HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-14-16 City Commission Minutes THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING 0FBOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES Monday, November 14". 2O1G PLEASE NOTE THAT TIMESTAMPS ARE APPROXIMATELY 1-2 MINUTES OFF FROM ACTUAL MEETING TIME. MEETING TIMES STATED|N TEXT ARE ACCURATE. Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Present Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Present Mayor-Carson Taylor: Present Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Present Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Present Staff Present at the Dais.City Manager Chris Kukulski,Assistant City Attorney Karen Stambaugh,City Clerk Robin Crough A. Call bm Order—6:OOPK8-Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at6:UOPM. B. Pledge mf Allegiance and a Moment ofSilence C. Changes tu the Agenda There were no changes 1n the agenda. D. Minutes 1. Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes from October 3, October 10, October 17, and October 24, and the Special Meeting Minutes from October 13, 2016, and User Access to Linked Minutes 77�'4- Motion to approve the regular meeting minutesfrom Octobor3. October 10, October 17, and October 24,and the special meeting rn/nutesƒroon October 13,2O26,and User access tn linked minutes ospresented. The motion passed 5-0. Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Motion Page 1of12 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,November 14,2016 Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve E. 06:01:11 PM (00:02:58)Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims for Goods and Services (LaMeres) 01 G 2. Authorize the City Manager to Sign the Donor and Partner Recognition Statement with The Trust for Public Land for the Story Mill Community Park(Poissant) 0� a 3. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Professional Services Agreement with Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) Foundation to Develop and Implement an Expanded Education Pilot Project in Bozeman Public Schools (Ahlstrom) , a 4. Ratify the Signature of the Director of Public Works on a Water Conveyance Agreement with the Maynard Border Ditch Association for Conveyance of Water to the Future Sports Park (Heaston) ~'a 5. Resolution 4745, Correcting Resolution 4663,Sourdough Water Tank Annexation,for 11.663 Acres at 4330 Sourdough Road,Application 15529 (Saunders) 0� a 6. Resolution 4747,Authorizing Change Order Number 1 with Knife River Belgrade for the North Wallace Avenue Reconstruction Project(Murray) G 06:01:16 PM (00:03:03) City Manager Overview City Manager Kukulski gave a brief overview of Consent Items 1-6. 06:02:43 PM (00:04:30) Public Comment on Consent Items 1-6. Mayor Taylor opened public comment. There was no public comment. Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 06:03:00 PM (00:04:47)Motion to approve Consent Items 1-6 as submitted. Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd 06:03:10 PM (00:04:57) Discussion CR Krauss noted that because he did not notify the Mayor early enough to pull an item, he will be voting no in general, as he opposes Item 3. 06:03:51 PM (00:05:38) Vote to approve Consent Items 1-6 as submitted. The motion passed 4-1. Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Page 2 of 12 I l 3 P 3 3 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,November 14,2016 I i Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Disapprove r Mayor-Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve F. 06:04:02 PM (00:05:49) Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. There was no public comment. Mayor Taylor closed public comment. G. 06:05:26 PM (00:07:13)Action Items 1. 06:05:31 PM (00:07:18) Resolution 4730, Adoption of the City of Bozeman's 2016 Economic �P Development Strategy Update (Fontenot) `L! } i 06:05:59 PM (00:07:46)Staff Presentation I Economic Development Director Brit Fontenot presented Resolution 4730 and the history of the City's 4 economic development strategy. He provided opening comments and thanks, and presented the consultant. Alisa Pyszka,with Leland Consulting Group,discussed the strategy development process,the three pillar strategies of economic development, a strategy update,clarifying the definition of employment,the wage differential,the Bozeman industry clusters,and talent. She provided a strategy overview and key themes.Out of two main themes,one is having a strong economic base.The second is having a strong community. 