public comment,recommendation of the Zoning Commission,and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report and move to provisionally adopt Ordinance 1962. The motion passed 5-0. Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve � Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve it 4 Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve 08:13:36 PM (02:15:07)Staff Presentation on Ordinance 1963 Ms. Rice discussed that this ordinance addresses group living in Article 22. No standards are being changed,just adding R-5.There was no public comment, and DRC recommends approval. 08:15:25 PM (02:16:56) Questions of Staff on Ordinance 1963 CR Pomeroy asked why motions are all the same if the zoning is different. She asked for further clarification on the process. Mayor Taylor clarified a point of R-5. 08:18:41 PM (02:20:12) Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. There was no public comment. Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 08:18:55 PM 02:20:26 Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials public ( ) 9 pp ,p comment, recommendation of the Zoning Commission,and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report and move to provisionally adopt Ordinance 1963. A Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Page 9 of 13 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,November 21,2016 08:19:19 PM (02:20:50) Discussion CR Pomeroy stated we are doing this for clarification, not complication, so she supports. CR Mehl stated that this is not just a clarification, but fixing an oversight. CR Krauss stated that group homes were not meant to be excluded. 08:20:29 PM (02:22:00) Vote that having reviewed and considered the application materials,public comment, recommendation of the Zoning Commission, and all the information presented, l hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report and move to provisionally adopt Ordinance 1963. The motion passed 5-0. Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve 08:20:42 PM (02:22:13)Staff Presentation on Ordinance 1964 -Ms. Rice clarified the ordinance and its changes to B-1.She discussed what they were NOT doing to B-1 to clarify.She noted why this was being addressed as a correction as opposed to a policy change. She discussed questions that the Planning Board and Zoning Commission looked at. She also discussed staff's interpretation of intent. She discussed the criteria for evaluation, did not get specific public comment, but acknowledged that they hear about this often. DRC,zoning Commission,and Planning Board recommended approval. 08:28:10 PM (02:29:41)Questions of Staff on Ordinance 1964 CR Mehl asked if the Planning/Zoning vote indicated that they wanted the Commission to discuss further. He asked if it needed to clarified of type vs. amount of use, and what is the staffs view of this and the definition of mixed use. He asked what other cities have done. He asked if the definitions could be done in the current UDC update. If the Commission punted this,when would this update happen?CR Mehl asked Mr.Saunders how often mixed use on first floors has happened. CR Pomeroy asked about the ground floor residential/commercial use clarification. CR Mehl asked if exceptions would be allowed. CR Krauss if this makes 13-2M more restrictive B-2. Mayor Taylor clarified that this is only changes to B-1. Ms. Rice read the three different types of footnotes. CR Pomeroy asked that in B-1 they could do all housing. She asked what's the purpose of restricting housing in a community that needs more?Why did the Commission at that time make that determination? Mr. Saunders responded in detail. CR Krauss asked about current controls in B-1. DM Andrus asked about the intention to do this footnote in the past, and that this doesn't omit residential. 08:48:01 PM 02:49:32 Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. 08:48:11 PM (02:49:42)_Heather Davis,Public Comment Ms. Davis, planner representing Intrinsik Architecture, stated that they feel the footnote is too restrictive.They are currently working on a project that would be derailed by this footnote.She feels Page 10 of 13 3 i 3 i 1 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,November 21,2016 i there should be some flexibility.The policy should be revisited so that staff can bring back the footnote with a Conditional Use option. 08:52:10 PM (02:53:41) Public Comment Closed Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 08:52:13 PM (02:53:44)Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials,public comment,recommendation of the Zoning Commission, and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report and move to provisionally adopt Ordinance 1964. Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd 08:52:38 PM (02:54:09) Discussion CR Pomeroy stated that this motion allows the community more walkability and less driving, and she N supports the motion. f CR Mehl supports the motion, but possibly with some caveats. It's important to fix this, but he is interested in possibly having a discussion, possibly before the UDO in March, orjust with options. K DM Andrus also supports the motion, and is struck by how little B-1 the City has. CR Krauss did not believe there was ever intent with B-1 to be apartment complexes. He supports the motion. Mayor Taylor also supports the motion, and doesn't need it to come back right away.The concept is solid and we should have these. 09:01:51 PM (03:03:22) Vote that having reviewed and considered the application materials,public comment, recommendation of the Zoning Commission,and all the information presented, 1 hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report and move to provisionally adopt Ordinance 1964. The motion passed 5-0. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve l 09:02:05 PM (03:03:36)Staff Presentation on Ordinance 1965 Ms. Rice discussed the lack of clarity with parks. What they are NOT doing is changing dedications, cash in-lieu,or anything in mixed use zone districts.The intent is to match what was done in 2004.5he reminded the Commission that this was not a policy discussion tonight.All criteria have been met positively or neutral,there was no public comment, and the DRC/Planning/Zoning recommended approval. 09:05:02 PM (03:06:33)Questions of Staff on Ordinance 1965 CR Pomeroy asked that this does not change dedication,so it allows for what? 09:06:24 PM (03:07:55) Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. v Page 11 of 13 ! li :r. k Bozeman City Commission Minutes,November 21,2016 There was no public comment. Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 09:06:41 PM (03:08:12)Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials,public comment,recommendation of the Zoning Commission, and all the information presented,I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report and move to provisionally adopt Ordinance 1965. ,Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion_ Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd 09:07:05 PM (03:08:36) Discussion CR Pomeroy supports the motion as this doesn't change parkland dedication. 09:07:29 PM (03:09:00) Vote that having reviewed and considered the application materials,public comment, recommendation of the Zoning Commission,and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report and move to provisionally adopt Ordinance 1965. The motion passed 5-0. Commissioner-1-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve I. 09:07:41 PM (03:09:12) FYI/Discussion • CR Krauss stated his support of the application to RUDAT from the earlier public comment. • CR Krauss stated that with the City's online surveys/anonymous comments should not be allowed. • CR Krauss noted lots of recent discussion on Til's, and he wanted to reiterate that Tlrs don't take money from anyone. • Mayor Taylor stated he will write a letter of support to RUDAT unless he hears otherwise from the rest of the Commission. • City Manager Kukulski said Happy Thanksgiving to the Commission. • CR Mehl asked when the packets for next week would be ready. City Clerk Crough responded. • Mayor Taylor asked for the City Manager's review back by December 2",for a review on December 19cn • Mayor Taylor reminded the Commission of the Strategic Plan retreat on December 81'and 91n J. 09:13:10 PM (03:14:41)Adjournment Mayor Taylor adjourned the meeting at 9:13 PM. (2Prt/lSS Carsen4ay+sr -Mayor Page 12 of 13 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,November 21,2016 " ,ATTEST: Bo2� [ rl - lot � • �'. �LLgTIN COCi Cierk PREPARED BY: Robin Crough City Clerk Approved on: Page 13 of 13