HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-19-16, Public Comment, J. Collins,Tap Room To: The Bozeman City Commissioners From:Julie W. Collins Dated: December 19, 2016 RE: Application for All Beverage liquor license for the Bozeman Taproom Dear Commissioners: I am writing to express my concern and strong objeectio its .oltam a parent of 2 children thathe application to modify the currently use permit held by the Bozeman Taproom and attend Hawthorne with a 3rd to attend in two years. I have been in the Hawthorne community for over 35 years as I also attended this school, as well as my brothers, nephews and nieces. I, like most of the parents and surrounding community, feel we are very fortunate to have such an exceptional school community for our children. That being said, I am absolutely confounded by the City Commission's approval of a CUP for the Taproom last fall which is located less that 100' from Hawthorne Elementary School and will in fact share the same street address on Mendenhall. I understand the CUP was granted by the city based on the city's own ordinance to make exceptions to the proximity restrictions based on a restaurant holding a beer and wine license. However, I also know this ordinance does not contain an exception to an all beverage license and the reality is, that this would not be a restaurant, but a bar. The owners have referred to it as a bar in many interviews and are proud to call it such. A bar lends itself to a much different environment than a restaurant where people are seeking a dining experience. Like many parents and concerned citizens, I was never aware that a bar was planned for the corner of Rouse and Mendenhall. The City and owners question why there was no objection when they sought a CUP last year, and that is simply because we had no idea this business was being proposed. The owners did not contact the families of Hawthorne to engage with them when seeking to get city approval nor did they contact the families when approached by a third party that had won a state license in the liquor lottery to place an all beverage license at this location. Had it not been for a parent who came across the information, we would have no knowledge of this endeavor from the self- proclaimed "family friendly" neighbors. I don't feel I have to reiterate how awful and dangerous our parking situation is at Hawthorne. I feel an absolute difference this year in the ability to drop off and pick up my kids safely. I have to either come to school 45 minutes early and wait or park 2-3 blocks away. I realize we have construction on 2 sides of the school, but the customers of the Taproom also utilize the parking in front of the school during school hours, as I have personally witnessed. Granting a modification to the existing CUP would only add to the congestion and the danger of the intersections as there will be an increase in customers at this business. The owners even suggest having Food Trucks. Where do they feel they will accommodate food trucks safely as they have very little street parking, let alone an actual parking lot? This idea, in itself, will draw more cars and people into the area, creating yet another hazard where small children are every day. I realize that Hawthorne has many restaurants and bars in close proximity, but NONE of them are directly across the street in full direct view of the students. My fourth grader can actually sit in her class room and wave to the patrons drinking on the roof top deck. According to Commissioner Mehl, Hawthorne should have realized the district in which we built in the 30's would lend itself to the situation we are in today. Many changes have transpired in almost 90 years and I would argue we know a lot more about alcohol, it's dangers and how it affects behavior then we did 90 years ago! No other establishment has such direct impact and interaction with the elementary school kids like the Taproom and their patrons do. The roll up garage doors that face east to Hawthorne and the open air roof top deck also facing Hawthorne, allow patrons, who can start drinking alcohol at 11 am on a school day, to interact with kids 5-12 years old. I am astounded that I have to point out how ludicrous and harmful this would be. Our children are bombarded every day with choices and now the City of Bozeman will put in front of them yet again, another choice except, we won't know the consequences of these choices for years to come. Lastly, I would like to point out the precedent that this will set for future establishments serving alcohol in relation to all schools. Hawthorne, like many other schools in the Bozeman School District such as Whittier and Bozeman High School are in commercially zoned districts and could, in fact, be facing the same situation Hawthorne is in now, having a bar located less than 100' from children with direct interaction and influence on them. Accepting this modification isn't just a moral dilemma, it's a legal one too. State of Montana law 16-3- 306(1) M.C.A. prohibits sale of alcoholic beverages within 600' of a school or church. The law also speaks to local municipalities being able to grant an exemption if the church or school agrees. Hawthorne Elementary clearly does not agree with an exemption. The spirit and intent of this law was clearly violated when the Taproom applied for and was granted an address on Mendenhall when at that time Hawthorne's address was still on N. Rouse. Hawthorne's address will in fact be Mendenhall, as they have applied for a new address as per the original plan when they decided to renovate in mid 2015. 1 would argue that the City of Bozeman and the Commissioners had full knowledge of Hawthorne Elementary's renovation plans to move the address previous to the Bozeman Taproom ever applying for a CUP. While no one is arguing if a glass of beer or wine enhances the dining experience, we are in fact arguing that the proximity and the absolute unobstructed view to this bar from the elementary school is alarming and unlawful to say the least. I am asking the City Commissioners to not modify the Taproom's CUP to allow an all beverage license. I am also asking that the Taproom be required to limit the hours in which they can serve alcohol to, after school hours during the school year, and also limit the visual exposure to alcohol consumption by modifying the existing structure with screens to the roof top deck, roll up garage door and sidewalk patio. It is not in the best interest of the Bozeman Community nor the young students of Hawthorne Elementary for an all beverage liquor license to be issued to the Bozeman Taproom. Sincerely, 11 W , Julie . Collins