06:20:41 PM (00:22:28)Questions of Presenter DM Andrus asked how traded sector and local sectorjobs are related/dependent. She also asked about how this affects diversification. CR Mehl asked if this is Leland's take on the basic traded industry. Mayor Taylor asked about the process of bringing businesses here, and where does this fall into the plan. He also asked about the details of attracting talent in a city the size of Bozeman. CR Krauss asked whether they are promoting diversification of industry or promoting recruitment of similar companies within industry clusters. CR Mehl asked about recruiting businesses in undeveloped clusters. CR Pomeroy asked about a discrepancy in the population growth numbers in their report. Economic Development Director added context that this plan is focusing more on what role the City has in recruitment. Mayor Taylor asked about prioritizing aspects of this plan, assuming limited resources. 06:36:27 PM (00:38:14) Presentation Continued 3 Ms. Pyszka discussed the provided matrix in further detail. ) Page 3 of 12 C 4 P Bozeman City Commission Minutes,November 14,2015 06:38:28 PM (00:40:15) Point of Order CR Krauss asked what Ms. Pyszka was referencing and that the consultant pull up the referenced chart on the screen. 06:40:00 PM (00:41:47) Presentation Continued Ms. Pyszka pulled out a few key points and briefly discussed them. 06:44:03 PM (00:45.50) Economic Development Council Chair Presentation EDC Chair Daryl Schliem thanked the Commission for their support of economic development initiatives. Mr. Schliem discussed recruitment, and the role of Bozeman Fiber in bringing in businesses in lieu of active recruiting. He discussed the role of increased staff in moving these ideas forward. 06:47:39 PM (00:49:26) Questions of Staff/Presenters DM Andrus asked if we're promoting infrastructure, or reacting to industry.She also asked for further recruitment clarification. CR Pomeroy asked Mr.Schliem asked about the current businesses interested in Bozeman and whether it was directly because of Bozeman Fiber. She also asked about the role of affordable housing as an obstacle. She asked if Mr. Schliem had a solution for affordable housing. CR Mehl asked Mr. Fontenot about the plan's impact on resources in the future budget. Staff responded in detail. CR Mehl also asked if Mr. Fontenot will be able to prioritize in the future. CR Mehl asked why non-labor income was not discussed at all, and how does it play into this plan. He asked if we should focus at all on this sector. He asked if the population of Bozeman or Gallatin County will need to increase before the community sees wage increases, and further about growth. He also asked more about the income inequality in the community. He asked about the recommendation of higher density housing. He asked about the importance of the airport. Mayor Taylor asked if we were to add more jobs and more growth,what would that number be or need to be? He asked if Leland has assessed the level of Bozeman's current infrastructure. He asked if the City should be doing something about limited site availability that is addressed in the plan. 07:09:41 PM (01:11:28) Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. There was no public comment. Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 07:10:28 PM (01:12:15)Motion to adopt Resolution 4730,Adoption of the City of Bozeman's 2016 Economic Development Strategy Update, and direct staff to implement the 2016 Economic Development Strategy Update as appropriate. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd Page 4 of 12 i i i i Bozeman City Commission Minutes,November 14,2016 ; 3 E 07:10:43 PM (01:12:30) Discussion CR Mehl thanked Leland and the EDC. He discussed his support of the motion, but keeping Bozeman a great place to work and live. CR Krauss thanked the EDC,the consultant,the staff, and CR Mehl.The City's economic development strategy used to be entirely passive,so a robust plan is now very welcome. He also thanked the late Dewitt Latimer. Being aware of the City's role is important,which he discussed in detail. DM Andrus supports the plan, and pointed out that the community has already supported economic E development staff,which is rare. In this plan,she is most excited about the idea of building a qualified workforce. CR Pomeroy agreed with the other Commissioners and thanked the staff and consultant.She quoted the staff report stating why the update was necessary.She discussed the relationship of high-paying jobs and affordable housing. She strongly supports the update. I Mayor Taylor thanked the Commission for their comments, the presenters,those who have worked on the plan, and the EDC volunteers. He appreciates the notion that there is a specific role for the City. The plan demonstrates that we are deliberate and careful, and fits with the vision and strategic plan being done for the City. City Manager Kukulski thanked staff and the EDC. 07:34:31 PM (01:36:18) Vote to adopt Resolution 4730,Adoption of the City of Bozeman's 2016 Economic Development Strategy Update, and direct staff to implement the 2016 Economic Development Strategy Update as appropriate. The motion passed 5-0. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve 07:34:59 PM (01:36:46) Break Mayor Taylor called a break until 7:45 PM. 07:46:23 PM (01:48:10) Meeting Reconvened z Mayor Taylor called the meeting back to order at 7:47 PM. i 2. 07:46:32 PM (01:48:19) Big Sky Youth Empowerment Story Mansion Proposal Discussion (Kukulski) 4:a r. 9 5 07:46:42 PM (01:48 30}Staff Presentation City Manager Kukulski discussed a letter received from Big Sky Youth Empowerment and their request for a long-term lease of the Story Mansion carriage house. Mr. Kukulski stated that the zoning and code does allow this. Page 5 of 12 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,November 14,2016 07:50:26 PM (01:52:13)Applicant Presentation Executive Director of Big Sky Youth Empowerment, Pete McFayden,thanked the Commission and stated he would be available to answer any questions. 07:50:56 PM {01:52:43)Questions of Staff CR Pomeroy asked about the cost and time of the possible renovations. DM Andrus asked Mr. McFayden to discuss what his organization does and how this fits into the community center of the Story Mansion. She asked why the carriage house as well. CR Mehl asked the City Manager what renovations were needed at the carriage house. He asked what Mr. McFayden would do. He asked the City Manager about the current heating or storage. Parks and Recreation Director Mitch Overton responded in detail. He asked if we were currently collecting any money for the carriage house. He asked if there was any reason to think the City would run afoul of the Forest Service if used this way. He asked the City Manager what the City's recommendation was. CR Pomeroy asked what the impact on parking would be. She asked further about what a$2 million investment would mean. Mayor Taylor asked what his timing would be. He asked if a January or February deadline would be workable. 08:07:00 PM (02;08:48 Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. There was no public comment. Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 08:07:17 PM (02:09:04)Motion to direct staff to allow the investigation by the Big Sky Youth Empowerment of using the facility and directing staff to assist in that investigation. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: 2nd 08:07:42 PM (02:09:29) Discussion CR Krauss discussed that it would be great to do something with that property, and he thanked Mr. McFayden to propose the idea. DM Andrus supports the motion and what CR Krauss stated. CR Mehl asked if it was to continue to do the ground-proofing or do we want to look into an RFP. Mayor Taylor clarified that there will be a recommendation and agreement that comes in front of the Commission, requiring that they come back to us,and not with an RFP. CR Krauss discussed further the intent of the motion of acting on the offer. CR Mehl supports the motion. CR Pomeroy supports the motion, and it's good to get more activities for young people. Mayor Taylor appreciates that the group came to the Commission with this idea. Page 6of12 1 11 1 i Bozeman City Commission Minutes,November 14,201b i 08:14:13 PM (02:16:00) Vote to directstaff to allow the investigation by the Big Sky Youth Empowerment of using the facility and directing staff to assist in that investigation. The motion passed 5-0. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve f Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve 1 3. 08:14:46 PM (02:16.33) Approval of a One-Time Grant of $30,000 from the Community Housing Fund to the Human Resource Development Council of District IX, Inc. (HRDC) for a Youth Emergency Shelter(Rice) 7- GH 08:15:04 PM (02:16:51)Staff Presentation Associate Planner Mayana Rice came as the staff liaison for CAHAB.She discussed the Affordable Housing Action Plan of 2012. HRDC would like to use funds from the Community Housing Fund. This is a one-time request for fund allocation for over three years. V Heather Grenier of HRDC provided further context for the request, and how that money was budgeted I for this purpose. Jackie Haines, Economic Development Director for HRDC, oversees the youth home and oversees the r z program. She defined the issue, provided examples, discussed why the issue is important,the economic benefits,the issue in Bozeman, HRDC's intervention and solution, and what they have done in the last year. x f 08:32:40 PM (02:31:44)Questions of Staff/Presenter CR Pomeroy asked what the$30,000 would be used for specifically. DM Andrus asked for clarification about the budget and how it fits in. City Manager Kukulski responded in detail. CR Mehl asked who is providing the match, and what the match would be. He asked what metrics they are most interested in measuring, and why the discrepancy in the staff report. CR Krauss asked where the funds are coming from now. He asked if the HRDC has approached any other local governments or agencies. He asked Ms. Haines to explain the connection between this and workforce housing. Mayor Taylor asked what would happen if the City didn't fund this. DM Andrus asked if$10,000 now would still work if they didn't allocate the full$30,000 tonight. CR Krauss asked what the process would be for allocating money over multiple years. City Manager Kukulski and Assistant City Attorney Stambaugh responded. CR Krauss asked why this was just an unmet need of the City, and could they serve any youth, including those not from the City. Ms. Grenier Page 7 of 12 I Bozeman City Commission Minutes,!November 14,2016 responded in detail. Mayor Taylor asked for what the$25,000 appropriated in the current fiscal year for exactly what. 08:49:48 PM (02:48:51) Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. 08:50:01 PM (02:49:04)Danica Jameson,Public Comment Ms.Jameson with the Greater Gallatin United Way stated that this addresses a huge need in the community for youth housing,and HRDC is the best group in the community to provide this service.The need is there and this is a tight ship run by HRDC, it is worth allocating this money. She encouraged the Commission to support the proposal. 08:53:20 PM (02:52:23)Faye Bloom, Public Comment Ms. Bloom stated that she can't see any reason not to support this issue. 08:54:01 PM (02:53:04) Tyson Krinkie, Public Comment Gallatin Early Childhood Community Council representative, Mr. Krinkie, noted that his group has discussed this topic at length, and it is important to support youth in this capacity.This is a great opportunity. 08:55:03 PM (02:54:06) Public Comment Closed Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 08:55:06 PM (02:54:10)Motion to approve the allocation of$30,000 from the Community Housing Fund to the HRDC in support of youth emergency housing and authorize the City Manager to execute the grant agreement on behalf of the City. Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd 08:55:21 PM 02:54:24 Discussion DM Andrus believes this is a need, and as a City, it is our responsibility,so she supports the motion. CR Pomeroy stated that young people are our future, and they have a lot of challenges, and some people are not as fortunate. She is very grateful for the HRDC.Trying to help a little bit is better than nothing. CR Mehl thanked CR Pomeroy for her heartfelt comments. CR Mehl acknowledged that this was put in the budget, and they expected a proposal could come. It's a modest amount with a trusted partner.The City does support many programs with HRDC that other agencies do not,and that's okay. He stated that this is a serious issue, and worth investing in. CR Krauss discussed that the City is not the same as a charity, non-profit, etc. People don't give us money,we take it from them.The City is not a deep-pocket solution,and we need to take the City's responsibility as a local government seriously. CR Krauss noted his personal contribution, but that if this Page 8 of 12 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,November 14,2016 is a continued need,there needs to be more pressure on the rest of the community to contribute. i i Mayor Taylor stated that this fund is a stretch for this concept. He also acknowledged some internal discussion that needs to happen.The downside to us allocating this is setting the precedent that the City will take care of issues like these.The need is dire and it is in our city. He will vote for the motion as stated. 09:09:29 PM (03:08:32) Vote to approve the allocation of$30,000 from the Community Housing Fund to the HRDC in support of youth emergency housing and authorize the City Manager to execute the grant agreement on behalf of the City. The motion passed 5-0. Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy. 2nd Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve i- 4. 09:09:45 PM (03:08:48) Reclaim Review Authority of Application to Modify Conditional Use Permit Z15149 Located at 321 East Mendenhall Street, Application 16475 (Quasi-Judicial) (Saunders) 7e.a 09:10:42 PM (03:09:46)Staff Presentation Policy and Planning Manager Chris Saunders discussed the history of Application 16475.They have proposed a modification to change their permit to an all-alcohol license. He discussed the reclaim process given to the Commission. He discussed public comment received. 09:15:05 PM (03:14:08)Questions of Staff CR Mehl asked how much discretion the Commission has in this decision. CR Krauss discussed conditions associated with CUPS that frequently come forward. Mayor Taylor asked if the difference is a full bar license versus beer and wine only, and the role the state plays in licensing. 09:19:33 PM (03:18:36)Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. 09:19:58 PM 03:19:01 Evan Center,Public Comment ' Ms. Center is a parent of a Hawthorne student, and she hopes the City will reclaim the issue. ) 09:20:32 PM (03:19:35)Shelly Johnson,Public Comment Director of Alcohol and Drug Services, Ms.Johnson requests and supports the Commission in reclaiming the CUP. 3 s Page 9 of 12 P Bozeman City Commission Minutes,November 14,2016 09:21:49 PM (03:20:52)Katie Franklin,Public Comment Mother of three,two of her children attend Hawthorne,and she requests the Commission reclaim this so it can be a discussion. 09:22:28 PM (03:21:31)Jeff Eschball,Public Comment Mr. Eschball has three children at Hawthorne and requests the Commission reclaim authority. 09:23:41 PM (03:22:44)Eric Cade,Public Comment Taproom Owner and General Manager is saddened that the community is responded like this. He wants to be a part of the community,they don't operate a college drinking bar. He wants to work with the City to make sure they follow the rules. 09:25:44 PM (03:24:48) Cara Gallinger, Public Comment Ms. Gallinger,owner of the Taproom,does not intend to change the nature of the establishment,she does not intend to change it into a rowdy college bar, but instead to just grow her business. 09:26:46 PM (03:25:49) Point of Clarification Mr. Eschball asked if he was allowed to ask questions of the applicant. Mayor Taylor clarified that was a discussion for outside of the meeting. 09:27:48 PM (03:26:51) Public Comment Closed 09:27:54 PM (03:26:57) Question CR Pomeroy asked about deciding the date in advance of the motion. 09:29:43 PM (03:28:46)Motion that pursuant to Section 38.34.010.B.2, the City Commission reclaim original review authority and schedule a public meeting on December 19,2016 for the consideration of a modification to the conditional use permit for on-premise service of alcohol at 321 East Mendenhall Street,Application 16475. Commissioner I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd 09:30:18 PM (03:29:21) Discussion CR Pomeroy stated that she understands both sides. CR Mehl supports reclaim authority. CR Krauss asked if the 19th is too late. Mayor Taylor discussed the upcoming agendas. He noted that when an issue gains this much public interest, it should be reclaimed. CR Mehl stated that there is no reason the 191h wouldn't work. 09:36:53 PM (03:35:56) Vote that pursuant to Section 38.34.010.B.2, the City Commission reclaim original review authority and schedule a public meeting on December 19,2016 for the consideration of Page 10 of 12 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,November 14,2016 a modification to the conditional use permit for on-premise service of alcohol at 321 East Mendenhall Street,Application 16475. The motion passed 5-0. Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve H. 09:37:17 PM (03:36:20) FYI/Discussion • CR Mehl noted that he is on the statewide IT/broadband board, he asked the Commission to give him input on the City's support of an upcoming broadband infrastructure bill. • City Manager Kukulski noted that he forwarded the Commission an email from the City's lobbyist regarding leadership for the 2017 state legislative session. He also noted a successful infrastructure meeting that happened today. I. 09:40:19 PM (03:39:22)Adjournment Mayor Taylor adjourned the meeting at 9:38 PM. �t/ls5 Cmsen4*or PrcSiclilce✓ may-Or- ATTEST: �UZElylq' t a •��^!'.i� n E ugh TIN C ity Clerk Page 11 of 12 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,November 14,2016 PREPARED BY: Robin Crough City Clerk Approved on: Dff A Page 12 of 12